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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 450x360, norio_wakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5163140 No.5163140 [Reply] [Original]

Why is his voice so fucking awesome ?
I can't fucking explain it, I've literally came once during a boring scene just because he started talking all of a sudden in the middle of it.
Why ?

>> No.5163141


>> No.5163142

Because you gay.

>> No.5163143
File: 74 KB, 680x473, 1213055608170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is the father you never had or will have

>> No.5163144

Why don't you go ask /a/

>> No.5163145

Wakamoto is great but Fujiwara Keiji and Nakata Jouji are better.

>> No.5163148
File: 222 KB, 580x500, 10487566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does the best Dracula; it's almost as good as Bela Lugosi.

>> No.5163149

Wait, serious?

>> No.5163151

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.5163153

It ins't, he's been doing the exact same voice for years.

>> No.5163157

Why people do this, Jesus Christ? Why?
That's where anime goes. Dammit.

>> No.5163159

Woah what's with all the idiots here.
When did japanese voice actors became /a/'s territory ?

>> No.5163160

He's voiced characters in VNs. He's /jp/ related.

>> No.5163163

>Voice actor
>Not animu
>Part of Otaku Culture
>Shitty green text look how cool I am

>> No.5163167

since /a/

>> No.5163173

have fun talking about that shit in /a/inme

>> No.5163176

He's so awesome.

>> No.5163178

Oh shitposters, making /jp/ a shitty place since 2009.
I'll try later when kids are asleep.

>> No.5163184

Aren't they supposed to be asleep right now, though?

>> No.5163187

Not in Europe.

>> No.5163188

This topic had actual merit on /jp/ before you came in.

>> No.5163189

No try /a/ where this shit goes Bozo.

>> No.5163192

In school right now, though.

>> No.5163194

There is only like 5 people on /jp/ at the moment. An Anon is probably samefriending or something.

>> No.5163196

Goes what ?
I think I understand now, shitposter are in fact from /a/.

>> No.5163201

It has no merit as it encourages anime in /jp/ and really IS an /a/ topic.

>> No.5163202
File: 251 KB, 350x490, street_fighter_iv_conceptart_qbEVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I main Bison. With JPN voice on obviously.

>> No.5163204

Yeah, japanese voice actors is /a/nime because... because...
because ?
Ah because you're an idiot.

>> No.5163206

Otaku Culture. If you don't like it, get moot to clarify the rules.

>> No.5163207

Protip to newfags saying this isn't /jp/ related: Wakamoto has been in numerous of VNs.

Although OP's pic is a bit misleading..

>> No.5163215

You sure are bawwwwing hard about getting called on your /a/ topic in /jp/.

>> No.5163225

And you sure are trying hard with your lolItrollu attitude, god I hate summer.

>> No.5163229


>> No.5163231

I am no newfriend. I don't want this here because it encourages posting about anime and that ALWAYS leads to blatant spoilers being posed and other /a/ fagotry. moot split the boards for a reason. Take this shit to /a/.

>> No.5163234

Sorry, you can't cherry-pick like that. If it's Otaku culture, it's on-topic. Check your values at the door.

>> No.5163237

This thread is now reported.

>> No.5163238

They're good too, but Akira Kamiya is still the best.

>> No.5163239

>I don't want
Oh ho I remember this shit, you are the guy who miserably failed at trolling the AT threads.
Ahah I thought you killed yourself or something.

>> No.5163242

Nakata jouji, takehito koyasu and norio wakamoto are all on par

>> No.5163270

These 3 are also hilarious when they act out of their usual typecasting.
Neco Arc Chaos is a great example.

>> No.5163272

You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

>> No.5163274

Yeah fuck you~

>> No.5163280

Fuck you it's /a/ culture.

Touhou and VNs not this /a/ voice actor shit so you can get past the no anime rule.

>> No.5163283

So, what are some of your favorites famous Voice actors that appear on VISUAL NOVELS?
Yoko Goto and Yu Asakawa for me.
I have replayed ero scenes just to hear their moans.

