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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1269212888003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5042103 No.5042103 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are a bunch of fucking faggots and this board is complete shit. Pickup a football and go outside, for fucks sake.

>> No.5042113
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>> No.5042115


>> No.5042116
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>> No.5042117

u mad?

>> No.5042118
File: 62 KB, 279x354, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5042119

oh you must be one of those football overs have fun groping and hitting other men~

>> No.5042122

Sir, I doubt that throwing a handegg around in the middle of the night is going to make me less of a faggot.

Why don't you go outside?

>> No.5042124
File: 512 KB, 1000x1166, 1f13979792af214dbafbe541bd4c98fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you are from /sp/, probably /b/, /v/ or even /a/ and are trying to start a board argument. Anyway, we take it easy here so go away~

>> No.5042126

Truth hurts, doesn't it, faggot? Running from it won't make it go away. Stop jizzing and shitting on anime statues and go outside.

>> No.5042128

No thanks, I don't like kicking balls and hugging other men because they helped me kick balls. It's fucking gay.

>> No.5042136

i'm pretty damn sure i could kick your virgin nerd ass op
and without having touched a football in my life

>> No.5042137

>implying sitting around on a board with a bunch of other fatlus' discussing who's waifu is more pure isn't complete faggot shit

>> No.5042143

Pick up football is truly for homosexuals, lots of close contact and rugby like groping each other.

Street hockey is the way to go

>> No.5042144
File: 4 KB, 178x243, 1272760870188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone raging at this thread is dying a virgin.

>> No.5042147

wow op you say we dont have a life but you are on here so what does that say about you?

>> No.5042148

Why is it that in the morning /jp/ is awesome, but by the afternoon it turns shitty?

>> No.5042151


i dont see impotance in sex anyway nnot with 3d or 2d so im fine with being a virgin

>> No.5042153

>implying it is not always shitty

>> No.5042154

Yo bro, don't mess with me. I know aikido. I've stopped bullets using it, and I could probably take on three lions at once as well. You've been warned.

>> No.5042155

Don't try to make this all about me, its about you, and your unhealthy addiction to cartoon girls.

>> No.5042156


The kids are home from school.

>> No.5042161
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>> No.5042164

Atleast they go to school, NEET.

>> No.5042165

>Pickup a football and go outside, for fucks sake.
And do what with it, stick it up my ass like you

No thanks

>> No.5042166

At least I'm not as gay as to actually touch and hug them, especially when they are all sweaty and reeking of testosterone, so yeah, that's exactly what I am implying. No, actually, I'm flat-out stating it, you guys are seriously homosexual.

>> No.5042169

Please go back to your own board, citizen of /v/.

>> No.5042173

i dont beleive i have an addiction to any girls at all try again

>> No.5042176

Spending too much time masturbating to things that aren't real, I see. You don't seem to understand fundamental concepts of how the world outside your mother's basement works.

>> No.5042182

technically this is true; cartoon girls aren't real.

>> No.5042191
File: 224 KB, 1024x768, football_balon_adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you mean one of these, right?

>> No.5042192
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>> No.5042194

>You don't seem to understand fundamental concepts of how the world outside your mother's basement works
>Implying you understand how the world works.
>Implying you're not 15

>> No.5042195

I'm just some guy, havin a good time.

>> No.5042196

I've been on /jp/ all day (I'm sick, what else can I do?) and it turned noticably shitty a few hours ago. The rate of posting and trolling also shot up to ridiculous levels.

>> No.5042197

at least he is doing something he likes you are probably working somewhere you hate and being bitchy all day so please GTFO

>> No.5042202

People come back from school. /jp/ gets better once they go to sleep, too. It's funny.

>> No.5042203

>Implying sitting around all day saging threads that speak the truth gives you life experience

>> No.5042207

>Implying you've experienced more in life than I have

>> No.5042212

>implying people actually want to be a weeaboo and aren't one because they have zero social skills and are probably 200 kgs

>> No.5042215

>implying its possible to experience life through an ethernet cable

>> No.5042217

How come you believe that? Have you actually met me? I guess I have to state the fact I fucked five different girls this week every time I post from now on, for faggots like you to see. But seriously, stop living with the delusion that your shitty hobbies aren't gay. It's embarrassing.

