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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 300x388, 20081225190420s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5161550 No.5161550 [Reply] [Original]

Somebody please spoil Saya no Uta for me. Does he ever find out he's screwing a slime monster? Thanks.

>> No.5161556

Yes and he loves it.

>> No.5161554

sure why not

>> No.5161652 [DELETED] 

Yes, in every ending. The game starts with the two having been fucking for a while, it's not fucking rocket science to deduce why Saya's the only normal looking one when everything around him is a hideous monster. He knows from the beginning, as does the reader.

>> No.5161661


>> No.5161668

Pretty sure that was known from the start.

>> No.5161676 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 850x687, ac00aff4e28030e09ebb5c139fccd9b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161833 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 100x114, me again and again and again and again and again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well hide in this thread...

Let's see... I'll have some free time this weekend and let's see my pending list... hope I'm not missing something...

>Tank Aya blown up by roadside bomb

>Byakuren tortured and hanged, wild west style

>Cirno versus Robocop Deathmatch Style

>Uncle Mugen cuddling Cirno (IRC request)

>keanu reeves dodging danmaku

Also, taking requests but make sure it's wacky, crazy but feasible... (and no, I'm not doing that Uncle Mugen fucking Yukari... she's old dammit!)

>> No.5161844

Reporting at the speed of light

>> No.5161845

Mugen, you are like a kiss of death to threads. Stop it. And do something nice for a change, happy touhous. None of this arrow bullshit. How about Kogasa and Sanae sharing a tender moment in the rain or something? No dead Chens or anything.

>> No.5161846

fuck off mugen

>> No.5161848


>> No.5161853 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 100x114, me again and again and again and again and again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well hide in this thread... again...

Let's see... I'll have some free time this weekend and let's see my pending list... hope I'm not missing something...

>Tank Aya blown up by roadside bomb

>Byakuren tortured and hanged, wild west style

>Cirno versus Robocop Deathmatch Style

>Uncle Mugen cuddling Cirno (IRC request)

>keanu reeves dodging danmaku

Also, taking requests but make sure it's wacky, crazy but feasible... (and no, I'm not doing that Uncle Mugen fucking Yukari... she's old dammit!)

Hmm... let me think...

>> No.5161863

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.5161864

Reported again and again and again and again and again.jpg

>> No.5161868

Fulfilling promises...

>> No.5161869
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off mugen

>> No.5161879 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 100x114, me again and again and again and again and again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well hide in this thread... again...

Let's see... I'll have some free time this weekend and let's see my pending list... hope I'm not missing something...

>Tank Aya blown up by roadside bomb

>Byakuren tortured and hanged, wild west style

>Cirno versus Robocop Deathmatch Style

>Uncle Mugen cuddling Cirno (IRC request)

>keanu reeves dodging danmaku

Also, taking requests but make sure it's wacky, crazy but feasible... (and no, I'm not doing that Uncle Mugen fucking Yukari... she's old dammit!)

>> No.5161889 [DELETED] 

OK... got some warning now... time to behave like a good boy...

>> No.5161879,1 [INTERNAL] 

Man!... I love hide / delete and seek...

This is fun...

>> No.5161894
File: 91 KB, 512x512, reportedmio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161899 [DELETED] 

OK everyone... post your requests now before I delete my posts...

>> No.5161903
File: 44 KB, 140x160, 1274148902532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I request for you to get the fuck out

>> No.5161907 [DELETED] 

I will... be patient...

>> No.5161909

Reported... again...

>> No.5161910

>>Mugen, you are like a kiss of death to threads.
>>homo DBZ art thread about Saya no Uta

You can't kill that which is already dead.

>> No.5161911

You might as well draw the meido pegging you. If would be art imitating life!

>> No.5161917

Jesus fuck I feel sorry for our poor meido.

Should we email moot to have this retard permabanned?

>> No.5161925

But you can shit all over it, which is what mugen does to every thread he posts in

>> No.5161921 [DELETED] 

I have something even better right here... A B/W VN featuring me as the protagonist protecting Sids from the Meido while encountering various /jp/ personalities along the way...

>> No.5161925,1 [INTERNAL] 

Go ahead... I'm on disposable line anyway...

>> No.5161946

Mugen. Ellipses. Stop it. That isn't how grammar works. Also that is a bad idea and you are incredibly self-absorbed for even suggesting it.

>> No.5161947

Will you people calm the fuck down already?

>> No.5161951

I don't see how when it's Anon requesting all those pictures that Mugen happily fulfills.

Blame yourself or god.

