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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5037466 No.5037466 [Reply] [Original]

How do you people live with yourselves knowing you are killing your only hobby?

>> No.5037468


>> No.5037469

How can you buy Mangagamer games without downloading them?

>> No.5037474

But VNs aren't really that available on the western market so is downloading something that isn't available on the market really doing any damage?

>> No.5037476

If I could buy them I would, but I'm poor as fuck. So I rely on the buyfags to keep them going for me.

>> No.5037478

I don't play non-freeware visual novels.

>> No.5037479

It's the companies fault for making me want them so much.

>> No.5037482

>implying Japanese companies want us to buy their games

>> No.5037484

I actually purchased Da Capo and Suika. I own some of Hirameki's stuff before they went under. Support the industry people!

>> No.5037489

I would pay for mangagamers releases if I could, I mean it, but they don't take my credit card.
They really should open a pay pal site or something were you could donate the price of the games.

>> No.5037510

Paypal does have merchant services -- but they don't allow adult products.

>> No.5037515

They are not licensed/available for sale on western markets, so it goes without saying that they aren't relying on our money to fund the industry. They are relying on the young Japanese men who are not buying as much as they used to.

>> No.5037527

Maybe the talent pool will become more concentrated so some stuff will come out that's actually worth reading.

>> No.5037537

Every VN I download costs whoever made it their hard-earned money! Killing the industry!

>> No.5037541

I lol'd because the "industry" here is already dead

>> No.5037544

Hmm so if I want to pay for Curtain Call -- which I can't due to no PayPal for adult products -- I should just pay for any of their all-ages stuff like Higurashi? Makes sense.

>> No.5037554

If the vn industry dies I'll just find another one to waste time on.

>> No.5037559
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Their blood is on my hands
Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry


>> No.5037560

Most of the Hirameki games sit on my shelf.

I've bought nothing from Mangagamer yet though, because I'm not really that big on digital downloads.

>> No.5037566

I'd buy them if I didn't risk jail time for even playing them.

>> No.5037575

Something something target markets something something cant read japanese something something poor anyway something something very very low on the giveafuckometer.

>> No.5037584

If I ever get a high paying job I'll try to start buying my eroge. But right now I can barely afford rent and tuition.

>> No.5037598

If you download a game in Japanese that is never going to see an oversea release (99,9 % of them), you don't hurt anyone since this game was never intended to be sold outside of Japan in the first place.
I understand why people would download even english releases though : the translation is so shitty it's not worth paying for.
The industry isn't going to die anytime soon, and I have a lot of other hobbies anyway like manga, anime, games on consoles, etc...

>> No.5037899

You could still import it. It's like when someone asks you a question, and you answer it truthfully but leave out shit you know they need, but didn't quite ask for.

>> No.5037943

I can't import games that are out of production(and most likely from a dead company), what now?

>> No.5037953

Ebay, amazon, etc.

>> No.5037989

I bought the Key 10th Memorial Box. Is that good enough?
How does buying those support the company?

>> No.5038002

It just does.

>> No.5038013

Buying a used product doesn't benefit the company but only the guy to whom you're buying it from.

>> No.5038089

Oh well buying from a peddler in yahoo acutions(ebay and amazon for used erogame? Haha, oh wow.) better resurrects all those dead companies. Fucktard.

>> No.5038092

In spirit.

>> No.5038101

I buy their fan goods.

>> No.5038119

These products are rarely sold in english in retail stores... So that means the only way is to download them. They wouldn't sell anyway.

>> No.5038125
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>> No.5038144

I'd rather personally give a pack of 500 grands to Oyari Ashito, for example, than some spirit bullshit.

>> No.5038199

You sure told them.

>> No.5038256

Everyone in this thread is a big faggot.


this a million times

>> No.5038263

>only hobby
Nope, I also play video games. I pirate those, too.

>> No.5038271

I don't know.

How should I be living without my only hobby?

>> No.5039154

You know, it's kinda interesting that western indie (and small company) game developers realize they are a niche market and don't try to sell their fucking games for 80 dollars.

>> No.5039158

I have other hobbies.

>> No.5039161

I'd rather be a pirate than branded as a pedo because some customs' officer decided to take a look at my package.

>> No.5039169

H T+ P : // @ T . K Í M M ò a . 5 3 /

>> No.5039180

I've bought/am buying Umineko.

>> No.5039191

i buy really fucking good VNs that are translated into english, it's kinda rare.

