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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 634x553, ccs_11_1024_550x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5044929 No.5044929 [Reply] [Original]

'nuff said.

>> No.5044936

loli is from lolita and lolicon also stems from the same word so it is the same nuff said

>> No.5044939

CP thread?

>> No.5044952

the little girl isn't a lolita dumbass

>> No.5044971

Only weeaboos think there is a difference.

>> No.5044975

That's just the 2D:3D divide. Loli is pedo. You know it in your heart.

>> No.5044978

You do know that the only reason that lolita has been associated with little girls in the west is because of that book right?

>> No.5044982

one industry traumatizes little girls

the other creates illustrations

not the same

>> No.5044990

>Implying fictional characters deserve rights

>> No.5044994

Irrelevant to your attractions.

>> No.5044996

Nobody was implying that, idiot.

>> No.5045006

I'm asexual I have no desire to see things of 3D flesh

>> No.5045011

What if I only like 2d, while I am disgusted by 3d kids?

>> No.5045022

You do know that the word lolicon also refers to the book?

>> No.5045026

your still a pedo but okay

>> No.5045034


>> No.5045044


..you and i must not be thinking of the same book.

>> No.5045050


Oh yeah. That's how I like it.

>> No.5045094


No...it doesn't.

>> No.5045102

Maybe we aren't. I was referring to the novel Lolita by Nabokov.

>> No.5045111

Then no, the word Lolicon isn't used to refer to the book.

>> No.5045118

Better question, which one is the real pedo from those youtube commentors?

>> No.5045119

Tell that to your deputy, his the one making laws.
Not us.
seriously, just write a letter.

>> No.5045133

look at those sluts. Just look at them!

>> No.5045154

GOOD GOD, are real women seriously that slutty from that age?

>> No.5045161

From even younger, these girls are late bloomers.

>> No.5045164

Yes it is. Or at least it refers to the term that originated from the book.

>> No.5045174

>Comment pending approval


>> No.5045181

I hate that, comments should either be shut off completely or allow anyone to comment. Picking only the good comments is bullshit.

>> No.5045207

this is ridiculous, what a fucking freak show. and you guys are turned on by that?

>> No.5045241

Disgusting, filthy piglets

>> No.5045262

ITT: Trolls trying to prove attraction toward 2D fictional girls is the same as attraction to real 3D pig disgusting girls.

Yeah. Not buying it, sorry. Come again!

>> No.5045279

samefag spotted

>> No.5045280

No offense, but you do not know what your talking about.
Lolicon came from the term lolita complex which origins come from the book "The lolita complex" by Russell Trainer and is related to the book lolita only in title and not content.
Lolita means "young girl" and does not exclusively refer to children, so yeah lolita isn't what you think it is either.

>> No.5045285

shitstorm incoming


the Supreme Court of the USA fucking agreed on it, don't bother them about it

>> No.5045290

Chris Hanley

>> No.5045291


Oh shit! You're right.

>> No.5045301

OP here. The ugliness of that 3D pig is NOT the same as the adorable lolicons we get. also, Lolita and Lolicon both semi originate from the book. Lolicon and Lolita are not the same though, a Lolita(the fashion) is a cute Japanese girl or ugly American girl dressing in frilly dresses trying to look like a little girl or weird black and white gothic crap, while a Lolicon is a little anime girl.

>> No.5045305

Heavens no, that's much too low class. Try this.


>> No.5045326

no one likes 3D pigs here

>> No.5045385


You asshole.

>> No.5045437

I don't really get the point you're trying to make because the root of the term is still Nabokov's Lolita. Trainer himself was referring to Nabokov as well.

>> No.5045457

OP here, exactly.

>> No.5045465

Usage dictates meaning. If you want to know what lolicon means, look anywhere on the internet.

>> No.5045469

you're an idiot

>> No.5045480

That may be true, but the term "lolita complex" or lolicon refers to little girl love, also rorikon and gosurori are the respective japanese terms, Westerners don't call Lolita loli, but do call lolicon loli.

>> No.5045482

Well, be completely wrong about it if you like. You've got a lot of company in history.

>> No.5045501

OP here, why are we caring about this BS, my point is that 3D little girls are fugly and 2D ones aren't. Jeesh can't we all just get along? I AM DISAPPOINT!

>> No.5045503

why dont you just use a tripcode

>> No.5045535

Like I said, it's just 2d/3d. They're both pedo. You're fapping to idealized child traits.

