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File: 58 KB, 576x827, animebrushingherteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5058236 No.5058236 [Reply] [Original]

Do you NEETs keep proper care of your teeth? When I was normalfag, I wasn't so good at brushing/flossing/mouth washing, but after I became a recluse, I started doing the whole routing everyday. Probably because I was scared of going out to see a dentist, so I didn't want it to have to come tot that.

>> No.5058248

Haven't brushed my teeth in years and I still have perfectly healthy teeth. Feels good man.

>> No.5058252

This is a shitty thread.

>> No.5058267


>> No.5058265

I haven't brushed in over 5 years. I've had 1 dental visit in the duration with a couple cavities, and 1 time of pain due to the cavity. My breath isn't noticed by my family or the few friends I have left, so I imagine it's not the worst in the world.

Bet I have all of you beat.

>> No.5058296

What do you guys typically eat?

>> No.5058307

raw dicks and cabbage

>> No.5058313

I haven't brushed in several years as well. That's a relief knowing I'm not alone.

>> No.5058315

I don't understand how artists can make tooth brushing an arousing thing, as IRL it's really not at all.

I take decent care of my teeth, but I fucking rage at dentists... I've actually switched multiple times because they either tell me outright fucking lies or are assholes.

Case in point, one dentist said "oh man, you need a $3,000 root canal and tooth crown/ replacement, look at this filling you have... If we look at it in ENHANCED STRUCTURAL VIEW..." (I know fucking Photoshop "invert" when I see it, dick) "... yeah, you're clearly going to need this super expensive procedure or else you're going to be in severe pain."

Went to another dentist, and the guy looked at it and said "the filling is totally fine, I wouldn't mess with it. It IS a big filling, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it." God, I was so enraged.

>> No.5058317

I'm not a neet, but I brush and floss every day.

>> No.5058322

Throw some cum in there and pretty much this. (>>5058307)

>> No.5058327

some days when i can't brush my teeth before i eat but i intend to eat shortly after i would brush my teeth with the result that everything would taste funky i skip it.

>> No.5058331

Seriously, I don't think your teeth are healthy.

>> No.5058335
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>> No.5058352

I never used to brush daily, only in the morning before school but only during school. I've never had a cavity before.

Now I brush every day, especially before bed. Sleeping 12 hours+ a day without brushing gives you horrible morning breath.

>> No.5058360

I brush them like once a week.
Never had anything wrong with them my entire life.

>> No.5058363

That's pretty obvious. I have bigger problems than having to worry about my fucking teeth.

>> No.5058373

I brush them whenever I remember to and am in the bathroom.
Visited my dentist last summer, and they said I have perfect and strong teeth.

>> No.5058374

I used to brush my teeth very rarely, but for the last month or so I've brushed them every day. I drink about 1-1,5 litres of Coca-Cola daily, and one of my teeth has started to fucking melt. Gotta go to a dentist soon so I won't lose my dear teeth.

>> No.5058376

I'm from England.

>> No.5058380

My father is a dentist and he says most dental problems arise from humans eating what they were not supposed/biologically prepared to, in ancient times. Red meat, sweets, etc = dental problems. But we wouldn't have (much) problems if we ate only fruits, and such.

He's not a very good one and I can't check the facts, but that's what he told me once. He's probably wrong (judging by common sense), but that's the information I have to share.

>> No.5058381

I don't brush my teeth because I can't stand mint. Why would anyone want to be stuck with that horrendous taste in his mouth for hours is beyond me. If I do brush, I have to spend half an hour trying to get rid of the taste. It really drives me mad. I might care more about brushing my teeth when I can find toothpaste that doesn't come in mint, very mint and SUPER HARDCORE MINT: YOUR BODY WON'T ROT FOR 500 YEARS DUE TO THE MINT STENCH KEEPING BACTERIA AWAY EDITION.

>> No.5058390

Fuck you both, I brush every day and floss 3 times a week, STILL had 7 cavities last dental visit. I WILL FIND WHERE YOU LIVE AND BURN YOUR HOUSES TO THE GROUND

>> No.5058391

I brush my teeth with strange men's pubic hair.

