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File: 50 KB, 788x652, words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5049030 No.5049030 [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't I know Japanese by now? 5,112 words is a lot.

>> No.5049035

At first I thought it was PS3 Media Server.

>> No.5049041

Put sentences in anki, not individual words. Derp.

>> No.5049044

Yes, you're done now, grats.

>> No.5049053


OR he could just study the words and use his knowledge of grammar to make his own sentences.

>> No.5049066

If my number of cards due ever gets to that size I'm going to jump out of my fourth floor window.

>> No.5049069

Uh, not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.

>> No.5049070


OP obviously doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

>> No.5049075 [DELETED] 

My number of cards is near that number, but they're all full sentences.

>> No.5049074


I have it set so the ones I don't get done until after you do the ones due for that day. I had a new total of over 3000 but I got so fed up learning like 10-20 words a day. I have a BA in Japanese so I don't have time for that shit.

>> No.5049088

Which decks should i choose?

>> No.5049103

>BA in Japanese
What's that supposed to do?

>> No.5049105


What are you trying to do?

>> No.5049110


Dunno. I'm trying to get into freelance.

>> No.5049151

I have negative experience with flashcards for learning words(didn't try sentences though).

After NNNth time I can recall kanji by its shape almost instantly, BUT. If I try to use my supah knowledge to translate anything at screenshots at vndb, I fail misrebly: when I see kanji, surrounded by other kanji at okurigana, my brain refuses to recall what the hell it is. I now write kanji in the paper notebook several times. So far reaults are much better.

>> No.5049161


I seem to be like this but instead of reading it's listening.

>> No.5049249
File: 84 KB, 431x486, 34536342475474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reviews due 1704

>> No.5049271

I guess I should also state that most of my word definitions are using Japanese definitions and aren't all J->E

>> No.5051031

>1704 cards due.

How does this even happen if you review daily? Or were you slacking?

>> No.5051060

What program is this?

>> No.5051078

It's a pretty straightforward spaced repetition flashcard program. Has some particular niceties for kanji study, and has a fairly large number of shared decks available.

>> No.5051082

Can you read them?
Also show us how your cards look like. Making up your own sentences is a bad idea because how would you know whether or not they're correct?

>> No.5051104

Which deck did you choose? Or did you make your own?

>> No.5051106

Could you recommend some decks?

>> No.5052592
File: 19 KB, 304x155, sim city traffic advisor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5052895


I get my Japanese definitions from Yahoo Japan's dictionary function.
