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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5139952 No.5139952 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5139960

Kaguya get out.

>> No.5139962

Holy shit this is ingenious.

>> No.5139963


>> No.5139965

What every hiki needs, a random chance of suicide machine that doubles as a monitor

>> No.5139966

stop it. my brother died that way.

>> No.5139967

What a setup.
If it were me, I might turn over in my sleep, nudge those table legs, and get an unpleasant wake-up call to the face, so I'll stick to the standard desk method of computer usage.

>> No.5139968

Until the monitor falls and crushes the guy's skull.

>> No.5139970

that's perfectly safe.

>> No.5139971

At least buy a flat screen.

>> No.5139972

Pray there ain't no earthquakes.

>> No.5139975

If only it weren't for the fact that it would eventually fall down onto my head, I'd fucking do that too.
Fucking awesome.

>> No.5139976

ingenius if it was screwed into something more secure.

this is just unsafe. on slight bump on the the table beside him and he will get a face full of monitor. trust me, having a monitor hit your face hurts enough, having on aided by gravity will more than likely break your nose. and give you a concussion.

>> No.5139977

He's going to fall asleep, his right shoulder will push the table on the right and his face will get crushed by that 25kg monitor.

>> No.5139978
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>> No.5139984

A CRT from that height would do more than break his nose.

>> No.5139985
File: 159 KB, 500x375, 震度2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was a TFT, I could understand. But this is just stupid. Especially in an earthquake-plagued country like Japan.

>> No.5139987

Sturdy tables.

>> No.5139993



>> No.5139994

Use a widescreen lcd instead and set it to a 4:3 resolution with fixed aspect ratio scaling. Then duct tape to the tables. All the win with none of the risks.

>> No.5139999

I does this it work well! I accident crush face now have autism and get money from govment! win-win!

>> No.5140001

It's just a couple feet, I don't think it could crush his skull.
CRTs aren't really that heavy, for all their bulk.
It would sure teach him a lesson about ingenuity and safety precautions, though.

>> No.5140005

I have one of those Sony CRTs and its more than 25 Kgs. A mashed head to be sure.

>> No.5140007

>break your nose. and give you a concussion.
The screen motherfucker, the screen.
That shit wouldn't just "give him a concussion"
His face would be fucking obliterated.
He would die, or at the very least be in critical condition.

>> No.5140009

>crush my face
>now I have autism


>> No.5140010

no it won't. trust me. it will break his nose and maybe fracture his skull. but it won't kill him.

>> No.5140013

have you ever tried busting up a CRT monitor? it's fucking sturdy as all hell. the monitor would still be in one piece.

>> No.5140015


>> No.5140017

that is hard to believe

>> No.5140022

because someone decide to throw a CRT monitor at my face one day. it hurt like all hell but it was no worse than someone taking a large(1000 pages 12x10 inch) hard cover book and hitting you in the face with it. but I did get a good lump on my head when the back of my skull hit the floor.

>> No.5140023

What an idiot. If that thing falls he'll not only become autistic but he'll also catch the ugly. Oh wait!

>> No.5140028

I'd say thats different from the CRT falling on your face

>> No.5140030
File: 98 KB, 423x350, 1273758500872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna dodge to the left if it fall even when he's at sleep. he's hardcore like that.

>> No.5140032

I'd think spending some money on a better monitor and a mount setup would be worth it over a crushed face.

>> No.5140036

If that hits him, it'll probably break his glasses.

Then it'll be like that episode of the Twilight Zone, a hikki stuck in a room full of visual novels with no glasses.

>> No.5140040
File: 16 KB, 825x434, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I would do it, if I was capable of relaxing enough to sleep in a cramped space like that.
Total cost of setup: 0$, I could totally pull it off with stuff on hand.
Risk of injury, 0.

>> No.5140043

Intense danmaku training!

