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5151290 No.5151290 [Reply] [Original]

I'm up to like episode 12 of the anime, and I have to see why you guys hate this. It's pretty good so far. Does it go downhill, or you guys just tsundere for it?

>> No.5151295

Read the visual novel or I will kill you.

>> No.5151299

>or you guys just tsundere for it?
Stop using this phrase to describe anyone who dislikes something you like.

>> No.5151301

I probably will. But right now, I don't have enough free time to read 50 hours+ worth of visual novels, so I will watch the anime first.

>> No.5151304

You just failed OP. And you've spoiled a lot of the story for yourself.

>> No.5151309

It was just a joke you insufferable faggot.

>> No.5151310

The source material is always superior.

>> No.5151315

You will regret that sorely. The visual novel is much better, and it's going to be a pain to reread the same stuff. You don't have to read it all in one go, so why not? Also the anime will take you at least 10 hours to watch and you could probably read the first two episodes of the visual novel in that time.

>> No.5151326

I suppose I might as well... but the only issue I have is the horrible art. I understand it's a sound novel or whatever, but I like some nice eye-candy like the anime has provided so far.

>> No.5151338

Every one of us fucking hated the art at first. You'll honestly get used to it by the second episode. You'll actually like the art better as the facial expressions really help the scenes. The anime removes whole scenes later on so you'd be better off switching now.

>> No.5151340

Fucking hell. I fucking hate you. Stop trolling us and just go back to /a/.

>> No.5151344

Thank you for your kind advice, then.

>> No.5151348

Here's a download link for the first four episodes: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=67105

Add the other episodes after you get through that.

>> No.5151354

Thanks. Does the same 'anime is shit' apply to Higurashi too? I was going to watch that anime after this, in fact.

>> No.5151359

I haven't read the Higurashi VN yet, unfortunately so I can't comment. I enjoyed the anime though the VN is probably much better. Keep in mind that Higurashi certainly isn't as good as Umineko as I'm pretty sure he used stock music and the art is nothing short of atrocious.

>> No.5151361
File: 496 KB, 654x535, EXTREMECLOSEUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, OP?

You don't like faces like this?

>> No.5151367

Can I skip to where I am in the anime, or is it worth simply going through it all again?

>> No.5151369

Dear DEEN skips a fuckton of red truths, so you'd better read it again.

>> No.5151370


>stock music

Um. No, no it is not.

>> No.5151372

I haven't played any of the games so I can't say anything about that but, I have watched both the Umineko and the Higurashi anime.

And what can I say? I could barely make it past 10 episodes of Umineko before dropping it, while I enjoyed Higurashi enough to rewatch at least the first season more than once.

>> No.5151375


Go through it again. The beginning of the Episode 1 is about 15 minutes lang, and it was all cut from the anime.

Also, regarding the music;

Is, let's say, Hope made by live instruments, or is it all computer generated?

>> No.5151377

The anime just shows the plot in a compressed/rushed manner. It's just a rough spoiler of the VN's plot.

You should stop wating it, and play the first 4 episodes (the VN). You can watch the anime after that if you want. You can then play the fifth (and sixth when it's done translating), which hasn't been adapted yet (probably won't be until the series ends, which won't until the 7th or 8th episode).

>> No.5151378

Oh, and by the way, are these 'episodes' just splitting points for each time everything starts over after everyone is dead?

>> No.5151380

Maybe it was just the early parts? I haven't read it yet myself, but I'm pretty sure I saw someone say that.

>> No.5151383

>You should stop wating it, and play the first 4 episodes
I'm doing this now. I know how much /jp/ hypes this shit up, so I'm going to presume that I am actually missing out on a lot by just watching the anime.

>> No.5151389

Keep in mind it doesn't get good until halfway through the second episode. Ryu07 spends A LOT of time introducing characters. Just keep reading anyway, since it's important for scenes later on.

>> No.5151394


The licensed English releases use stock music, yeah, but the originals used tracks by dai and SB-YUNE and the rest.