>> No.5045567

I hate little kids. especially little girls. they are just plain annoying, sometimes pretending to be "mature" in the worst way possible.
Not exactly a 2d lolicon, but I have my loli doujin folder. definitely not the same thing.

>> No.5048412

I hate little girls because all they seem to do is SCREEEEEAAAAAAAAAM all the time.

>> No.5048437

Fucking wrong.

>> No.5048483

Don't see anything wrong with it. I just see some kids doing quite skillful dancing. I guess you must be a pedo to find this distressing.

>> No.5048505

Do you believe that yourself?

>> No.5048520

A photograph doesn't scream or act mature.

>> No.5048521

Look here and look well you blind American cunt. Where I come from, outfits like that where your entire torso and thighs are exposed, highlighted with thigh highs and black and red is considered TRASHY. You can try to act "mature" about it but when your own daughter is exposing basically all of her body sans vagina and nipples to the entire world, I think you'd have some problems with it.

>> No.5048526

I might agree, but in the end I find it better to call real-life pedophiles pedophiles and 2D loli lovers, well, either lolicons (using it is a bit wrong but it cant be helped) or 2D loli lovers.
because while they might be somewhat similar to each other, they are different.
Im pretty sure many people who enjoy futa arent attracted to real shemales, either.

>> No.5048527

Yes. You are distressed by this because it gives you feelings that you consider to be "inappropriate". In other words, you get a boner from looking at these kids. I didn't feel any sexual tension at all, probably because I don't consider dancing to be "sexy" in the first place, and because real little girls look like ugly midgets, as you can see from this video. They may have cute faces, but their bodies aren't attractive at all.

>> No.5048529

No one truly knows what loli means anymore. I thought 4chan of all places would get it right but only a handful of people have.

Example of someone who doesn't know what loli means: >>34397944

>> No.5048530

Like it has been said, people are discussing two different things. Most Americans still think of having sex with a 14 year old as "pedophilia", while in countries like Spain, that's above the age of consent.

Also, I, too, doubt that people arguing in this thread are really attracted to pre-pubescent children, and not the 12 year olds+ after reaching puberty.

I see the flamewars in this thread as simple cultural confusion, shock, etc.

Most people are probably trying to argue that having sex with 12 year old+ does not necessarily cause any harm, it can be consensual, laws should be modified to reflect "reality", etc. While the other side see all this "pedophilia" talk as strictly referring to pre-pubescent childs.

I blame the media for labeling people above the age of majority who have sex with people below the draconian ages of consent as "pedophiles". I believe this is where the misunderstanding come from.

Also, English is not my native langue, so excuse me if I sound odd. This is my take on the discussion.

Reposting from the other thread. I don't even care if it makes no sense in this discussion.

>> No.5048531

>Im pretty sure many people who enjoy futa arent attracted to real shemales, either.
Don't bother trying to explain this to these people. They just don't understand.

>> No.5048533


>> No.5048534

Nice link, bro.

>> No.5048542

lolicon (lolita complex) = colloquial speech for paedophilia in Japan. 2D loli and 3D loli are both pedo. Most of you *don't* think 2D > 3D, you pretend so that you can guiltlessly fap to forbidden fruit.

>> No.5048546


I'm glad you like it.

>> No.5048549

It really isn't the same thing. I like a lot of loli so long as it isn't fucking toddlercon, but I would never touch a child.

>> No.5048550

>implying there is supposed to be any guilt in the harmless act of fapping to drawings

>> No.5048552

The fact that you think 2D=3D at all is what is stupid.

>> No.5048557

not really.
the only quilt I'd feel from fapping to "3D loli" (= child pornography) would probably come from the girls being harmed while making porn.

>> No.5048558

This discussion is stupid. In the end, each one of you will stick with your belief, and we will just have polluted /jp/'s frontpage and made moot reconsider deleting /jp/.

>> No.5048561

Who the fuck looks at children in such a sexualized way? Where I come from, small kids running around naked isn't a problem, because our society isn't sick enough to sexualize CHILDREN.

>> No.5048562

They're not the same as in that one is just drawings and the other is a photograph, video or whatever, but the basic idea is the same: you're fapping to little girls.

