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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5114205 No.5114205 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/.

I'm 21 years old and I come to you in search for advice. I chose /jp/ over the other boards for this because this should be the place with the most alpha males lurking.

Anyway, I sit next to a girl in one of my classes. The class meets only once a week and next week is the final.

I'm kind of socially retarded with women, but I know this girl is definitely interested in me. We've started talking a lot over the last 2 weeks and I want to ask her to hang out outside of class. How can I make this happen? I have her email from a few weeks ago when I emailed her class notes on a day she had to leave early.

Don't fail me, /jp/.

TL;DR = How do I ask out a girl in my class with one week left of school?

>> No.5114211

Ask her if she wants to go somewhere to celebrate the end of the semester or something.

>> No.5114214
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>I chose /jp/ over the other boards for this because this should be the place with the most alpha males lurking.


>> No.5114219

Rape her. If your any good, she will want you.

>> No.5114220

>I chose /jp/ over the other boards for this because this should be the place with the most alpha males lurking.

Pfffhahahahahaha. 10/10

>> No.5114221

tell her you are a virgin women are obsessed with purity
even more so than men

>> No.5114223

Once school is out she will probably be hanging out with large black men

>> No.5114229

ask her out to eat after the final, and then ask for her number if it goes well.

>> No.5114236


>> No.5114248

get out

>> No.5114263

In the kindest way possible, get the fuck out of /jp/. Take your problem over to /adv/, and people MIGHT actually be helpful.

>> No.5114264

Use chloroform.

>> No.5114265

Ask her if she has a boyfriend, if she says yes call her a slut and walk away, if she says no ask her to have sex. If she points out your jarring hypocrisy tell her you are going to rape her.

>> No.5114277

Nice census/survey try, anon. But I'm afraid you need to be more subtle. Keep improving your skills.

>> No.5114291

Alright fucktard, here is what you do. Find something interesting to do that will keep you entertained, that way if the bitch is boring you at least you will still have a good time. Make sure this activity is something that will allow for conversation and poking fun at each other.

Next step. Go up to this bitch in class and say "Hey lets go do (place activity here) on (date that works for you)." If she says ok, say "Give me your number. I'll call you around (whatever fucking time you want)." Don't fucking ask for the number you fucking pansy, take that shit. You don't fucking ask her to do something, you tell her she is going to do something. Use my quotes word for word.

If she says she is busy then one of two things are possible. If she gives you a date when she is free, it means she is actually interested in doing this activity with you, reschedule to her convenience. If she doesn't give you a date when she can go, then she is probably not interested in you.

>> No.5114293

No. Go to >>>adv/

>> No.5114295

A friend of mine's pickup lines was "Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

It surprisingly did work.

>> No.5114300


>> No.5114303

Girls like class and being treated with "respect." That alpha male charade will only please the sluttiest.

>> No.5114307

On the off chance that she says she is no good at that activity or something like that, assure her that you suck ass at it too and make it something like a friendly competition.

Protip: When you take her number, text it immediately saying something like "Here is my number." or better yet come up with something creative. If she receives the text then you obviously have proof that it is her real number. If not, ask what is up, it is possibly she gave you a fake number and thus is not interested.

You now have a fucking date you fatass fuck. Remember to be playful and poke fun at little things. Use every opportunity to touch her in a non threatening way such as gently fake pushing her when she says something fucking retarded, and turn your back to her for a second, just make sure she understands you are just playing around by having a smile on your face and laughing. Just be careful not to do this to the point where you turn into that creepy touchy feely guy. You will know when the opportunity is right. Don't fucking hesitate when you go to touch her either, she will realize that you have a juicier pussy than her and will be turned off at your complete lack of confidence and the obvious fact that you are and forever will be beta.

>> No.5114308

It also commonly leads to lawsuits and/or restraining orders

>> No.5114316

Only if you say it wrong is it apparently taken wrong. Besides, it's not harassment: you only say it once, and there's no intent to actually do anything. It's just a pickup line.

>> No.5114373

Do you actually carry around a rag with you when you say this.

protip: Unless you've been raped or taken hostage before odds are you've never smelled chloroform anyway.

>> No.5114384

Got to smell chloroform in a biology lab for separating chloroplasts.

>> No.5114403

I never said it was impossible just that odds are against it. Most people don't use chloroform unless their being sneaky or their doing something that involves chemistry or pharmaceuticals.

>> No.5114406

a) if you put on the alpha male act with any girl, she will hate you. unless she is a slut.
b) ask her to a coffee shop or some shit. if she says she doesn't like those, say you didn't know. girls don't mind honesty. honest. it actually makes 'em pretty happy.
c) if no coffee, go bowling. yes, you pay. bowling is fun and you can whoop her ass.
d) if you don't know what you're doing, say that. again, girls like honesty.
e) if she says no, do not follow her home.

>> No.5114413
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>> No.5114453


Chloroform doesn't work that way. It takes a decent amount of time huffing the fumes from it to knock someone out, and that amount is lethal anyway. Not really an option unless you're a necrophiliac.