>> No.5140051

it is.
but taking into account the general weight, and strength of a CRT monitor and the amount of Mass x Acceleration needed to completely destroy/crush/maim the human skull to the point of killing a man is much more than the weight and distance that the CRT monitor can provide I can discern that the person that the CRT monitor falls on will be hurt but not critically. the screen won't break either because of the low amount of acceleration and the fact that the head will roll left or right when the monitor lands, thus decelerating the monitor to the point were the screen won't smash. also when I went to go break a CRT monitor I had to throw the screen face down from 8 feat just to fracture the screen.

>> No.5140057

>throw a CRT monitor
>get hit by a falling CRT monitor

>> No.5140063

Wait, why not just get a glass table?

>> No.5140064

too expensive.

>> No.5140078

It's not all about the breaking the skull.
What about the trauma it would cause to his brain?
Plus, he's wearing glasses; He would at least go blind if they break.

>> No.5140081

Samefag here.
>would at least go blind if they break.
Sorry. Meant to say "could go blind if they break".

>> No.5140092

Don't forget, despite his injuries, getting to a hospital would mean he'd have to go outside.

His injuries would remain untreated.

>> No.5140093

since his head is stationary and against something solid, it won't cause the head to accelerate to the point of serious brain trauma. and the transfer of kinetic energy is rather moot when hitting something that's not going to accelerate into it's own direction.

as for him wearing glasses? they won't shatter, and in reaction the person under the monitor will close his eyes. if the glass in his glasses do break they will only cut his eyelids. and if he's asleep? he won't be wearing his glasses.

>> No.5140098

If that was an LCD, it'd probably break rather than your face.

>> No.5140100

when it comes to survival. conscious decision rarely has a say in what the brain and body want you to do. when injured, the basic human impulse is to seek help. if you do not react to your injuries. it means you are either dead/in shock/ or the injuries aren't serious.

>> No.5140115 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 524x797, 1272921213930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hikkimori have any survival instinct.
>basic human impulse

Another basic human impulse is reproduction, but you don't see too many hikkis partaking in that, do you?

>> No.5140121

Yet, he's asleep in the picture and he's wearing his glass.

>> No.5140131

nb4 someone responds seriously to this post.

>> No.5140133

it doesnt look like he is sleeping

>> No.5140134

But I do know of countless Hiki partaking in masturbation, which stems the tides of sexual desire (the basic impulse to mate and reproduce)

If a Hiki got seriously injured. he would want help if he was in danger of dieing. but since most hiki rarely get SERIOUSLY hurt, they stay where they are.

as for emo suicidal wrist slashing, that's just a call for attention. if they want to die and succeed, it only means that their will was stronger than their instinct.

>> No.5140137

I don't think he's sleeping.

>> No.5140140

Well, it looks too me like his eyes are closed.. but I guess you couldn't sleep with your left hand like that.

>> No.5140143

I forgot to hit the reply button.

That was a reply to >>5140137

>> No.5140149

you've never watched someone sleeping have you? its rather amusing some of the bizarre positions people sleep in. so yes, a person can sleep like that.

also. he's Asian. squinted eyes. plus the fact that there's light shining on his face from the window should suggest to you that he could be squinting.

>> No.5140152

See? >>5140131 What'd I tell ya?
Even when you're clearly joking.
/jp/ is strange like that.

>> No.5140172

>yes, a person can sleep like that.
>he could be squinting.
So, pretty much like I said in my post still.. he could be sleeping or he could not be sleeping

>> No.5140180

yes. but referring back to one of my earlier posts. his eyes would be closed. if his glasses did break, they would not shatter, so they would only slightly cut his eyelids.

>> No.5140182

in my opinion the fact that his hands are on the keyboard and on the mouse suggest that he is not sleeping, though

>> No.5140184


>> No.5140187

The topic changed and now you're confusing me.
Damn it. now I have to click through all the replies again.