>> No.5163288

Where is Jones and his image bombing bot when its needed.

>> No.5163293
File: 97 KB, 512x399, 1256148365257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houzuki is my hero.

>> No.5163296
File: 35 KB, 480x349, whowins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wins?

>> No.5163298

How does it feels to be worthless shitposter-kun ?
You do know your efforts are vain ?
I mean idols and ar tonelico threads are still alive and kicking and your opinions are so stupid even tripfags make fun of you.
This is one hell of an accomplishment if you ask me.

>> No.5163299


>> No.5163300

newfags think wakamoto is exclusively /a/ related

>> No.5163305
File: 48 KB, 641x505, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not his greatest role ever, but hella entertaining.

>> No.5163306

Europeans expect everyone else to follow the rules in fact they insist on it however they never follow them themselves.

>> No.5163309

Sure man.

>> No.5163312

There's no such thing as clear boundaries either. Does a VA who works in VNs and anime go in /a/ or /jp/? Not clear cut at all.

Funnily enough, we seem to enjoy Touhou manga as well, which "should" be /a/, or Touhou video games, which "should" be /v/, or even Touhou porn, which "should" be in /h/ or /s/ or /cgl/ (Lenfried)

Not so easy to draw lines.

>> No.5163314

Only newfriends use the term newfags. I however have been in /jp/ since the first day it was created. Take your shit to /a/

>> No.5163319

>I however have been in /jp/ since the first day it was created.

Wow boy, what an achievement.

>> No.5163321

Your penis must be huge then.

>> No.5163322

Touhou content goes to /jp/ first and foremost, lergely the reason for it's birth.
As for cross-board material, you either just focus on the aspects that relate to the board or just stick with the board that is more willing to discuss it.
The userbase usually decides such things.
Not that hard.

>> No.5163325

Its clear to me it goes in /a/. If it's causing this much shitstorm, it belongs in /a/.

>> No.5163326

Pretentious mod wannabes =/= userbase though.

>> No.5163327

But it's just you being retarded D:

>> No.5163328

>The userbase usually decides such things.

I'm literally laughing right now. Did the userbase just decide right now that Wakamoto and VAs that have voiced VNs belong to /a/? It's one guy complaining by the way.

>> No.5163329

You are the only one who whines.
Unless they also POST here.
He just is.
I can't wait for Majikoi.

>> No.5163331

That is just one guy, while the rest have no problem.
Thus, userbase accepts taking about VAs that appear on VNs.

>> No.5163339

You cannot rely on the users to decide what's right, because we're all just a cloud of Anonymous people, with no safety checks against spamming, or samefagging, or anything like that.

So it's up to the rules to be more specific, or they can be interpreted differently by anyone, and spawn arguments such as this.

>> No.5163341

Shitposter is our Dark Knight, he's doing what he must for our good and we'll hate him for that.
...or at least this is what he thinks.

>> No.5163342

It's one guy bawwwwing he can't post his /a/ shit in /jp/ and not get called on it. Only after getting called on it did they by the way bring up he voices VNs too. The whole intention was to focus on anime in /jp/.

>> No.5163349

>The whole intention was to focus on anime in /jp/.

sure is fucking being deluded here.

>> No.5163355

Yeah because NO ONE here know wakamoto voices VNs.
Except /a/ immigrants such as yourself.

>> No.5163358

My point is, when the RULES do not give a clear solution, the userbase must moderate itself to an extent.
Of course, Voice Actors that appear on VNs are allowed either way, so point is moot.

>> No.5163359

The levels of frustration in this thread are off the chart. Kircheis would have a filed trip with this.

>> No.5163360

OP you are so butthurt I can see blood.

>> No.5163361

Fucking /a/.

>> No.5163368

But that wasn't me D:

>> No.5163370

The OP was not focused on VAs in VNs in any way so /a/.

>> No.5163371

Actually, because his former job was police, and he used to kendo and such which are called martial art. He is being unique as look formidable sportsman especially between seiyuu follower.

