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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 664x591, 1261113025503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5034355 No.5034355 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what Anime/Manga/VN fans look like?

>> No.5034367

Yes. We're 2D.

>> No.5034372

No, they are usually more tridimensional and visually unpleasing.

>> No.5034382

>silver chain
God I hope not.

>> No.5034383

Nah I'm way more attractive.
Not that it matters when you rarely go outside.

>> No.5034385

females tend to be much larger.

>> No.5034400

Much, much larger.

>> No.5034422

It's actually quite scary that I kinda look like this guy. Of course, 3d etc, but as far as 2D x 3D goes it's quite similar. Messy hair, opaque glasses, bag, etc.

>> No.5034545
File: 26 KB, 478x389, 1255727694865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean men tend to be much larger?
I am a female, and I can say that I'm nowhere near large. Nor do I look like the girl in the picture. I'm more of a tomboy.

>> No.5034551


Nor are you a female so get the fuck out.

>> No.5034559

thats right i would die(of shame) if i became fat

>> No.5034560
File: 30 KB, 457x348, alicia troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am a female

>> No.5034583
File: 23 KB, 198x263, 1243623957813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are just sad. I feel sorry for you, really. Is it really that shocking that a female is on /jp/? Holy crap.

>> No.5034590


>> No.5034598

Wauw. Congrats. ;]

>> No.5034600


Yeah, I thought /jp/ was aware of the fact that their are many females here. A few of them tripfag no less.

I'm going to guess the people raging aren't regular posters here.

>> No.5034617

Probably not. But I think it's ridiculous that if someone mention they're female, then they're acused of lying or being an attention whore. Get over it. I know most of them are mostly trolls.

>> No.5034619


"Hey guys notice me yet."

Stop posting.
You are just sad overweight nerd in your basement who wants to be a little girl. Posting in the internet ain't gonna help you out on that.

>> No.5034622


i know right but i guess until someone posts a pic of there boobs none will believe us.

>> No.5034630

>But I think it's ridiculous that if someone mention they're female, then they're acused of lying or being an attention whore.

They're accused of that because it's true. There is no reason to point out that you are female. It will only cause trouble. While the people that rage about it may be at fault to an extent, it could all be avoided if said "females" would not attention whore. There is no reason to defend their actions.

>> No.5034636

Just like that. You're wonderful. *patpat*

Fucking faggot.

>> No.5034642


what defines an attention whore?

>> No.5034647

Just shut your whore mouths and pretend to be fat white dudes like the rest of us.

>> No.5034653

Drawing unnecessary attention to oneself in situations or places where such actions are not wanted. In other words, pointing out that you are female on /jp/.

>> No.5034654


I'm not even the girl posting you retard.

Jesus you are new.

>> No.5034656

/a/ is where the lardass weeaboos go. They eat while streaming anime.

/jp/ is where the unhealthy underweight weeaboos go. They forget to eat because they're caught up in VNs.

>> No.5034657


See this >>5034545

>> No.5034659

So you tell me I can't tell that I'm a female without being an attention whore, now that we talk about men and female otakus? That's great. Why should there be any difference. It's pretty common that female USE computers by now. I'm pretty sure that alot of women on here feel the same way.

>> No.5034661


This. Never do you see posts where men are pointing out "Hi /jp/ I'm a guy".

>> No.5034671


Must feel wonderful to be old eh?

>> No.5034673

im a girl

>> No.5034674

But everyone think eachother are guys anyway, so why should they point that out?

>> No.5034677


because on /jp/ everyone is a fat white guy by default.

>> No.5034679

>So you tell me I can't tell that I'm a female without being an attention whore

Yes, that's what I'm telling you. It's not a hard thing to get through your thick skull, you retarded slut.

>> No.5034682

In /jp/, no one is male or female. Just think of everyone as a human being who wishes to have intercourse with Touhous and wear frilly clothing.

>> No.5034683


You had no reason to imply you were female. Nobody else mentioned what sex they are. Stop defending yourself.