>> No.5140231

What part of smashed skull did you all miss? That Sony monitor weighs at least 50 pounds I have one. That fucker would be dead in short order.
This is a fucking death trap.

>> No.5140233

did you pass any of your physics classes?

>> No.5140240

You're a goddamn idiot.

I can barely even lift my monitor, if it fell 2-3ft onto my face my skull would crack instantly. No question.

>> No.5140246

You don't need rocket science to tell that would fucking hurt if it landed on your face? Also, CRTs need to be specially discharged before being serviced, since they store deadly electricity.

>> No.5140253

That is almost a Meter above his head. He is dead meat if it falls.

>> No.5140255

Yeah, no. While it's true that allowing a CRT's caps to discharge across your chest is prettymuch a recipe for death, that's not going to happen in this situation.

>> No.5140256

ok let me put this into a math equation you could understand

50Id X 2 FPS = no greater than 980 N force. it takes greater than 1500 N force to crush the skull.

you have a better chance of dieing by jumping face first into the pavement from a standing point of 3 feet of the ground. which would put all your weight onto your skull. but seeing as how I'm still alive. and people throughout history have fallen onto their heads from greater height, are still alive.

tell me, what does that tell you?

>> No.5140258

Take it easy.

>> No.5140262

again, it takes a great amount of force (or a hammer) to break a CRT screen.

>> No.5140264

I meant 50Ib.

>> No.5140266

Frankly, who cares about the physics. If you do this, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5140267

It tells me you take physics too literally.

980 is close enough to your supposed 1500, even if by some miracle if doesn't crack the skull it's still going to break your nose and give your a massive concussion that would likely lead to death, unless he was rushed to a hospital immediately.

>> No.5140269

If we assume that the monitor is 1m above the user's head, upon falling it will hit the user in approximately 0.45s, at a speed of 4.4m/s.

Assuming, for lack of any real data, that it takes 0.1s for the monitor to stop moving after contacting the user's head, the monitor will impart 11,070N of force due to the collision, plus another 250N from its own weight. That's a total of 11,320N, which is equivalent to 1,153kg.

That is more than a ton.

>> No.5140278

refer to my firs post>>5139976

>> No.5140280

The CRT doesn't have to break for it to kill you. I will simply bash your brains out.

>> No.5140288

I just went and roughly weighed this exact monitor and it is around 43 pounds.

>> No.5140287 [DELETED] 

We already addressed that...

>> No.5140294

See: >>5140093

>> No.5140301

hhhmmm....I guess it's been too long since my last physics class. (or I'm just tired and my math was way off)

but even then, considering that the weight is distributed across a wider area, and that the weight is on the skull for close to 0.1 seconds, it shouldn't cause critical damage, a fracture or to but nothing indented.

bah I'm tired.

>> No.5140306

I don't know who to believe any more.
How about we just say it's a fucking stupid thing to do and call it a day?

>> No.5140308

Ah, so it could be fatal, then.

>> No.5140311

I'd doubt you would ever wake up.

>> No.5140317

skull fractures aren't fatal. unless it indented. if it's just a fracture, you will have a bad bad headache for a few weeks since you would be concussed.

>> No.5140319

So you're telling me that if I drop a CTR from 1m height it will have the same weight as a small car?
Yeah, sure.

>> No.5140321


>> No.5140322

If you look closely you'll see his face is censored, meaning he is immune to the effects of a CRT to the face.

>> No.5140325

for about a fraction of a second.

I've seen footage of a dude's head getting run over by a large car(olds mobile), and lived.

>> No.5140326


That wasn't what I meant.
I am tired too, as well as being a naturally absent-minded person.
I was referring to the fact that your math could be off... Don't bother thinking too much about it.
The thought process that went through my mind when I made that post was bizarre.

>> No.5140330

For about a tenth of a second, yes. The reason why fast things hitting other things isn't because they're going fast. It's because they're stopping very,very quickly.

Newton's second law of motion, bitch.

