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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 500x314, chikan-is-crime_combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5154812 No.5154812 [Reply] [Original]


What the fuck. I just learned about this shit.
My younger sister (she's 18, I'm 22) and I are planning a trip to Japan.

Do i need to be concerned about this?

I'm a pretty big guy (5'11'', 200, i lift and train MMA) so I feel like they might leave her alone if she stands close to me.

Problem is, if she is groped, I know I will immediately lay into whoever does it. I've sent an ex boyfriend to the hospital when he slapped my sister. I am usually non-violent, but I can't handle people hurting my sister.


Help me with this /jp/

>> No.5154818

Ask /trv/ and fuck off. How is this /jp/ related? How does this affect any of the users on this board?

>> No.5154820

Gave myself a trip so i could keep up with the conversation.

What do, /jp/

>> No.5154825

Yes, it is very widespread.

However, most japanese are very shy and will retreat if in front of an evil gaijin that towers over them. Add more Threat Per Second if your race is Black.

>> No.5154826

Stand close to her, no Jap will be crazy enough to touch her when she's next to a guy of your size. She doesn't look Asian, does she?

>> No.5154827

Sorry, /trv/ is a desolate wasteland with nobody.

This is a board about japanese culture right?

Sorry if i got confused.

>> No.5154829

you must be a nigger with a hat and a banana

>> No.5154831
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What is it, Toto? We're not in JAPAN/GENERAL anymore?

>> No.5154833

>I am usually non-violent
>sent ex-boyfriend to hospital
>will injure anyone who touches your sister
>trained in MMA

What the fuck? You sound very violent. Why are you visiting a non-violent country like Japan if you're like this? Go ask /adv/.

>> No.5154837
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its useless. they'll chikan you op.
don't underestimate the japanese gropers.

>> No.5154838

>I've sent an ex boyfriend to the hospital when he slapped my sister.

>> No.5154840

>Yes, it is very widespread.
FUUUUUCK... do you have any experience with it? have you seen it, i mean?

I'm not black, but I can look pretty mean.

Okay, this makes me feel better. I know it's impolite to make eye contact with strangers (right?) in Japan. My sister told me that, i think. But i wonder if i make eye contact with everyone around us in the train it will send the message not to fuck with her.

No she's a pretty typical Midwestern girl. Unfortunately she's very beautiful by most people's standard.

>> No.5154848
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>I train MMA
>I am 200 lbs

You are a gay, fat pearmode loser who spent his mother's money on TapOut shirts. You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag.


I would have sex with your sister, record it on my phone, and post the video here for /jp/ to masturbate to. That is how retarded you are.

>> No.5154851
File: 133 KB, 400x307, op is a fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what will hurt your sister worse than chikan? The crushing realities of life itself. That and when she loses her virginity.

>> No.5154852

Chikan her before they can. That is the only way.

>> No.5154855

your sister wants it and you know it.

>> No.5154858

If you look menacing, it will send a message, so long as you aren't obvious about it. Just use the crowded train to hunch your shoulders a bit. It might not be bad to keep her against the wall and you back-to-back with her so no one can get to her, if you're truly paranoid.

But on the whole, I think you'll be fine.

>> No.5154862

>but I can't handle people hurting my sister.

>No she's a pretty typical Midwestern girl. Unfortunately she's very beautiful by most people's standard.

Instead of Japan, book a motel and indulge in wincest.

>> No.5154863


>> No.5154865

Went with my family. Saw it happen, went after the guy. Just took his hand and pointed him as the criminal. Done with the police and went back to my hotel.

You are scary enough, no need to summon the Spirit of Chuck Norris. Then again, I am not white.

>> No.5154866


I train in MMA with my friend. It's sort of a long story, but the guy was suffering from serious depression and one of his favorite things to do was to watch MMA on tv. He was pretty inactive and didn't know what to do when he was unemployed, so i bought us a membership at the BJJ gym. It gave him something to do, took his mind off life, and restored his confidence. I went in it with him and stayed after making friends with my classmates.

I really am not violent unless somebody hurts my sister. I would never start a fight with anybody and I typically back down from fights I know I could win. Really, I was excited to go to japan because it is so safe compared to other places in the world.

The Chikan thing just has me freaked.


lolwut? Chikan get men too?

>> No.5154869
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>Chikan get men too?

>> No.5154872
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>Blowjob jitsu

I want to vomit into your retarded mouth, dude.
Just crank your big idiotic jaws open and BLAAAARGAHG

>> No.5154876

and it depends on how your sister looks like.
if she looks like a pig, then its fine. nothing to worry about. but if she looks like anime girls, there's no chance for her. abandon all hope.
well, just make her wear jeans riding trains. best way to prevent it.