>> No.5042219

>Implying that's what I was implying

>> No.5042227

>implying realdolls are girls

>> No.5042228
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>> No.5042230

While I do believe physical sports is a good form of sublimation it truly is so primitive.
It is especially exposed with low level grunts who have so many emotionally suppressed issues need to act on in a form of physical ballet to exert some sort of control over others.

There truly are very few who understand the real sportsmanship of sports

>> No.5042233

lol typical sports "otaku" who doesn't know shit about sports.

can you even name last year's MVP? the #1 overall draft pick? that's what I thought. 帰れ

>> No.5042236

>implying OP doesn't spend the entire day in front of the PC deluding himself that his life is somehow better than anyone elses because he posts on a board about fucking sports instead of going outside

>> No.5042237

really wo cares about your personal life i seriously doubt anyone cares.^ ^ please just GTFO

>> No.5042241

ITT: faggots

>> No.5042242

Yes, only glorious nippon undnerstands the honor in real sports.

Get the fuck out, kid, and get a job.

>> No.5042244
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>> No.5042247

>Implying you have a better job than I.

>> No.5042249

Funnier thing is, the hours really match with what could be the time kids in America finish their school and homework and start browsing the Internets.

>> No.5042255

Easiest board to troll award goes to...

>> No.5042259



>> No.5042260

>implying collecting cartoon figurines is a job

>> No.5042261

I don't know if you people are trolling or not and to be frank, I don't care. You make me sick. Good night.

>> No.5042262

Wow, how the fuck did you get all that out of that post? Did you fail at reading comprehension in school because you were too busy playing sports?

>> No.5042265



try making a soccer vs. handegg thread.

>> No.5042268

>Backed in a corner
>I'll just make bullshit assumptions

Good job, kid.

>> No.5042269

We are talking about non professional jocks in a pick up game of football, did I just expose your insecurities?

And how does working a menial job exert some sort of superiority over someone you'd never know on the internet

>> No.5042270


>> No.5042271

You mad that I'm more successful than you? Maybe you are the one who should go outside and do something productive instead of BOTH masturbating to gay people kicking balls AND trying to troll on 4chan, of all places.

>> No.5042272

No, I was too busy fucking your mother who begged me to cum in her pussy while you were staying up playing D&D.

>> No.5042278


He's fourth string and gets beat up everyday.

>> No.5042279

ITT: people assume everyone without a sage is OP

>> No.5042283

fuck you OP, I picked the football and I was kicked out of the game

>> No.5042285
File: 121 KB, 468x599, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what you want OP?

>> No.5042288

Images: 11 Posts: 67
Keep it up guys.

>> No.5042289


as i go on both /sp/ and /jp/, /sp/ wins by a longshot, sorry bro

>> No.5042293
File: 38 KB, 500x318, vanille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my. Did someone strike a nerve with our resident fatlus'?

>> No.5042295

Oh ho, I sure got told. I am so very butthurt right now, that I'm going to go shit on the floor and masturbate to guro lolicon because apparently that's all anyone ever does around here.

>> No.5042296

who the fuck plays D&D op you obviously dont know about the people you troll

>> No.5042302
File: 6 KB, 194x159, itrollu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh when jocks get exposed for their deeply suppressed insecurities and are unable to transcend human emotions at purely the most barbaric levels

>> No.5042304
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>> No.5042308
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>my face when he doesn't know how to sage

>> No.5042311

guro?lolicon? no BL your a sick man you bastard

>> No.5042315

Just post anime on /sp/ and they will rage

>> No.5042316
File: 62 KB, 516x532, 1272089473588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying OP is butthurt when he got 70+ replies in minutes

>> No.5042321

Most of the people here are skin and bones because they spend all of their money on weeaboo shit, bro.
Also, you can't make a word plural by adding an apostrophe.
Furthermore, Atlus shit is too entry-level for /jp/. Go try /a/ or /v/.

>> No.5042322

hey OP

>> No.5042323
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>> No.5042326

Sup /v/, having fun? I bet some idiot is now bound to post some animu on /sp/ and blame it on us. I'll just go to bed, have fun waiting for the Maid, guys.

