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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5060681 No.5060681 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any pets? The lack of outside contact seems ideal for needy pets.
I have a Calico kitten, and the mother. There was an orange one, but I gave it to one of my other friends.

Anybody with exotic pets that make for good friends on ronery days?

>> No.5060694

how could you not keep the orange one

orange cats are the best

>> No.5060704
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He really wanted the orange one, heres one of the last pictures I had of it before I gave it away.

>> No.5060711

Black cats are the best. Orange are sassy brats.

>> No.5060720
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anyways cats is the best

>> No.5060725

I need a pet. Kinda tossing up between another cat or going a little more exotic and getting a ferret.

>> No.5060734
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>> No.5060735
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>> No.5060746

D'aww, see? Look at that cute little thing!

>> No.5060751

I'm a regular /an/on. let me help make that decision for you

ferrets smell really, really, really bad. even with their stink glands removed

>> No.5060764
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very /jp/ related

>> No.5060771
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birds and dogs and cats

>> No.5060776

had a green japanese bird, but it kept chewing the buttons off the remote and refused to cook me any pasta

>> No.5060777

I have two cats, one older male and a younger one, aged 17 and 3. They're bros and love me because I'm always around them every minute of the day (NEET).

>> No.5060784


unless you have an outdoor barn to keep a ferret in don't get one, they REALLY stink

>> No.5060793


Don't remind me. I really REALLY want a black cat.

>> No.5060801
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cats are the moe-est!

>> No.5060811
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>> No.5060816
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>> No.5060824


I guess another cat it is then. It'll be nice to spend time with a bossy and demanding furball I just can't be mad at.

>> No.5060834
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fuck off

>> No.5060848
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Sometimes this cat will ask me what I am doing.
He is friendly and likes to climb.
I would not want to be an owner but it is nice to pet a cat.

>> No.5060870
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>> No.5060917
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>> No.5060943

Lots of cats... and one dog. Curious.

Somehow I presumed /jp/ would have more birds, tortoises, snakes or even spiders.

>> No.5060964

Wait what?

>> No.5060970
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but quite a few of us DO have birds

>> No.5060977

they go nuts for that stuff in /an/

and rats. rats are a big pet

I'd get one myself but they have short life spans and are subject to a lot of health problems... it would break my heart

>> No.5060978

Your pet female cat will never turn into a cute girl to keep you company ;_;

>> No.5060988
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>> No.5061001
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Used to half a cat, but I had to give her away when I moved to an apartment.

>> No.5061004
File: 474 KB, 800x1208, 1270834758467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone just decided this was just now a cat thread

especially considering
are all reposts, not pictures of their own cat

>> No.5061006

I have a turtle and a Basset hound. I can go months forgetting about the turtle as he's not mine and turtles are boring as fuck if they're not snappers. I love to take it easy with my dog on the couch, though.

>> No.5061014

that picture always gives me the willies

it's a cat mid-turn though, btw

>> No.5061019
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My dogs.

>> No.5061027
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me and my horse

>> No.5061030


Must be hard to type with those little paws, eh?

>> No.5061032

Eight dogs, five cats, six goldfish, four goats, one cow.

I think the cow gets lonely being alone.

>> No.5061041


I have a cat at my family's house. We got him from a shelter, and he's had to have like $6000 worth of surgery since - bladder infection, eye cancer, on and on. Everything happens to this poor cat. We love him, though. He's a trooper, despite now having one eye and having to eat special catfood so his tract problems don't reoccur.

I can't have pets at my apartment. It pains me. I want a rat so bad, goddammit.

>> No.5061072

I have a dog, she keeps me company when I go to bed. It's nice to be able to hold someone, even if it isn't a human.

>> No.5061087

I feel you. I lost my last rat to cancer - he had an open abscess tumor in his stomach that wouldn't close and kept spreading. I gave him meds and cleaned it out every day, but watching him fade was just heartbreaking. He passed on before he started to hurt too bad, though.

Still love rats, although next time I'll get a fancy rat/other normal pet variety instead of a former lab subject.

>> No.5061090

I had a snake before I moved into a different apartment. I had to release him into the wild because the landlord has ophidiophobia. I regret that decision, should have rejected the apartment. ;_;

I am looking into a cat now. A nice gray and white one with blue eyes, perhaps.

>> No.5061097
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who here likes chii's sweet home

I really choke up reading it sometimes ;_;

>> No.5061110

Go back to /a/

>> No.5061122

gee we wouldn't want something not /jp/ related in a not /jp/ related thread would we

>> No.5061135
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>> No.5061142

Take it to /a/

>> No.5061143

What about having a cat because you have no friends isn't Otaku Culture?

Oh right, no frilly hats.

>> No.5061149
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>> No.5061171

Oh man.

I need to get a cat and a Yukkuri doll. I'll take pictures of the slaughter for you guys.

>> No.5061178


>> No.5061177
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>> No.5061176


Your dog is now human. What now?

>> No.5061211

What's the appeal of cats anyway? They are nice to you only when they need something(food), they act like they're the center of the world and hiss all the time.

>> No.5061215

>hiss all the time
you must be doing something wrong

>> No.5061219

The fuck have you been doing to cats?

When they start depending on you more, they'll act as friendlier, or friendlier, than dogs. But if you kick them and such I'm sure they'll run in fear and then attack you.

>> No.5061230

>as friendlier.

As friendly.

>> No.5061261

I'm sorry, but there's no way that you can prove me that cats can develop sort a bond with their owner. You know, friendship? Once you'll run out of supplies that'll satisfy their needs, they'll turn their back against you. They don't care about you. Dogs on the other hand, that's a whole different thing.

>> No.5061264

Does the mother have different colored eyes?

>> No.5061272

My dog ran away like 5 times.

Yeah, some loyalty there.

>> No.5061287

anything that isn't able to reply is fit to be /jp/'s pet.

>> No.5061291

You must have done something wrong or the dog was already scarred by some past experience. Dogs are man's best friend.

>> No.5061300
File: 145 KB, 640x480, IMG_0770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, the orange one had blue eyes, the two calicos are just hazel.

The blue is from the lens flash.

>> No.5061302

Dogs are terrible for most of us. You have to take it out for walks and they go through food a lot faster than cats.

>> No.5061314

right. and their barking is fucking obnoxious

>> No.5061328

/jp/ - /an/

>> No.5061450

cats are otaku related. go away.
