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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5152049 No.5152049 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else kinda bored of fapping?

I really just see it as a waste of time these days.

>> No.5152057

Nope. Fapping is still awesome after all these years.

>> No.5152060
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Your shirikodama might be infected, you should probably get it removed. Definitely.

>> No.5152068

I feel ashamed whenever I start to fap, like "Oh god, not this again"

>> No.5152072
File: 486 KB, 2052x1425, double dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5152075


>> No.5152139
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I don't know, I don't think my insurance covers that.

>> No.5152154

Fapping is great. Even better if you do it five or more times a day.

>> No.5152161

>waste of time
You don't belong here.

>> No.5152171

Pretty much, yeah.
But his thread is crap.

>> No.5152174


In this case, I try and find other ways to pleasure myself.

>> No.5152190

You realize Д is D right?

>> No.5152213

I think most got "bored" of fapping within the first year or two of discovering it back when we were kiddos and still pumped with hormonal activity.

It's just something I have to get out of the way at this point though. Can't think straight or feel calm without getting it over. It pisses me off when I'm just trying to scroll through the board in peace and see a NSFW image of some nice, flat-chested girl being erotic posted, and then my pants end up on the floor by the next minute. Fucking assholes, it's a SFW board for a reason.

>> No.5152220

I haven't fapped in over 2 years.

Not fapping is a great motivator to actually get shit done.

>> No.5152221

If I do it five times per day it's going to be pretty much water.

>> No.5152238

Actually, yes. The only times I find it truly exciting are the times I'm doing it for a very long time and leak precum/semen while edging. I've decided to not masturbate for a few days so my next ejaculation is especially large.

>> No.5152245


>> No.5152255

I like that feeling.

>> No.5152270

I really hate posts like these because I can't ever imagine myself accomplishing such a feat. I hope you're just screwing with me and have erectile dysfunction.

>> No.5152326

> I've decided to not masturbate for a few days so my next ejaculation is especially large.
My orgasms are always so very weak that I have to wait three days or so to have a half decent orgasm.

>> No.5152389

Just masturbate longer.

>> No.5152549

>erectile dysfunction

lol no

It's called willpower. Whenever I get aroused I just think of my dead mother and it goes away immediately. I feel like she's giving me anti-fapping powers from beyond the grave.

>> No.5152558

What? You're not into necro incest?

>> No.5152564
File: 31 KB, 426x599, 1256709158574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually you're going to condition yourself to get aroused when thinking of your dead mother. Then you're screwed in two ways.

>> No.5152569

No, I'm not into anything since I don't fap anymore.

>> No.5152576

I've been having sharp pee pains lately, so I'm keeping off my dick for a while.

My anti-fap is imagining Kimbo Slice with hugs globs of cum in his beard.

>> No.5152581

I only fap once a week to practice self-control. I hope that I can end my dependence on masturbation so that I can be a more fulfilled person.
Just bringing myself one step closer to Nirvana, bitches.

>> No.5152587

Go to hell, Pavlov. Oh wait, you're already in hell.

>> No.5152593

>pee pains
You should probably see a doctor about that, friend.

>> No.5152595

Mine's my dog that I grew up with. He died a few years ago at the age of 16. I still miss him.

>> No.5152620

You can have nerve pains for about several days If you fap to much. You don't really need to see a doctor.

>> No.5152631

If you don't like fapping you probably shouldn't be on /jp/.

>> No.5152637

Or you could have prostate cancer, kidney stones, ect.

>> No.5152640

/jp/ - Fapping/General

>> No.5152649

No, Fapping Culture.

>> No.5152673

Probably kidney stones since prostate cancer isn't likely to be found in the youngans. Or UTI.

This is why you avoid caffeine and always make sure to wash your hands before fapping. Wash your crotch too, if you truly value your only jewels.

>> No.5152674

My dick feels weak and impotent lately.

>> No.5152675


It is harder to find something worth fapping to, though.

>> No.5152684

I'm sort of bored of it.

It's a pity most of the topics around /jp/ are about porn.

>> No.5152698

My dick used to often feel somewhat weak before I started doing longer masturbation sessions. After about 45 minutes or so, my dick feels gigantic, it's always rock hard, and my ejaculation distance and volume increased.

>> No.5152709

Try do that ahegao plan.

>> No.5152719
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>> No.5152733

When I haven't fapped for a few days I only have to pull the skin back on my dick and it all comes shooting out.

Feels good to be uncut

>> No.5152735
File: 12 KB, 458x344, dont fap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will stop fapping for a week and fap in the last day
apparently it does some shit to your testosterone and that promotes muscle growth

>> No.5152740

I'm >>5152326
I think being cut (medical reasons) may be my problem

>> No.5152749

Oh shit, is that real?

>> No.5152755

Dude, I don't think that's part of the problem. I'm cut too and I don't have to wait an extended period of time before I have a good masturbation session.

>> No.5152756

a friend from /fit/ send it to me so I guess it is

>> No.5152758

I actually didn't fap today and won't anymore, which is something pretty rare for me. Funny timing for this thread.

>> No.5152775

doing a little research
"By postponing ejaculation for seven days, testosterone levels spike. This testosterone spike is thought efficacious for muscle building and recovery. "

>> No.5152796

And yet you also spend 7 days losing out on the testosterone from sexual activity.

>> No.5152811

Not if you fap on the 7th day

>> No.5152814

I mostly just get excited about it if I incorporate anal, but when I do that, I end up wasting way too much time on it. I'm not quite sure what to do anymore, I'm tempted to try a new no-fap oath for a few days to feel a little better about myself.

>> No.5152819


Try it, you have nothing to lose

>> No.5152821

Fucking retard thinks he can beat me if he stops fapping for a week.


