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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 308x446, 1274118779826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5150827 No.5150827 [Reply] [Original]

Cute, huh?

>> No.5150830

Starter pokeymans get more and more retarded every season. This one's probably the worst.

>> No.5150832

It probably has the best looking 2nd evolution to compensate for this form.

>> No.5150842

What the hell is that supposed to be? Why is it wearing a sweater even though it's supposed to be an animal? And why there's a cock embroidered on said sweater?

>> No.5150843

What the fuck are those things below his/her eyes.

>> No.5150847

I thought it was a shellder.

>> No.5150849

It's a living salt shaker

>> No.5150853

Those are its real eyes.

>> No.5150861

Wotter is going to be the tortured Yukkuri of Pokemon.

>> No.5150867

wo- what?
wuter as in lolcats wuter?

>> No.5150872

The more I look at this little guy the more I like him.

Ever since he came out people's been talking shit about it, but I'm actually starting to like it.

I know which starter I'm going for. What about you, /jp/?

>> No.5150884
File: 121 KB, 600x636, 1273783275981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I'm already tired of this guy, and no chance in hell I'm getting a pig either.

>> No.5150885

Smugleaf > Piglit > a shitlog with cum on it > Wotter

>> No.5150887


Don't ask me anything. I'm a tortured artist.

I totally want to convey the image of a skeleton ghost busking in the sewers of Paris.

>> No.5150891

I always judge by the Final Evolution.
That's why I chose Charmander, Tododile, Torchic, and whatever became Torterra.
So, we'll see.

>> No.5150896

(O) O (O)
∵   ^  ∵

>> No.5150897

Goddamn, pokemon gets more retarded by the minute.

>> No.5150903
File: 13 KB, 170x170, 1767755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Wotter


>> No.5150909

Wotter is a hideous attempt at recreating Piplup's marketing success. I seriously hope Game Freak decides to axe it for a different Water starter, though that's unlikely considering that it's official now.

>> No.5150917


>whatever became Torterra.

turtwig, you failure

>> No.5150922

Somewhere after Emerald, I lost my pokemon Drive.

>> No.5150926

We get awesome type combinations for our starters, and they look like...this.

>> No.5150929

Ooh, they were revealed to be dual types? What are they?

>> No.5150932
File: 475 KB, 672x692, WATter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when Game Freak makes 2 great starters and then throws this piece of shit in the mix

>> No.5150934

He doesn't give off the non-starter feel.

>> No.5150942

>implying he isn't the best starter in this generation

>> No.5150943

He's charming.

>> No.5150948
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>> No.5150963




>> No.5150965
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>> No.5150967

...No, not at all.

>> No.5150970

Now watch as it gets the best final evolution and everyone starts picking it.

>> No.5150974
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>> No.5150979

Tits are too big.

>> No.5150982


They're grand

>> No.5150989

They are all questionable in quality and originality.

>> No.5150995

Needs a 5th panel.

>> No.5151018
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>> No.5151020


>> No.5151021
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>> No.5151023
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>> No.5151036


>> No.5151039



Why did I just hear banjo from Banjo-kazooie doing that in my head? Also, why did I feel compelled to do my best imitation out loud?

People are looking at me funny.

>> No.5151047
File: 154 KB, 450x450, large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5151053

Are you browsing /jp/ in public anon

Why would you do something like that? Browsing /jp/ is like fapping, it should be done alone in while in shame.

>> No.5151055

That's it? I am disappointed...

>> No.5151061

A pig is a Dark/Fire type.

Good god, Pokemon, what are you doing?

>> No.5151064

>while in shame.

But I'm not in shame when I fap.

>> No.5151065


Hey, I went on /jp/ in full view of about twenty people in an Apple Store. On an iPad.

Beat that.

>> No.5151076

Then go fap in front of your mom or the public, or while having both present. Liar.

>> No.5151078


Had sex in front of a crowd.

What do I win?

>> No.5151084

Sage for Arc using apple products.

>> No.5151088

It's true.

>> No.5151093


hahahaha I'm actually one of the anons who admitted to fapping in public in a thread about that a few weeks ago.

Truthfully, unless you're looking at a particularly H-laden thread, /jp/ looks like a rather nondescript message board to the casual eye. I did have this neckbeard kid go "AHAHAHA 4CHAN!!" at me once, but people tend not to give a shit.

>> No.5151095

I have no idea why you think anyone would like to "beat" that.

Go directly jail, without collecting 200 dollars.

>> No.5151096

I bet you're still a virgin. No woman would want to have sex with a nigger.

>> No.5151099

I didn't say anything about beating anything. Go back to school to get some basic reading comprehension.

>> No.5151105

You obviously haven't seen modern-day America.

>> No.5151113


Let him go, he's projecting his virginity on other people.

>> No.5151114

>>5151099 Here.

My first comment was not directed at >>5151076 but at >>5151065. My apologies.

>> No.5151131


I have had an iPhone for about two years, you are aware of this?