>> No.5042329

im a healthy 110 lbs

>> No.5042333


>> No.5042334
File: 54 KB, 366x334, riverswat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when /sp/ thinks it knows shit about sports

>> No.5042340
File: 36 KB, 262x273, 1271903190784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5042341

>implying weeaboo shit is cheaper than video games

>> No.5042344
File: 23 KB, 120x140, 6101_48656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no?

>> No.5042345

Implying I side with the majority of /jp/ in real life issues

>> No.5042346
File: 162 KB, 732x706, lolol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042348

This is /jp/. No thread goes unreplied to. It could be about penguins and reach 100+ posts in 10 minutes or less.

Also, this thread:

>"This is stupid and you are a moron."
>"How is this trolling?"


>> No.5042350
File: 35 KB, 502x727, 1263464917358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.5042351


>> No.5042355
File: 121 KB, 442x276, maiddog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck is the maid

>> No.5042358
File: 41 KB, 468x703, 54864__468x_Busu-kawaii%20cosplay%20queen%2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and aka-san reported you OP have a nice day

>> No.5042359

Except not.

>> No.5042362

trolled again

>> No.5042365

Um, no. That is the opposite of what I implied.

>> No.5042368

>implying mods arent sitting here watching this thread laughing their asses off

>> No.5042372

reported for normalfaggotry

>> No.5042376


Funny thing is, I finally escaped /v/ after four years of stupidity and /b/-esque bullshit. That was a few weeks ago. Now, they feel the need to spread their shit everywhere else.

>> No.5042377
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>implying my face greentext babby doubles

>> No.5042378

You said weeaboos are thin because they cant afford food from buying weeaboo shit. Then said /v/s are more fatlus. Looks like you've spent too much time reading subtitles that you can't speak english anymore.

>> No.5042385
File: 37 KB, 442x386, yuri lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do yoga.

>> No.5042386

I reported and hidden this thread away.
I notice a hidden thread keeps popping up at the top of the threadlist. Unhide thread, notice postcount, facepalm, post this stupid post and will then proceed to hide the thread again.

>> No.5042387
File: 32 KB, 415x623, Busu-kawaii%20cosplay%20queen%2037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka-san is 100 times better than this thread

>> No.5042388


>> No.5042391


>> No.5042394
File: 1.18 MB, 240x180, 1269227606181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when it actually ended in doubles

>> No.5042399

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Suck moot's cock, shit up decent boards, become king of faggots' personal army. This is the behavior of the average 4channer, now.

>> No.5042400
File: 11 KB, 210x251, 1266292121857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5042405
File: 34 KB, 468x703, 61571__468x_akasan-shana-tan-busukawaii-cosplay-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make this thread useful

>> No.5042407

Weeaboo shit is more expensive.
If you buy more expensive things, you end up with less money.
If you have less money, you can't afford as much food.
If you eat less food, you get less fat.
Looks like you failed basic math.

>> No.5042408

damn son you gotta stop getting trolled

>> No.5042411
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>> No.5042417
File: 50 KB, 468x703, 54890__468x_Busu-kawaii%20cosplay%20queen%2028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042420
File: 137 KB, 300x300, amuseddungy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the /sp/ bros but just like in real life,
only in small doses and god would I not want their advice on lifestyles, except maybe some of the drinking

>> No.5042424

ya but you said you werent implying vidyas cheaper than weeaboo shit, which you did. sorry you cant speak english broseph

>> No.5042426
File: 26 KB, 300x230, workshop_women_laughing_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he masturbates to cartoons

>> No.5042428

Seems like you have reading comprehension problems. I blame Obama.

>> No.5042429

See, this is the shit we're talking about. Complete faggots, and anyone who likes this shit is dying a virgin. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5042430
File: 29 KB, 468x703, 62043__468x_akasan-yui-hirasawa-cosplay-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042433
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>> No.5042436

trolled hard

>> No.5042437
File: 45 KB, 468x703, 54866__468x_Busu-kawaii%20cosplay%20queen%2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042443

You said I was implying that weeaboo shit was cheaper than video games.
I was implying that weeaboo shit is more expensive than video games.
Do you understand now?

