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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5030960 No.5030960 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Kojima was saying that he wanted to make a game that challenged a major gaming taboo?


Well, I think he succeeded.

>> No.5030969

lol wtf am i watching?

>> No.5030971

I want to play this game, purely for the Monster Hunter island....

>> No.5030986

Nice slut undergarments

>> No.5030989
File: 29 KB, 272x310, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking at /jp/

>> No.5030991

Nothing really. Kojima trolled the fanboys once again, there's nothing to see except some forced drama.

>> No.5030997

I almost expected her to piss herself when he was interrogating her.

>> No.5030998

I don't get it. What's the gaming taboo?

>> No.5031000

Kojima confirmed for pedo.

>> No.5031001


It's on a beach.

>> No.5031002

Rape-simulator. God, I'll never get that laugh out of my head.

>> No.5031006

She is 16 for starters/

>> No.5031011


There really isn't anything shocking there. I mean, if had slit her throat, that would've been something different.

>> No.5031012

At first I was indifferent, but 2:16 onwards killed me...

>> No.5031016

16 is A-OK in civilized countries.

>> No.5031018

It's a very borderline age.
And chasing her in her underwear and putting the knife in her throat leads to interesting imagery, even if nothing ACTUALLY important happens.

>> No.5031020

Ewww too old.

>> No.5031039

wait, is peacewalker out?


>> No.5031042


>> No.5031044

What the fuck did I just watch?

>> No.5031055

Not really. I bet I have seen such scenes in RPGs a dozen times. It would be something else if he raped her or killed her in with some bloody finishing move

>> No.5031067

You bet?
Give me a couple underwear chasing scenes where you hold her under knifepoint.

>> No.5031077

Just because she's in underwear doesn't make it a taboo. What's next? Frogmen, but in underwear? OMG TABOO SELL GAMES SELL GAMES

>> No.5031081


That is clearly a stun-rod

>> No.5031084


>> No.5031085

I am not if this is even the 'taboo' scene, but underwear is an issue.
Not for you or me, obviously.
But MGS is a more widespread title.

>> No.5031090


Good ending


>> No.5031091


This is the real taboo

>> No.5031100

I'd let snake sneek up behind me and hit me with his stun rod

>> No.5031101

oh wow

>> No.5031105

Hey wait, since Big Boss is sterile he can cum inside all he wants.

>> No.5031108

Quick! Someone send this to CNN!

>> No.5031112

So what ? A 16 years old girl is having consensual sex with an older man ? Big deal. In real life, most girls lose their virginity much sooner.

Only feminazis will find something shocking or taboo in this.

>> No.5031120

Enjoy your AIDS?

>> No.5031121

Didn't Kojima was friend with some eroge producers?

Maybe it's his take on the loli issue in a discrete way, so he does not lose his credibility in mainstream gaming... (Not saying his games are good, anyway)

>> No.5031130

I just checked Wikipedia and apparently the age of consent is 16 or lower in entire Europe and most of United States too. Only some backwards shithole states have it any higher.

>> No.5031134

And you realize this only now ? The age of consent in Japan is 13, btw.

>> No.5031136
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Dino's theme song? Fuck yes.

>> No.5031139

> (Not saying his games are good, anyway)
>Not saying ZoE2 is one of the greatest games all time

>> No.5031148

That's the federal minimum age of consent. Most prefectures set it higher; ~16 usually.

>> No.5031153

Well yeah. People are only riled up about CHILD PORN and VIRTUAL CHILD PORN. Not too many people care about young people having sex except angry old women.

>> No.5031163

Kojima always had jailbait.
Snatcher and Policenauts too.
Here, it is just a bit more blatant.

>> No.5031166

And I bet only angry old men then have to pay for the babies or even worse for abortions because retarded youngsters had to play around with their genitalia even though they weren't mentally ready for it yet. The result of this are two young persons without a future, a child without a future and lots of money transfers.

>> No.5031171

mm delicious mizuki nana's voice

>> No.5031172
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>he's done research into this

>> No.5031174

so does the bonus mission come with the main game or is it some extra bonus you have to buy the cd to get or something

>> No.5031176

In this instance, people will actually play the game.

>> No.5031179

It's in the game once you finish it, apparently.

>> No.5031181

...Good point.

>> No.5031185

>even though they weren't mentally ready for it yet

If your 16 year old isn't ready, you failed them as a parent and need to be euthanized.

>> No.5031192

Again I can't see any taboo.

>> No.5031198

Oh burn

>> No.5031201

Wasn't there a delicious loli shower scene in Snatcher ?

>> No.5031203

If your 16 year old is a slut, you failed them as a parent and need to be euthanised. Painfully.

>> No.5031205

Not loli, but she was 15 or so.

>> No.5031207
File: 57 KB, 1393x628, Age_of_Consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South America ftw


>> No.5031212

I just found the info I didn't remember. She was 14 in the japanese version but her age had become 18 in the english version...

