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5093993 No.5093993 [Reply] [Original]

You can choose to believe in Shkanon if you want:
If so just replace all instance of Shannon with Kanon.

Major Players:
Shannon = Dress Beato/Suit Beato episode 4
Culprit Episode 1,2,4.
Why: Love for Battler/B0mb
Why: continued: She want's her goddamn pony.
Why: continued: DID?

Kanon, if you believe in shkanon, ignore this.
Culprit for some murders in episode 1?
Why: He wants to protect his nee-san
Why: He wants to protect his Waifu/Jessica.

Jessica/Moon-Chan = Suit Beato Episode 2
Culprit for some murders in Episode 2.
She is the one who sets up the fake murders.
Why set up the fake murders: To entertain the guest of honor.
Why: For Kanon is a separate entity, revenge for kanon's death.
Why: For Shkanon, revenge for her mommy and daddy getting Iced.
She is the one who paints the symbol in episode 5 and does the hand paint stuff on Natushi's bedroom door in episode 1-2
Most likely the one who burns Kinzo's corpse, because she's protecting her parents.

>> No.5094002
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Kyrie/Rudolf = Eva-Beatrice.
Culprits for episode 3.
Why, Rudolf: Rudolf accidentally his sister.
Why, Kyrie: Rudolf is Kyrie's husbando, she'll murder for her husbando.
Why, Kyrie continued

Most likely is in on the fake murders --> Real murders.

He is in on the fake deaths, unaware of actual deaths.
Believes that people aren't actually dieing, he gets fucked over.
Poor poor magical gohda chef.

George = Fat.

Aware of the fake murders.
Not aware of real murders until otherwise.

Battler = Amakusa.
Guest of honor episode 1 through 4.
In on the fake murders through episode 5 to 6.
Survives In episode three.

Guest of Honor episode 5 to 6.

Guest of Honor/Detective:
They are always, always never in on the fake murders.

>> No.5094011
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Episode 1: The Trolling Menace

Pre-First Twilight:
Jessica chooses the roulette.
For the fake murders, Hence giving the charm to Natsuhi.
Tells Rudolf, hence the I'll probably be killed tonight.
Hideyoshi is in on the fake murders.

First Twilight:
Shannon poisons the people, kills them etc.
Eva and Hideyoshi believe the murders are fake/Nanjo tells him they're all still alive etc.
Kanon goes along with the story.

Third Twilight:
Genji, Kanon, Kumasawa scene.
Kanon is trying to warn them, realizes they're accomplices to Shannon.
Or if you believe in DID, Shkanon is crazy.
Kumasawa,Genji, Maria and Kanon troll Battler with the witch is behind you troll scene.

Second Twilight:
If Shannon murderer:
Shannon whacks the two parents off.
Jumps out the window.
Paints the symbol.

If Sh/Kanon murderer:
Paints the symbol.
Kanon opens the chain lock, whacks the two parents off.

Fourth Twilight:
Jessica/Shannon puts the body into the furnace.

Fifth Twilight:
Kanon confronts shannon/trice(could be two personalities confronting or could be actual people), fakes his death.
Jessica is in on this.
George realizes when he carries Kanon's body (hey something seems wrong).
If Shkanon: Kanon seems to be almost like my Maido!
If Kanon: Kanon's injury doesn't seem real...

>> No.5094018

Letter in the study:
Maria does it.
The letter is warning that if they don't solve the epitaph and get to Kuwadorian.
B0mb will blow.

Sixth, Seventh, Eigth twilight:
Shannon/Kanon murders the three.

Ninth twilight:
Dead Angle.
Dress Beato kills Natsuhi.

Tenth Twilight:
Jessica realizes oh shit, it's not a game.
Shannontrice realizes that time has run out, cackles because she fucked up.
B0mb goes off.

>> No.5094030


>> No.5094042

Episode 2: The Troll War.

Pre-First Twilight:
Jessica is the suit Beato.
Sets up the fake murders with Kyrie and Rosa's help.

First Twilight:
Chapel isn't locked.
Rosa is in on the fake murder plan.
Gohda is in on the fake murder plan.
Nanjo is in on the fake --> Real murder plan.
Rosa realizes holy shit, they're actually dead, what the hell happened.
Jessica realizes holy shit, MY PARENTS ARE DEEAAADDDD.

Here's where this theory is shaky...

If shkanontrice = false:
Jessica goes chasing after Shannon.
Shannon left her a trolling note.
Shannon attacks kanon in the servant's room (hence the blood)
Jessica helps Kanon to her room where he dies.
(Dunno what happens to his body, maybe his corpse is underneath the bed? carried out?)
Jessica fakes her death.

