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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5040869 No.5040869 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of buying a Wii.

Are there any /jp/ related games?

>> No.5040885

Don't bother there's a semi-working wii emulator.

>> No.5040894

Muramasa is the only one I can think of.

>> No.5040899

Rune Factory Frontier, Sakura Wars, Monster Hunter, maybe even Madworld or Little King's story.

>> No.5040913

The only really great game on it is Monster Hunter. Muramasa The Demon Blade was pretty good, too, and if you want a decent bullet hell you can go for Castle of Shikigami 3. Pretty much all the Nintendo games are basically just lame versions of other Nintendo games.

>> No.5040920

I'd recomend Twilight Princess and the Metroid Prime Collection.

>> No.5040926

There's no way it can run on most computers though.

>> No.5040931

Make sure you get the New Super Mario Brothers. Also Super Mario rpg is on the virtual console if you don't have that lying around. Don't get the new Animal Crossing; it's shit.

>> No.5040938

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>> No.5040950 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5040948

Even if you had it on the PS2, get it again.

>> No.5040958

Grab Cho-Aniki off of the VC.

>> No.5040971

>bullet hell
There's also Ikaruga on GC, if you're interested.

>> No.5040976

No More Heroes.

>> No.5040979

muscle march

>> No.5040983

>animal crossing
I like it when my neighbours call me nii-san ;_;

>> No.5040986

I sold my wii a while ago for 200€
its quite surprising how I got 4/5 of the price back after 2 years (or so) of having it

>> No.5040993
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Is Monster Hunter /jp related?

>> No.5040995

>Animal Crossing

>> No.5040992

Be prepared. The Wii is under-supported especially in terms of otaku favorites.

Muramasa is really good. No More Heroes I & II are both pretty awesome. Capcom vs. Tatsunoko is excellent. Ummm...

Muramasa is really good?

>> No.5041002


Nintendo shit doesn't drop in price much.

This is why I'm probably never going to play Mario Galaxy 2. There is no way I will play more than thirty dollars for it.

>> No.5041007

It's like I'm really in /v/.

>> No.5041013


Eh, I thought NMH2 kinda blew. It felt like a bad fanfiction of the first game.

>> No.5041034
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No, if you were in /v/ we would be vomiting up reaction images and greentexting the OP with

>implying the Wii is any good

>> No.5041092

OP here.

Thanks for the recommendations so far.

You can also write some good Gamecube games. I never had a GC.

>> No.5041122

gc has battalion wars

>> No.5041132

Skies of Arcadia

>> No.5041141

Fatal Frame 4

>> No.5041149

Veiwtiful Joe 1.
Don't get 2.

>> No.5041156

Animal Crossing on the wii doesn't let you run errands for the villagers, does it? Without that, there's no way I could play for more than 5-10 minutes.

>> No.5041158
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>> No.5041159

Ulatimate Shooter Collection.

Its all bullet hell games.

>> No.5041163

Animal Crossing (the first one)
Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros Melee
Pikmin 1 and 2

These were my favorite games and I still play them all the time (I've had a gamecube since roughly when it came out).

>> No.5041166
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I just bought a PS3 myself, it's supposed to be delivered from Newegg today.

I hope /v/ wasn't right about that NO GAEMZ stuff, all I bought with it was SSF4. I'm starting to have buyer's remorse big time.

>> No.5041170

fragile dreams

>> No.5041175

Well, there's also import robot games, if you care. And some RPGs.

>> No.5041176

Tales of Graces.
You know moonrunes, right?

>> No.5041179

Animal Crossing for the wii doesn't let you do fucking anything. Also, no Rover, and some stupid fucking city feature. It's also stupid how it's like you're always on a hill. Fishing isn't nearly as fun (at least in my experience you get no freekin money). I don't know who came up with the idea of stealing features from the handheld version, but they're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5041185

You can't ask to run errands, they just randomly ask you to do them.

>> No.5041187


>> No.5041196

>import robot games


>> No.5041213

Castle of Shikigami 3
Sakura Wars
Fragile Dreams
No More Heroes 1+2 if you really want to capture the whole 'weaboo with a lightsaber' deal.

>> No.5041224

Just getting furniture for them, passing on gifts and playing games like hide and seeks. That's all I've seen so far anyway.

>> No.5041229

fatal frame 4

>> No.5041232

>hide and seek
Oh god that was so rage-inducing.

>> No.5041561
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buy disgaea 3
having games you can play for 300 hours++ is better than having a bunch of generic shooters you'll beat in 15 hours

>> No.5041576

you ought to get fire emblem radiant dawn OP

>> No.5041588


Best thing about the PS3 is you can import jap/euro vidya and play them on your US console. Go look for some /jp/ stuff on play asia or somewhere. Keep an eye out for Valkyria Chronicles in your local game store too.

>> No.5041584

Another Code: R (Trace Memory 2) is pretty good. It never came out in the US, but there's a European version that's completely in English.

>> No.5041589

I've got better things to do than grindan' all day.

Even browsing /jp/ is more productive.

>> No.5041599
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I heard VC was overrated shit. Is it really worth buying?

>> No.5041606

Resonance of Fate
Disgaea 3
AR Tonelico, if you've gotten a backwards compatible version.
And a shit-load of rhythm games I can't remember off the top of my head.

>> No.5041610

yes, Alicia is waifu tier

>> No.5041612
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totally is worth it.

>> No.5041619

Fuck yes.
I'm still pissed off at Tecmo, but I have to admit, the wii's got a decent selection of horror games

>> No.5041628

Look at some of the rpgs for both. Tales games, Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, etc. Arc Rise Fantasia might be good, but overall the wii was very under whelming for me. I have about 5 games for it? (MH3, Phantom Brave, NMH, Muramasa, and something else... the rest I rented

PS3 has a few interesting games you can pick up for cheap like Folklore, Star Ocean, White knight chronicles (grindfest), Disgaea 3 (grindfest), Valkyria Chronicles, Eternal Sonata, and Demon Souls (grindfest).
Xedge is also a grindfest.
record of agarest war is decent.
92 KB

I just bought a PS3 myself, it's supposed to be de

>> No.5041649

It's excellent. I usually dislike SRPGs, but I loved VC.

>> No.5041654

One of the best rpgs I ever played, and I played quite a lot.

>> No.5041657

get a 360 instead and play halo

>> No.5042039

get a gamecube instead, they're like $50. wii is just a gamecube with a shitty controller.

>> No.5042047

I can't help but agree with this guy, and I have a wii. Gamecube games are much better than wii games, so unless you really want something on the wii, you'd probably be better off buying a gamecube.

>> No.5042059
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>Buying a Wii
>Buying games

>> No.5042080


GC has tons of great games:

F-Zero GX, skies of arcadia, Killer 7, viewtiful joe, Zelda wind waker, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance,...

>> No.5042163

The NO GAEMZ thing is really a thing of the past, as of 2010 you can't really say there is any truth to it.
