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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5138746 No.5138746 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>do nothing all day
>feel indifferent about it

>> No.5138754

>reported your dumb ass

>> No.5138751

Typical /jp/ anon

>> No.5138760

Another namefag added to the filter

>> No.5138759

why is your IP not banned yet for making the same threads over and over and over?

>> No.5138770

neet = otakus

>> No.5138776

My dumb ass cannot be reported.

>> No.5138780
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>> No.5138795


You're still an autistic.

Good thing you can't see my posts autistic, since none of you are allowed to read them.

>> No.5138923

More like wake up, play mahjong for 3 hours and punch a hole in the wall out of frustration after losing every single game. Why I still play this shit is beyond me.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.5138929
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>wake up
>do nothing all day
>feel alright about it

>> No.5138934
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Well hello there

>> No.5138937

Do you even know how to play?

>> No.5138989
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>wake up
>do nothing all day
>feel suicidal about it

>> No.5138994

Yes, I've been playing for years, I just get utterly shitty hands every single time when I'm playing tenhou. The game loves giving me a shitload of single honors and characters, but not so many that I can cancel the round.

And when I actually do get a decent hand, somebody riichis in the first round. If I just sucked at the game I wouldn't get pissed off to the point of punching a hole in my wall.

>> No.5138997

>Wake up
>Go on a date
>Nap for 6 hours
>/jp/ time
>Feels good, man

>> No.5138998

Take it easy broskie

>> No.5139000
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>wake up
>do lots of stuff all day
>feels good, man

>> No.5139003

>wake up
>go to work
>wish to die
>wish I could afford to do nothing all day

>> No.5139001
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>> No.5139009

Nice try

>> No.5139012

>wake up
>do nothing all day
>feel depressed about it
>do nothing anyway

>> No.5139014

>wake up, fall out of bed
>run a comb across my head
>find my way downstairs and have a cup
>looking up, I notice I am late

>> No.5139017

I woke up and spent 8 hours in bed watching NCIS.

I really should do something with my life, but that requires leaving my room. Playing games all day just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

>> No.5139018

>wake up
>refresh /jp/
>type 3 lines of semester paper
>refresh /jp/
>type 3 lines of semester paper
>remember to eat

>> No.5139024

I feel your pain

>> No.5139025
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>wake up
>feel like finally changing your life and do all kinds of stuff
>end up doing nothing really except browsing /jp/
>feel not so good about it

>> No.5139031

>ridiculously busy
>wake up
>do nothing all day

>> No.5139032
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I like to watch an episode of Saki after a bad day of mahjong. Keeps me reminded how much of it is based on luck

>> No.5139039

There's always tomorrow.

>> No.5139047

I just need a way to have internet and food without working...
I don't need anything else.

>> No.5139076

>wake up
>Hey I'm finally going to start studying that Remembering the Kanji book I ordered off Amazon a year ago so I can play some cool VNs one day
>I should go look for a job while I'm at it
>Browse 4chan/play TF2 all day
>Eh, I'll start tomorrow

Every day of my life for the past year.

>> No.5139081

I studied earlier and then I exercised (ran 5 miles). Now I'm either going to work on some music or draw while posting on /jp/. Might play some PS3 (Valkyrie Chronicles or SSF4) later tonight.

Fascinating, huh? Did you also enjoy the lack of green text?

>> No.5139085

I LOVE doing nothing. Effort isn't worth the effort.

>> No.5139093 [DELETED] 

>Wake up
>Think about killing myself
>Nah, not yet. Maybe tomorrow
>Browse /jp/
>Fap five times

>> No.5139094


>> No.5139100

>Wake up
>Think about doing something
>Look in my wallet but I have no money
>Think about finishing old art work(but i don't)
>So I just come to /jp/

>> No.5139101

>wake up
>MMO for a few hours
>Violin/Guitar/Piano for a few hours
>/jp/ until sleep

Not to bad. Kind of wish I went to school or something, but its just not possible ;_;

>> No.5139113

I was laying in bed all day, even after I woke up. I've been out of bed for about 5min and I want to already go back.

>> No.5139118

So much fucking greentext. As expected of weekend /jp/.

>> No.5139130

That's not how you quote. Get the fuck back to /v/.

>> No.5139139

>Wake up
>Think about practicing Guitar today
>Go on /jp/
>11 hours later
>"I'll practice first thing tomorrow!"

>> No.5139142

Please, go back to /v/, all of you.

>> No.5139147

Dear blog,
Today I reported a thread on /jp/. Let me tell you all about it.
I was minding my own business, refreshing 4chan absentmindedly as usual, when all of a sudden I see this horrible /v/ throwback of a thread rear its ugly misquoted head. Being the gallant defender of all things good and pure I am, I immediately unsheathed my +5 vorpal penis of threadslaying and struck the thread's weak point for massive damage. Semen got everywhere.
Then I fucked my banging hot girlfriend (kuso wa honto ni cash) and got high with my bros. Good times.

>> No.5139151

Yeah these guys still think they're in /v/ or /a/. It's OK though! Everyone is a newfriend at some point.

It's just "zunbar".

What can you do with the PSN ID anyways? I don't got an extra keyboard or mic. If Anon just wants to chat then it would be easier to make a new MSN or something.

>> No.5139154

I want to play the video games with you.

>> No.5139159

If you know what I mean

>> No.5139162


I remember buying that 2 weeks ago.

Played Dan for an hour, got bored, and haven't touched it since. Buyer's remorse is cruel.

>> No.5139165

You banged Sion?

>> No.5139178

My clone.

>> No.5139185

>implying /v/ invented that shit

>> No.5139192

Woke up, realized I pissed and shit the bed somehow, spent the entire day washing sheets and scrubbing the mattress.

Fun stuff.

>> No.5139208

Who cares who invented it. Just get out.

>> No.5139210

You mad?

>> No.5139219
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>> No.5139223

You reek of /v/. Kindly get the fuck out.

>> No.5139228

Nope, but if it makes you feel better about your shitposting feel free to believe whatever you want.

>> No.5139232

God dammit

I avoided 4chan till 2am like usual and its still shit.

>> No.5139247
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>> No.5139260
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It's the weekend, there is no avoiding it. Kids are always awake at every hour across the globe when school's out.

>> No.5139275

>Wake up
>/jp/ time
>Go eat lunch
>Fill out job app at said place

>> No.5139312

>Wake up in the morning
>Feel like P. Diddy
>Grab my glasses
>I'm out the door
>I'm gonna hit this city

>> No.5139329

That was so funny I forgot to laugh! Oh lordy!

>> No.5139364

Ugh, I'll never go back into hardcore raiding.

>> No.5139364,1 [INTERNAL] 

unless you die

>> No.5139364,2 [INTERNAL] 

remember when /jp/ was more outwardly depressed

>> No.5139364,3 [INTERNAL] 

Only the happy teens are left

>> No.5139364,4 [INTERNAL] 

those normteens will know my wrath