>> No.5058399

i scrape the layers of plaque off my teeth with my fingernails

>> No.5058401

I brush my teeth just one time a day.

>> No.5058405

Use a pinch of baking soda instead.

>> No.5058408

I believe you can get "unflavored" toothpaste from the chemist if not from your usual shop. Tastes like sealant.

>> No.5058415


>> No.5058427

When someone brushes your teeth for you in causes unconscious arousal. That said, you feel nothing when you do it on yourself.

>> No.5058450

you will never have your teeth brushed by someone else ;_;

>> No.5058451

On average I brush maybe 2 times a week.
My last cavity was a few years ago and I actually brush less since then. My teeth have been noted to be a little yellow, though.

>> No.5058455

>2 times a week

oh wow.

>> No.5058461

In the old days, people used to take their morning piss and swish it around in their mouths to whiten their teeth.

>> No.5058462

I hated getting my teeth brushed by my parents and my grandmother.

I wouldn't want them to clean my ears either.

Of course I'd be willing to do both if I could get a girlfriend who'd do it for me, but yeah...

>> No.5058466

Read the thread before posting useless idiocy.

>> No.5058484

get the F outta here.

Well... I suppose if you have a better than average diet and eat natural teeth cleaners like apples and greens then it's possible. But i doubt you guys eat that healthy.

>> No.5058491

I haven't brushed my teeth in 3 years. I was thinking of creating this same thread on /jp/, yesterday. Funny.

>> No.5058496

I brush me teeth after breakfast and before I go to sleep, so overall two times a day

>> No.5058500
File: 20 KB, 475x395, 1208310699295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I brush my teeth since my mom stopped telling me to at the age of 13

>> No.5058504

Filthy normalfag, get out of /jp/.

>> No.5058508

I'm gonna have to make this a life goal now.

"get my teeth brushed by a special girl in my life".

>> No.5058524

Eh... I'm supposed to be out working on this beautiful day, my other job called me for some extra hours. I'm practically getting money thrown at me and I'm here posting on 4chan. I'm not too far from you guys today.

>> No.5058527


At times, I really have to wonder why, in the light of over 7000 years of civilization and scientific prowess, we still have people that look and act like savages, trapped forever in the stone age.

>> No.5058534

>F outta here
Get out normalfag.

>> No.5058536

It's not all sugar and spice and everything nice like most developed countries.

>> No.5058542


Some countries aren't as developed as we are.

>> No.5058559

Sometimes I brush once a day, sometimes once a month, sometimes longer than that.
I went to the dentist last week, actually, and he said that I'm doing a great job brushing, but I really should use floss.

Go figure.

>> No.5058557

The worst are in Africa, but from the looks of this one, this is from somewhere with a medical center, and he is white, which puzzles me why he is such a filthy monkey.

>> No.5058576

When I was a child I took good care of my teeth. I had several cavities.
Now I haven't brushed them in years. A dentist didn't find anything wrong with them aside from a tiny amount of tartar.

>> No.5058591

Not all poor people are black dude.... Don't pretend you don't know that.

>> No.5058628

usually after 20 or so you stop getting cavities for a while.

that being said, many dentists are liars. I went to a new dentist because I moved and he said I needed 2 fillings.

he barely drilled my teeth (didn't even need any sort of numbing shot) and charged me ~1k.
I went back to my old dentist and they said... well he just ruined 2 of your teeth for no reason.

anyway, the real reason to brush is your gums, not teeth. for some people if they don't brush their gums will be very sensitive, and stuff like chips or cereal can tear apart their mouth.

>> No.5058637

Brush them every day. Never had any problems with them.

>> No.5058638

I only brush my teeth when I need to go outside.

>> No.5058653


>>5058248 here. Normal food like chicken, fish etc. I tend to stay away from carbonated drinks though and stick with water. My teeth don't have stains or anything and my gums are healthy too. I used to go to the dentist every 6 months when I was younger but it was completely pointless, I've never even had a filling.

>> No.5058663

My teeth are fine and I only brush them before going to work. So five times a week.