>> No.5034687


Females do two things with computer

1. Camwhore
2. Post "SUPA KAWAII" thingies to facebook

>> No.5034697
File: 33 KB, 400x394, 1255652068677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all.

>> No.5034701


this whole discussion is just silly why dont we just use "it" instead of he or she

>> No.5034702

I look fairly similar to that but slightly less nerdy.

>> No.5034708


its okay no need for cursing

>> No.5034714

That would be alot better.

>> No.5034732

There is no reason to change our use of words to accommodate an unwanted minority.

>> No.5034737

I have the glasses of the guy and the shoes of the girl.

Well, fuck.

>> No.5034744

You must be gay.

>> No.5034745
File: 85 KB, 400x354, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread is very sexist!

>> No.5034760

Why are virgins afraid of women?

>> No.5034761

Regardless of gender, we're all massive faggots.

Done? Done.

>> No.5034770

I'm not sure I follow. I am unfortunately attracted to females, but I have no desire to converse with them, especially regarding my hobbies.

>> No.5034775
File: 91 KB, 403x403, 1253778603793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm done.

>> No.5034778

that is rude think if it was the other way around.

>> No.5034781

Yo think nerdish girls are loyal?

>> No.5034790

If it was the other way around then I would either find another board to post on, or I would assimilate, not point out my gender, and not cause unnecessary problems. You are an idiot.

>> No.5034801

we are loyal to are hobbies.

>> No.5034809

You would probably be happy to be called a "she" anyway.

>> No.5034816

They are the biggest sluts of them all.

>> No.5034822

anon your not a very plesent person to be around are you?

>> No.5034826

How long are you going to stick around?

>> No.5034830


Not gonna happen. Once they see potentially richer dick they wet their cunts immediately.

All of them.

>> No.5034836

>Every thread, no exceptions.

>> No.5034851

You again.

>> No.5034854

i can go get my own money and i dont need a man you guys are just spreading lies about women.....but if he wanted to give me money its a different story.

>> No.5034860


You aren't. Don't kid yourself. You just pretend to like these "cool japanese things," because you think they make you somehow "cooler" or "special".

>> No.5034869

This is a website. It is not your platform for social rights. If you aren't wanted, then either shut up and don't cause problems, or leave. It is a simple situation.

>> No.5034878

>but if he wanted to give me money its a different story

See? You are just disgusting whore.

>> No.5034879

ITT: Virgin neckbeards getting angry about their chronic Virginitis on the internets

>> No.5034883

Femanon here. We're all whores and no better.

>> No.5034885

okay..ill shut up and just go on

>> No.5034894


what bad sbout if he gave me the money?

>> No.5034899

You act like we actually want to have sex with 3D women. Laughable.

>> No.5034917

Nobody cares about who the fuck you wanna have sex with.

>> No.5034923


Weren't you implying that "if he gave me money then I'd give sex" because that's how read it.

That's women's true form. Using her cunt to climb higher in society.

>> No.5034924

you do know sex would not kill you right you should try it.

>> No.5034933


i was saying i would take the money if he offered not everything is about sex sir.

>> No.5034939


He said he doesn't want it. Not that he's afraid that it might kill him.

>> No.5034945

You must be lonely. ._.

>> No.5034947


Then you are lying, "ma'am".

>> No.5034948

Women are vile, disgusting creatures that are barely fit for slave labor.

You are asking me to put my dick in a vomitous hole of disease and bodily fluids. No thanks.

>> No.5034969 [DELETED] 

h t T P : // à t . K | M m O a . $ 3 /

>> No.5034961

Someone mentioning that they're female would not cause trouble if anon would not respond the way he does. You choose to get irrational and pissy about it; stop blaming other people for your whining.

Besides, if you don't want attention-seekers around, why give them attention?

>> No.5034963

>That's women's true form

are we some type of nue now?i really dont even like sex in the first place it looks painful.

