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5123036 No.5123036 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, I was reading this the other day and was surprised at how funny and well written it is.

How come nobody ever told me about it?

>> No.5123044

You are a faggot.

>> No.5123049

I liked the beginning but the rest was meh

>> No.5123058

What game is this?

>> No.5123066

The game is called "OP is a gigantic faggot" with the main character as OP.

>> No.5123067

stop playing that shit before you get frustrated out of incompleteness.

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.5123069

Duke Nukem Forever.

>> No.5123079


Violent Semen Inferno III: The Reckoning.

>> No.5123099

Get out KSdevs!

>> No.5123105

I've only read it because I have a fetish for blind girls and there are hardly any VNs about that. The blind girl was a pretty bad character though, and the writing quality varied wildly from half-decent to horrible.

I like to believe all the drama about it is the work of 2-3 dedicated trolls. It's just not good enough or bad enough to be worth discussing.

>> No.5123117
File: 58 KB, 812x887, facesole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get all the KS hate in here.

Is it because it's not made by your dear glorious nihonjin?

>> No.5123127

But I liked miss scarface. Most guys do in fact.

>> No.5123129

Yup. Basically, lots of self-hating weeaboos.

>> No.5123132

When's the full version coming out?

>> No.5123140

The main reason is because prior to the release of the demo, there has been countless threads made in /a/ by the devs. Hence the hate.

>> No.5123147
File: 401 KB, 639x481, bump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior cripple game.

>> No.5123148

She was cute, I guess. But not really appealing in any way. Same goes for the other characters, unless you have a fetish for their disability or really enjoy their archetype they are too bland and generic to enjoy.

>> No.5123151

The fact that it may just bad and/or not amusing compared to most VNs is not something to consider, right? Not to mention having just one chapter where nothing really happens as a base.

>> No.5123154

I think the devs and forum users made more threads in /jp/ than in /a/.

>> No.5123157

It's not too good admittedly, but it's not that bad either. For a game made by westerners at least.

>> No.5123156

But the original concept was Japanese.

Anyway, I thought the very first demo was okay. I liked the violin scene. The only thing about the latest demo I liked was the opening. It felt pretty professional. I stopped playing a bit after, though.

>> No.5123175

I've only read shizune path until school festival. The blandness of the characters and awkward writing totally killed it for me.
It's not unreadable or horrible or anything, but it's not enough to make me read another VN about nothing.

>> No.5123185

> he stopped before the best part of the game

>> No.5123186

The beginning was my favorite part.

I really wouldnt call KS overrated since the work is professional level, but /jp/ hates everything.

>> No.5123199

Define 'professional'

Also, the whole thing they present you is just a beginning.
Unless you mean the first 10 minutes.
Nothing fucking happens in overall.
Any strong opinions, positive or negative, are unwarranted.
It's plainly written shit with little content to show.

>> No.5123202

Not to mention that you are a retard.

>> No.5123210

it's a demo, what did you expect?

Also I thought the art and script were very well presented, which is why I called it professional. A lot of time has gone into each character.

I'm not trying to change anybodies opinion about this game, but if you look at it for what it is, it's a pretty damn good demo.

>> No.5123216

Some of the art is rather good but the writing stinks of xkcd.

>> No.5123217

I think he means proffessional in that it's not as bad as the Ren'Py OELVNs we used to read in those masochism threads. I can half-agree but many of those were more amusing if only for so-bad-it's-good reasons.

>> No.5123220
File: 9 KB, 406x352, 1272390454388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demo was my first VN and I enjoyed it alot. I can't wait for the full version.

>> No.5123229

One Demo cannot be your first VN.
But I am sure they will be done in 2015.

>> No.5123234

WIth the v3 Japanese release not far off, the team can focus its efforts on the only audience it cares to please.

>> No.5123235
File: 53 KB, 451x224, 1273597760899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5123238

>I'm not trying to change anybodies opinion about this game
Sure you aren't, KS dev.

>> No.5123242
File: 247 KB, 640x400, saylessismywaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior mute waifu.

>> No.5123243

>>5123199 Define 'professional'

They put the devs they fired into their own credit section instead of removing their names from the project.

>> No.5123254

>>5123175 another VN about nothing

Katawa Seinfeld

>> No.5123262

>>5123140 there has been countless threads made in /a/ by the devs

Richiter Bromont will be thrilled to know he is a KS dev now.

>> No.5123271

Hearing this from a fellow /jp/ makes my day worth it.
Thanks, Clannad.

>> No.5123295

Isn't he an /a/ tripfag?
