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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 262 KB, 454x476, Tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135638 No.5135638 [Reply] [Original]

Tenshi's cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.5135647

Touhou Tenshi has cool moves, awesome music and a personality. Your Tenshi is just another cookie cutter cooldere moeblob.

>> No.5135643
File: 117 KB, 628x867, 10554414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, it is.

>> No.5135652
File: 517 KB, 888x1015, 10334136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back.

>> No.5135653
File: 198 KB, 567x800, tenshi_angel_beats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until her past is revealed...

>> No.5135654

I don't like Touhou Tenshi... I like Touhou but Tenshi... Kanade is much better. Angel Beats really is an awesome anime

>> No.5135650
File: 2.05 MB, 992x1852, real deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135658


>> No.5135660
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1273868666132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135668
File: 132 KB, 407x419, hatsune miku isnt amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou character
>Touhou music

>> No.5135671
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1273868639439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135685

Sure you have Tenshi, but Yui was a much better character in Angel Beats.

>> No.5135681


>> No.5135679
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1273868771885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135687
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1273868793341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135688

Say it with me. Kanade



>> No.5135690 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 800x625, 10298559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying disney makes anime

>> No.5135700
File: 88 KB, 600x444, 3e285b536298b3673850b1af7fd4d957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is one of the few Touhou characters that I dislike. Iku was the best thing that came out of SWR.

>> No.5135702

Oh great. a new episode of that shitty crap must have aired. Reporting these thread as usual.

>> No.5135707

>>5135638 miracle of the universe.
Odd. Using "universe" implies you're an atheist but if you're an atheist you shouldn't believe in miracles.

>> No.5135708

>Touhou character
Yes she is
haven't you even HEARD of the "hit me harder" meme back in the day, Tenshi being the masochist begging to be struck?
>Touhou Music
'nuff said

>> No.5135716 [DELETED] 

>implying KyoAni isn't the Disney of Japan

>> No.5135738

I know it's the weekend, but seriously guys anime goes in /a/. We don't talk about that here. /jp/ does not approve.

and don't give me that "Angel Beats has a light novel" crap. Your not talking about the light novel your talking about the anime and how great your Hatsu Inu ripoff of character is.

in short GTFO of /jp/. You don't have to go to /a/, but you can't stay here.

>> No.5135742

>XD im an atheist im so edgy

>> No.5135739

>Using "universe" implies you're an atheist
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.5135749
File: 36 KB, 370x300, he mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135751

Anime is related to Otaku Culture, what now.

>> No.5135759

Angel Beats is Key.

Faggot status:
[x] Told
[] Not told

>> No.5135765

Anime and Manga belong on /a/

>> No.5135770 [DELETED] 

By that logic so is Seppuku because it comes from japan as well. Now go commit Seppuku.

protip: Seppuku is ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword; practiced by samurai in the traditional Japanese society

>> No.5135777

By that logic so is Seppuku because it comes from japan as well. Now go commit Seppuku.

protip: Seppuku is ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword; practiced by samurai in the traditional Japanese society

>> No.5135780
File: 29 KB, 250x250, 1273607800577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135788


>> No.5135799

What does coming from Japan have to do with something being part of 'otaku culture?'

>> No.5135802
File: 53 KB, 396x600, not mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135801

gotta love your arguments, /a/

Otaku stands for ANYTHING, you don't even know what the work really means. But it doesn't matter, ANIME and MANGA belongs to the board about ANIME and MANGA specifically: /a/. Thus, is against the rules to post it here. (Fucking retard moot for changing our board name, and fucking retard moot-cock-suckers for supporting it)

Yeah because /jp/ - KEY right?
The only relation Angel beats have with KEY is Jun Maeda. And that is not enough reason to post about it here.

>> No.5135806

We hate Key.

>> No.5135809


word. fxed for you.

>> No.5135813


>> No.5135821
File: 12 KB, 232x230, 12679412049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ね - na

>> No.5135834

lol you're buttmad

>> No.5135839

>lol i troll u while bumping my own thread!!!!

>> No.5135847
File: 103 KB, 537x500, 1271816375927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135844
File: 47 KB, 400x300, notmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5135858

>The only relation Angel beats have with KEY is Jun Maeda.
lol, no. Na-Ga is the character designer, and KEY is co-producing the whole damn project.
The main scenario writer and character designer are basically the only people worth remembering for a VN staff anyway.

