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5126686 No.5126686 [Reply] [Original]

This is why secondaries should not exist.

Never forget.

>円筒座標系STG「Vampirish Night」


tl;dr: japanese shame, canceled game.

>> No.5126688

Translation plox.

>> No.5126691
File: 153 KB, 1165x642, THIS-SHALL-BE-OUR-FINEST-HOUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why cowardice shall never exist.

Never forget, for


>> No.5126697

Cool stereotyping, bro.

>> No.5126713

Cylinder STG Vampirish Night

Due to overwhelming pressure, the game development has been halted indefinitely, and dropped from the Reitaisai List. To those who were looking forward, I apologize.

>> No.5126717
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>Game is canceled

Oh well...I guess things happ-

>because of secondaries

>my face

>> No.5126718

The game was cancelled because of idiots who weren't even Touhou fans at all, let alone secondaries.

>> No.5126723

The game was never in development, the videos were fabrications. It was all an elaborate ploy to turn the filthy gaijin against each other.

>> No.5126724

Can someone give the full story on this? Because I've been tied up with other things and been out of the loop for awhile.

>> No.5126739

- A japanese guy started making a cylinder layout STG
- Japanese guy took a song made by a gaijin to use in his demo video. Almost done.
- Newgrounds was sore wroth over taking a song from a nobody, and sent thousands of hate mail.
- Japanese guy, ashamed, canceled the entire project.


>> No.5126747

Don't forget that the guy who made the song was fine with it since he was credited.

>> No.5126748

The OP is an idiot, this had nothing to do with "secondaries."

The game was canceled because of some Newgrounds fags who spammed the creator with hate mail and raided his promotional videos because he was using BGMs created by a Newground user without permission. Most of the raiders had never even heard of Touhou before. The guy who made the BGMs was also a decent guy, he said afterwords that he wanted the game creator to use his BGMs, but by the time he managed to get most of the raiders to stop attacking the damage had already been done.

>> No.5126753


>> No.5126754

How sad, didn't the person who made that one song just wanted a way to contact the guy?

>> No.5126762

Touhou doesn't exist in Japan. It's all just an elaborate tool to turn the filthy gaijin into hikis and ruin western economy.

>> No.5126769

Yes, he never told anyone to raid. It was just a bunch of fags being fags.

>> No.5126771

The music guy went to Newgrounds, and "asked" what he should do, prompting the raid.

This was attention whoring at its finest.

>> No.5126772


Wow....this makes me blood boil.

>> No.5126774

A simple email using google translate could have prevented all of this. I'm sure the newgrounds nerd would have been thrilled knowing his song would be in a game.

>> No.5126775

even better, it turns out that he was in fact credited

>> No.5126787

The guy who made the song was not a good person. Holy fuck, the first thought on his mind was how he could sue a guy on the other side of the world with a shitty American copyright law when the man wasn't even going to make any money off it. By the way, HE DIDN'T EVEN CHECK IF THE GUY HAD FUCKING CREDITED HIM. He finds out later he's in the damn credits and he's like "Oh, shit."

>> No.5126798

Gee thanks Newgrounds.

Bunch of faggots.

>> No.5126799

It's better that way, you'd all just steal that game anyway.

>> No.5126803

>the man wasn't even going to make any money off it
I didn't know that they handed games for free at Reitaisai.

>> No.5126804


Here's the topic by the way, if anyone's interested.

>> No.5126806

vampirish night wasn't canceled because of secondaries you brainless fuck

>> No.5126807

You're a fucking retard. I can't remember how it worked out exactly, but when this crap was happening someone calculated the costs and figured he was only going to make like $50

>> No.5126811
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>> No.5126814

;_; god damn this looks awsome. dam newgrounds

>> No.5126817

Did ZUN even heard about this game? I would like to see his opinion about it.

>> No.5126821

It doesn't matter what happened or how it happened. Until now I thought my hate for Newgrounds was unwarranted but this erases all doubt from my mind.

Newgrounds is a disgusting pimple on the internet and that's sad coming from someone on /jp/.

>> No.5126832

This is why I don't like gaijins

>> No.5126838

But you are the gaijin, anon...

>> No.5126836

I think that he was ignorant of the way the internet works, and that the decision to ask for "help" on Newgrounds and mention shit like lawsuits was foolish. But I don't think his intentions were bad.

You have to remember that these kinds people live in a world of ORIGINAL CONTENT DO NOT STEAL plastered all over even the shittiest DA fanart, and original content thieves who steal anything of even the slightest quality and then deny everything when they get caught. The guy just had no clue how to go about interacting with someone outside of that world. I think the whole incident illustrates a unique kind of cultural misunderstanding, not just between English and Japanese but also between the respective subcultures surrounding user created content sites like Newgrounds vs. the doujin creation scene. The whole think was really quite interesting to watch unfold. It's too bad a nice looking game had to be sacrificed though.

