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File: 2.79 MB, 1582x1187, 125519872147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5067424 No.5067424 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this.

>> No.5067430
File: 187 KB, 500x500, kinzo gentleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what?

>> No.5067426
File: 107 KB, 504x700, chocolate_holiday_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- It's white
- It's Battler x Beato
- They get along
- Battler serves it
- They kiss
- There are jokes

>> No.5067435

Go on

>> No.5067436
File: 141 KB, 496x700, chocolate_holiday_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea: Ronove and Teacher aren't around today.
Bat: Oh? What is it this time?
Bea: They left a note
- We are going to the mouse kingdom. [Disneyland, I guess]
Bat: Even witches like that place!?
- We left behind some mackerel, so if you get hungry just microwave it and eat.
Bat: Are we latchkey kids now?! And mackerel at that?!
Bea: The Seven Sisters are playing Mario Party at the Siestas' place.
Bea: And Gaap...
Bea: She took a camera and snuck out
Bea: saying "I understand the situation, so I won't get in the way"
Bat: She just couldn't wait to play paparazzi, I bet!

>> No.5067439
File: 101 KB, 503x700, chocolate_holiday_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: In other words...
Bat: It'll be just the two of us all day?
Bea: -- oh
Bea: What now, are you...
Bea: feeling self-conscious all of a sudden?
Bat: Mhm, maybe so. If...
Bat: I said I was, then...
Bat: what would you do?

>> No.5067444
File: 114 KB, 503x700, chocolate_holiday_03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: Well?
Bea: Nothing, you idiot!
Bat: Really...
Bea: It doesn't matter, so go prepare breakfast, furniture!
Bat: I'm your furniture anymore. And what about finishing your hair?
Bea: Like you weren't just going to make it into an afro! Sooo obvious!
Bat: Yeah, yeah, I guess I'll do it.
Bea: Battler, what's wrong?
Bat: Oh, nothing
Outside: I saw nothing.
Bat: Sorry, but we'll be skipping breakfast.
Bea: Eh?

>> No.5067449
File: 85 KB, 492x700, chocolate_holiday_04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: I guess we'll have to eat the chocolate I swiped from Belzebub.
Bea: You don't value your life much, do you...
Bat: There's only one piece.
- ...
Bea: You eat it.
Bea: It's yours, isn't it? Eaaaaat iiiiiit
Bat: I'm eating it then.
Outside: Happily
Bea: Nuuuuh~

>> No.5067452
File: 122 KB, 500x700, chocolate_holiday_05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: ... as if
Bat: Just kidding, of course
Bea: Wh-, what...
Bea: What are you doing...

>> No.5067456
File: 99 KB, 498x700, chocolate_holiday_06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea: What are you doing out of the blue like that?
Bat: Well, you looked like you wanted some.
Bat: Chocolate with a dash of Beato, teehee
Bea: Whatever!
Bea: Hey...
Bea: Battler...?
Bea: Hmm?

>> No.5067462
File: 104 KB, 503x700, chocolate_holiday_07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea: ... Have you forgotten our circumstances?
Bat: No, I'm aware. We're on opposite sides of the game board...
Bat: Enemies
Bea: ... that's right. That's why, getting close like this...
Bat: That expression...
Bea: What about my expression?
Bat: ... Beato, if you're honest, you don't really mind this, do you?
Bat: That's probably how you really feel.
Bea: What would... you know...

>> No.5067466

Someone going to make the translations "hardsubbed" later right? Or should I start saving?

>> No.5067469
File: 114 KB, 500x700, chocolate_holiday_09.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: And there's plenty of chocolate left
Bea: "There's only one piece" was a lie tooooooo?
Bea: I don't need more, so, oh, oh
Big bubble in small box: Still not done, Battler...?
[Text below box is too small. Super something time, could be ippai or shippai or something else]
- A while later
Bat: Mmm, nice and full now, Beato
Bea: Haa... haa
Bea: You're... so... dead
Bea: I'll ram all seven stakes up your ass!
Bat: Now, now. It wasn't that bad, was it?
Bea: Shut up! Die! [This kanji makes no sense here, interpreting it phonetically as a sign of rage.]

>> No.5067465
File: 107 KB, 494x700, chocolate_holiday_08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat: Of course, the game is what it is, and we'll play it properly.
Bat: But...
Bat: Today, the game is on hold
Bat: There's no one here except us
Bat: So that's why...
Bat: I don't mind seeing the real you
Bat: Well, to sum it up, "Let's ignore everything else and just make out" is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.5067476
File: 106 KB, 497x700, chocolate_holiday_10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Order here is upper left panel, then upper right panel #3]
Bea: What is it this time?
Bat: Sleepy...
Bea: Huh?
Bea: Didn't you just get up a short while ago?
Bat: Nah... Besides, I've been going at it all day.
Bat: Hey, let me use your breasts as a pillow and rest a while, okay...
Bea: What are you..
Bea: Whoa, he falls asleep fast!

>> No.5067480
File: 138 KB, 501x700, chocolate_holiday_11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea: But indeed, he doesn't seem to have bad intentions...
Bea: I guess now and then a little relaxation...
Bea: is necessary...
Bea: And he wakes up fast too!!
Bat: Sorry, sorry
Bea: Grrr... I'll kill you after all!
Bea: And just when I was going to let it end it on a gentle note!
Bat: If we're going to end it, let's do it tenderly instead of gently. [Pun lost in translation]
Bea: Oi! What's up with this ending? Bring out the person responsible! Nooooooo

>> No.5067485
File: 37 KB, 503x700, chocolate_holiday_12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Is this really part of the story? It was posted that way, so I'm including it here just in case.]

>> No.5067493
File: 121 KB, 503x700, chocolate_holiday_13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ron: We're back~
Vir: Did everything go okay, Bea--
Outside: We have souvernires too
Vir: to...?

>> No.5067503

Thanks, anon.

>> No.5067504

The end.

Forgot to fix the typo in "souvenirs" here.

Not translating most of the sounds, I assume they're obvious enough. Ask if there's anything. [Notes] are mainly intended for people who want to typeset/edit, not the final result.

And what's up with all the B's. Battler, Beato, Bernkastel... Umineko no naku koro B, more like it.

>> No.5067631

Thank you, I enjoyed it.

>> No.5068078

Last night's thread died after a few hours, so unless someone shows up soon, this one might die before it gets merged too.

>> No.5069584

No one? What a shame.

>> No.5069608

>2.79 MB, 1582x1187

the fuck