>> No.5048564
File: 198 KB, 999x999, a5c968977429da1cbacef6217e92d3ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colloquial speech for pedophilia in Japan.
>Implying that all loli are underage

Cool story bro

>> No.5048566

You know, in China people don't even comprehend that in other countries little girls can't be dressed in bikinis and such, because they don't sexualize little girls and thus also don't have the whole morality watchdog faggotry going on.

>> No.5048567

>each one of you will stick with your belief
Which is sad, because the supporters always win these discussions, yet the retards stick to their flawed beliefs. This is why we hate these people the most, because they disregard logic and reason.

>> No.5048570

>you're fapping to little girls.
And this is inherently wrong, right? Moralist.

>> No.5048571
File: 17 KB, 300x300, thinkofthechildren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!?

Where are you from, Springfield?

>> No.5048573

Whether it's inherently wrong or not is irrelevant.

>> No.5048575

In one case, you fap to an actual kid.
In the other, to a drawing that depicts something that somewhat resembles it.
They are only the same if you are a retard who cannot bother to make distinctions.

>> No.5048577

Actually it is, since if there is nothing wrong with it, why are you whining that people do it?

>> No.5048579

I'm just annoyed that people keep making distinctions that aren't there. 2D would be morally better than 3D because no one can get hurt, sure, but it's still paedophilia.

>> No.5048582

FACT: People fapping to lolicon harms no one.
FACT: We don't give people a hard time for doing something that harms no one.
FACT: Everyone who thinks we should give these people a hard time are certified retards.

>> No.5048584

People hating on 2d children? What has happened to you all?

>> No.5048585

And if you've played RapeLay, you enjoy rape in reality too, right? Or if you play an FPS, you enjoy guns and shooting people in the head in reality?


>> No.5048591

This is what moral crusaders actually believe.

>> No.5048592

/jp/, why do you bother with obvious samefag trolls ? No matter what you say to him, he will spout his nonsense. Just let him talk to himself.

>> No.5048594

This thread makes /jp/ look active. Half of the posters probably came from other boards.

>> No.5048596

>using =/= instead of !=

>> No.5048598

Fapping to 2D loli doesn't mean you're in the least bit attracted to pre-pubescent girls in reality, so you're being kind of annoying with your assumptions as well.

>> No.5048599

There's a distinction between sexual and non-sexual things though. You won't go and fap to something you don't like.

>> No.5048604

>implying there's a difference

>> No.5048605

Only fags use != in place of ≠

>> No.5048607

Your post was either pointless or stupid.

Elaborate so I can determine which it is.

>> No.5048608

Obviously, since most loli look like 10~14 year olds.

>> No.5048611

If you're arguing right now, it means you want the other person to see the "light."

Why? Stop caring so much. Fap to your Flandres and moralfags go the other way. No real little girls are getting harmed here.

>> No.5048617

>I don't need to listen to other people because what I think is right even if it's wrong

>> No.5048622
File: 29 KB, 492x277, 1265205137955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how many same minute posts. On /jp/.

>> No.5048640

Obviously this means that it isn't just /jp/ in this thread. Somebody else is here...

>> No.5048664

Or it means that /jp/ is full of defensive pedos.

>> No.5048675

Or it's one of the drawbacks of an Anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5048680

Are you implying samefag? There's a speed limit, you know.

>> No.5048688

>Fap to your Flandres
Unless you're in a nation where the moralfags have made it illegal for you to do so.

>> No.5048691



>implying that fapping to fictional little girls and fictional women who look like little girls makes you a pedophile.

>Implying you can be a pedophile without having some kind of attraction to little girls in real life.

>> No.5048722
File: 83 KB, 534x848, yaoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that fapping to fictional men makes you gay
>implying you can be gay without some sort of attraction to men in real life

>> No.5048728


>> No.5048730


That's how it works

>> No.5048744

Give me a good reason to believe anyone on /jp/ would care to defend pedophilia? You're at the yukkuri board, remember.

>> No.5048747

Because their hard drives are full of Touhou loli porn?

>> No.5048750

pedophilia isnt a sexuality, like homosexuality ("gay"ness") is. sexuality only tells what gender you are attracted to.

>> No.5048752

No, that's all Aya and Sanae porn.

>> No.5048760
File: 69 KB, 468x661, 42731__468x_nakano-azusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cause I like young girls?

>> No.5048767

Once, someone posted a link to a page about a quiz telling people when someone is a real pedophile and when not.
Nobody has that link?

