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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5146626 No.5146626 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/
If Touhou didn't exist...what would you guys be talking about?

>> No.5146633

GO BACK TO >>>/a/

>> No.5146629

Visual novels?

>> No.5146635

Would Seihou still exist?

>> No.5146654

So /a/, if anime didn't exist... what would you guys be talking about?

>> No.5146665

Cave STG

>> No.5146759

Talking about Rozen Maiden instead.

>> No.5146774
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>> No.5146777
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I wish we had Rozen Maiden threads...

>> No.5146780

Our girlfriends.

>> No.5146793
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>implying touhou IS japan

>> No.5146804



So true.

>> No.5146802
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Sounds reasonable.

>> No.5146800

Strike Witches

>> No.5146795


Kanaria is mai waifu

>> No.5146806
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>> No.5146810

/jp/ would never have existed

>> No.5146826

Probably be browsing /co/ full time, really Touhou is the only thing I find interesting currently coming out of japan.

>> No.5146835
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lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies

>> No.5146854

any new touhou (iosys) remixes out?

>> No.5146857

Yes, go fire them up.

>> No.5146863


>> No.5146878

Touhou threads comprise maybe 30% of /jp/.
It's just the biggest franchise, and easily recognizable to strangers from other boards.

I wish we had more, actually. Then maybe this whining would be worth it.

>> No.5146925

The board wasn't created so Japan-lovers would have a board for themselves, it was created so that Touhou fans and some other undesirables would get the fuck out of /a/.

This is a dumping ground, and you're all fighting over it. Hilarious.

>> No.5146935

>it was created so that Touhou fans and some other undesirables would get the fuck out of /a/

This is what morons believe. The fact is, we left the real undesirables behind. /a/ is basically an outpost of /b/, now, while we're at least resisting your shitty posting.

>> No.5147011

I'm speaking as a /jp/ poster, idiot.

There was massive outcry from both sides when moot created the board, and people kept posting Touhou on /a/ for a long time until they got tired of getting banned for it. We got kicked out, and moot's precious /a/ went down the toilet because of it.

>> No.5147013


>> No.5147202

How delusional do you have to be to think that /jp/ has good posters and good discussions? Judging from the three front page troll threads and board drama thread, /a/ only benefited from the removal of /jp/.

>> No.5147210

We weren't always like this.

>> No.5147215

Then explain why they keep coming over here to post their shit.

>> No.5147283

Who? Saten trolls? They're obviously only doing it because /jp/ flips out at the drop of a hat.

I've never seen a posting of /a/ content that wasn't to specifically troll this board. You ignore and report it, like you would with KoG shit.

>> No.5147366

/jp/ can still exist without Touhou, But it won't be as active as it is right now.. (is /jp/ really active?)

>> No.5147380

If it wasn't for touhou, /jp/ wouldn't need to exist. You'd have an occasional type-moon thread in /a/ and discussion whenever a translation project finished.

That's /jp/'s biggest problem--there's very little active content to discuss. Anime and manga come out constantly, but we get new content very infrequently and weeks or months go by without anything really "new" to discuss in our related fields.

>> No.5147964

Thus niche topics, like the Ar Tonelico threads and the camera threads

>> No.5147971

Yea and it's not a huge deal because we aren't nearly as fast as /a/ so it works out.

>> No.5147984

I dont even talk about touhou that much. VN:s, figs, general "/jp/-stuff" is what I come here for.
/a/ would be better for me since I could discuss anime there but I just cant tolerate that place, bunbunmaru is just too slow for "active" browsing

>> No.5147992

I don't talk about Touhou anyway so I doubt much would change.

>> No.5147996
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I got sick of Touhou so I don't talk about it anyway.

>> No.5148020
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I would complain about Winter/Summer.

>> No.5148049

I also do not talk about Touhou much. So there would be no difference.

Not that I dislike it though. I just got nothing to say about it anymore.

>> No.5148056

Yo, what are your 3 favorite tracks from Seihou?

>> No.5148058

Metathread, reported.

>> No.5148076 [DELETED] 

g O t O h t T p : / / w w w . A n o N t A L K . S E / i f y o U d o n t a g r E e w i T H I L L e g A l i N T e r n E T c E N s O r S h I P

>> No.5148119
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>> No.5148125

Velvet Battle - http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6440789

Enigmatic Doll ~ God Knows - http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6488575

Herselves - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vFlaVKbMOk

Awesome renders in the Nicovideo links IMO.

>> No.5148216

sauce/ orig pic?

>> No.5148231
File: 229 KB, 666x800, 1271368291464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely this.

PS I want to fuck Haruka in her panda costume while Ai watches and masturbates.

>> No.5148265
File: 184 KB, 508x381, 1273142511.52542740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see Haruka wearing her panda costume, I imagine what her body is like underneath of it. I've seen her nude body many times before, so I don't really know why I wonder this. I look at the way the material is cut and notice it's straight. Haruka's body isn't straight though. She has a nice body. She has modest breasts, a small waist, and shapely hips. Soon after that I imagine how hot it must be up there dancing on stage wearing that thing. Is she wearing underwear underneath? How sweaty is she? What does it smell like in that costume? What does her sweat taste like? Depending on the amount of sweat she produces, when you run your hands over her body they could either stick or slide. I'd like to imagine she sweats just enough to be sticky. When you hug her, not only would you smell her bodily odor, but your arms would stick to her nude back. When you pull her against you, do you notice her breasts? Do her nipples feel hard against your chest? Do you bring your face to her neck and inhale her scent? Do you think she notices your erection pressing against her legs, against her damp panties? Do you offer to bathe her and make her clean again, or do you enjoy it when she's sweaty?

These are some of the things I think of when I see Haruka in her panda costume.

>> No.5148265,1 [INTERNAL] 


sauce on pic?