>> No.5140331

>fast things hitting other things
fast things break when hitting other things

>> No.5140334

That was actually pretty good timing, anon.

>> No.5140335

yes, my favourite street moto.

going fast never hurt anybody, it's suddenly becoming stationary that gets yah.

>> No.5140337

Would the force of two cars hitting each other at 50 mph equal the force of a single car hitting a wall at 50 mph?

>> No.5140340

Look at your floor. Yeah, that floor under your feet. Chances are that there's another room underneath it. If not, just go upstairs, and look at the floor there.
You still following? Good.
Now imagine you're holding a standard CRT monitor. You know, these things that an average human can lift without much problems. And, just hypothetically, let's say you hold it 1 meter above the floor we so throughoughtly studied before.
Okay, here comes the difficult part, drop the thing. Theoretically, of course. Now, just let your imagination play: the monitor's falling, gaining velocity, falling, closer to the floor...
It hit the floor. Now what does our intact human mind imagine about a CRT monitor falling from 1 meter height? Well who would have guessed, the floor is still intact, not a scratch even!
Yeah, now imagine a car being parked on the very same floor. Chances are that if your house is old, CRACK
suddenly the car's potential energy is about 3m less, which means that it cracked right through your old piece of shit floor.

Again, you wanted to tell me that a falling CRT is as heavy as a car.

>> No.5140342


>> No.5140344

No. Relative velocities are 100mph. Assuming you're talking about a head-on collision of course.

>> No.5140345

Multiplying speed by frames per second...

>> No.5140347


not always. you must consider mass, weight, density of the object. a bullet with little mass and weight but great density with it acceleration penetrates solid objects.

>> No.5140348

To be honest, I would be very very surprised if a car would be heavy enough to break a floor. A truck I could see, but floors are a LOT stronger than you give them credit for. Even "old piece of shit" floors are usually shoddy in specific places, not weak in general.

>> No.5140350

Yes, two cars both going 50 mph in a head-on collision.

It would have the same force as a single car hitting a wall at 100 mph.

>> No.5140353


You're a retard, take physics again.

>> No.5140354

>In classical mechanics, momentum (pl. momenta; SI unit kg·m/s, or, equivalently, N·s) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object (p = mv)

Again, you wanted to tell me that a falling CRT doesn't gain momentum while a car does?

>> No.5140355
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>> No.5140360

The car would impact the wall and move backwards equal to the force it hit it with.

What kind of dumbass question is that?

>> No.5140363

Diamonds are not a metal, but you knew that didn't you?

>> No.5140367

Carbon is the hardest metal on the periodic tablet.

>> No.5140369

What I want to tell you is that a CRT dropped from 1m does not gain enough acceleration to hit with over 10000N.
Fucking retard.

>> No.5140370
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>> No.5140371

I was multiplying by feet per second.
not entirely, grab all your family members and put them into the same room, 2000 pounds is a ton. i'm pretty sure your floor was meant to have a good amount of weight on it since its generally has to put up with a 200 ib couch, and another 400 ibs in other furniture. and since I've had 8 people all weighing more than 200ibs in the same room. I can safely say that a living room or bedroom floor can withstand a small car.

and again a ton isn't much if its there for 1/10 of a second.

>> No.5140372

Also, floors being the flexible structures they are, will have quite a significantly higher strength instantaneously than they would continuously.

You should be ashamed.

>> No.5140373

Diamond is strong but brittle. It won't deform, it will crack.

>> No.5140374

Carbon is not a metal.

>> No.5140379
File: 165 KB, 594x1175, diamond is the hardest metal known the man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can scarcely believe that I have to post this. What happened to you, Anonymous?

>> No.5140383

/jp/ - Physics/General

>> No.5140385
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>> No.5140391

>/jp/ - Physics/General
Should that be "/jp/ - Physics Culture" now?