If Shkanontrice = true:
Jessica sets up her fake death.

>> No.5094047

Episode 5- (Bronove mentions, nothing wrong about calling something other then a corpse a corpse.)

Jessica dresses up as the fake kanon.

Seventh, Eighth twilight:
They fake the whole tidbit about the deaths.
Jessica kills them later.

Fourth, Fifth, sixth twilight:
Jessica tells Gohda to lure them into Natsuhi's room.
Jessica whacks them off.
Hides underneath Natsuhi's bed.

Maria again.
Rosa is freaking the fuck out.

Jessica reveals what happened.
Battler doesn't believe in her bullshit and accepts magic instead.
B0mb goes off, Rosa and Maria are caught in the explosion and die.

>> No.5094054
File: 15 KB, 277x277, georgeisnotamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George = Fat.

>> No.5094057

Episode three: Revenge of the Trolls.
Pre-first twilight:
Shannon bluntly tries to see if Battler remembers his promise.
He doesn't and he doesn't care for her.
She sad.
Jessica and Krauss set up the fake murders.
Use this to dispose of Kinzo's corpse.
Real murders occur.
Rudolf, Rosa and Kyrie are probably involved.

First Twilight:
If Shkanon:
One of the three parents moves the corpses.
Eva is aware that kanon = Shannon, which is why she thinks the murders are faked.

Second Twilight:
Rosa tells Rudolf that Eva is onto them.
And or Rosa tells Rudolf about the gold.
Rudolf accidentally Rosa on the fence.
Maria won't shut the fuck up, Rudolf kills her by choking her, WHOOPS.
He tells kyrie.
Kyrie decides to protect her husbando.
And decides to ensnare Eva as a culprit.
Kyrie bribes Nanjo.

Fourth, Fifth, sixth twilight:
Rudolf asks Hideyoshi for a cigarette.
They then use the Cigarette as a trap to ensnare Eva.
Hideyoshi decides to protect his waifu.
He kills Rudolf, Shoots Kyrie, Kyrie kills him.
Kyrie probably stakes everyone.
Fakes her death.

>> No.5094068

Shannon kills because of a crush she had on Battler SIX years ago and because Battler didn't come back on a horse?


>> No.5094069

Seventh Eighth twilight:
Whacks off the lawful stupid couple.
George goes to see his waifu.

George finds out about the bomb, and paints the numbers/deactivation code.
Realizes that Kyrie is the culprit, since her body ISN'T FUCKING THERE.
Kyrie finds him and whacks the lawful fat bastard off.
She goes back to playing pretend.

Kyrie whacks off Nanjo, dies from her stomach wound.

Jessica ran off to god knows where.
Battler and Eva survive.

>> No.5094073

Episode four: A new Troll

Jessica sets up the fake murders.
Gohda and Kumasawa follow up with the fake murder plan, Goldsmith bullshit.
Shannon hijacks this shit.

First Twilight:
Natsuhi is killed off, Rosa is killed off, Hideyoshi and Eva are killed off.

Jack baur is taken hostage. Genji is an accomplice.
Other parents are taken hostage.

The shed:
George doesn't give the shed key to Gohda but a different key.
Gohda and Kumasawa do the fake hanging.
George goes to where he's suppose to.
Gets whacked off by his maido or Nanjo/gaap.
Nanjo/gaap/Maido finds the shed key and kills Gohda and Kumasawa.

Second Twilight:
Jessica follows along with the fake murder.
Whoops she gets killed by Genji.

Fourth twilight and Onward:
Kanon gets Whacked
Kyrie tries to protect her husbando, She tries to slip clues to Battler.
She gets whacked, Rudolf gets whacked.
Krauss gets whacked.
Nack's fap toy 410, is just a gun.

>> No.5094080

You are too trigger happy with Jessica.
She died in episode 2 for sure and there is absolutely no ways around it.
And she was always with Battler in the first half so she couldn't be suit-Beatrice.

>> No.5094083

>Shannon kills because of a crush she had on Battler SIX years ago and because Battler didn't come back on a horse?

Works just fine if we assume Shannon is insane in the brain.

>> No.5094087

The sin:
Shannon tries to get battler to remember his first love with the love test.
Doesn't work, she constantly gives him hints.
Tries a more direct approach with the sin.
Doesn't work.
Whoops your white knight doesn't remember you.
Beatrice persona conforts her.

She whacks off Genji in the dining room.
Peacefully kills Maria, tells Nanjo that they're going to go to Kuwadorian.
Nanjo follows her to the well.
She kills him on the way there.
Shannontrice places a stake next to her body.
Shoots herself, gun falls down the well.

24 hours later b0mb goes off.