>> No.5034986

Men are halfbrained disgusting perverts, who barely can control their own peewee. Sucks for you. You just made this into a kindergarten.

>> No.5034993

oh dont say that your just starting anothe chain of dislike i wonder why we cant get along here?

>> No.5034994

It must be easy to respond to the truth by posting lies.

>> No.5034999

Hey /jp/!
I'm a guy!

>> No.5035000


Damn right I am. I cry myself to sleep every night too. not

>i really dont even like sex in the first place it looks painful.

You are either 12 or just the perfect woman. that is until you have sex the first time and realise how good it is to whore yourself.

>> No.5035007

Hi i'm a girl too and I love VNs

>> No.5035009

Can't hurt to tell the truth. Apparently men think it's funny to have some kind of gender-war going on. So.. Hooray.

>> No.5035019

You are a funny one.

>> No.5035030


.....but i wasnt joking.

>> No.5035034

There is no war. It is is all obvious. There are men, the inventors, innovators, conquerors, and leaders of civilization. Compare to women - filthy diseased whores whose only use is childbirth. Try harder.

>> No.5035041

Ohohohoo sounded like one huge joke to me though. Funny guy. Ha ha ha.

>> No.5035055

Come back when you're not 5 years old.

>> No.5035064

Come back when you have an argument.

>> No.5035072

just shut up all of you, you're embarrassing yourselves

especially you, mystery woman, you're fighting a losing battle here, seriously; these insults annoy me too but jeez just ignore it like the rest of us - /jp/ is 1000 times kinder than /a/ anyway. pick a fight with /a/ if you want to be vigilant

>> No.5035078

there were lots of smart females now wait here while i go research.

>> No.5035079


Fact. Men are proven to be more intelligent than women by many tests.

Also men have things like honor and morals that "guide his dick".
Women have nothing. They just sad bunch of cunt pags who desperately need a man to guide them. Otherwise they just end up whoring themselfs to any man.

>> No.5035086

ITT: The topic is derailed by two people having a childish argument about something inconsequential.

>> No.5035091

well I'm fat and creepy
i mean I severely underestimate my creepiness
I remember the other day I made a woman scream just by walking past her
I wasn't even looking at her.
I guess im just that good

>> No.5035098

I don't believe you.

>> No.5035100

Without women, men would be nothing.

>> No.5035105
File: 49 KB, 500x600, Nong-Poy-500-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so would nong poy be considered stupid or smart?

>> No.5035108

though I don't care for women myself
I agree,
but then again what kind of discussion was the original post suppose to incite?

>> No.5035125


>> No.5035139


is /a/ really that bad they seemed boring when i check in on them

>> No.5035149

Goddamn, fucking feminists in here. /jp/ is not your soapbox. Also, only a normalfag uses "virgin" as an insult on /jp/.

BTW Femanon here.

>> No.5035150

its true
she did apologize after
but still
I wonder if I could turn this into a job skill.
is there any job that requires you to make people uncomfortable with your very presence?

>> No.5035158

im glad you guys dont like 3d women beause there are too many people on this planet as is.

>> No.5035163


tax collector

>> No.5035178


virgiin should not be an insult by any means it better than have semen all over you right?

>> No.5035198

Can we get a quick translation of that pic?

>> No.5035209

Please proofread your posts before submitting them.

>> No.5035214


HE pretty much lives in complete delusion. Should be purged.


If men could give birth then we wouldn't need women. But as it is women are just machines whose only job is to give birth and take care of child. That's how nature wants it and that's how it should be.

Women should take care of themselfs and reserve their virginity to the right man. Not go whoring themselfs in every corner of street.

Also women shouldn't be on internet. just saying.

>> No.5035231


It's Sankaku, but...


>> No.5035484

I'm from /r9k/, the kings of misogyny and random women bashing.

Even I think you guys are stupid.
If the women want to watch Japanese TV and eat ramen while discussing it on the internet, why not let them?

