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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5131726 No.5131726 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is it /jp/, that makes a particularly good VN.

Just curious as what it takes for /jp/ to really enjoy a VN.

>> No.5131727

lots of good sex scenes.
also FSN.

>> No.5131730

Infodumps. I like it when a VN is loaded with unrelated but entertaining information.

A good cast is a big plus too.

>> No.5131732

And cooking, lots of cooking.

>> No.5131731

DEEP story and XD so random characters

>> No.5131735

Atmosphere that sucks you into the story, interesting story, good characters, bawww is a plus

>> No.5131737

Things that make me think "Holy shit, this is awesome."

Unexpected plot twists, fight scenes done well (Umineko ep3 comes to mind), whatever it is, if it makes me actually get excited and interested it's good

>> No.5131736

Mind of Steel makes a good VN.

>> No.5131740
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A little sister character who wear pantyhose.

>> No.5131741
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>> No.5131748

Likeable characters, general atmosphere, good story that doesn't drag too much.

>> No.5131751


>> No.5131755
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Character development and tragedy.

Good ends are for faggots.

>> No.5131758

Lets say im looking for something that has a fucktons of girls to choose from so if nothing else getting all the the endings could keep me busy for a while, make a suggestion.

>> No.5131762


How about a c haracter wearing pantyhose period?

>> No.5131763

Uh, Clannad has orbs.

>> No.5131768
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well done world setting and the scenario in which story happens

>> No.5131773
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Everything this image represents is what makes a good VN.

>> No.5131775

>fight scenes done well (Umineko ep3 comes to mind)

>> No.5131776

deep realdeal people dying story that makes no sense

>> No.5131781

Well-developed story, avoidance of personality-less cliche characters (especially in regards to the protagonist), consistency within the story's own universe.

>> No.5131780

A boring retard?

>> No.5131785

Nah, swords.

>> No.5131786

is that sword attached to his mutha fuckin arm

>> No.5131788
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Flyable Heart
Hoshizora no Memoria

Not "fucktons", but put together that's 13 routes.

Pic is one of the things I like, Suzuha is the most adorable girls in the universe.

>> No.5131789
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Interesting cast and setting are a must, as well as good pacing. A good plot with believable twists and some infodumps are nice things, but not all games need them.

>> No.5131790
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Scenes like this

>> No.5131792

>A story no more complex than moemoe highschool girls going, "DAISUKI PROTAGONIST-KUN"

>> No.5131793

Most critically aclaimmed VNs in Japan are Muv-Luv Alternative, Yu-No and Clannad.

Muv-Luv Alternative: Sci-fi setting, shit hits the fan, BRICKS
Yu-No: Sci-fi setting, shit hits the fan, BRICKS
Clannad:Romance drama/comedy that span on several years.

>> No.5131797
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Or like this

>> No.5131796


>hurp magical illness people dying etc

>> No.5131803

No retarded powerlevel action bullshit, I'm fucking sick and tired of that shit. No retarded moe highschool bullshit, I'm fucking sick and tired of that as well. I get it, most people who play eroge have the mentality of 15 year old kids, but jesus christ, where are the seinen equivalent of eroge?

>> No.5131809

>implying moe highschool isn't seinen

>> No.5131816

Loser ecchi seinen.

>> No.5131819

well there are some but pretty much any of those are not translated, ofcourse that depends where you draw the line for seinen

>> No.5131834

Most things you read are by default, not just because of echi content.
Keep deluding yourself about 'mature vns about mature readers'

>> No.5131850

Do you enjoy insulting yourself?

>> No.5131853

Gimme a list of Romance based ones, ones where im going to wind up getting a girl to fall in love with me.

>> No.5131858

Personally and in this order :
Setting, because even your generic high school drama can be awesome if the setting is good, like PoI's last chapter or Ruitomo if you're into traps or Zwei Worter if you like giant robots.
Characters, these are the people I'm going to listen and read about for all the story, they must be unique and feel alive, heroines especially, seeing a tsundere going tsun only because she bumped into the mc and he put his hand on her tits is retarded and childish, seeing a tsundere being tsun because of a family feud, or because the mc did something that REALLY pissed her off is much better.
Finally, plot, is what glues the first two together, it's not really necessary, there are porn with plot games that are still enjoyable, but it makes the difference between a good game and an awesome one, Nitro+ is a master in this art.