>> No.5151133
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1273230783081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My apologies.
W-well now I just feel bad! S-stupid!

>> No.5151135
File: 62 KB, 604x589, 1273695863193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5151137

Yeah, I'm like totally aware of the hardware preference of all the tripfriends on my beloved pile of shit board we have here.

Sage for Arc using Apple products.

>> No.5151142


You should be. You're the expert here, Anonymous.

We tripfags are but fools, mouths moving in the wind with roughly no substance.

I am disappoint.

>> No.5151144

I still laugh at how 4chan still doesn't understand the meaning of sa- ah fuck it

fuck you to hell too

>> No.5151152

Having trouble, retard? Would you like for me to finish that word for you, retard?


>> No.5151166
File: 422 KB, 601x504, lolclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad?

>> No.5151170

lol don't call him a retard, bro, he is only PRETENDING, ok?

>> No.5151172

Not mad enough to go through the trouble of posting reaction images.

>> No.5151174
File: 63 KB, 600x1626, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151180

Looks like I just found out how I'm going to name this guy.
Thank you.

>> No.5151181

What a great Pokemon!

>> No.5151182

But you posted these last night, try again.

>> No.5151188
File: 240 KB, 547x296, LOLZOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151195

Try again Mr. Arc.

>> No.5151207

Wait what
Is it out yet?

>> No.5151210
File: 682 KB, 972x497, lolcloser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151213
File: 247 KB, 1046x794, mmx6_shield_sheldon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way, I'm hoping the final evolution of this Water starter resembles this guy at least a bit.

>> No.5151244

I have never played Pokémon in my life, except for 10 minutes when I played with a friends gameboy in school years ago. I feel like I should start playing it though - what game do I start with?

>> No.5151250

Create another zoom and maybe you'll win something.

>> No.5151254

Emerald or Platinum. You can easily emulate both of them.

>> No.5151260
File: 346 KB, 614x441, LOLCLOSER2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5151269

Nevermind, you'll win something after you back up a bit.

>> No.5151277

Are you kidding me? Platinum was BAD.
The first 3 generations were the best so chose one of those.

>> No.5151286

>Platinum was BAD.
Excuse me?

>> No.5151294

>The first 3 generations

3rd generation games are the worst.

2nd gen > 4th gen > 1st gen > 3rd gen

>> No.5151297

Actually I don't dislike it on the grounds that new pokemons look like digimons and new digimons look like gundams.
And the worst thing that could happen to this guy and the sumg leaf is that the pig final evo turns out to be a Ganon lookalike and everybody picks him.

>> No.5151300

Ignore this fag: >>5151277

Platinum is one of the best games.

>> No.5151303
File: 69 KB, 500x500, PID2534us610RXSWAC8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to this anon. Start with 2nd gen.

>> No.5151308

>new digimons look like gundams

They're still making Digimons?

>> No.5151313

Start with the first gen like a normal person and follow with the second, third and fourth gens in order.

>> No.5151318

Chronological is for casuals

>> No.5151320

>new digimons look like gundams.
Zakumon where?

>> No.5151321

and people who arent casuals are fucking nerds anyways

>> No.5151322

Gotta go with Tsutaja

The possibility of it becoming an awesome looking Grass/Dragon is too much to pass up

>> No.5151325

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.5151333

it's nothing to be proud of

>> No.5151341


>> No.5151350

The virtual pet and the cards/arcade still do well in Japan. A new animu was announced recently too.

>> No.5151356

4x weakness to Ice doesn't stop people from using Garchomp and Salamence

>> No.5151358

In which all the previous villians come back with dark and metal attatched to their names.

>> No.5151362

True, true...
...you know, I'd kinda prefer the water starter to be water/ice or something. Maybe a polar bear?

>> No.5151376


>> No.5151379

That is you future too if you don't kill yourself before hitting the 40s.

>> No.5151385

It's me already.

>> No.5151398
File: 114 KB, 389x1663, wotter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5151412

Why so bald?

>> No.5151432

Genetics. I started losing my hair at 17, now I shave it off because I look even older with the little hair I have left.

>> No.5151454


Me too, I started going bald after I turned 19.

Shit sucks.

>> No.5151475

>started losing my hair at 17,

Oh wow, I thought that was only possible in Zetsubou Sensei.

>> No.5151512

Me, my father, his father and two of my cousins have it. It's a good thing for the gene pool that I'm not going to reproduce.

>> No.5151552


Nah, it's actually pretty common.

>> No.5151565

Oh, and I might let the bit of hair I still have grow a bit so people stop asking me whether I'm a neonazi.

>> No.5153297
File: 805 KB, 800x1000, 852f41a2b9effc0c49101aeda35c0846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully Firepig evolves into something like this...

>> No.5153325

Yeah, my sister lost the whole back of her hair at 17-18. now all she has is a bit of longish hair going down either side of her head. like twin ponytails, but with bald/buzz cut in between them. It's humorous.