Granted, they don't sound as good as the Umineko tracks, but that's probably because dai wasn't as good yet.

>> No.5151395

They split up each "game", so sorta.

>> No.5151409

I apologies then. I guess I mixed that up.

>> No.5151414

Yes. The Higurashi anime really butchers the story. I would say it does an even worse job than the Umineko anime but I dropped the latter halfway through so I can't say for sure.

>I haven't read the Higurashi VN yet
>Keep in mind that Higurashi certainly isn't as good as Umineko
Cool story bro. For the record the Higruashi VNs are much better than Umineko.

Also no it's not stock music. Kai actually has a really good soundtrack, though the question arcs could use some better music (a few songs are good though).

>> No.5151420

I will just repeat after everyone there, but seriously stop watching anime. I've watched anime before reading VN (though it was shitty) and now that I'm reading VN I'm regreting it. I would like to inverse it.

>> No.5151427 [DELETED] 

As I've said, I took someone's words out of question and assumed the music was just stock music. Given how awesome Umineko's music was, that would cue me into thinking it's worse.

>> No.5151428

I know what you mean, sort of. The adaptation doesn't lose much storywise. Well, not early on, at least, but I didn't watch the last few episodes and I heard it gets bad there.

For me, though, the thing that makes it pretty bad is how lifeless it is. Even just the overall atmosphere felt dead compared to the VN, but more importantly the music is pathetic. I don't know why they chose to remake the music to be as boring as possible, but as far as I'm concerned that's all it took to make the anime suck.

Still, I do think that to some extent, the huge amount of hate for the anime adaptation of Umineko is just a meme.

>> No.5151429

>>For the record the Higruashi VNs are much better than Umineko
I agree.
Meakashi and Tsumihoroboshi shit all over Umineko at least.

>> No.5151431

As I've said, I took someone's words out of context and assumed the music was just stock music. Given how awesome Umineko's music was, that would cue me into thinking it's worse.

>> No.5151443 [DELETED] 

The hate comes from the later parts. The early parts were fine (for an anime adaptation). In later parts, they flat out drop scenes they don't like. They also spend a ridiculous amount of time on Maria/Ange flashbacks. An example of a scene they cut was Krauss/Natsuhi/Shannon/Kanon escaping from Kuwadorian.

>> No.5151442


Here, have a teaser.

Umineko's BGM is orgasmic.

>> No.5151452 [DELETED] 

The hate comes from the later parts. The early parts were fine (for an anime adaptation). In later parts, they flat out drop scenes they don't like. They also spend a ridiculous amount of time on Maria/Ange flashbacks. An example of a scene they cut was Krauss/Kyrie/Shannon/Kanon escaping from Kuwadorian.

>> No.5151455
File: 236 KB, 565x420, 1269047206347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good things to come out of the anime are reaction faces and OH DESIRE

>> No.5151459

The hate comes from the later parts. The early parts were fine (for an anime adaptation). In later parts, they flat out drop scenes they don't like. They also spend a ridiculous amount of time on Maria/Ange flashbacks. An example of a scene they cut was Krauss/Kyrie/Shannon/Kanon escaping from Kuwadorian.

>> No.5151478

R07 should just stop trying to write a story, he sucks at it, and just create lots of loli and colorful characters with frills.
Using the same guys who do the soundtrack of his game, it could become the new Touhou

>> No.5151508


Go back to /a/.

>> No.5151514

>good thing

Get the fuck out.

>> No.5151517

Yakusoku/Promise is amazing.

RA RA RAs turn into HAU AU AUs.

>> No.5151538


>> No.5151549

or 牢獄STRIP

that was suppose to play at the end of EP1

>> No.5151564

Fuck, that's awesome. Much better than the song linked before.