>> No.5140402

>CRT dropped from 1m does not gain enough acceleration to hit with over 10000N.
Yes it can!
Lets make the math:
p = mv
m=p/v =10000/4.4=2272kg=5.008lbs
the CRT would merely need to be 5 pounds and his head would be pancake.

>> No.5140408 [DELETED] 

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.5140414


Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.5140420


Haha you're retarded.

>> No.5140430

Will this be on the quiz?

>> No.5140435

/jp/ quiz

>> No.5140436

I don't buy this bullshit.

>> No.5140437


dude that math is not right.

>> No.5140440

Shut up! You're giving them ideas jerkass.

>> No.5140444

you weren't supposed too.

>> No.5140446

Whenever I see pictures of this that appear to be in Japan I just think of how much that would suck if there were a minor earthquake while he was sitting under it.

>> No.5140450

>the CRT would merely need to be 5 pounds and his head would be pancake.

>> No.5140451


How did convert 2272 kilograms to 5.008 pounds

>> No.5140456

According to God, the hardest metal known to man is Dragon Force. It's folded over 10000 times you know.

>> No.5140462

This is now a /sci/ thread.

Atheists: If evolution is true, how come no one knows how magnets work?

>> No.5140464

google'd "2272kg to pounds".

>> No.5140466

Theists: If god exists why are you allowed to touch little girls down there but I am not?

>> No.5140470

but you'd have to fight your way through the fire and flames to obtain such a metal

>> No.5140471

2272 kilograms = 5 008.9026 pounds

I think you're google is broken

>> No.5140473

answer: karma.

>> No.5140480

Still stands.

>> No.5140497

no because than the monitor would have to be two and a half tons to pancake your skull.

>> No.5140507

2 1/4 tons

>> No.5140522

Average CRT easily weighs that much.

>> No.5140525

10000N isn't a real number anyway.
I'm sure skulls crack with orders of magnitude less force.

>> No.5140527

>2 metric ton CRT
what the fuck are you smoking, give me some

>> No.5140534

oh u

>> No.5140535

I stand corrected, two tons and a quarter.

but really it all depends if your going by metric, net, or gross.

>> No.5140540
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car (2 tons)

>> No.5140552

all depending on what it is falling from a standing position imparts 980 N, which CAN cause a fracture. for something the size of a CRT monitor it would have to impart way more than 1500 N to fracture the skull but people have survived receiving 6000N to the skull.

>> No.5140553

is that ralph lauren polo i'm seeing? guy must be RICH

>> No.5140570

>this thread

>> No.5140583

what formula are you guys using to come up with #N?

>> No.5140584

A 43kg monitor falling from a height of 1m will have roughly 190N/s of momentum when it collides with his face.

It will then bounce back up to a height of 1m doing 0 damage to the mans face.

>> No.5140636

In order to calculate the force exerted by the CRT monitor, we must first calculate the impulse. Suppose that the mass of the CRT monitor is 40 kg, and the monitor is in contact with the man's head for 0.1seconds during the collision. Assume that there is no rebounding after the collision.

Impulse = mass * (change in velocity) = 40 kg * 4.4m/s =176 kg m/s

Force = Impulse/time = 176 kg/0.1s = 1760 N

>> No.5140637

Assuming a perfectly spherical monitor, a spherical face, no air resistance, and a perfectly inelastic collision...

>> No.5140638

solve for t (time taken to fall)
solve for vf (velocity immediately prior to landing)
solve for a (deceleration upon landing)
solve for F (force of impact)

>> No.5140665

Whether the monitor fractures his skull or smashes it seems irrelevant to the fact that the force of the monitor hitting the head would cause critical injury to the brain and thus death.

The skull roughly encases the brain with a 1cm gap between bone and brain matter with fluid to separate the two and protect the brain from minor concussive force.

A CRT monitor hitting the front of the skull would slam the brain up against the back of the skull causing extensive bruising of the brain and death in my opinion, feel free to prove me wrong by trying this at home.