And it isn't my only hobby ;_;

>> No.5039195

h + + P :/ / À T . kì m m o á . S € /

>> No.5039199

I support the industry by buying the merchandise.
Pretty sure the original creator get royalty off them.

>> No.5039227

>I actually purchased Da Capo
I'm truly sorry for your lots.

>> No.5039228

h t t P :/ / À t . k í m M Ó a . S 3/

>> No.5039235

h t t p : // À + . k í m m Óa . S3 /

>> No.5039237

> How do you people live with yourselves
Mostly fine.
>knowing you are killing your only hobby?
It's not my own hobby. If I wouldn't download something, guess what? I wouldn't play it at all. That's it. I'm not a rich man, nor can I go through the hoops required to buy VNs most of the time. My location was never included in the target market, at least when it comes to japanese VNs, and it's probably not included as much when it comes to english VNs, even though I do know english. I'm not going to look for excuses, since I've never looked for excuses for pirating - that's what 99.9% of the population here does as they wouldn't waste money on things they don't absolutely need or can't get for free somehow. They wouldn't pay for data ever, unless it was the cost of a HDD, storage media or an internet connection.

To be fair, I would love to support one of our localization companies by donating a few hundred dollars to them if I could so they could translate more nice stuff, but it's not something I can do today.

>> No.5039244 [DELETED] 

h+ + p : / / À T . K í Mmò A. SE /

>> No.5039252

And if it actually died, what would we be left with? Playing the not so few fan translated eroge or learning japanese ourselves and playing them in japanese. The alternatives aren't looking that bad, since most of us do know some japanese.

>> No.5039290

But I have plenty of other hobbies. And I even bought FSN and Umineko.

>> No.5039377

Actually, I was extremely bored in class one day I decided to take a stab at this. I picked up a calculator and made some rough guesses.

A 12-16 episode anime, let's call it 40$ for the complete boxset.
A 26-episode would be 80$.
One volume of a manga is 10$
And one VN is 50$ (Not having bought any of these in a long time, I'm sure these prices are far from accurate)

Anyways, I totaled about 4000$, and that was just from the stuff I can remember having from the top of my head, and even then I didn't include stuff I've deleted after finishing.

>> No.5039384 [DELETED] 

H + T p : / / Àt . k I M m ó Á . se /

>> No.5039388

The value of the stuff I've already pirated is probably worth more than I'll ever make in my entire life.

>> No.5039412

Downloading visual novels isn't "killing the hobby."
Being an asshole and bragging about how you only download and never pay for anything is retarded though.

I downloaded tons of shit and still do, but I also buy lots of shit. Pretty much everyone else I know who buys also downloads. If it wasn't for the ability to download I wouldn't pour all the money that I do into this hobby.

HINT: Most visual novel companies realize this too. Fuck, 99% of eroge artists probably learned photoshop on a pirated copy.

>> No.5039430

Since when do indie games come with full-blown voice tracks of the length of a book, superb soundtrack and hand-drawn CGs instead of some lousy existing 3D engine for sidecrollan bore-gallores

>> No.5039540

I thought that dudes on eBay sold these.

>> No.5039587

Heres the only decent licenser within Australia (note we have 2) http://www.madman.com.au/actions/about.do?pageId=3 i'm not importing due to customs seizing higurashi and here and there. fuck you make it available here at the prices you sell it over there and i will buy it. but i am not paying $100 for cowboy bebop.

>> No.5039761
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>implying that drawing a bunch of CGs is more expensive than making a 3D game

>> No.5039772

expensive =/= better

>> No.5039776

How the fuck is this relevant to the topic of ridiculous price again?
Oh wait, it isn't.

>> No.5039780

visual novels arent my only hobby or my biggest hobby - anime & manga mean more to me, and those are something I do support.

>> No.5039782

You don't overcharge things just because they're better. You charge based on how much it costs to produce (with some extra cash added in for profit). If you're going to make the argument that basic supply and demand differs with me, I have to ask you how much DEMAND there is for the SUPPLY of visual novels? The price should be lower either way.

>> No.5039792

if I could buy them in my country, I would. Even better if I could just walk to a store and buy them.
but no, I dont want to risk customs and other stuff like that.