>> No.5131874

Character design is a dealbreaker for me unless everything else is extremely good.
Setting as well, I suppose, and as few "japanese clichè" scenes as possible. You know the ones I'm talking about, the involuntarily groped heroine that screams and socks the mc and so on.

>> No.5131888

>Character design is a dealbreaker for me unless everything else is extremely good.
I don't understand this. Do you only watch movies if the actors are sufficiently good-looking?

>> No.5131891
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I consider a VN awesome when saving seems to take more time than reading another couple of lines. So, I guess it's all in the pacing and exciting scenes to me. And I don't usually start reading a VN if its setting seems boring to me, but that's a matter of personal taste.

Actually, that particular scene seemed pretty low-tier to me. Maybe because I didn't like Hikaru that much.

>> No.5131904

I don't think he means attractiveness but just the design of the characters. I wouldn't be able to fucking stand an eroge where the characters all have neon-color spiky hair and have fifty belts on.

>> No.5131929
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Good characters. Especially the MC.

Pic related.

>> No.5131944


The main character is the only character we're going to be stuck with almost all the fucking time.

>> No.5131969


Shame that MC's suck most of the time.

>> No.5131979

Well, most VNs in general suck, so no surprise there.

>> No.5131984
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>fight scenes done well (Umineko ep3 comes to mind)
Combination between physical FSN shounen fighting to Phoenix Wright logic battle, with minimal graphic and bad-ass ZTS techno tracks. Totally awesome.

>> No.5131993


We really need more female protagonists. Mary is made of win and awesome.

>> No.5132003

What low standards can you have to consider the "fight scenes" in Umineko good?

>> No.5132014

Satisfying end.

>> No.5132021


>> No.5132052
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Writing, decent chracter development, good ost, good mc, mind screw.

Basically, FS/N opposite.

>> No.5132062


Somebody should make a list of good VN's with female MC's.

>> No.5132067

Fuck yeah, Sharnoth.

>> No.5132071

Funny, aside from Sharnoth, I can't immediately recall any VNs with female main characters that aren't outright crazy sex romps(Like Sumeragi Ryoko's Bitchna 1nichi). Do otome games count then?

>> No.5132078
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I think so.

>> No.5132082


H-games are fine too. Most of /jp/ want to turn into a little girl and get gangbanged anyways.

>> No.5132083

Hmm... there aren't that many VNs that have female protagonists, discounting otome games ofcourse. The only ones that come in mind are:
SubaHibi (well atleast first chapter)

anyone know more? Ofcourse requirement is that they are good games.

>> No.5132091
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>> No.5132096

Celenaria (c'mon it's the same series as Sharnoth)

Others off the top of my head, Noel, Atlach-Nacha, MOON, Natsunone, Aoishiro, Akaiito, some mystery/horror doujin series that was popular and I can't remember the name of about some musical girl

>> No.5132097
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Hey there.

>> No.5132098


>> No.5132103

Sadly it's not really on level with rest of What A Beautiful series.

>> No.5132113
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Games from yuri/shoujo-ai genre.

Celenaria do get good review from accany. It seems like a fun fantasy adventure game if you count out the furries, futa and such.

>> No.5132129
File: 329 KB, 1600x1200, あおばギター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As >>5132098 said, Atled. Great novel with an enjoyable female protagonist. I heartily recommend it.

>> No.5132152

From Talestune artist? Looks good.

>> No.5132156

Someone should translate this. ;_;
It's a bit angsty but it's totally worth it in the end.

>> No.5132172

Fangirls are too busy translating SonoHana.

...Don't ask how that works.

>> No.5132174

Atled is yuri?

>> No.5132175

No, but it has female protagonist. Bitches love that shit.

>> No.5132193

there are many things, but generally I'd like characters I can like (preferably they shouldnt be all that generic either), interesting story/plot and good music (that fits in the mood, of course).
art is pretty irrelevant to me in plot-driven VN:s, but very relevant in romance/cute girls-stuff. In pure romance eroge the protagonist should be "empty", a "machine".

>> No.5132197

>In pure romance eroge the protagonist should be "empty", a "machine".
This is the worst. I fucking hate you and if I ever saw you I would punch you in the face.

>> No.5132199

Characters > story > music > artwork

>> No.5132215

but if the protagonists has too strong a personality, I cant feel like I am him during the VN!

>> No.5132224

I think you played too many shitty sexrompts with self-insert MC.