>> No.5154878

You shouldn't fight it, it's part of the esteemed Japanese culture.
Just sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.5154880

ib yakuza beats the shit out of op and the entire train rapes his sister and the police don't do shit about it

>> No.5154891

chikan applies to females aswell, yes

seriously though, if you're in a train, just sit next to her or have her spoon up to you or put your hand around her while in the train

basically, act like lovers while you're in the train and nobody will dare touch her

especially if shes obviously a foreigner with her large foreign boyfriend

>> No.5154890

It can't be helped.

>> No.5154886

So when did Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6 become a /b/tard?

>> No.5154885


>Chikan NTR


>> No.5154883



Oh lol. He trained in BJJ, a five-year-old would beat OP up in Japan.

>> No.5154887

Cool story bro.

Thanks. This makes me feel better.

Lol. I'm always supportive of my sister's decisions in her love life and otherwise. Whatever makes her happy is cool with me, for the most part.

But chalking up public molestation to the "realities of life"? Fuck you and fuck that.

Oh, i can turn him into the police? Are there police in the train station or do i need to drag the guy somewhere?

>> No.5154893

This would be awesome.

>> No.5154900
File: 19 KB, 230x273, digimon-hug.1205803667180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreign women are scary to the kind of Japanese man that gropes women on trains. Even if one tries it, chances are, if she immediately makes a scene, the guy would shit his pants even if it was only her there.

>> No.5154908

Yes, there are police stations on every station I have been in. This is so widespread that they need to. You will have to separate from your sister sometimes because the trains have wagons for women and others for men during crowded hours. Make sure to pay attention.

Preferably, do not use violence unless they attack you, which probably won't happen.

>> No.5154913


You are still an enormous homosexual for attending BlowJobJitsu classes.

>> No.5154914

Especially if someone uploaded it to niconico and op's sister became an instant porn star, with millions of fat otaku and salarymen furiously fapping to her.

>> No.5154923

>My younger sister (she's 18, I'm 22) and I are planning a trip to Japan.

>Problem is, if she is groped, I know I will immediately lay into whoever does it. I've sent an ex boyfriend to the hospital when he slapped my sister. I am usually non-violent, but I can't handle people hurting my sister.

Sounds like wincest!

>> No.5154924

Fapping? Given the small size most asians have, I'll say they vibrate rather than wank.

>> No.5154925

Hey op do you do or have ever considered doing incest with you hot sister?

>> No.5154931
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>> No.5154972

Well thanks for the actual advice to the people nice enough to provide it.


>> No.5154996

You are not particularly more likely to get groped in Japan than in other place's crowded means of transportation.

>> No.5155002

I'd be more concerned about the roaming Godzillas.

That's just me.

>> No.5155021

I think the chances lessen when you're a foreigner. People are pretty intimidated by foreign people, regardless of gender. But if you're with her they probably won't try to touch her. I spend around a year there but I never encountered any molestation on the trains, oddly enough, and it wasn't because of my presence or anything because I don't look foreign to them.

>> No.5155067

this is true. when I (short white femanon) was studying in japan, I used to commute to school with my female classmates from the same dorm. usual group was me, two black girls, one other small white girl, one 6'5" redhead white girl, a Malaysian girl, and a Korean girl. Guess which was the only one to get chikaned on the morning train.

Dude that did it was a total pussy, too; it happened on a day when the crowd had separated her from the rest of us. Sadly, it traumatized her and she refused to ride the train except in the women's car from then on.

tl;dr: Chikan are fucking pussies. The slightest backlash will have them huddling in a corner in a pool of their own urine, so unless you're a visibly Asian woman, they'll never get the sack up to approach you.

>> No.5155084

Definitely not the Malay, I wouldn't touch one of those things with a ten foot pole.

>> No.5155092

OP is worried about the wrong thing.
Being accused of chikan by women who conveniently offer to drop the charges in exchange for money is what you need to be scared of.

>> No.5155106

Will they drop it in exchange for sex too?

>> No.5155109

>42 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>i lift and train MMA
Why are you believing this troll? Everybody knows we're all fat and weak and would get owned by our own 10-year-old sister.

>> No.5155114


He takes BJJ, of COURSE he's fat and weak. I was reminding him of that.

Well, that and his homosexuality.

>> No.5155117

Try to find a seat wherever you go and have her wear jeans.

>> No.5155124

But I don't have a sister ;_;

>> No.5155129

this is only a problem because women dont say shit. if you make a scene he'd probably back down like the pussy that japanese men have become famous for.

>> No.5155158

>i lift and train MMA
A++ thread would read again

>> No.5155651
File: 8 KB, 126x126, CarGrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It happens every second of every day on every section of every street.

And the worst part is, she'll suddenly catch teh 'shy disease' and won't let you know about it.

She'll just squirm as the insistent fingers probe their way into her squirmy wetness, and she'll bite her lower lip and blush as she resists the swelling of her inexorable orgasm.

The only way to avoid it is to wait until the train is crowded, then cover her nether orifices with your own hands. You'll need skin-to-skin contact, just to be sure.

Tell her I said hi.