>> No.5126853

Just because he only interacts with bad people, that doesn't suddenly excuse his bad behavior. What he did was disgusting. He never contacted the guy. He never tried to contact him. Instead, he asked how he could go about suing him with a law which doesn't apply in his country and wouldn't even work here. He allowed a shitty raid to go on until it was absolutely clear he was credited in the first place. If he had simply CHECKED before bitching he would have been much better off. I like how he also never considered the feelings of all the people who would have enjoyed this game. The guy's a dick, plain and simple.

>> No.5126868
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His japanese spirit is strong! And he eats pocky!

>> No.5126906

Stolen BGM eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.

>> No.5126907

Who said he likes himself?

>> No.5126908

nobody'll forget that tragedy.
like, its really a tragedy. it would've not happened if, the creator took a music, the music guy attention whores in the wrong forum, all the maggots in there spams the creator with "You stole our music and you got small wapanese penis so die".

well, the only thing i don't understand is why the creator canceled it. couldn't he just explain the faggots that he credited the music guy?

>> No.5126919

That explains it.

>> No.5126932

Japanese shame, the strongest force known to man,

>> No.5126948

By the time it became apparent that he could continue the game and that the BGM guy wouldn't be mad at him, the drama surrounding the event had already gone critical. There's a strong anti-Touhou faction in Japan that were just waiting for him to continue the game so they could start bashing Touhou creators because they "steal from overseas sources without permission and figure that if they get caught they can just apologize and everything will be okay." There was a thread on monban I think where a lot of people were saying this.

>> No.5126960

and this proves that most people on /jp/ really don't know shit about Japanese otaku subculture.

>> No.5126967

Can't he just change the music?

>> No.5126977
File: 129 KB, 600x839, 1268859749518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand not liking Touhou, but that is just plain rotten. Did ZUN rape and pillage their home city and they swore eternal vengeance or something?

>> No.5126978

Coward Nips.

>> No.5126981

Why can't Japan grasp the concept of Haters Gonna Hate?

>> No.5126988

Yes, because clearly, I was being serious.

>> No.5126984

Because tey dumb, nigger.

>> No.5126987

I think he just wanted to avoid the coming drama storm.

>> No.5127038

most of the Touhou hate stems from Nicofag hate, because most irritating Touhoufags (the people /jp/ calls "secondaries") are Nicofags. Basically Touhoufags are seen as something like the equivalent of gaiafags or narutards by many older otaku; in other words, trend following underaged newfags to the internet. Touhoufags are known to be younger and rowdier than normal otaku, they do things like dance to IOSYS songs in the street, etc... the average age of participants at Reitaisai and on day 2 of the last few Comikes is much lower than at regular doujin events, this is because of all the newfags/normalfags that have entered the fandom because of Nicodou, who wouldn't have been interested in it back when it was based around mainly text-only communication (2ch), and are only interested in it now because of the LOL HILARIOUS WWWWWW videos on Nicodou. It's kind of like some 4chan meme getting popular on youtube, or the creation of lolcats or something, it's the same kind of hatred.

Damn, sorry for tl;dr.

>> No.5127077

It means that the people who make productive Touhou equipment are self-hating borderline hikikomori with manic-depression. We read you fine.

>> No.5127082

yep that pretty much about sums it up.

>> No.5127101
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Hmm. That seems like a possible reason. A very stupid reason, making it all the more true.

>> No.5127108

I never said it wasn't a stupid reason.
Most internet drama happens for stupid reasons.

>> No.5127144
File: 1.91 MB, 1705x1204, 1268985476469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not criticizing your comment. Just that I find it stupid and that I figure this must be real reason behind it.

>> No.5127177

This makes me very disappoint. I was looking forward to it.

Interesting. I was never sure what the relationship between the Japanese fanbases were. WE'RE ALL THE SAME INSIDE!

>> No.5127200

I feel bad for the people that truthfully like everything about Touhou and get mistaken for secondaries/nico"fags".

>> No.5127233

I don't. They need to toughen up if it bothers them.

>> No.5127245

People who get hot and bothered by the internet and whine about "cyb3r bu11yin9" need to run into the street and get hit by pandas.

>> No.5127259
File: 31 KB, 640x480, snapshot20080401165036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5126803 I didn't know that they handed games for free at Reitaisai.

>> No.5128470

If you guys care so much email him and tell him about the whole story.

Email: smnute@mail.goo.ne.jp
Site: http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~hardback/index.html

>> No.5128512

but there is no pandas where I live

>> No.5128551

>He never tried to contact him.
That's what he was trying to do from the very beginning!

>> No.5131501

Newgrounds should have been ddos'ed everyday till vampire night is finished.
