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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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515099 No.515099 [Reply] [Original]

This has probably been asked a million times before, but how many people on the /jp/ board actually live in Japan?

I, myself, live in Kitakyushu - originally from the UK.

>> No.515101

in before attention whoring
oh wait

>> No.515102

Op here
I'm a femanon btw

>> No.515103

pictures of your room nao

>> No.515105

Famous mountain in Corea in picture with Corean Cherry blossom.

>> No.515106


>> No.515108

sage this shit

>> No.515111

Takashimadaira, NW Tokyo.

my visa expired months ago, i make money off the interbutts and I avoid train stations like the plague (police stop you to check your Visa status sometimes)

I spend most days in the park, in akiba or just on the interbutts

i've never been happier or felt more alone

>> No.515112
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I'm a male, ignore the comments before, it wasn't me. Here is a crappy photo of my room just now complete with thread on laptop, futon to the right and my balcony outside.

>> No.515115

Useless faggot detected.

>> No.515121

at least get a table

>> No.515123

Hey, I used to live in Shimura 3-chome. I let my visa expire too, but only for a month or so.

>> No.515124


What's with the blurring? Is there a penis/vagina right outside your window?

>> No.515126
File: 48.00 MB, 2592x1944, 1209203680522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>515111 here

view from my balcony

>> No.515127


Whats it like living there? I am hoping to be living there by next year, just saving up money at the moment.

My main concern is work and being able to afford to sustain myself. How hard is it?

>> No.515129

Blurring is so I don't have to look at my washing machine outside. Yellow thing is a tshirt drying. I have a table to the right with a TV, JPN Wii and a tree on it.

>> No.515133


Why do people have their washing machines outside? To save space? Won't they rust in the rain or anything?

>> No.515135

my thought excactly

>> No.515136

balcony covers them and if it's rainy season you cover it with a tarp

it won't get fucked by rain any more than a car

>> No.515137

It would be noisy if it was inside. There is no room inside and the rain doesn't really ever get it wet/rust.

You don't really want to live here, I only do for studying and other purposes. Food is much better in Western places unless you have a hardon for japanese cuisine...which unless you're loaded, is going to consist of rice and expensive bread and not much else.

>> No.515138
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my apartment is in asakusa, but that place sucks and i usually stay in fussa because i dont really like living in the city

>> No.515139

But don't they check visas when leaving the country?

>> No.515140


nah trust me i know, i've been there twice before already.

come on, give me some advice, or do you honestly have no idea?

>> No.515144

I renewed mine long before I left, I only went a month without it.

>> No.515145

Off the interbutts how?

>> No.515146

What advice are you after? I'll tell you all that I can.

To the other Asakusa guy.. i agree, its a bit shit, when I was there, I just went to mill around Akihabara to pass the time. How close are you to the amusement park?

>> No.515149

(im not that poster)
but i personally sell car parts that are hard to get, and rims. i make about $500 per set of rims i sell, usually

>> No.515151

running sites, getting traffic, putting up ads/referral links, selling sites etc.

>> No.515152

and fighting 'round the world!

>> No.515155


Cool, you chop cars.

>> No.515156


Just what kind of advice you'd give someone that is gonna move there? like working and place to live...stuff like that

>> No.515157

I'll be living in Osaka pretty soon.

>> No.515158

no. i buy parts for cheap from small shops outside of the normal american vicinities, and ship them back to JDM butthurt people in the states who cant have nice cars because the usa bans anything awesome

>> No.515161

so you actually live in Cuba and smuggle car parts?

>> No.515165

Try and find somewhere with cheap rent (obv) but try and find somewhere that won't treat you badly for being a gaijin - thats going to be the hardest part. If you can live off your foreign bank card then thats fine in regards to money. Try hard to make friends, Japanese people may treat you funny but once you makes friends with someone, they'll usually try very hard to help you out should you need it.

