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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 858 KB, 1600x2000, Reccomended Visual Novels 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5093327 No.5093327 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /jp/ charts/guides etc.

>> No.5093330


>> No.5093329
File: 484 KB, 1024x1152, Reccomended Visual Novels 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093348
File: 1.48 MB, 1550x1805, vn list 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093344

Why not?

>> No.5093364
File: 1.53 MB, 1600x4611, 1273051427533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5093368
File: 1.34 MB, 1096x1400, 1268967515765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me there, your win today.

>> No.5093369
File: 2.35 MB, 1550x1800, vnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093379
File: 2.77 MB, 3600x1920, rec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093381

>outstanding achievements

ninjas aren't an "achievement"

>> No.5093382 [DELETED] 

g O t o H T T P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / F o R M o R e I n f O R m A t i o n O N t h I s s u B J E c t

>> No.5093383
File: 2.92 MB, 1591x3133, 1263010025100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093394

Wanko and FSN are actually great for beginners if you ask me...

Hated Ever 17 but it seems that's just me. Shitty art and i hate that.

>> No.5093401

I suppose they need less choices to be more "newbie friendly".

>> No.5093400

Kiss me, you fool.

>> No.5093406

I guess that Ever17 is a frustrating playthrough if you're slow in the head.

>> No.5093412
File: 72 KB, 500x706, 1271758748550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Higurashi op?

>> No.5093413

The only good chart in this thread.

>> No.5093419

>Likes FS/N
>Hates Ever17

>> No.5093432

Fate is a terrible thing to give to a beginner with its shittons of bad ends.
I also don't see how Ever17's art is supposed to be shit, but whatever.

>> No.5093434

By the time the chart was made, only Onikakushi by the sonozaki sisters was translated.

>> No.5093438


>Amusement Park

I actually found a copy of this at a comic store for 5 bucks. Bought for the hell of it

Never thought I'd see it on here. Maybe I should actually play it

>> No.5093441

>expecting someone who makes recommendation charts to have taste

>> No.5093445

Liking Higurashi isn't really a sign of great taste.

>> No.5093451
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 1273191107106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judging Higurashi by DEENshit.

>> No.5093454

Actually judging Higurashi by the games.
It's nothing special, better than Umineko though.

>> No.5093455
File: 68 KB, 600x600, renatakinghome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those hands

>> No.5093456

Guys, it's vn we are taking about, the fuck.

You have to READ, there is no such a thing as a difficulty.

>> No.5093458

It is more so than liking most of the shit in the OP's image.

>> No.5093460

Way to make an assumption.

>> No.5093466


VNs generally have a different mood/style depending on the game.

If you're not used to them, you can generally get turned off pretty easily by the longer/slower ones right off the bat.

>> No.5093472

Only if you have ADD.

>> No.5093473
File: 856 KB, 4081x1620, rec chart v 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been slowly adding games to this

it looks really messy too

>> No.5093470

Well if you're totally new you might not be able to foresee the consequences of certain choices and that way you'll get only crappy endings.

>> No.5093474

Yeah, but when you have a chucklefuck like umineko where you don't know what's going on, it can be pretty easy to get bored of it and drop it.

>> No.5093481

It fucking sucks, seriously.

>> No.5093484

Is there any list of VNs that I should avoid out there?

>> No.5093486

Would be better to categorize them.

>> No.5093491

Creator of >>5093383 here, yeah I too have been doing a serious, genuine chart but it's pretty tiresome and boring. I should just update the old one instead.

>> No.5093493
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x1900, jp-recs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5093505

If no all age version exists, then it's most likely nukige shit that relies on sex.

>> No.5093509

Sure man, whatever.

>> No.5093508


>> No.5093514

I was gonna make mine a serious recommendation of shit games (see Reika and title of the chart) but it turned out to be just a serious chart instead and I just left Reika on there for giggles, it gets reaaaaaaly boring

>> No.5093515
File: 77 KB, 640x480, k1laughsttoyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Higurashi novels are pretty good, the only haters i saw didn't play and watched only the shitty anime and played the first part of the fist, and they still believe they know Higurashi plot (lol parasites)

>> No.5093526


*first novel

>> No.5093527

If you discount their existence, a major plot point is just a hole.
Whether they exist or not, it remains a character's...motivation that led to the events.
Do not kid yourself.

>> No.5093529

> Tears to Tiara
> Good to play


>> No.5093534

"Pretty good" doesn't necessarily mean AWESOME or MUST PLAY.
Honestly I found them average with a few above average moments in the last 2 games.
But it's definitely the best thing R07 has done.

>> No.5093535

Tell me about it bro. Making that troll chart was much more fun, while this serious one feels kinda like some forced chore or something.

>> No.5093538
File: 50 KB, 640x480, takanoculprit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The character is crazy as fuck.

And there is a syndrome. And tons of clues were left in the novel about it, the anime left everything out.