>> No.5058919

Fuck, I have an appointment later today to take care of two cavities, as well has apply a pseudo-crown (he called in an enclave or something) that was being prepared for one of my teeth. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the tooth that's getting the enclave might need a root canal.

>> No.5058927

I eat rice. That's all I eat. Rice and water.

>> No.5058957

I used to have fangs, but got defanged. Still need braces because I always feel teeth on the bottom all the time.

>> No.5058993

I brush once a day at night.

>> No.5059006
File: 65 KB, 646x505, 1272845781039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't enthusiastic about brushing them until I played ONE.

>> No.5059052

I use my fingernails to scrape the plaque off my teeth and tongue when I take a shower, and I use mouthwash when I need to go outside and my breath is shit and to clean my gums.

Works fine for me.

>> No.5059064


What does your diet normally consist of?

>> No.5059081

Sandwiches, rice, eggs, pretzels, Cheez-It, Jell-o, milk, and a shit ton of grape drink mix.

>> No.5059107

I do it a few times a week, a lot less than I should, but I've only ever had one cavity, my gums are slightly swollen because I rarely floss. I think it looks noticeable but no one has ever called me out on it so maybe I'm just too conscious about it.

>> No.5059126

I do it once a month when I remember to.

>> No.5059187

I haven't brushed but a few times in the last 17 years or so, and the last few times were all maybe 6 years ago too.

My teeth are a little yellow and that's about it. I'm not so optimistic as to think it won't get worse, though, and I really should work on getting into the habit.

>> No.5060143

i try to brush every day when i cant i scrub by teeth with cloth and chew orbit or trident i hate the fuzzy slippers feeling i get when i forget to brush

>> No.5060148

I'm not a great example of dental hygene, but then again, I'm british...

>> No.5060151


>> No.5060163

My teeth are incredibly yellow due to daily tea-time.

>> No.5060164

I have yellowish teeth that are in great health apparently. I brush at least once a day because I hate the feel of unbrushed teeth when going to sleep.

>> No.5060182

I'm not NEET and neither are other /jp/friends.

fuck off OP and go cry to /toy/

>> No.5060191
File: 66 KB, 646x505, one849564467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dental Hygiene Girl tip of the day.

>> No.5060216
File: 84 KB, 529x440, bcd7089a5cfd45dfbfaed5456ebd5b3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you brushed your sister's teeth today?

>> No.5060221

It's quite difficult for me to brush teeth that don't exist Anon, so no.

>> No.5060250

I sincerely hope that all those posts is just one dude samefagging

>> No.5060251

no, theyre a fucking mess because dentists in liverpool are faggots, now I'm back home I'm getting them looked after, as many of them taht are left anyways

>> No.5060260

I guess you should have started when she was a little younger.

>> No.5060262

My teeth are in horrible condition.

I'd brush them regularly if I could remember, fuck I cant even take prescription medication regularly because I forget. I dont sleep or even eat on a regular schedule.

I just do things as they come to me, and unfortunately I dont notice my teeth but like once a week.

>> No.5060269
File: 84 KB, 566x800, 1254545339939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5060287

I don't believe it is. Imagine the stereotypical filthy convention people. Those guys at least make a minimum effort because they're leaving the house.
/jp/ is what happens when they give up.

>> No.5060289

But she died before I was born Anon, miracles such as that are beyond me.

>> No.5060304

I haven't been to a dentist in over 10 years now. I probably should go soon, get my wisdom teeth removed ( should have had them removed back then).

I probably need a lot of work done.

>> No.5060330

Just had mine out two days ago, its really common and easy to have done.

The only problem is the after-care for like 2-3 days, that and your jaw gets fucking sore from holding gauze in your mouth and not chewing on that side. Other than that no problems.

>> No.5060332

Everday twice a day. Mouthwash and floss too.
Still have 5 cavitites, my dentist is a jew.

>> No.5060434

I feel for you, I've had veneers put in after cracking a couple of teeth in an accident, they keep falling out and having to be put back in, after the third time I just said 'Fuck it, I'll live with the fangs.'

. . . . . my dentist is a muslim . . . .

>> No.5060470

If I ever have kids, I really want to do this ;_;