In regards to jobs, unless you're some sort of professor (but being on here, maybe you're not) I'd suggest working in some sort of combini like 7/11 or Lawson - you're going to struggle to get work different from that unless you're fully fluent.

>> No.515166

noncar fags dont know about rules and regulations that allow these parts for "offroad use only" but nobody ever follows that rule

>> No.515168

What level of Japanese is required for working in a konbini?

>> No.515173

Semi-decent. If you can pass JLPT level 3 you're more than capable.

>> No.515175

I live in Tottori-ken. It's pretty awesome.

And by that I mean there's nothing to do.

>> No.515179


But you've got SAND DUNES WOOOO

>> No.515188

I think my family name originates from Tottori-ken. Or so I hear.

>> No.515195

Right, logging off now... thanks for the chat, hoped I helped some people :)

>> No.515199


you can't log on or off on 4chan

>> No.515204

but you can log off the Internet depending on your ISP

>> No.515206

I'm closing the tab :P

Off to shoop some pictures, read Kotaku and dick around on iSketch.

>> No.515210

Why would you leave? I have 4chan open whenever I'm at my computer, no matter what I'm doing. Lowers my productivity by 50%.

>> No.515219

>Lowers my productivity by 50%.
You're a better man than I am, Anonymous. Mine is lowered by 99%

>> No.515224

>>515151 GET

>> No.515249

see the police badge around her neck! SHES ON TO YOU MOTHERFUCKER!

i live in nagaoka. very, VERY close to where this happened:

>> No.515255

I've never experienced an earthquake before

do they occur regularly?

>> No.515376

not often where i live, but maybe in the other prefectures across japan.
also, i heard from someone that japan has lots of earthquakes, but they are usually just so small on the scale that no one notices them.

the one that hit the N plant, that woke me up.
shit was falling over, stuff was hitting the ground. took me a about 20 seconds to realise it was an earthquake.
didnt remember what to do in that situation, so i just sat on my futon :D

>> No.515382

I think I'd hide under the futon in case some shit should fall down on me.

What about broken stuff? Can you get earthquake insurance or something?

>> No.515392

i didnt have any broken stuff.
i got it all off the shelves during the earthquake.

there is quake insurance, but someone on JP posted alooooont time ago that most japanese dont bother with it.

i dont care, my apartment and all its furnishings belong to my company.
if anything breaks, i just have to report it and they will take care of it. :D
i put a hole in my wall too, said it was the earthquake.

>> No.515415

I think I'd bother with it if the risk was fairly high and the price for the insurance is low.

Maybe you can talk your way to a lower price for the insurance if they don't use it that much anyway.
Hypothetically, I sure would hate to have my wall mounted speakers, TV, etc. break and have to pay for it all over again.

>> No.515420

What about those hikkis with the tons of figurines in the glass cases? Would they want earthquake insurance, or do they not have the money for it after buying all that shit?

>> No.515430

>glass cases

>> No.515432

Earthquake insurance is EXPENSIVE.

>> No.515440



why do you do this/

>> No.515456

>I spend most days in the park, in akiba or just on the interbutts


>> No.515465

>in before attention whoring

>I'm a femanon btw

Yeah. In after attention whoring.

>> No.515474

Ahhhh, they'll learn. It's just because that shit is allowed to fly these days on /b/, /v/ and ironically enough /co/ is ok with it too for some reason.

>> No.515478

I lol'd

>> No.515538

Interesting read, and thanks for the info, for those of you who actually live in Japan. I do have some thoughts, though, on the rash of sage in this thread:

I often wonder if the people who sage every time they see the slightest hint of female existence on /jp/ are the same people who post in threads about having no social skills. If you are, please put two and two together. Your first reaction to something out of the ordinary is how it might bother you, incite rage, or how it's pathetic because it's unusual or doesn't belong in your little world. Two and two, people. It's not that difficult.

