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5159103 No.5159103 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for the least popular Touhou ever

>> No.5159111
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>> No.5159114

The least popular Touhou is one of the PC98 ones whose names aren't even remembered.

>> No.5159130

>Those who don't even have a name.

Fixed for you.

>> No.5159136


Like Mima?

>> No.5159140

like kikuri

>> No.5159147

Mima is actually pretty famous compared to many characters. She is probably the most famous PC98 after Yuka (Reimu, Marisa and Alice don't count)

>> No.5159167

More like that giant eye ball

>> No.5159172
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Yuugen Magan thread?

>> No.5159183
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>> No.5159227

For the record, the least popular Touhou is probably not the giant eye thing or the 5 magic stones and whatnot. Not being the little girl makes them more memorable then the little girls no one remembers.

>> No.5159240
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>More like that giant eye ball

>> No.5159586
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I love dolls!

>> No.5159605

Heh, Kurumi is the big winged girl from LLS. Pick one from a game before that, like Meira.

>> No.5159625
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>> No.5159651
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Awesome sword, all three pixels of it. Not much else to say.

>> No.5159686

Well her game, I forget which, PoDD? Well anyway, it's more obscure than LLS which has Yuka, and now Bad Apple!! and Elly.

>> No.5159719

I think her game is highly responsive to prayers.

>> No.5159742
File: 70 KB, 695x577, toxic_dolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no it was SoEW. I knew it was game 2, but PoDD is game 3. Anyway...

You seem to have a thing for Medicine indeed!

>> No.5159745

>Medicine Thread

Medicine fucking sucks, she is a power slut and deserves being thrown away like she was

>> No.5159756
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Her fanon version is sometimes fun. And I like her design too.

>> No.5159755

I like Medicine more than the stupid Aki sisters.

>> No.5159761
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>> No.5161053

moar like this

>> No.5161068

The midboss of stage 2 of SoEW is the least popular Touhou.

>> No.5161070
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I like her design.

>> No.5161105


>> No.5161152

What is her "fanon version"?

...actually, for that matter what's her canon personality?

>> No.5163128

Depends on who you read. I wasn't referring to any specific version.

>> No.5163827

This thread deserves some frontpage time.

>> No.5164466

And noone posted.

>> No.5164480
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>> No.5165538

I use the name "Medicine Melancholy" on Steam and have a Youtube channel.


I like Medicine enough for everyone!

>> No.5165544
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>> No.5165547

get the fuck out

>> No.5165548

I have always seen her as a low-intelligent liberator of all dolls.
Not stupid, but just working like a cold AI.
Kinda like Skynet for dolls

>> No.5165559
File: 386 KB, 1070x1519, lily_of_the_valley_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5165830

Su-san~! ;_;

Here's a less depressing comic:
