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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5108824 No.5108824 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you love Cirno?

>> No.5108827

You are not Arcueid.

>> No.5108828

Last time I checked, I didn't.

>> No.5108834

I told you, put "wat" in the email field.

>> No.5108844

1..2....3...sage sage sage

>> No.5108849

>sage sage sage
First time in /jp/ I take it?

>> No.5108850

Doesn't matter. He is as bland as a bag of flour. He'll never become Arcueid.

>> No.5108859

It's just a name, live with it.

>> No.5108863

Reported for impersonation~

>> No.5108871
File: 59 KB, 295x424, flour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, Bag of Flour-kun

>> No.5108879

Impersonating you say
How could I do such thing if I'm using a different tripcode?

>> No.5108883

You're not our nigger tripfriend, get the fuck out.

>> No.5108887

Ha-ha-ha, NO!

>> No.5108893

This guy has the potential to shitpost as effectively as Arc. I'm anticipating some fun from this.

>> No.5108903

If you're the real Arc, post with your original tripcode, and say that it's your new one. I'll apologize.

>> No.5108911

No, he's not.
See >>5108610

>> No.5108915

He really can't. He lacks vigor, he lacks heart, he lacks soul, he lacks niggerness. He just can't make it.

>> No.5108916

I'm not the "real" one.

Also, I don't care if you apologize or not, I really don't care

>> No.5108917

Sweet Fucking Jesus. There can be only one! Out newbie!

>> No.5108923

Not working, try again.

>> No.5108924


>> No.5108925


>> No.5108929

Look at this fucking nerd! he can't even make up a name so he has to steal one.

>> No.5108933

Eh, whatever, if you're not here to impersonate, I don't really care. Just be a contribution.

>> No.5108937
File: 58 KB, 538x359, madginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.5108942

You aren't even trying

>> No.5108945

Sorry, it's my fault since I suggested him the list of names. But he could have chosen CurryButt since he is already banned anyway.

>> No.5108952


>> No.5108949

Really, he's definitely banned?

>> No.5108954
File: 95 KB, 640x480, giovanni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that you said? Your butthurt? I can't hear you over the sound of blood drizzling out of your ass, bro.

>> No.5108961

Dunno about that. Maybe he got tired of evading ban after his last attempt?

>> No.5108980
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>> No.5108997

You're already out of words, huh? That's good. Noobs like you should know how to shut the fuck up.

>> No.5109006

i am made of fish.

spikey spikey fish.

>> No.5109007

This guy needs training. Staying with /a/ and /v/ can only gives him that much.

>> No.5109016
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>> No.5109029

I already told him that at >>5108668, but he didn't want to listen.Guess he really is a newfriend.

>> No.5109038

u fat?

>> No.5109039

Stop feeding my ego, thanks.

>> No.5109041

Hey Arc (!!) can you quit posting in this thread? Or if not, quit posting in the board? You look like a twit.

>> No.5109045
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>> No.5109061

Whatever, you attention whore.

>> No.5109063

I can actually see you:
You're standing in front of your computer, watching me owning you. You have a half-smug on your face, posting random pictures and trying to brush off the fact that your butt is swollen from the pain, thinking "I-I have nothing to r-respond. Th-That guy's a f-faggot anyway. S-So what's if I g-got owned. H-hahahaha", your eyes are ready to get full of tears, you open another tab and go watch videos on Youtube about how Ati pwned Nvidia.
I'm sorry I got you so butthurt, broham. Do you want a tissue?

>> No.5109068

Actually, I went to a rave last weekend.

>> No.5109064

Getting fat from all the rage-eating? fatty noobs like you should just lurk forever.

>> No.5109074


>> No.5109076

^________^ XDDDDDDDdd lolroflmao

>> No.5109081


>> No.5109086


>> No.5109087

Excuse me, what are you doing? n.n;

>> No.5109096

Why all the hate? Just because he isn't our black Arc?

>> No.5109117

- We already have Arc.
- This new one mimics the old one, and isn't nearly as funny.

>> No.5109854

I want the real Arc back...

>> No.5109880

He's around, but I don't think he posts as often. Or I'm wrong.

>> No.5109883
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>> No.5109885


He seems to have migrated to /lit/.
