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File: 10 KB, 182x331, bath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5083361 No.5083361 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5083364

It's from that Nanoha doujin, right?

>> No.5083363

Is it true that normalfags take a shower every day?
That's fucking obsessive.

>> No.5083372

How can you waste so much time and soap?
Can't you just masturbate? Better use of both.

>> No.5083365

2 showers a day.

>> No.5083376

I take shower every day. I am not normalfag.

>> No.5083377

3 showers a day here, since I masturbate in the shower.

>> No.5083380
File: 417 KB, 707x1000, Patchouli_Knowledge_by_Harukim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every three days

>> No.5083386

I usually masturbate once a day. I don't understand how taking a bath (shower) twice a day is wasting time. I don't really have anything awesome to do with my time anyway.

Also, I tried masturbating with soap before. It didn't work out.

>> No.5083393

I didn't bathe in a month and noone was complaining.
When I realized that, I even asked my sister to honestly tell me if I stink, and she said I didn't.

>> No.5083410

3+ times a day.
In the morning, after school, before bed. After that, it depends on if I'm working out, if it's terribly hot, or if I have somewhere I need to be and have to look presentable.

>> No.5083419

Yeah, right.

>> No.5083420

that's cause your sister is kind :)

>> No.5083427

I wash my hair every two days because greasy hair is disgusting. It also gets itchy. Don't know when I really showered last, though. I was my arm pits now and then when I feel like theyn need it.

>> No.5083429

Usually, I take baths when I feel like shit.

>> No.5083431

>In more than one way
Bath tubs
Large baths

>> No.5083456

No, she's a real bitch. The true embodiment of a normalfag. And she often tells me that my haircut is terrible and that I should be bald like real men, so I can trust her to say what else is wrong about me.

>> No.5083460

I usually take a shower once or twice in a week or such. My only problem is a rather long hairs, which tend to look "dirty" and slim if I don't wash my head for 2-3 days, so other people complain about my hairs. It's just that I'm too lazy to take a shower before sleep, usually I shut off right after fap.
Yeah, I never happened to be stinky or something, just when i finely wash myself there's a lot of dead skin on me.
Yeah i also shave on week basis or don't shave at all (thanks Im caucasian and my cheeks almost smoth).

>> No.5083461

Too frequent bathing does injury by stimulating the pores of the skin too much. When the skin acts naturally, it constantly throws off, by insensible perspiration or exhalation, a substance which it is necessary the system should part with for the continuance of life and health. When, from any cause, that exhalation is impeded, the system suffers by being oppressed with that which should be thrown off. But if the skin be made too active, it throws off too much -- more than is required, and more than the system can afford to spare: hence the system is gradually weakened. And though years may pass before this undue waste be perceived, yet it will sooner or later discover itself.

>> No.5083470

I have to admit i play the vidya while bathing

>> No.5083485


>> No.5083489


ziploc bags

>> No.5083496

I am a bathing type, one bath per two days. At times I forget to bathe for a week or so.

I'm still a fucking bishie though.

>> No.5083509

Or just,you know,dont let it fall

>> No.5083517
File: 8 KB, 228x335, bath2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5083525

Wouldn't the moisture of the air ruin it anyway?

>> No.5083536

only if the moisture condenses on the device, which only happens when its cooler than said moisture... electronics generate heat... you do the math.

>> No.5083545

If I have to go outside then I'll shower, otherwise:

>> No.5083553
File: 10 KB, 228x335, dick1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5083555

I shower every day because I enjoy the hot shower and the clean feeling afterward. I do it even when I stay alone inside my apartment all day.

>> No.5083561
File: 90 KB, 466x680, 002e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to be washed by a magical girl?

>> No.5083565

I'd enjoy washing her soft, white skin as well.

And her delicious hair.

>> No.5083567

I've always taken a shower once in two days, because I don't really sweat at all even if I work out or so

>> No.5083568

do you love everybody voiced by Yukari Tamura?

her voice is delicious.

>> No.5083572

Not everyone. To be honest I prefer Fate to Nanoha, but Nanoha is good too.

>> No.5083637

>I was my arm pits now and then when I feel like theyn need it.

Doesn't count. How long have you gone without washing anything period? Longest for me would be 2.5 days: shower before leaving Friday night, shower when coming back Monday morning. The longest I've gone while washing the vitals (face, pits, dickballs and ass) was two weeks.

>> No.5083673


>> No.5083687

>How long have you gone without washing anything period?

Unless you count washing hands before/after meals, should be about three months.