HINT: Make your funeral arrangements, organ donation, do not resupinate and will stating who will get your figurines beforehand.

>> No.5140678

My family knows to bury me with my figurines.

>> No.5140687

*meant "do not resuscitate" but you get the idea...

>> No.5140691

the brain is surprisingly a lot more safe than you suggest. the head is stationary up against a solid object. thus in no way moves or causes inertia or whiplash for the brain to hit the back of the skull like you say. and the transfer of kinetic energy wouldn't cause the brain to slam with enough force, like you say, to cause enough damage where it would cause death. people have been in accidents where the inertia from a car crash far out ways they amount of kinetic energy the monitor would impart in the skull, and survived.

>> No.5140693

Nevertheless either the skull or the CRT scree would have to give.
Either the skull cracks or the CRT. either way the kid WILL need medical assistance.

>> No.5140696

just because your head doesn't move does't mean you're brain won't.

>> No.5140701

I never said he wouldn't. in fact in my first post I said he's going to have a concussion(implying a possible skull fracture) and a broken nose.

he would also have blood from his gums if not missing some teeth.

regardless, the amount of force or acceleration applied to the brain will only leave him disoriented. people suffer far worse and can still walk afterward.

>> No.5140702

Speaking from your years of extensive watching of ER again anon...

>> No.5140703


Similarly people have died from blows to the head with far less inertia. All that's required is any insult that raises the intracranial pressure sufficiently and it's lights out.

>> No.5140704

I say this fag who insists it would only make him dizzy tries it out. I'll be watching the news.

>> No.5140718
File: 18 KB, 240x320, yourdoctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one dies on my watch...

>> No.5140723

no speaking from the experiences I've had in the past, also from spending a good amount of time around a nurse (my step mother), and a doctor (my brother) and from reading my brothers medical books.

>> No.5140728

I never said it wouldn't require medical attention. I'm saying it won't kill you.

>> No.5140730

>All that's required is any insult
Yore a gay person that enjoy heterosexual hentai touhou doujins.

>> No.5140734
File: 9 KB, 350x350, hehaslupus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess... Lupus.

>> No.5140743

you know what. I'm going to bed. your just trying to entice reaction now.

>> No.5140748
File: 74 KB, 651x367, umi18-241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great success!

>> No.5140749

>you know what. I'm going to bed.

We did it >>5140734 High five!

>> No.5140756

Sure is /b/ around here.

>> No.5140758
File: 27 KB, 485x395, 1239393640272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>163 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>163 posts mostly about physics

awesome job /jp/

>> No.5140773


If you had read your brother's medical books enough, you'd know that it's ridiculous to claim that such an injury necessarily "WON'T" kill you, based on the fact that the amount of energy imparted won't do enough direct damage to the brain to kill you. (?!)

Sure, the brain itself is pretty well protected, but a large amount of brain injury is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the meninges, particularly in this situation the dura mater which could result in a sub or epidural bleed, and these are pretty nasty.

Now unlike you I'm not saying this WILL happen, I'm saying it can and has happened, and it's why you shouldn't fuck around with head injury. "Oh hey he's just concussed, in fact oh shit what happened to his pupillary reflex why is he extending his arms like that"

>> No.5140799

The television of Damocles. Interesting idea.

>> No.5140813
File: 36 KB, 401x280, Sprite 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5140820

haha, not very many people will get this.

>> No.5140830

What are you saying? /jp/ is full of cultured worldly gentlemen. I doubt anyone here wouldn't get the reference.

>> No.5140842
File: 84 KB, 660x468, 1269658665701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't.

>> No.5140843

I must confess, I know little of the Sword of Damocles tale other than the fact that it involves a king whose throne was positioned under a sword.

I should go read up about it.

>> No.5140844

Because it's very deep?

>> No.5140877

You pretty much set for life if you get one of those in the face and live in America.
Just sue away!