>> No.5048768

try fapping to women your own age. you might just like it

>> No.5048772

I'm making a list of countries that I will be banning from my site because they have criminalized lolicon and I don't want them to bother me because it can be found on my site. Currently, I am to believe the following countries all ban loli as "CP":

New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom

(Any that ban it as obscene or whatever, like the USA, aren't included.)

Are there any else that should be included?

>> No.5048775

I listened to that advice when I was 12, and it led me to where I am now.
I'm not going to listen to it again. Fool me once, etc...

>> No.5048776

Do I really have to explain that I wasn't asking what commited any anon here to the topic pedophilia, but why anyone would care to defend it? ON /JP/!

>> No.5048793

sounds exactly like something Stallman would write
except he wouldnt ban countries from his site

>> No.5048797

You'd think the denizens of /jp/ would understand their own culture.

>> No.5048801

/jp/ Anon's don't defend pedophilia, only invisible sky magicians do that.

>> No.5048807

If you don't like people blocking you from their sites, defend freedom of expression in your country.

>> No.5048859

Easier said than done.

>> No.5048869

3D is pig fucking disgusting, I'd never abuse of a little 3D girl even if it were for free and even if she honestly wanted to. Now 2D is glorious cute and beautiful.

>> No.5048884

Yeah, and if you play your VN cards right, she turns into a whore.

>> No.5048895


>> No.5048898

Is North America banning drawn loli porn?

>> No.5048910

Why do people act like the 3D counterpart to 2D loli is to go out and molest the nearest child?

>> No.5048933

It's already banned, in a way. If a judge considers it obscene, you're dealt with.

>> No.5048941

Obscenity laws have nothing to do with it being banned. Otherwise, all pornography would be banned in some shitty areas of America.

>> No.5048948

That would be a little difficult to do considering the supreme court was against every argument made for banning it.

>> No.5048951

I thought it was illegal to send any obscene material in the mail, solicited or not.

Hence any porn sent by mail is technically illegal, but they wouldn't bother to prosecute unless it was loli.

It's not illegal because it's loli but they're getting you on a technicality, like Al Capone on his taxes.

>> No.5048956

Only a retard tries to send porn through the mail. Why would you think this is a good idea?

>> No.5048968

While it is illegal to transport pornography via mail, the only way to get in trouble for this is if you use the US Postal Service, as they are required by law to preform completely random checks on packages.

If using a private service, such as UPS, or Fedex, it is illegal for them to view your goods, either intentionally or unintentionally, and if they try to fine you, you can sue them.

Understandably, it is more expensive to use private companies, but for the privacy, sometimes price is a non-issue.

>> No.5048971

Are you going to go to Japan and pick it up personally, or would you receive it by clandestine airdrop?

>> No.5048976

Then don't give up because it's hard.

>> No.5048979

Even if you try arguing there's a distinction between 2d/3d so you feel better about not being a "real" pedophile, but the fact is you're still masturbating to little girls, real or not.

>> No.5048989

When did this become an inherently bad thing? Rape/Sexual abuse of children are bad. Masturbating to porn/loli material causes no victims and is therefore not bad. What is the difference between regular porn and loli anyway? It's not like anyone's being hurt in either case (actually I would argue there's more harm done in the former).

>> No.5048997

People are too defensive about being labeled "pedophiles" when there's nothing wrong with being a pedo unless you actually rape a real kid.

>> No.5049052

>Fapping to loli makes you a pedophile because they resemble real little girls!
You know what else that resembles little girls? slightly older girls, you know why? Because they are both girls.

I can find a major distinction though, one exists in reality and the other one doesn't.
I can fap to both ordinary hentai and loli porn, because females attract me.
I can be at ease when it comes to loli because I know she isn't real (and by extension not a child), a real child however is a major boner killer that strikes hard and fast because a real child is a REAL child, and that doesn't work.

>> No.5049145


I don't give a fuck, if no body is getting hurt, it isn't your business. Sage for obvious trollbait in a obvious troll thread.

>> No.5049454

Who said anything about anybody getting hurt?
Seems like you're the one who's hurt. Butthurt because you're a pedophile who doesn't like being called one.

>> No.5049479

Repost of earlier comment >>5048562
Obviously just trolling.

>> No.5049481

>or would you receive it by clandestine airdrop?

Loli airdrop would be the best fucking service oh my god

>> No.5049919

>ban Canada

Yeah, well fuck you, guy.