>> No.5083726

How did it feel? How did it SMELL? Did you go out?
From my experiences, the main issues from bathing breaks are smells from not washing after poops and itching from going out when it's warm.

>> No.5083736

Not bad, other than the sweat. I don't eat much during summer, so not much poop.

>> No.5083740

Very much this.

>> No.5083756

I only have a small tub because I live in a condo, I usually take showers instead of baths, I take 2 showers a day in the winter and up to 3 and over in the summer, I live in a 30+degree enviroment with humidity in the 80~90s. With no A/C I have a sensitive sense of smell and can't stand the feeling of being sweaty.

>> No.5084272
File: 230 KB, 1600x1314, 1253002493882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps a month. With long hair, it's rather irritating to put up with after five days or so unwashed. Going to bed on the same pillow, using the same bedding, is also similarly horrible feeling.

I enjoy showers, sure, but I often put them off for a myriad or reasons. Of course, the main one that I always try to use to justify it is that I simply have no reason. A waste of water, soap, shampoo, conditioner. If I've no one to present myself to decently, why should I make the effort?

>> No.5084283

i shower everyday. i feel dirty otherwise

>> No.5084387

Do you have a job?

>> No.5084410

What do you think?

>> No.5084415

Just do them when you wake up or when you go to sleep, or both. There's no way to forget them that way, unless people forget brushing their teeth as well.

>> No.5084436

I've been bathing recently as its less painful than showering when your body is one giant sunburn,

>> No.5084439

I can't go to sleep without taking a shower. If I don't take one it will feel like I'm sleeping in a pile of oil and rat piss. I don't want all the oil and dirty skin flakes on my bedsheets and pillow. It disgusts me because I'm a clean freak.

>> No.5084460

I have to take a shower every day. It's too hot here so if you don't you'll smell like sweat and be all sticky.

Though back when I was young I would often go most of my summer vacation without taking a bath. I'm pretty sure one time I did go the full 2 and a half months without taking one.

>> No.5084471

When I was in elementary school I went 6 months without showering. Usually I took showers once every 3 months.

Then puberty happened.

>> No.5084479

Fucking puberty. Ruined my abilities to trap, ruins my chance at being lazy.

>> No.5084707

You sick bastard.
When I was a kid, I would go Monday - Friday without bathing in the summer, only because I would be forced to go out on the weekends. I would steal my mother's body sprays and use it to mask the smells. Protip: DO NOT spray your testicles directly.

>> No.5084754

I've gone very long periods without bathing and I can tell you that it honestly doesn't change much. I don't know where the idea of your body smelling came from, but it's pretty damn stupid. You do know you remake all your cells over time right? If you played around in the dirt or you're sweating like crazy it'll make you smell but that's the extent of it.

Regardless, I shower roughly every two days anyway as it just feels nice.

>> No.5084798 [DELETED] 


Can anyone share just the name of it? I'm sure I have it but it's somewhere lost between the hundreds of doujins I have. I have to learn to properly tag them.

>> No.5085304

>I've gone very long periods without bathing and I can tell you that it honestly doesn't change much.
Then you either are very lucky or got a malfunctioning nose. I used to think the same as you, until people started telling me that I stinked even though I didn't smell a thing.

>> No.5085323

Protip: Your nose gets used to smells and stops smelling them after a short while. Also, it's not your body which smells, it's the bacteria which lives on your body which smells, which are there regardless of what you've done recently.

>> No.5085350

I shower about once a week. 5-6 days and my hair starts to get too filthy to deal with. People showering daily, let alone 2+ times a day just seems crazy to me; but then again they're probably just normalfags.

>> No.5085376

I bathe when I start feeling uncomfortable.

For the most part i don't get past two days without a bath, but that's usually caused from not changing clothes. If I change everyday I can usually get away with more

>> No.5085432


>> No.5085468

Wow guys, congratulations on living in cold countries. Here if you don't take a shower every day or sometimes twice a day you'll smell like shit because 1) you are always sweating to some degree 2) hot air transmits odors more easily

>> No.5085473
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker is $1 at Wal-Mart. Maybe less if you have a coupon. Of all the things hikkis are wasting, hygiene products are not one of them.

>> No.5086236

Of course, I've asked people. Unless there is some massive conspiracy trying to make every random person lie to me about my smell, you're insane.

>> No.5086791

They call it 'being nice.'

>> No.5088872

I have a severe case of swamp ass, so my crotch will have a very strong stench of shit unless I wash myself down there.