>> No.5093542

Why do some of you insist on trolling newfriends by recommending low tier novels like

>> No.5093543

What would be the categories though?
I can think of:
Pure romance
Gameplay focused

>> No.5093549

The point is, there is a very TOPICAL 'syndrome/cause' that conveniently makes you NUTS. And it's not even a semi-acceptable excuse like 'Like we have a shitty god there, have a devil actually drive them crazy'.
That is what is ridiculous.

>> No.5093555

Take your butthurt Higurashi shitstorm somewhere else.

>> No.5093568

>Implying not every VNs have some plot device.

>> No.5093570
File: 1.28 MB, 320x240, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utawarerumono, it's universally liked and has an English and voice patch

>> No.5093571

The point is that it's a BAD one.

>> No.5093585

Yeah, It's more fun to work on a troll chart, I just remembered I was gonna go with the whole REAL DEAL and DISNEY shit for mine (see: sharin no kuni on my chart) and then it just turned into me writing a little description and a half serious chart.

I think I'm gonna go over it again and go with my original idea of a troll chart and write mock descriptions of the games instead.

>> No.5093588


Why? Because you wanted a rational answer?

There were tons of clues in the novel, some characters even mention a "medicine/fever" could have affect everyone early.
It's not some ridiculous plot device at the last minute.

>> No.5093596

ShKanon also has a lot of hints in Umineko and nobody could deny it.
Does this mean that it's a good plot device?
No, it's fucking stupid.
Same shit for Higurashi and that disease.

>> No.5093597


Did you play the novels?

>> No.5093599

Not rational.
Just proper.
And it is EXACTLY that.
What eventually ties the events, plains why they happened and what they have to do to reach a 'good' conclusion is...vague bullshit.

>> No.5093605

You mean READ.

>> No.5093624 [DELETED] 

o p H E R E I M l E a v i N g 4 c H a n f o R e v e R B E C A U s E i f O u n D O U t i T s A D M i N i s a t h I E F W h O T a K e S c r e D I T s f o R O t H E r S W o R K H t T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / i s t H e p L a c E 2 B

>> No.5093626
File: 41 KB, 298x160, takanosigjr3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What eventually ties the events, plains why they happened and what they have to do to reach a 'good' conclusion is...vague bullshit.

Takano is bullshit?
Beside, just because you think the syndrome is bullshit it doesn't make the novels shitty.

Higurashi had an awesome character development, memorable scenes and the whole "changing" fate thing going on (that the anime butchered)

>> No.5093650

Don't pop a vein there fella.
And she is really not the brightest example of character development, nor does the backstory that leads to the events (what her and Yamainu doing) makes mucho sense.
There is a limit to suspension of disbelief and BELIEVABLE character development.
If you can enjoy the 'good' parts and willingly ignore the shit splattered all over, good for you.

>> No.5093653

You just have low standards.
The character development wasn't bad but far too heavy handed for its own good.
Everything else was done in a pretty "childish" and amateurish way.

>> No.5093665

Who the fuck need charts here?
I understand on /a/ or /v/ since the userbase is too retarded to even know how to use google, but I have higher expectations on /jp/.

>> No.5093676

>but I have higher expectations on /jp/.
You really shouldn't have those expectations.

>> No.5093678

you know how eloquent and intelligent people still use dictionaries?

>> No.5093691

>Everything else was done in a pretty "childish" and amateurish way.
>And she is really not the brightest example of character development, nor does the backstory that leads to the events (what her and Yamainu doing) makes mucho sense.


>> No.5093703

I've watched Clannad and it made me cry, I'm looking for a dramatic and romance based anime! Your suggestions please.

>> No.5093712


Refer to the chart, lazybones. You can get all the information you need from the interbutts.

Now delete your post.

>> No.5093732

Yeah, ooft... I like how they're categorised. D:

>> No.5093747

fine, watch binchou-tan.

>> No.5093935
File: 196 KB, 670x480, bea_akuwaraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure are buttmad Higurashi devs here.

>> No.5095253

lol at Peter Payne censorship.

>> No.5095915

initially i was not aware that Wanko to Kurasou was an eroge
i got it for the cuteness factor,
now im not sure i should continue playing it....

>> No.5098902

Creator of>>5093327 here.

That chart was originally supposed to be a starting point for someone to make a better version of. That's why theres space on the sides and bottom. Glad to see other people have taken it and improved it, like >>5093348

oh yeah, and Higurashi wasn't translated when I made that way back.

>> No.5098920

Wanko is fine until mating season begins, then it becomes DEAR GOD HOW MUCH SEX CAN YOU POSSIBLY HAVE

learn to use CTL key to skip ero scenes

>> No.5099215

But the only part of Wanko that isn't complete shit is the ero (and even that isn't that good). I can't imagine how shitty it would be if you just read it for the "story."

>> No.5101263

I read it for the hnnngggg factor
i suppose that makes me no better than someone who reads it for the ero....