>> No.5135865

>The only relation Angel beats have with KEY is Jun Maeda. And that is not enough reason to post about it here.
And who the hell are you to say that's not enough a reason?

>> No.5135871

If you don't pay attention to your waifu's VA, you don't deserve to call her your waifu.

>> No.5135877

What does tenbin mean? The last kanjis with sky/heaven and the other kanji you find in binjyo.

Thanks in advance

>> No.5135893

Y'know just because some people working for KEY helped make an anime doesn't make this topic /jp/ related...AT ALL.

Ryukishi07 is providing the story for a manga and we don't talk about that here either.

>> No.5135900

>The main scenario writer and character designer are basically the only people worth remembering for a VN staff anyway.
You're forgetting composer. Which is also Maeda.

>> No.5135905

便所 = toilet.
所 = place.
So 便 must mean shit.
天便 = Heavenly shit?

>> No.5135910

便所 = べんじょ

>> No.5135914

We do and have talked about it here.

>> No.5135913

Derp, forgot to mention that because it was Maeda.

>> No.5135920

[easymodo links needed]

>> No.5135924

the translator stopped posting it because people raged.

>> No.5135933

Lol nevermind

天使 = てんし

I dont have japanese input on Winshit 7.0.

>> No.5135943

I thought you were trolling.

>> No.5135949


Do you think we cared about Blassreiter just because our God, Urobuchi Gen, wrote the screenplay for what, 8 Episodes?

>> No.5135953

Fuck. Forgot my sage.

>> No.5135965

立華 奏

>> No.5135973

AB is still /jp/ related, whether you like it or not.

>> No.5135970

/jp/ is really shit sometimes

>> No.5135989

A sage post announcing you forgot to use sage is pretty much useless.
Sort of like this post.

>> No.5135990


It is not. It never was. It will never be.

I watch this anime but I don't post about it here, why can't you all do the same as me? Why can't you keep the /a/ threads in /a/? Why do you seek attention to your own thread that much just because this is a slower board and you will have less trouble competing against the many threads /a/ have? why?

>> No.5135991

And is there any reason why this should not be in /a/?

>> No.5135995

Nah, you're pretty much the only one seeking attention. In fact, I made this thread just to piss you off.

>> No.5136004

I'm surprised ZUN hasn't posted here. He always did watch pretty much every popular anime that airs.

>> No.5136008
File: 79 KB, 507x755, waterworld1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「water closet」=トイレ

>> No.5136033


>> No.5136051

People who do things to deliberatley piss people off usually do it for the attention.

I think /a/ might be tsundere for /jp/

>> No.5136059

I actually lied. I didn't even make the thread.
But anyway, why are you not using sage?

>> No.5136091

> I dont have japanese input on Winshit 7.0.
Do you mean the handwriting input? They may have taken out the foreign-language handwriting input bar (or rather, disabled it), but you can still enter Japanese characters and the like one-by-one by using the "IME Pad", which can be opened by displaying the Language bar.

>> No.5136101

Yes she is cute, now GTFO.

>> No.5136108

け・な・で? ちがうか。

>> No.5136111

If you do want the input bar, just download the language pack, and Vistalizator.

>> No.5136125

> Vistalizator
Well huh, hadn't known about that. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.5136140

>Urobuchi Gen, wrote the screenplay for what, 8 Episodes?
Yeah, and those 8 episodes are easily a thousand times better then anything Itano wrote for that shit series.

>> No.5136144

>Otaku stands for ANYTHING, you don't even know what the work really means. But it doesn't matter, ANIME and MANGA belongs to the board about ANIME and MANGA specifically: /a/. Thus, is against the rules to post it here.
>Otaku stands for ANYTHING
Your argument is flawed.

>> No.5136170

In this thread, I can tell exactly who is here for the weekend and/or is out of school.

It truly is amazing how obvious it is, too.

>> No.5136211

If there is a board especially for X then X content should be posted in the X board. Like he already said: If you post something that is specifically from another board, that thing will automatically be unrelated to any other board you post besides the board directed to that thing.