>> No.5151580

Once you finished the anime, I'm sure I could ask you a bunch of question based on EP1-4, and you would have no fucking clue on what I'm talking about...because the anime skips a lot of stuff

>> No.5151582

I'm not finishing the anime now. Seeing as it's the second highest rated on VNDB, and /jp/ seems to unconditionally love it, I'm going to just read it.

>> No.5151598

It's kind of a love/hate relationship, actually. Lots of people dislike the series, and most of us can agree that we are faggots who are terrible at keeping all of our shit in one thread. But it's fun to come up with theories, even crack ones, and working things out with other anons can actually be entertaining sometimes. Lots of us are also way too emotionally invested in Umineko, and Ryukishi's writing can go from making you laugh because it is pathetic to OH GOD BEATO ;__;.

Also, if you get into the VNs, you can experience the unique mindfuck of judging things by spoilers and trying to figure out which demon twin has the penis.

>> No.5151602

Reading is almost necessary if you care about trying to solve the mystery at all.

However, the anime is pretty good if you want to just recap everything quickly. It also has a few things (dates especially) that are not included in the novel.

>> No.5151605

People don't dislike the series. Some just dislike the fans. I don't understand why they would get so angry over something like that, but whatever.

>> No.5151607

Well, I really liked the anime so far. Personally, I preferred the first episode or whatever (episdodes 1-6) to the second one, but so far I really like it. I've been looking for a good VN that isn't moe school slice-of-life shit for a while, but I completely ignored this for some reason.

>> No.5151627

Oh man, Strip playing at the end of the tea party in Episode 1 was 1000% awesome.

It also makes me amazingly glad I didn't start Umineko until after five episodes were translated, because I would have fucking strangled someone after that had there been no more to read.

The art is not actually bad at all. It 'looks' bad if you've only seen individual pieces, I suppose, but it grows on you amazingly quickly and fits the story and is actually rather expressive.

P.S. Jeshkaninzojo did 9/11

>> No.5151635

I don't dislike Umineko but I do find it pretty average, I'm not such a faggot as I would be influenced by the quality of the fanbase though.

Personally I think Umineko will lose a lot of its popularity once we will know the answer so it's a good time for getting into it before it's too late.

>> No.5151649

Here's a comparison

Umineko anime ep 7 (Battler and Beatrice talk - 50s)

Umineko VN ep 2 (Battler and Beatrice talk - 4min30s)

>> No.5151650

Better than My Dear?

I don't really think you can compare the two, since the feeling of both songs are complete opposites of each other.

>> No.5151664

There are certainly a lot of things I dislike about the series. There are also some things I like about it. Overall I find it average.

I really do hate the fans but that doesn't affect my opinion of the game (I also hate the fans of some of my favorite VNs).

>> No.5151667

Honestly, a lot of it is just a combination of not reading the novels and seeing everyone else hate on the fandom. Lots of us are faggots, yes. We're wishy washy with theories and just as easily influenced as anyone else, so we end up switching focuses frequently. But hey, at least we're not the Sonic fanbase, and at least we aren't /a/, even if their Umineko threads are an occasional guilty pleasure of mine. They don't treat this as such serious business, which is nice every once in a while. Back to /a/ with me, I know, I know.

>> No.5151671

Don't go back to /a/. Stay here, quality poster.

>> No.5151675


Probably the best example of why the anime sucks ass in the entire thread.

Even some of the scenes you thought 'pretty good' in the anime (or hell, you might not have even noticed some that were SUPPOSE to be good) are 20x better in the VN because they sapped all the emotion out in the anime.

>> No.5151677

>Personally I think Umineko will lose a lot of its popularity once we will know the answer so it's a good time for getting into it before it's too late.
Which explains why we still have lots of Rika threads here.

>> No.5151678

Why tell a quality poster to go back to /a/?

>> No.5151683

People will probably claim samefag on this, but >>5151671 was me, and the other dude was not me. And I was not the person who made the quality post either. /jp/ is just being nice.

>> No.5151684


>> No.5151688

Because you have an obsessed guy who keep saving it from the last page?
That's why it stays for weeks, a popular thread would die in a hour.

