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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5131239 No.5131239 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5131247

If you talk about the doujin on the net, I already have the translated one...

>> No.5131250

Cool. Do you have any other oreimo doujins?

>> No.5131260

Why so Chinese?

>> No.5131269

wait what

>> No.5131279
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>> No.5131281

is there a non-chinese one

>> No.5131287

Imouto+Plus. Not that good though.

>> No.5131293

I have the English one

>> No.5131304

mediafire to said oreimo doujins?

>> No.5131310

Just be contented with MU for now:
And it's from YQII.

>> No.5131311

Much better without pig disgusting chinese: http://sukebei.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=24486

>> No.5131312


Of course, others are fine too. Thanks.

>> No.5131430

Chinese is awesome, I'm learning mandarin and traditional chars at the moment, it's fun.

>> No.5131470

It's shit. Worst sounding language in the universe.

>> No.5131480
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>> No.5131482

Try Thai and Vietnamese, or German.

>> No.5131484

says the fag who doesnt even know the languages

>> No.5131490

Not the original poster. And as far as language goes, I know Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Japanese, and of course English.

>> No.5131497

All of which is used to read foreign porn, right?

>> No.5131499
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> English.
I speak that language, too. I learned it with the help of magical teacher Pastel Ink! Living in western Europe had nothing to do with it.

>> No.5131502

Hm, French might come in handy for 18th century erotic sadistic literature indeed.

>> No.5131504

>Implying I look at porn. Seriously, does it look like I look at porn? 3DPD

>> No.5131511

'Porn' isn't always 3DPD. I'm pretty sure you know about 2D porn and erotic literature.

>> No.5131513

You guys really need to find something better to do than fap all day.

I stopped fapping ~2 years ago and everyday gives off a feeling of accomplishment because even if I waste my whole day, I can think to myself that at least I didn't waste time fapping. I also get a shitload more done than I used to because I'm not constantly tempted to fap.

>> No.5131522

>even if I waste my whole day, I can think to myself that at least I didn't waste time fapping.

You realize how stupid that sounds right?

>> No.5131523

I usually fap once in two days. I'm circumcised (medical reasons, no religion) and my orgasms are pretty weak, so I don't feel the need to fap multiple times a day - it actually hurts to do so.

>> No.5131525

I am more accomplished than you in everything, and I still fap. How does that make you feel? Giving up something that takes maybe 1 hour if you're searching hard each night does not instantly give you a life.

>> No.5131526

That's like going to a restaurant, look at the menu, and does not order anything.

>> No.5131529

It would only sound stupid to a fapper.

Enjoy your shame and wasted tissues.

>> No.5131530

Seriously, the 120 days of Sodom would make an awesome eroge.

>> No.5131532

>I am more accomplished than you in everything

I HIGHLY doubt that, I go to MIT and pretty much have a job lined up at Microsoft as long as I don't screw up majorly. I may be a poorfag right now, but I'll be rich very soon.

>> No.5131533

Fapping has actually made me more productive. I got into the habit of only fapping in the shower. I now shave, shower and otherwise make myself presentable every day as a result, which led to more confidence in myself that led to actually doing productive things.

>> No.5131534

Personally I can't wait to play Justine.

Fapping is ok, but you shouldn't overdo it? Too much masturbating leads to severe depression.

>> No.5131535

I fap at least once a day. On good days, I do it three or four times.

>> No.5131536

Hardly. Fapping is healthy and normal.
>wasted tissues
Boo fucking hoo. I'm sorry you can't afford a fucking box of tissues.

>> No.5131537

>I'll be rich very soon
You poor naive bastard.

>> No.5131540


What are you doing, moving drugs? Inheritance?

>> No.5131539

Heard that so many times before. I already have a job, and more money in my accounts than you will EVER have working for Microsoft.

>> No.5131541

How much do you make?

>> No.5131542

>Fapping is ok, but you shouldn't overdo it? Too much masturbating leads to severe depression.

Not true. Not true at all. Give me an .edu or .gov link with said research.

>> No.5131546


Nothing illegal. I'm big on investing and real estate. Lets just say I earn more than mostly any salary will pay. Degree or not.

>> No.5131555

Yet you're on /jp/. In a porn thread.

I find that hard to believe.

>> No.5131558

When you have this much freetime you tend to do whatever the hell you want.

>> No.5131562

It sounds stupid because your saying doing absolutely nothing is better then fapping.
It is not, since fapping does have it's own benefits and would be far more beneficial then doing nothing, which IS a waste of time.

