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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 600x446, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5129390 No.5129390 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is shit discuss.

>> No.5129399

much like your posting

>> No.5129402

your one to talk shitgin

>> No.5129415

Morning Musume fags are butthurt manchildren discuss

>> No.5129417

just doing my part tripfaggot

>> No.5129411

Nice job fueling the destruction of /jp/ by bumping.

>> No.5129423

Get out AKB devs

>> No.5129428

da fuck is a "morning museum"?

>> No.5129438
File: 66 KB, 426x600, FRIENDS ONLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5129441


I think you spelled /a/ wrong... Or /v/... Or /b/.

>> No.5129449

>implying /jp/ is not the shittiest board to have ever existed.

>> No.5129458

thats because u psot here

>> No.5129474

>implying you are no t a shitty attention whore who samefags post to further you /jp/ rep.

>> No.5129484

I haven't seen you post this in a while.

>> No.5129482
File: 69 KB, 400x400, taking a stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5129479

i stated it

>> No.5129489

lol :D

>> No.5129503


See, the fact that you do that implying stupidity gives you away. If you wish to discuss why /jp/ is shit, you have to come up with some concrete reasons; simply saying so does not make it true.

>> No.5129510

tripfags and their circlejerking make /jp/ shit

>> No.5129517

Bring back CurryButt, holy fuck it's boring around here.

>> No.5129527

~suppeort curry butt unban put this in your sig~

>> No.5129524

Yeah man where'd he go, did Bungie release Halo Reach on the same day as Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2011 or something?

>> No.5129536
File: 139 KB, 800x600, yakuza usin gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttsy isn't coming back I killed him forever
He was a dishonor to his family anyway

>> No.5129537

you two are the shittest.

>> No.5129541
File: 5 KB, 100x75, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5129543


Enlighten me... How is that different from any other board?
I mean, I agree that most of the tripfags around here are absolutely terrible (deleted comes to mind right away), I don't see that it's much different elsewhere. The major problem I keep seeing in /jp/ is an influx of people from other boards that have no respect for the native tradition of exclusively posting on /jp/ and detesting /a/, /v/, and damn near every other board as well.... You know... Respect your elders and all that.

>> No.5129548

Oh my, that brings back memories. "Kiss my womb with your penis <3"

>> No.5129554

/r/ friendcircle,jpg

>> No.5129562
File: 218 KB, 742x761, friend circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5129563


That and deletedstarwars singing AC/DC before his balls dropped.... Actually, they probably still haven't dropped.

>> No.5129573

Wheres Marisa? I though you guys like him.

>> No.5129577


>> No.5129586

Too unfriendly

>> No.5129596

I heard he gives excellent felatios.

>> No.5129603

Do you have that pic? I need it for trolling him on /k/

>> No.5129614

But I thought Arc is CurryButt's friend?

>> No.5129633
File: 253 KB, 1216x3328, -k- Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.5129639

Same person

>> No.5129641


>> No.5129668

hey guys, this looks like a japanese kanji, let's talk about which one it looks like most

>> No.5129691

that was a great thread

>> No.5129697