>> No.5039818

it depends.
also, Im pretty sure VN:s are expensive because they dont sell THAT well. Look at the sale numbers that would be considered "good" for a VN. They're rather low.
you have to make more profit/game if they dont sell that much.
its the same reason why anime OVAs usually cost about as much as TV anime DVD/blurays, making a show air is expensive which makes TV anime expensive, OVAs are cheaper to make but dont generally sell as much -> cost is about the same

>> No.5039821

I'm not the target audience.

So there.

>> No.5039924

>>5039818 VN:s are expensive because they dont sell THAT well
That's a fundamentally flawed logic, and one that has led many of the studios to their deaths.
And eventually will the whole industry.

>> No.5039930

But they make the game never intending to sell it to me. How can I be killing their business? Japs will still buy it and they will get their money, I would never buy something I can't read.

>> No.5039956 [DELETED] 

H Tt P : / / Á t . K I m m ó A .Se /

>> No.5039962

Have you ever taken an economics class, just wondering?

If demand is low and you increase price DEMAND GOES LOWER. You make no more money because less people buy it at the higher price. This only doesn't work when people are stupid as fuck and will buy it anyway (apple).

>> No.5039971

Pretty good, since I wouldn't buy visual novels anyway.

>> No.5039983

Remove voices.
If the writing is good, it will be still good without voices.
If the writing is shitty, not even the best actors in the world will save it.

Not like voice actors in Japan are expensive though.

>> No.5040004

i hope the vn industry collapses, it will be fucking hilarious

>> No.5040005

>implying you can't understand why there are buyfag.

>> No.5040026

I havent, but Im pretty sure most VN:s wouldnt sell much more even if they were cheaper. Most of them are not "meant" to be "for everyone", and the people who they're for are buying them, even with the higher price.
I dont even see $80/game as that expensive, in some parts of europe your typical new game for current gen consoles (and maybe PC) is 50€+.

>> No.5040033

>calling visual novels games
Really, now. I was pretty sure they were books with pictures/music.

>> No.5040038 [DELETED] 

H t T P : / / Á T . k ì m M 0 A . $E /

>> No.5042699


Manga always feel quite reasonable to buy, but when you think about it a whole series probably cost more to buy than a DVD box set of an anime. It is just the tricky system of selling singles of DVDs for like $20 that still linger in memory and trick you.

>> No.5042722
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all i heard

>> No.5042746

it shall be done

>> No.5042751
File: 17 KB, 256x256, steam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd buy VNs if I had some easy way to get them, kinda like Steam except for VNs rather than videogames.

>> No.5042769

You know what bugs me? When people force themselves into a market and then bitch about piracy that existed before them. "Hey guys, we're selling this now that you like it so you can't have it for free anymore!" It's like reality is trying to fuck everything good over.

>> No.5042866


>> No.5042872


>> No.5042874

I buy VNs as long as they come with physical product, so I do buy Japanese ones a lot, but not mangagamer shit.

>> No.5042882

You wouldn't trace a Caliburn, etc.

>> No.5042888

me too i dont even read manga online because

Physical Copies>over internet distrbution

>> No.5042896
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but that's not my only hobby!

both are being killed, though...

>> No.5042899
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>> No.5042910

some would

>> No.5042913

like it matters, the Japanese don't give a fuck about us, so who cares

>> No.5042925

"a bread" is incorrect.

>> No.5042960


Steam + VNs dont sound very good together tbh. I would still buy them though

>> No.5042965

Not all of us are Javert.

>> No.5042973
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He's poor because he deserved it. He's probably lazy. If he starves it's nobody's fault but his own.

>> No.5042983

Well, steam is nothing more than a software distribution system, not much else, it could work.

>> No.5042993

Fuck off, neoliberal old hag.

>> No.5043015

>steam is nothing more than a software distribution system
And an advertiser. An effective one. That's why they can take like 60% of the revenue. It's also a social network now. I don't want any 'network' of 'friends' to see what VNs I'm reading.

>> No.5043019

I actually planned to buy all of Higurashi from MG before A) I found out it had no physical copy and B) the price was too high.

MG earned my piracy all on their own.

Now if someone were to take their scripts and make some English patches, I'd go buy the JP versions in a heartbeat. I'm not opposed to buying VNs, but I'm a collector by nature. I want something to put on a shelf with similar objects and go "Damn, I have some awesome stuff."

>> No.5043038

I know, but I wasn't talking about the social aspect of it though. I, for one, started buying games again thanks to steam since their prices are quite fair and I don't have to play importation fees.

But you are right about it being an advertiser though.