>> No.5152835

Sometimes, I keep on fapping after coming. It's so laborious but on the other hand, I'm terribly bored.
When I finally come, after half an hour spent fighting off sleep, I nap for an hour or so.

>> No.5152848

That sounds quite pleasant.

>> No.5152913

I guess I will. I'm a little worried about how perverted my mind gets when I cannot get rid of that mindset by fapping it off, but I should probably be able to prevent that by avoiding porn, except perhaps some ecchi stuff before exercise sessions.

I'll fap once right now to help me sleep, and stay off for a week starting tomorrow. Also staying away from 4chan, which is a far more dangerous threat to my productivity.

>> No.5152936

>Also staying away from 4chan, which is a far more dangerous threat to my productivity.
I've been on 4chan instead of writing a paper for months now, tomorrow I have to end it in.
Oh well.

>> No.5152945

>tomorrow I have to end it

Don't do it.

>> No.5153006

For me, the problem is that once I'm here, it's so hard to get off again. If I tell myself I'm done with it for today, I'll just need to make sure I'm not missing any interesting posts yet. If I try to do some work done, I just end up looking forward to going and checking what happened in the meantime. If I try to play a VN or watch an anime, I end up pausing once in a while to refresh and check the threads I have open. If I have to go to bed, I end up putting it off, until I finally decide to leave the threads open and just check easymodo next morning.

The solution I've found is to have my head clear of 4chan during the whole day, until I can afford to go here. Promise myself to not go here, even if I was just planning to check the first page once and get back to work. Perhaps keep the domain blocked from my router, so I can't go here by reflex, even if I could leave again right away. If I don't go here at all, there's no problem, I find entertainment somewhere else. But when I first go here, the rest of my day is pretty much ruined.

>> No.5153057

I'm pretty much the same way, except that I don't consider a day spent on 4chan "ruined," I consider it a good relaxing day.

>> No.5153073

>Is anyone else kinda bored of flapping?

>I really just see it as a waste of time these days
You're just no longer 14 (and are poorly educated enough not to already know what's going on). Libido decreases to manageable levels when you reach 18/19/20-and-on. This is well-known, that's how they sell penis pills, etc. etc.

Also, it's called "jerking off," not flapping or yapping or whatever.

>> No.5153084

Fapping. I don't know how you added an L

>> No.5153110

wow, you folks really are this stupid

>> No.5153134

I used to fap every day like clockwork (I don't think I've consistently fapped multiple times a day since I was fresh out of puberty). I'm starting to take days off more frequently. Sometimes I feel bored of it but it's only for a short time. By the next day I'll be ready for action again.

>> No.5153140

No. Feels good man.

>> No.5153150

Not in two ways, Freud. His mother is dead! So he surely can't have sex wi-... Oh, carry on.

>> No.5153156

why not just call it Masturbation?

>> No.5153180
File: 35 KB, 383x306, 1252973105513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a big fapping binge last week when I was smoking a lot of weed, but now that I don't have any I've stopped. It seems like a chore to do sometimes.

>> No.5153195

OP lost interest in his little willy

so sad

stupid faggots, it's going to be nice later in the summer once you collectively get yourselves busted for pot and spend the time you would be spending shitting up 4chan out on the street picking up cigarette butts

>> No.5153248

I tend to fap about every 3 or 4 days. When I don't fap for that long, I start thinking about fapping while at school and I can't really concentrate on anything else. That said, I tend to find new material to fap to every time, so it's not boring, but more a necessary part of life.

>> No.5153262

Bored? Hell no, I'm 22 years old and I still fap about 7 times a day.

>> No.5153312

what he said, except i'm almost 27. the frequency's around 2-6 times per day, depending from the porn i find/draw.

>> No.5153323

Are you frustrated?

>> No.5153324

>>wow, you folks really are this stupid.

Uhmm..welcome to 4chan?

>> No.5153328

I think it would be fun if we met up and masturbated together, /jp/

>> No.5153334

Do poppers or whippits right before you cum

enter the next dimension

>> No.5153337

How can we meet up in real life if none of us go outside anyway?

>> No.5153342

Astral projection.

>> No.5153353

>>How can we meet up in real life if none of us go outside anyway?


>> No.5153365


>> No.5153371

If you are bored just try anal masturbation.

>> No.5153394

I'm Christian, the bible forbids me to fap :(

>> No.5153398


>> No.5153399

you won't have that problem if you keep finding new stuff to fap to

>> No.5153408

Still in Middle School, are you?

>> No.5153665

>If you do not like fapping you shouldn't be on /jp/. You do not belong here.

Oh jesus, here we go again with that, "/jp/ is a club you have to meet certain criteria to be a part of/post in" mentality.

>> No.5153676

Still making fun of others for their personal preferences are you? Are you sure you're not the one still in middle school?

>> No.5153706

>Uhmm..welcome to 4chan?

Uhmmmm....thanks for the welcome ? BROSKI

>> No.5153748

I only can fap to the exposed anuses of Japanese women.

>> No.5153772

>2-6 times per day, depending from the porn i find/draw.

may I see some of it?

>> No.5153787

I just masturbated... I thought I'd go atleast a few days, but boredom and this thread got me going. If anyone wanted to know, my semen shot out about two feet.

>> No.5153809

I was wondering how far you ejaculated halfway through your post. Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.5153942

I find the anticipation of fapping to new hentai more arousing than the actual fapping. am I alone in this?

>> No.5153977

Finding / Downloading is the best part.

>> No.5154017

goddamn, staff needs to ban nearly everyone ITT for
- being underage
- insisting on discussing their own peckers for hours (on the wrong board...gb2/adv/ /r9k/ /fit/ 420chan or wherever this actually goes)

>> No.5154237

I'm not bored of fapping at all, however I can't fap!

Stupid fucking broken prostate.