>> No.5151712

Thanks, unless you're being sarcastic, which is very likely. And thank you for not kicking me out. I like boards where people speak in complete sentences and don't just post reaction images or OH DESIRE.

>> No.5151723

Not being sarcastic at all. Also, this has no voice acting? I am dissapointed.

>> No.5151744

Yeah, there's no voice acting. If only Sayaka Ohara could narrate Beato's lines, or if Ryukishi could get the guy from the EP5 doujin dramas to narrate Battler.

Ohara's troll voice is the only thing that kept me watching the anime, even though seeing DEEN desecrate the VN was like torture. Why would you make Ange literally menstruate on her brother, DEEN? She probably has a livejournal, she can just use that to vent with words.

>> No.5151771


>> No.5151814

>Voice acting


Everyone would sound absolutely horrible if it did.

>> No.5151815

Well holy shit.

That's awesome.

Also, didn't Ryu pick her himself?

>> No.5151816

I totally want to wake up to this.

>> No.5151833

There's a drama CD for the meta scene

>> No.5151841

Yeah, he did. He also explained the truth to her. She's supposedly pretty clever, but it still took two hours to explain it, so either she's only clever by airheaded seiyuu standards, or this is going to be a clusterfuck through to the very end.

>> No.5151851

I really hope it's the second.

Also, the youtube title is Beato's Second....

Is there a first?

>> No.5151852

Or she just didn't know anything about Umineko so he had to talk about the setting, the characters, what happened in all the games, etc...

>> No.5151863

So, does this follow the VN line by line?

>> No.5151871

It's from a package of Windows startup sounds and such. You can download it at http://community.livejournal.com/rokkenjima/233217.html.. Excuse the fact that it's LJ, they've got some good stuff there from time to time.

Also, the EP5 drama CD can be downloaded at
if you don't already have it, that is.

>> No.5151890

We have plenty of quality fanarts as compensation, so it's all good.

Aside from the narrator lines, I think so

>> No.5151932

You forgot to take into account that the VN has narration. And an adaptation of any form of media is obviously going to be cut down from the source material.

To be honest, I thought the anime only fucked up Episode 4 royally. The rest was passable.

>> No.5151959

Even more awesome.

So, those drama cd's, they follow some lines from the VN word by word?

>> No.5151972

It started off kind of shaky, but it was interesting enough to get people interested in the VNs and play them instead of watching the anime. The start of EP1 might have a lot of MY NAME IS WEIRD AND I'M REALLY TALL WHOA RELATIVES, but it's at least a little better than the anime.

Around EP2 in the anime it really started to go downhill, but it pulled up a little in EP3 - though that might just have been DEEN's quality crazyfaces. But EP4 just...EP4, man.

Angeburgers scene made me literally scream out "DEEEEEEEN,' but Beato getting staked by wedges and having the bow of her dress pop out on the point of one was...no, DEEN. This is not a comedy series.

>> No.5151985

Most lines are either exactly the same or pretty close, and the acting is actually pretty good. Battler's blubbering and choking as he's chilling and being impaled and killing his waifu who is comprised of sandcastles and cowtits is not something you should listen to in public. There's a good chance that you'll bawww.

>> No.5151990


dont forget in the anime of ep 3 when rosa fell from the sky i swear i heard a looney toons soundbit atleast in my head, i was laughing like a 10 year old again

>> No.5151991

Oh man.


Anyhow, the first link, isn't that the epilogue, instead of the beginning?

>> No.5152008

This happened in October. AFTER the anime had been airing for a while.

...Or did she just not make the blog post until October?

>> No.5152009

Is that true? Source?

>> No.5152011

I think the links are in order, unless I screwed something up.

The episode name is End of the Golden Witch. The entire voice drama is the end of that. Too many endings.

>> No.5152017


Those aren't the anime voices, no?

>> No.5152018

Dammit, all this talk about VAs is making me want the Valentine's Day/White Day drama CD. Has that been uploaded anywhere yet?