>> No.5140928

1. The monitor will not fall the full distance unless both tables simultaneously cease existing.
2. The monitor will not be falling straight down, it will be tilted and a lot of the force will be redirected to the ground besides the poor person.

>> No.5141253 [DELETED] 


hahaha. win

>> No.5141265


here ya go

>> No.5143163

Actually, no, no I didn't: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/resupinate

>> No.5143180

That is, until you posted that clarification you were saying "do not invert yourself like a flower and will stating who will get your figurines beforehand"

>> No.5143233

>it involves a king whose throne was positioned under a sword.
That should be enough to get the joke.

>> No.5143474

I get the joke, but still request the_joke_your_head.jpg just because I love that picture.

>> No.5143491
File: 22 KB, 236x253, 1272989438415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are, Anonymous.

>> No.5143644

I would laugh so hard if that thing fell on his face.

>> No.5143716

Thank you so much!

>> No.5143753
File: 130 KB, 1000x750, welcome to japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5143759
File: 144 KB, 1280x960, welcome to japan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5143770
File: 48 KB, 466x350, welcome to japan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5143807

Some of these are so unsafe it makes me cringe.

>> No.5143835

you have to understand that death would be a welcome relief to these tortured NEETs

>> No.5143847
File: 107 KB, 300x400, chair4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5145532

Bottom left panel: I.. do this....

>> No.5145558


>> No.5145567

Flat screens should make this safer and more common. Where are the new pics?

>> No.5145608

No racing wheel? That's just a missed opportunity.

>> No.5145781


>> No.5145827

I believe you missed the fact that there's a treadmill under the chair.

>> No.5148720

There is no threadmill there.

>> No.5148734

How is this thread still here?

>> No.5148739

Still no mashed skull.

>> No.5149020

So anyone tried trying this and see if it smashes their skull yet?

>> No.5149029

I would try it on my roommate if I had a CRT monitor, and i missed spring clean up so no free monitors. and there's no place around here that would be selling them. too bad, I was hoping to have a reason to hurt my roommate.

>> No.5149030

Since no one has reported their experiences, either no one have tried, or no one....... returned alive from it.........

>> No.5149031 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 55
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 12

>> No.5149051

wouldn't that amount to second degree murder?

>> No.5149066

if he died, he's at peace, and I could call it an accident and say I tripped moving the monitor out. if he lived, he would just beat the shit out of me and we'd both have to go to the hospital. either way it works out fine.

>> No.5149067 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 16
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 87

>> No.5149071

I think that's the point, anon.

>> No.5149086

I'm pretty sure that behind the glass of a CRT there is a partial vacuum, so when that falls on his head it'd probably have enough force to break the glass, which is going to cause it to implode, which is going to fling some very fine fragments of glass out of the monitor with enough speed to get potentially flung through the eye socket and into the brain if he's unlucky . Whilst most of the glass will be pulled in by the implosion, there will be enough getting flung out again afterward to cause plenty of damage. And that's besides the heavy weight of the CRT dropping on his skull.

>> No.5149088

no it's not. I would never willingly hurt my roommate. even though he annoys the shit out of me, and makes me want to shoot him. I would never try to kill him. at least not in a way that looked like it was on purpose.

>> No.5149094


>> No.5149098

You men you... Wait what? I was.... kidding...

>> No.5149099

Fuck off you fucking psychopath killer fag.

>> No.5149103 [DELETED] 

You know, however much I hate /b/, I think it would probably be nice if ALL boards had the "the stories and information here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood" disclaimer..

>> No.5149106

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.5149108

I wish I had some good psychopath killer laughing images.
I love you Nuka.
Please bear my ass child.

>> No.5149131
File: 489 KB, 380x300, 1271081922872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my, is this a confession, oh my I don't know what to do.

>> No.5149676

Stop posting, srsly, you're posting even more than that asshole jones.