>> No.5161965
File: 881 KB, 800x1078, 99fe3ceae2dfdffe38d671da6ad58256_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Draw four Bunnygirls with guns.
Like so.

If you're good, you can later on draw them getting shot at with actual bullets and dying. In the middle of a battlefield, probably.

>> No.5161977
File: 23 KB, 100x114, me again and again and again and again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes calm down and drink Chill-Pill... I already deleted my posts already...

>> No.5161975


uh oh hes behind seven proxies

>> No.5161985

i delete all my own posts 2
凸[◣_◢]凸 delete all posts 凸[◣_◢]凸 put this in your sig if you support /jp/凸[◣_◢]凸

>> No.5161986


>> No.5161987

You don't drink pills you pathetic retard.
You are a blight against nature.

>> No.5161986,1 [INTERNAL] 

He's not but I am... Lol...

Oh boy... you have no idea how much progress has been made already... you have no idea...

>> No.5161987,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy... wish I could stay and post more but I got to return to real-life responsibilities...

Till next time Children...

>> No.5161987,2 [INTERNAL] 

Just don't post.

>> No.5162023

Mugen is proof that ghostbros suck cocks.

>> No.5162028

Can anyone fill me in on why does everyone hate mugen and want him permabanned, as I don't really care/follow tripfag news?

Last I remember, he was just a Spanish/Hispanic/Latino person, with reasonably strange fetishes, who was also somewhat creative (drawfag, OELVN?). He does seem to derail threads, but that seems to be because everyone hates him, or is it because of some other reason that caused everyone to hate him?

I remember seeing him come to #/jp/ IRC too, and after some time he got permabanned too, but I didn't bother reading the logs to find out why.

>> No.5162036

Avatarfaggotry with every single post and guro spamming is why I despise him, not sure about the others

>> No.5162046

He is a troll, idiot. /jp/ is not an advertising space for his pathetic tomfoolery.

>> No.5162047

Draws guro
Attention whore
Troll (Deliberate or otherwise)
Poor grammar
Circlejerking tripfag
Persistent ban evader

He's from the Philippines.

>> No.5162048

Nah, everyone loves mugen. It's probably just a few minority jealous of all the attention he's getting.

>> No.5162051


>> No.5162054


The chaos is evolving. It is becoming sentient.

>> No.5162058

He made certain people buttmad outside of /jp/ and they tend to follow him around as Anon.

Even Hong still does the feuding with him; they used to fight in /c/ or something.

>> No.5162063

No, mugen is just shitty. Nobody is jealous of him. That argument isn't going to work.

>> No.5162071

He has an inflated ego and self inserts himself in everything. I mean Jesus Christ I have never seen an avatarfag on 4chan actually avatar as themselves other than him. He tends to derail any thread he posts in. And worst of all he treats grammar like its a suggestion. So many ellipses...

>> No.5162074

I still can't forgive him for dumping guro on my threads.

And that was on /c/ years ago.

>> No.5162080

Mugen knows SHIT about anatomy. Even as an artist, he sucks.

>> No.5162098

No less than 1/10 of %1 of /jp/ likes him. He needs to DIAF. Funny thing if you report his posts they get deleted. The Mods and Janitors hate him too.

>> No.5162101

Mugen was in the channel a few days ago. Nobody talk to him and he left with his goddamn "POOF" (Disappears).

>> No.5162112

/jp/ - Mugen's Servants

>> No.5162117

I just find it funny how a single post from him can get half of /jp/ derailing the thread with their frustrated replies. So much for taking it easy.

>> No.5162133
File: 932 KB, 253x197, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single post

>> No.5162143

Hey mugen, I know where you live. I know your life, your hardships, your failures, and why you came to /jp/.

GTFO before I spill the beans on you.

>> No.5162149

I don't care about him at all, and usually don't even notice his posts. I never knew most of /jp/ posters found him so irritating, but then I almost always take it easy; when I see a troll, I laugh instead of rage. Things that can make me rage are usually of a very different nature than ordinary trolls, and such events are very rare. I'll now go back to taking it easy and forgetting about it this for a while, unless people want to talk about SnU.

>> No.5162150

>single post
You mean aside from the five threads he started that were instantly deleted by the meido, the post he made in another thread that got the whole thing deleted, then the half a dozen posts he made in this thread?

>> No.5162157


You think that was really him?

>> No.5162161

The thread was terrible to begin with.
This wouldn't happen in a better thread.
I think.

>> No.5162161,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't talking specifically about today or this thread. It was just a general observation.

>> No.5162161,2 [INTERNAL] 

see subject