>> No.5042446
File: 57 KB, 468x704, 66785__468x_akasan-image-change007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042447

no I said you were implying what you were implyingn and you said you werent inplying it

>> No.5042450

You best believe in troll threads...yer in one!

>> No.5042451
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>> No.5042454

>Prove me wrong.

I think you just proved yourself wrong automatically. You know, by being a huge faggot.

Trolled not, as it were. Better luck next time.

>> No.5042455

Trolls don't exist.

>> No.5042456

Hey KoG, are you awake?

>> No.5042459

trolled like a bitch

>> No.5042463


Don't bother.

If there's one thing I've learned from being on /v/, it's that they have trouble comprehending the simplest of sentences.

You say something, almost anything, and they'll get entirely the wrong end of the stick most of the time.

>> No.5042465
File: 44 KB, 467x704, 66788__468x_akasan-image-change010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good 3d is asian fuck those white bitches and ugly black girls

>> No.5042472
File: 20 KB, 479x743, 1242352253742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5042474

Everyone in jp is a virgin pedophile. Anyone who argues this fact is pure moron.

>> No.5042482


>> No.5042486
File: 121 KB, 378x512, 'i'm not getting trolled!'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5042488

who cares?

>> No.5042490

You said:
>implying weeaboo shit is cheaper than video games
Do you not understand the words you are typing? Or are you one of those "trolls" who thinks trolling is "acting like a retard to anger people?"

>> No.5042493

So have any of you guys actually been outside in the past few days?

>> No.5042498

That's the point. I don't really care. The more time of his I use up, the more good I've done for the world in general. I doubt anyone as stupid as he is is even capable of experiencing pleasure, let alone recognizing the feeling.

But I'm not a virgin and am equal opportunist. I like both loli and woman, for different reasons, at the same time.

>> No.5042489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5042500

You implied it by saying weeaboos are skinny because t hey buy weeaboo shit but video game nerds are fat.

tsk tsk tsk, I thought you weeaboo types were atleast smart :/

>> No.5042503


nope outside only leads to skin cancer

>> No.5042508

>implying typing paragraphs to "trolled" is wasting anyones time

>> No.5042510
File: 68 KB, 202x224, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5042513

I just got back from afternoon classes. Currently procrastinating on studying for exam hell by posting on /jp/.

>> No.5042518

wouldn't attempt to integrate with a backwards culture if they were smart.

>> No.5042520

143 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Yup, it's shitty, nowadays.

>> No.5042535

>I ahve asdptrergrers ic ant tyep porrrpolerly

>> No.5042536

Hi, /sp/. We don't like sports unless it's Touhou Soccer.

Also, I'm a baseball person, anyways.

>> No.5042538

Unlike you, I can type about 70 WPM, which means it takes like 7 seconds to type everything out and submit it.

For a mouth-breathing, two-touch typist such as yourself, it'd probably take about 15 to even get a single line out.

So, I waste more of your time than you waste of mine. Rapture!

>> No.5042539

Trolls need to watch this

>> No.5042548


>> No.5042556

What the fuck is the janitor doing?


>> No.5042558

they just jealous cuz /jp/ looks good

>> No.5042564

Alright guys its been real, but I have an exam to study for. Thanks for the laughs, and stay classy, /jp/!

>> No.5042569

bye bye ^ ^

>> No.5042583

You're going to have a terrible life, possessing such a lame, shitty sense of humor.

I feel sorry for any misbegotten children you might have.

>> No.5042584
File: 30 KB, 300x441, 1272878183307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>156 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5042585

>I don't really care
you CLEARLY do.

>> No.5042593

ok using this thread for something
you know besides aikido i learn tae kwon do
but i recently i have gotten interested in karate
since they are basically the same (except TKD focuses more on kicks) should I get to black belt in TKD and then start karate in a very high level or should i start karate now (I'm a green belt in TKD)

>> No.5042595


>> No.5042600


>> No.5042606

>Post counts, especially sage posts is a good indicator of the quality of a troll

>> No.5042608

You should learn Muay Thai.



>> No.5042611

newfags cant trip