>> No.5163372

nakata > wakamoto
search your hearts. you know it to be true

>> No.5163374

He's deluded as I said.

>> No.5163378

Dunno, Wakamoto's comedic roles are funnier.

>> No.5163381

And this is self-moderation at work evidently.

>> No.5163385

taxi driver from hell is unbeatable sorry

>> No.5163387

Where is Currybutt when you actually need him?

>> No.5163391

I am selfmoderating away selflessly now go back to /a/

>> No.5163395

"Self-moderation" is "spamming your opinion to anyone who will listen" evidently.

>> No.5163396

Banned for trolling stunts like this thread.

>> No.5163397

By the way you're looking weak, usually you'd just start quoting single posts and spam "Take it to /something/".
I think we might have hurt you too much in the past.

>> No.5163399

That's more akin to pathetic whinging and attempt to spam/disrupt solo.
But what the userbase wants and is not rule breaking, the userbase gets.

>> No.5163404 [DELETED] 


Stop using that word. It's clearly only YOU that has issues with this thread.

>> No.5163406

Yea, sure, you betcha.

Take it back to /a/

>> No.5163411
File: 28 KB, 286x401, 0adb0935b47c8506a3eea9d932982d3a1238867561_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5163412

Why don't you stay in /a/

>> No.5163413

Awww so cute now he's taking the childish "hurr I'm not listening" attitude.

>> No.5163416

The final test of a leader is that
he leaves behind in other men the
conviction and the will to carry on.

>> No.5163418

Yu Asakawa has quite a few eroge roles, I was pleasantly surprised.
Although the most surprising one was Hikaru Midorikawa at Saya no Uta.

>> No.5163423

Looks like /a/ to me.

>> No.5163428

He could go in /c/ as well.

>> No.5163434

Samefag levels are off the scale.

>> No.5163436
File: 97 KB, 752x575, dieuthuyenyu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, we could've done this the easy way.
Enjoy your /jp/ related content.

>> No.5163439

Know what? Maybe we should request unique post hashes or something like that.

>> No.5163440

By the way where's the maido ?
This thread is so disgustingly meta it's an eyesore.

>> No.5163441

How would that be any different from forced namefagging ?

>> No.5163445

Shuffle, bad as it may be considered, had an excellent cast.

>> No.5163448
File: 107 KB, 620x520, chara6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163450

Enjoy the shitstorm and metathread you created. You would rather be right than get along and post your shit in /a/ where this thread belonged as it was about anime to begin with.

>> No.5163456

>it was an anime to begin with
I'm not OP and this means you didn't even bother to listen to people.
This thread is about a voice actor, not about anime.

>> No.5163458
File: 37 KB, 549x371, koihime-musou-ero-ova-056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was about his voice, and he's voiced dozens of VNs as well as anime.

He's also the particular reason I'm looking forward to Mangagamer releasing Koihime Musou.

>> No.5163462

Just go away already, you've been shitted on enough for today, I'll gladly provide you your next dose if I happen to recognize you again but for now it's not even fun anymore, like beating a dead horse.

>> No.5163463

Because it's just Anon #1941571323 and only useful for figuring out who's posting what. It could be only applicable to one thread for instance.

>> No.5163465

It was about an ANINE voice actor.

Enjoy your metathread.

>> No.5163468

Take a deep breath before posting moron.

>> No.5163469

Trying too hard to belong in the "/a/ fucking sucks take this shit there" bandwagon.

>> No.5163470

Voice actors work on many different things, you little, asspained manchild.

>> No.5163471

About an anime voice actor.

>> No.5163473

Baaawwwwwww I got called for posting /a/ shit I'll claim victory and leave.

>> No.5163474

It could be based on the thread number so your ID would be different in every thread but would still indicate shitposters samefaggimg.

>> No.5163476

Keep pressing on that W, sure it'll help discarge some of your frustration.

>> No.5163479
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1270033045481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wakamoto is in Eien no Aselia.