Game ends.

Other: Eva-Beatrice being the ghost haunting Kasumi.
Represents the memory of Kyrie haunting her.
Also Amakusa probably fucks Ange some time during the journey.
Incest is bad.

>> No.5094107

Battler was asleep.

>> No.5094138


Not this shit again

>> No.5094143

Gotta love Star wars.

>> No.5094148

It's when you read things like this that you realize how stupid Umineko's plot is.

>> No.5094163

>assume Shannon is insane in the brain
That's the problem. You shouldn't assume that.

>> No.5094191

What about 07151129?

That's important right? I don't think it's just a bank account anymore because it was put in the lyrics for the song in the end roll in episode 6. It could be Beatrice's name or something.

>> No.5094198

R07: Concerning the scene where Battler is shot, since Battler witnesses the moment the gun is fired, basically there is no mistake about that.

>> No.5094207

Yeah, we see Battler receiving a shot and fainting.
You can't tell your own death.

>> No.5094221

He was shot in the heart dumbass.

>> No.5094234

R07: [Concerning "07151129"] Irrespective of whether each number has a meaning, at least the eight numbers combined together has a certain significance. I can only say this: Just think of it as a PIN number. People who hold the key or the key card couldn't get into the safe without this sequence of numbers. That means, as long as you know this number sequence, it's possible to gain a large sum of money. Aside from that, since this 8-number sequence is used as an important PIN number, the numbers themselves must have some significance. Otherwise, those numbers themselves and the large sum of money...

Except he shot in the heart. And yes, tips are reliable for this matter.

>> No.5094240

Battler drops and starts to faint
Just mentions his heart
Sorry, but not conclusive, gotta love a 3rd person shift in that scene.

>> No.5094255

Because he surely is a robot and can survive heart/lung wound on a desolate island, right?

>> No.5094257

It was in the tips. He was shot in the heart and he died. Pretty conclusive I'd say.

>> No.5094272

Is November 29th considered autumn in Japan? Or is it already winter?

>> No.5094284

Since Japan is in the northern hemisphere, just like North America, their seasons start and end the same days that ours do.

>> No.5094297

Speaking of Umineko, according to Chronotrig they'll be able to complete it before Episode 7.

Which I very much doubt, seeing that's only three months away.


>> No.5094310

Wow, what a convoluted and utterly pointless hint that was.

>> No.5094337

Probably because those gamefaqs people are doing most of the work...

>> No.5094348

At least we know that the numbers have some significance besides being a pin.

>> No.5094375

It's probably not just a PIN number. Otherwise I don't get why he'd put it in the lyrics to Usan no Kaori...


>> No.5094511

Battler's birthday and culprits birthday?

>> No.5094549

Well coincidentally November 29th is C.S. Lewis's (an author's) birthday. He also wrote a book that referenced Dante's inferno.

>> No.5094560

Wait, what?

I knew it was AS people, obviously, but GameFAQS?


>> No.5094666

>culprits birthday

That would also mean that one of the remaining survivors is lying about their birthdate or someone lied to them. Battler, Jessica, Eva, and Nanjo ruled out any personal connection to 11/29.

>> No.5094703

**The culprit who killed Nanjo was neither Battler nor Eva nor Jessica.**

>> No.5094879

Moon-chan creator was here, OP is a fag.

I jest, but Jessica being sketchy does not equate to her being a maniac. From the beginning, she's been just as helpful as she's been trollish, truly.

And of course, fantasy scenes show her being a big damn hero. If Umineko were a fantasy series, she'd be the stock messiah character in them. Ergo, to assume she's a psyco killer, que cu se, is just as silly as assuming Bernkastel is a good guy. She KNOWS more than she appears to and is almost certainly INVOLVED, but she is not MALICIOUS.

Really, what I think at the moment is that Jessica is Battler's half-sister, who on occasion takes action against Battler.

>> No.5095012

Looking pretty bitch, there Shannon. Fucking slut.
Actually, I was re-reading Umineko episode 4. Said in red, Battler is not Asumu's son.
At first I thought it meant OUR Battler, but I suppose it can be taken to mean that no one named Battler is Asumu's SON.

>> No.5095013

Maybe not the same culprit involved in Nanjo's murder, but the person responsible for the letters sent out before the disaster.

Unless somehow Kyrie is involved with that..

>> No.5095050

There is also a red saying Ushiromiya Battler was born from Asumu though. So someone was her child obviously.

>> No.5095092

Exactly. Two things said in red.
Ushiromiya Battler was born from Asumu.
Battler is not Asumu's son.
Contextually based or not, I have a funny feeling Asumu's Battler is female.

>> No.5098088