>> No.5035499

>I'm from /r9k/

Stopped reading there. Kindly remove yourself and return from whence you came, normalbro.

>> No.5035561
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1267079676053[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender BS on /jp/ im disappoint.

>> No.5035569

A woman's place is in the kitchen.

>> No.5035584

>I'm from /r9k/, the kings of misogyny and random women bashing.
by what right do you claim to hold that title?

>> No.5035613

stabbing a man right?

>> No.5035638
File: 82 KB, 694x530, 1270431318729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guise wut going in thid tread
I herd all wimmiz r whoar /discuss

>> No.5035641

I like tomboys :3

>> No.5035652

Femanon here. I have a penis.

>> No.5035653

Can we have less meta threads? Actually read a VN, play a toehoe or something similar before posting, please.

I don't like having to hide half the front page.

>> No.5035657

Im gay :D

>> No.5035661


>> No.5035664


GJ ~^w^~

>> No.5035665


>> No.5035667

well barring that
I think they should at least keep it in one place...

>> No.5035677


fucking weaboo

>> No.5035678

Meido where are you!?

I cannot report fast enough.

Please do not bump bad threads. If you continue to do so please go back to /r9k/.

>> No.5035685


>> No.5035686


how does that make me a weeaboo?

>> No.5035692


please report this quickly

>> No.5035707

Advice taken.

I haven't left my house in 3 weeks...

Every thread has "Bitches and whores" written in it at least once. Even if it's unrelated.

>> No.5035708

> toehoe

What the hell???

>> No.5035710

These threads almost make me miss athens.

>> No.5035729



>> No.5035731

thing about Athens is when he wasn't talking about women or race he was a pretty reasonable person to talk to.

>> No.5035733
File: 33 KB, 620x410, Bitches-and-whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5035734

I get really nervous and start to hyperventilate whenever a girl posts. Please keep your gender a secret.

>> No.5035737

What happened to him? I haven't been on /jp/ in a while.

>> No.5035738

attetion whores vs badass virgins epic fight

>> No.5035743


Huh?Please tell me you are joking.No i know your joking.

>> No.5035748

I would assume he is at /new/ if anywhere

>> No.5035751

Athens did misoginy threads the right way, with relevant article and background information. His arguments might have been radical, but at least they were grounded in some semblance of reason, as opposed to the back-and-forth snippy argument we have going on here, akin to what five year-old kids do all the time.

I still think Athens deserves a lot of respect for the amount of effort he puts into his posts, even if you don't always agree with him.

>> No.5035752

Same. I could barely post in this thread at all, my hands were shaking so hard.

>> No.5035765

Athens has shown his face in these parts a few times recently. I've spotted a handful of his posts, but they were simple one liners. I expect that he now lurks /jp/ from time to time, as opposed to actively posting.

>> No.5035771

fuck athen Im glad he's gone

>> No.5035773

Butthurt whore spotted.

>> No.5035782


whore is an offensive word.

>> No.5035785

But there's still the fact that he copied and modified his arguments from various blog posts. That makes him a talentless hack.

>> No.5035806

I'm sure he just posts anonymously now. He's admitted to doing stuff like that in the past.

>> No.5035820

No joke. Earlier this morning some Anon did the heart emoticon to me and I couldn't stop blushing for the whole day.

Indeed. A lot of his arguments were modfied kopipe from white supremacy sites.

>> No.5035823

How the fuck is /r9k/ taking credit for being the king of misogynists?

>> No.5035850

>Anon did the heart emoticon to me and I couldn't stop blushing for the whole day.
oh zune bar you are moe~

>> No.5035918

Bitches and whores is not an /r9k/ meme.
The only reason people say it there is because there are actual women that use the board.

>> No.5036805

fucken lold at im a female

>> No.5036855

I can't believe people are actually falling for ZUN's charade. Blush because an anon did the heart emote? Hands shaking because a girl was in the thread? I refuse to believe this.

>> No.5036867

WOW, you're a fucking genius. Where the fuck did you come from?