>> No.5163482

Motherfucker is everywhere.

>> No.5163484
File: 104 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5163485

4-ch did it.

>> No.5163490

Holy shit, reaction images shitposter-kun ?
Now I feel like I've done somthing in my life !

>> No.5163492

I'd play a game where Wakamoto fucks your mother.

>> No.5163496


This guy is pathetic.

>> No.5163499

I like this thread because it keeps the shitposter out of the rest of the board.

>> No.5163502

So did a certain other imageboard, although they took that out for no good reason.

It's not a perfect solution, but it's a good balance between "Anonymous" and "Tripcode", and at least raises the bar for trolls.

>> No.5163503
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, 1274249487127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.5163504

Look at the OP not them.

>> No.5163510
File: 131 KB, 640x480, 1269436039837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I've never able to many other VNs than a handful, are they anymore good VNs that feature Wakamoto?

>> No.5163511

This is what happens when you make /a/ threads in /jp/.

>> No.5163523

Well, he is in Soul Link, Eisen no Aselia, Gekkou no Carnevale, Tsuyokiss and Koihime Musou.

>> No.5163525

>Look at the op not at me

>> No.5163529

Eve Burst Error.

>> No.5163532

And Family Project, Sharin no Kuuni, Princess Lover.

>> No.5163533

OK we won't look at you. Next time you might keep your a topic in /a/.

>> No.5163534

This is what happens when shitty posters are not banned

>> No.5163539

Why? Clearly people on here are actually interested in discussing it? But one or two angsty faggots are determined to sabotage it.

>> No.5163542
File: 99 KB, 1000x1939, 1268823952112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread would of gotten maybe 30 posts at the most if you left it alone you know. Also, /jp/ died at like 1.5m posts so you elitists should give up, I've given up.

>> No.5163546

>>5163542 would of

>> No.5163551

You know there is a thread about this that is clearly about VN voice acting and you have just ignored it pretty much.

>> No.5163552
File: 25 KB, 439x416, 1270679374060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many thanks, anons.

>> No.5163553

Fucking moron.

>> No.5163555


Okay, buying now...

>> No.5163556

Link it!

Reporting grammar errors? Get a life!

>> No.5163558

You know, it only discredits you when someone posits an idea and you just call him a moron and angrily sageru

>> No.5163577
File: 275 KB, 740x455, 1256849644153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat copypasta, once again.
>Majikoi, the game that lets you fuck (from left to right) Mikuru, Venis from Kimiaru, Rider, Seira from Chaos:HEAd, Hinagiku; and not pictured you also get to fuck Sailor Neptune, Usami, #6 from Pani Poni Dash!, Kani, Komari from Little Busters.

>And then the cast also includes Mao from Code Geass, Shinn from Gundam Seed, and Kamina as your best bros, Kyon as a bald lolicon, L as a short pervert, Wakamoto as the Prime Minister of Japan, Lelouch as a killer robot, Ikari Shinji as a butler robot, Tomoya as a growing emperor, Ichimaru Gin as a naughty boy, Kotomine as a crappy teacher, Char Aznable as a overprotective father, Ushiromiya Battler as a freak teacher, Hato-nee from Kimiaru as a crazy girl, Archer as a tsundere bro, Ali al-Saachez as a bad guy, Renji as nameless faceless trash, etc etc.

>> No.5163583

若本規夫(Norio Wakamoto)=若本規昭=比留間京之介=比留間狂ノ介=夕凪咲巳=川中嶋悟=川

>> No.5163636

If Wakamoto was my Dad, things would be different around here,

>> No.5163718

>Hato-nee from Kimiaru as a crazy girl
Would that be Angel?

Damn, I only knew 比留間京之介. The man gets around.

>> No.5163723

Why do Russians always have the same stupid haircut?

>> No.5163754
File: 23 KB, 640x480, cb_vicious0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5163763
File: 34 KB, 640x480, vicious10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5163809

They number their schools instead of naming them. Do you really expect them to be creative with haircuts?