>> No.5152024

It sounds like you guys hate the anime because it makes it more clear how ridiculously stupid Umineko is.

>> No.5152037

As far as I know, it hasn't. Usually the dramas are uploaded to the Umineko community on LJ or they're discussed here for a while, so you'll find them once they're out, I suppose.

Nope, they're not. Personally, I like the drama-Battler more than the anime voice, but that might just be because the voice directing for the show was, uh, what one would expect from DEEN.

>> No.5152043

Hm, I didn't like any of the anime voices, except for Beato and Battler.

Dunno why though.

>> No.5152044

Yeah, probably. It's not a perfect series by any means, but since when does something have to be well-written or total serious business to be entertaining or interesting?

>> No.5152050

It starts at Beato saying goodbye

The guy here matched the voice with the scenes, but only up to the beginning of the fight

>> No.5152051



>> No.5152056

It's only partly that. They did that, WITHOUT GOING AS FAR AS THEY SHOULD HAVE.

That is why the previews are superior to the anime itself.

>> No.5152064

I haven't listened to all the tracks on the Umineko Navigation Dramas, but from what I've heard, Daisuke Ono does a much better job in those than in the anime.

>> No.5152065
File: 102 KB, 680x639, 0014b0515168f60446eda3da34733c4a20b042ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never fails to remind me of why my BattlerxBeato folder is so large.

God, I'm a faggot.

>> No.5152067

I guess.
Yeah, figured that out by the time I posted it.

God-dammit, DEEN, why did you have to screw things up so badly.

You had so much potential in your hands.

I'm willing to sacrifice alot to get an awesome Chiru adaption. Fully knowing it'll never happen. ;_;

>> No.5152077


Either make a serious adaptation or parody the fuck out of it. I'd put up with DEEN being DEEN to get Rudolf running through the mansion singing ORE WA JAKKU BAUER.

>> No.5152091

I don't even know why DEEN hire all these famous voice actors/actresses, most of them barely have any lines

>> No.5152111

>I'm willing to sacrifice alot to get an awesome Chiru adaption. Fully knowing it'll never happen. ;_;
How about 13 family members and friends. *cackle*

>> No.5152113

I can imagine that a lot of Daisuke Ono's fangirls would put up with everything else about the anime just to hear him speak. Ditto for Sayaka Ohara trolling the pants off of many a viewer with naught but words.

>> No.5152118

I will.

I fuckign will.

>> No.5152119

I'm on /jp/. I don't have that many family members or friends.

>> No.5152163
File: 83 KB, 407x405, 1261105312029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152173

DEEN made lots of awesome series, if you want to hate someone hate the director.
And take your shit back to /a/.

>> No.5152194

> DEEN made lots of awesome series
No, they've made lots of mediocre-to-terrible adaptations that pale in comparison to the original works. Only a few DEEN shows have been truly good. Which is why I fear for Nurarihyon no Mago....

>> No.5152243

They did Kenshin, both TV series and OVA, Simoun, Maria-sama, Zipang, Patlabor including the movies.
And they are doing Giant killing this season.

>> No.5152320

> Only a few DEEN shows have been truly good.
And most of those are old DEEN works. Giant Killing and the fourth season of Marimite are the only recent ones.

>> No.5152415

>Only a few DEEN shows have been truly good.
Which makes them pretty much the same as most anime studios.

>> No.5152436

No, most of the other big studios have a much better track record than DEEN. Well, except maybe J.C. Staff.

>> No.5152466

It's more that DEEN is really cheap, so they try to spend as little money on a series as possible. And it shows.

>> No.5152487
File: 25 KB, 525x480, I_have_no_mouth_and_I_must_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152495

>except maybe J.C. Staff.
Okay now it's obvious you're some kid from /a/ who hates whatever studios they tell you to in order to fit in.

>> No.5152499

I'd appreciate it if someone could post some QUALITY Umineko anime images.