>> No.5043043

>to pay

>> No.5043048

erogedownload.com dev here. This thread sucks.
It's not piracy, it's marketing.
In fact, if your game is NOT being downloaded, then you should be WORRIED!
If people aren't taking it while it's free, then how do you expect it to sell?

>> No.5044034

Talk of "killing" is irrelevant.
Rationalizations for why it's OK for you to pirate stuff because you live in Antarctica are irrelevant.

The only thing that's significant is whether any game maker you like is getting enough money to keep going, and in a broader sense, whether future creators see a market in making stuff you like.

The eroge market is a tiny niche thing where individual sales are significant. Your money is no less valuable than that of a Japanese resident. It's up to you to decide how much you care.

>> No.5044103

Different niche markets, different products. It makes no sense to compare them.

>> No.5044323

I'm hearing a lot of
>They are not licensed/available for sale on western markets, so it goes without saying that they aren't relying on our money to fund the industry.
and otherwise, well I WOULD, but ...

The problem is you people have been given the opportunity to buy them and have not. Some VNs are available for you to buy, have you bought them? No.

>> No.5044336

Get out erogedownload devs

>> No.5044383

That's just extremely stupid. Maybe for the VNs that are not intended to be sold here, but if they put in the effort to translate it they want you to buy it. You can fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.5044398
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You can either buy 30 visual novels, or you could buy 30" monitor and still play 30 visual novels.

I chose latter.

>> No.5044427

Why should I care whether I'm "killing" the industry from halfway across the globe if the creators are xenophobic pricks who don't even have the balls to defy the feminazis that are trying to kill them in their own damn backyard?

>> No.5044441

Because you like what the industry makes.

>> No.5044448

So, because they haven't met your requirements, you in turn need to commit theft?

That makes 'total' sense.

>> No.5044455

My hero.

>> No.5044467

Get out KS devs.

>> No.5044468


They haven't even tried to defy the pricks that are trying to illegalize the crap and kill them in the legal/societal sense--Why should I have a care in the world for a bunch of worthless, unmotivated, do-nothing pricks? It's not like I can't switch to something else if their VNs disappeared anyhow.

>> No.5044474


I meant >>5044448

>> No.5044477 [SPOILER] 
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I'd 30 monitors.

>> No.5044483

>They haven't even tried to defy the pricks that are trying to illegalize the crap and kill them in the legal/societal sense
Please don't make stuff up.
>It's not like I can't switch to something else if their VNs disappeared anyhow.
That's not the point, if you like what they're doing and use their products, support them.

>> No.5044502

That's only 24 monitors.

>> No.5044507
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>> No.5044513 [DELETED] 

That's completely unrelated... "I don't like how they deal with this issue so I won't support them."

>> No.5044542 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry but I live in a third world country. The cost of a single VN is enough to feed me for at least 3 months. Not to mention that importation of pornographic materials is against the law.

I am pretty sure I am not their target market anyway.

>> No.5044655 [DELETED] 

Kara no Kyoukai?

>> No.5044707 [DELETED] 

This, also I don't have the space for boxes. I do buy figures, and sometimes anime/manga, but everything else is overboard.

>> No.5044835
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I live with it knowing that I'm also killing other people's online hobby.

>> No.5044977


The way I look at it, if they aren't even willing to care about themselves, why should I have to care about them?

If they aren't even willing fight back, they don't deserve my sympathy.

>> No.5045001

are any of them in english?

i can't read moon speak and i'm not enough of a wapanese to download fan patched shit

>> No.5045014

To answer your question yes...
But what the fuck are you even doing here if you don't read VNs and know so little about them...

>> No.5045060

But they already dealt with the feminists. The ratings organizations just adopted some standards to shut them up that don't actually have any real impact on eroge.

>> No.5047811


Made me into a buyfag instantly. Only thing I've downloaded since is CARNIVAL (and Mangagamer's Higurashi, but that was just to test it out, and I already owned the original release anyways).

I bought two copies of Sugar Coat Freaks. You guys should get one too. It's moe as hell and would be going towards a great cause, i.e. saving Littlewitch, a very good company.


>> No.5047824



>> No.5047831

You complain about a 15-16 mb download, which is usually the size of a typical patch?

>> No.5047833

ITT newfriends complaining about games pirating.
Back in the beginning, /t/ was filled with not only hentai, porn and english erogame, licensed anime and the like.
Nobody gave a fuck. If you do, you are a newfriend.