>> No.515553

it doesn't matter what the fuck you think about anything on here eat shit and die faggot

>> No.515571

you must be new here


>> No.515592


>> No.515599


Ah, this poster tries to assure us that he's better than most people here. And of course, poster was a tripfag.

>Your first reaction to something out of the ordinary is how it might bother you, incite rage, or how it's pathetic because it's unusual or doesn't belong in your little world.

Could it perhaps just be that we dislike attention whores here.

>> No.515627

>Ah, this poster tries to assure us that he's better than most people here. And of course, poster was a tripfag.
Well, I have to get my jollies somewhere, right? Think of me however you will, because as several have pointed out: it's just an image board and no one cares what anyone else thinks here, or so the story goes.
Point taken regarding attention whores, though. I just figured I'd put some food for thought in this thread for any overlap between those trigger-happy with their sage and those who are concerned for their lacking sociability.

>> No.515629


fuck you

>> No.515637

>It's just because that shit is allowed to fly these days on /b/, /v/ and ironically enough /co/ is ok with it too for some reason.

It will be ok here too, sooner or later. And then on the first page will always be at least one thread were female op whores attention and hundreds of desperate losers drool all over their keyboards without realizing that it doesn't really help them to get laid.

>> No.515688

>I just figured I'd put some food for thought in this thread

>in before attention whoring

Yeah, in after attention whoring.

>> No.515742

>Well, I have to get my jollies somewhere, right? Think of me however you will, because as several have pointed out: it's just an image board and no one cares what anyone else thinks here, or so the story goes.
>it's just an image board and no one cares what anyone else thinks here

If that's the case why are you posturing at superiority? Do you think anyone cares here? Take your normalfaggotry elsewhere.

>> No.515752


No, it's that when someone mentions they are female in a thread where it's TOTALLY irrelevant given the context and the board tolerates it then it becomes a slippery slope. First you have basic attention whoring, then developed attention whoring and then the next thing you know you have all the shit of the shittier boards on 4chan on here, vis a viz camwhores and other assorted retards.

>> No.515759

Hey fuck you, I'm a loser and I dont give a shit about 'femanons' and their attention whoring. If they do it I sage, I've never bitten the bait, it's the normalfags that do that.

>> No.515762



>> No.515763

oh wait you just did

>> No.515764

>those who are concerned for their lacking sociability.

lol wut?!

Just who the fuck do you think you are where the fuck do you think you are tripfag? If this environments makes you uncomfortable then perhaps you should join a registration forum where everyone compares e-peens with profile links to their myspaces and livejournals.

>> No.515771


Hear hear.

>> No.515774

Thanks, also let me add, that's the reason for /jp/'s and /a/'s harshness towards these things. For me at least it's nothing to do with what >>515538 said. It's just that this process of incremental increases in what a board considers 'tolerable' in terms of attention whoring has been repeated on /b/ and /v/ in practically exactly the same way. You can understand our trepidation given this.

Also. If you think it's so great, then go to /fa/ or better yet, /cgl/! I mean, those boards are SO awesome, right?

>> No.515781

Yes and no; everyone sinks to responding eventually. Best to not let it get going at all.

>> No.515787


>> No.515793
File: 14 KB, 308x252, LardLad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ignore them they die

>> No.515808

One of my best memories of /cgl/ was how some attention whore in there once was bitching about how /a/ and /jp/ are the worst boards on 4chan because if you mention you are a girl your post gets saged and how all wee/a/boos and /jp/sies are losers. I remember thinking to myself... 'no, thats why they are the BEST boards on 4chan'.

>> No.515860


I visited /cgl/ some time ago to see what people cosplay. Attention whores, desperate losers, even more desperate losers with knight in shining armor syndrome, e-penises and whiny drama. Pretty much like all internet communities. moot could switch those parts of 4chan to phpBB.

>no, thats why they are the BEST boards on 4chan

I agree.

>> No.515860,1 [INTERNAL] 

sadly those days seem to be at an end
they can always build more killbots