>> No.5152513
File: 291 KB, 848x480, genji quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5152516
File: 65 KB, 780x445, QUALITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5152519
File: 22 KB, 333x306, quality ep 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5152521




>> No.5152525
File: 22 KB, 859x478, eva quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one really doesn't count because it's in motion, but whatever.

>> No.5152528
File: 60 KB, 848x480, eva quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm not sure if this one counts either because... well, faces are fucked up in umineko by default.

>> No.5152546
File: 382 KB, 588x663, beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler gasped and dropped Umineko. She fell off the balcony.


Battler lifte his feet off the ground and flew down to save her just before she hit the ground.

"Battler-chan. You saved my life. Why?"

"Beccause I am in love with you!"

"But we are from different worlds! You are from the dead world, and I am from the normal one! How can we be together!"

"I will always be with you in spirit!"

They embraced and the waves rolled on them.

"Oh Battler-chan! Oh Battler-chan! Oh Battler!-chan" Battler said and Battler gave a moan of pleasure.

Then Battler put his penis into her clitoris. Umineko felt good down there.

Battler thrusted his penis one last time and he came. She came too. Then they flew down to the ground.

"We will always be together, in many ways."

They were just walking into the mansion when they heard a certain voice coming from behind them.

"Hello, lovebirds." She muttered.

It was Beatrice!

To be continued?

>> No.5152547
File: 36 KB, 780x445, QUALITY OH DESIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is QUALITY alright.

So is this one.

>> No.5152553


Why the long face Eva?

>> No.5152555


>> No.5152559

wtf is wrong with her eyes

>> No.5152566

>>It Was Beatrice!

>> No.5152577


I think it was DEEN's attempt at a troll face.

>> No.5152614

A lot of people consider the Umineko anime to be really bad and the Higurashi anime to be a disgusting misrepresentation... From my perspective they didn't do too bad on Higurashi, for the most part you'll get whats going on, sure there is a lot missing, but an intelligent person can still understand whats going on. In Umineko however it's very watered down and you're missing a lot of information, making some things very confusing when they weren't really meant to be that way. So from an the point of the viewer Umineko is a pretty shitty experience.

All in all like everyone else I'd recommend the visual novels, but with Umineko I'd consider the anime to be more of supplemental material for people who are already fans. The Higurashi anime on the other hand, is capable of standing on it's own... although the VN is still much better.

>> No.5152660

True that, true that. The Higurashi anime might be shit, but it can stand on its own and be somewhat comprehensible if you haven't read the VN.

Umineko's anime, on the other hand, isn't even the fun kind of clusterfuck if you haven't read the novels.

>> No.5152663

You're a gigantic faggot, OP.

>> No.5152679

When is an OP ever not a faggot?

>> No.5152704

I think he was referring to adaptations. Certain J.C. Staff adaptations are fine when you haven't read the source material, but are really bad when you have. DEEN does terrible adaptations much of the time, or at least does badly enough on the bad adaptations that they overshadow the good ones.

>> No.5152734


No love for the Read or Die OVAs?

>> No.5152767
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>> No.5152772
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>> No.5152778
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>> No.5152897 [DELETED] 

You know, I've always wondered what it's like for the people that make stock music...
If I were them, I know I'd be pretty fucking depressed.

>> No.5152919

You know, I've always wondered what it's like for the people that make stock music...
If I were them, I know I'd be pretty fucking depressed.

>> No.5153001

I fucking hate Umineko faces so much.

>> No.5154405

Like any of us cares about your opinion. Go back to poland, you fucking filthy pile of shit. You should die along with your president.

>> No.5154436
File: 774 KB, 1200x1200, 4f02ec1cf92e75a5f439d21c93994cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone. Although my Ange/Mammon folder is largest of all.

Postan this image because it's great.

>> No.5157456
File: 83 KB, 700x700, 1268090949474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who needs the red string of fate when you can just chain him to you, right?