That thought process pretty much counters your entire argument.

>> No.5131569 [DELETED] 

o p H E R e i M L E A v i N g ➃ c H a N F O R e v e r b e C A U S E I F o u n D O U T I T S A D M I N I S A t h i e F W h o T A K E S C r E d I t S F o R o t h e r s w O r K h t t P : / / ➇ ➇ . 8 O . 2 ➀ . ❶ ➁ / i S T H E P L A C E ➁ B

>> No.5131568

>fapping does have it's own benefits

No it doesn't, enjoy your pseudo-science. You know that rumor that it reduces prostate cancer risk? Further research just proved the exact opposite.

And doing nothing doesn't mean literally doing nothing as in staring at a wall.

>> No.5131577

With all your supposed money you still choose to browse /jp/?

You may be rich, but you're also stupid.

>> No.5131590

The benefits i was referring to are not the physical kind if any.

It was your own words, waste the entire day you said, so it does not matter what it is you are or are not doing, your effectively doing nothing. Believing that that is better then fapping if only for the sake of self gratification IS stupid.

>> No.5131598
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A sprout like you is calling me stupid? Alright. If you want to base your opinion off of what little you know about me, a mere few sentences, go ahead. You obviously don't know much about the real world, and perhaps you have delusions because you haven't been out there yet. I'm not your parent, so I'm not going to go into details here.

Yes, I spend some of my free time on 4chan. I have for many years, and will continue to do so. I don't understand your resentment for me, though.

>> No.5131623

Then you're a moron. The only personal information anyone cares about is pathetic stories about fapping on your sleeping imouto, nobody on here wants to listen to some fag brag about his personal life like you are.

It doesn't matter how rich you are, on /jp/ you're just another faggot with too much free time. Get over yourself.

>> No.5131636

He speaks true, wonder if we get any movie stars here.

>> No.5131643

Angry tirade? I'll survive. I only brag when someone starts it. I'd call it counter-bragging. A unique form of justice against retards.

>> No.5131656

What? If I was rich, I would still be browsing /jp/, I would just be browsing it with a waterproof computer while I'm in my jacuzzi in my massive mansion. But I would still be browsing /jp/, my like for eroge and otaku shit wouldn't suddenly disappear just because I'm rich. If anything, it would vastly increase because I'm suddenly able to buy tons more shit.

>> No.5131655

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Bragging just because someone else is doing it makes you just as bad.

>> No.5131662

I would just like to say, the world is already blind.

>> No.5131663

Sauce or dl link on OP ?

>> No.5131669

That's deep, man.

>> No.5131674
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Eyes are eyes and this is um... 4chan. Discussions that hurt no one. I get the point you're trying to make, but this is going way off track. Also, it's alright if you think I'm a douche. Totally understandable. Some anons are that way.

>> No.5131675

Sure you would.

Money changes people more than you would like to think. I've personally seen a socially awkward bro suddenly become a raging normalfag once he got rich from inheritance. 'Twas a sad sight to behold.

>> No.5131679

As long as you understand.


>> No.5131681

You know you want me. Don't be so tsuntsun.

>> No.5131690

I really wish these rich /jp/sies would fund a habitat for us poorfags /jp/sies.

I've seen countless threads on /jp/ of NEETs hitting rock bottom and becoming homeless, never to be heard of again. They're probably dead now.

>> No.5131688

If i ever came into a large amount of money... i dunno what i would do with it honestly.
Maybe focus on a full japanese language course then fly to japan, buy allot of otaku crap and maybe get laid there. After which i will more then likely come to the conclusion that it sucks and move back home and spend my time fapping to the stuff i bought.

>> No.5131705

It must have been his desire to become a social person, and he obviously didn't have a tight grasp on his otaku hobbies.

Then again I can't really say much since I'm already past the stage of being impressed by normalfag stuff.

Some people are just flakey. I'm not changing no matter how much money I acquire, though.

>> No.5131719

If I ever got rich I'll try to enter the eroge industry.
Maybe start an eroge localization company or something.

>> No.5131760

That would be awesome.

>> No.5131765

Enjoy trying to make a profit out of this bunch of pirates

>> No.5131825

A rich kid trying to make money out of a bunch of weeaboo pirates -- this sure sounds familiar.

>> No.5131832

If anything, money would make me even more fearful of being a normalfag since I'm already paranoid as hell with friendship and relationships, the fact that I'm rich as hell would triple that paranoia.

>> No.5131833

Danny Choo?

>> No.5131838
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