>> No.5031215

brazil is basically thailand

>> No.5031216

But that's not how life works and in our times a break-up after marriage is much more likely to happen than a successful marriage and a functional family structure. And the children of these generations will get children themselves and at some point you won't be able to fix the issue anymore and will have to say welcome to communism and state-sponsored full-time education because adults can't function as parents any longer and someone must start to do something to slow down the degeneration of society.

>> No.5031235

>It's the children's fault their parents fucked up

>> No.5031239

Orthodox Hindus argued that it violated Hindu rite "garbadhan," which obligated Hindu girls to have intercourse with her husband within sixteen days of her first period.

lol India

>> No.5031249

Why are they glowing?

>> No.5031252

>major gaming taboo
Shitty controls? It's painful to watch.

>> No.5031253

Them Hindus man, they have all sorts of silly laws.
Luckily most sane people disregard all that shit nowadays.

>> No.5031255
File: 24 KB, 177x171, eirin you're fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state education is communist
Tell me more, /new/fag.

>> No.5031260

Perhaps the Rape Laugh in Loop?

>> No.5031280


jesus christ, it is NOT the age of consent. There's a national law that sex with a girl less than 13 is treated as a crime as bad as rape. That does NOT mean that 13+ is good to go, it just might be treated as a minor crime to rape in some places.

>> No.5031297

Uhh, yes, that's what I said. Read it again.
>That's the federal minimum age of consent. Most prefectures set it higher; ~16 usually.
The federal minimum meaning, 'You cannot set it lower than this', and most prefectures setting it higher meaning '13+ isn't good to go everywhere'.

And every country with an age of consent generally has it so that having sex with someone under the age of consent counts as statutory rape. This isn't Japan-specific.

>> No.5031298

Why there are so many moralfags in this thread?

>> No.5031306
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I lol'd at america

>> No.5031307


they have nothing better to do like the rest of "us"

>> No.5031332

With full-time education I had state-sponsored bordering schools in mind for every eligible child and going on from kindergarten to University. In the beginning it could be mixed with home visits at weekends and of course that's only for good behaving kids and parents.

Also should any kind problems occur then the state will have the right to assign social workers to snoop around 24/7 at your home and should you refuse to cooperate there will be fines or jail-time for unsocial behavior.

Later on they could easily get rid of any remaining family bindings and run a centralized pre-planned society, in which you as individual are not allowed to chose your profession and plans for the future on your own because the state will do it for you, supported by scientific means to maximize the efficiency of the community. Of course.

>> No.5031346
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>> No.5031355

>Later on they could easily get rid of any remaining family bindings and run a centralized pre-planned society, in which you as individual are not allowed to chose your profession and plans for the future on your own because the state will do it for you, supported by scientific means to maximize the efficiency of the community. Of course.
So what do you do when:

>People refuse to work in large numbers
>People are just lazy and do too little work in a profession they don't give a shit about to be efficient
>People run away to Western Germany

>> No.5031356

Makes RapeLay look like a pile of puke.

>> No.5031365
File: 48 KB, 600x471, putin world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terminate with extreme prejudice
This also helps avoid overpopulation.

>> No.5031372

No work = no life
Lazy = won't happen on a bigger scale because of indoctrination from birth with stick & carrot tactics, exploitation of social pressure, benefits system for socially adept citizen and the incorporation of psychotropic drugs in daily life.

>> No.5031383

People are inherently lazy. If you punish them for it, they will either hide it better or blame other people for the shortfall. See: Maoist China, Stalinist Russia.

>> No.5031393

This pic... is the best pic....

>> No.5031398

Not only this, but if there are punishments for laziness then supervisors will deliberately find ways to underrepresent hard-working citizens so that they get Exterminated, so that their own positions are unthreatened.

If someone raises the bar then everyone else has to jump higher, so why would they let them?

>> No.5031403

It's even better with the associated "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. " quote.

>> No.5031426

There are enough psychological instruments to exploit group dynamics to ensure that everything goes the way as planned. Also if you show a good work ethic you will get your benefits and goodies, free sex would be an example.
In the later stages people will be assigned to areas they are inept to. And in the worst case though right now still a little sci-fi-ish, the state will have the ability to breed mindless drones for the lesser works like in BNW and areas that afford a higher intellect will be filled with the drugged and indoctrinated by stick & carrot pre-planned society.

The methods work perfectly, just look at fanboys, they will eat anything from the ones they adore as long as they keep believing and get their goodies.

>> No.5031435

See >>5031398

People will fake industriousness to get rewards and do away with anyone who is actually industrious because they pose a threat to their situation.

>> No.5031444
File: 149 KB, 435x486, youmu you can't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is based upon an optimistic view of human nature, which is why it doesn't work in real life.

Although you could say the same for modern day capitalism.

>> No.5031447

/jp/ - Political Ideology/General

>> No.5031457


As a communist, I'm inclined to agree. Socialism doesn't work unless you use force.

>> No.5031466

Well that doesn't really matter because the majority will not only buy it but adapt quickly like they always do and within a very few generations you will have the total controlled society. Similar methods are being used in the parent-children relationship or with taming of animals.

>> No.5031471

But the application of force needed to ensure a total socialist society functioned mostly as planned, you'd need literally omniscient and uncorruptable enforcers.

>> No.5031478

Metal Gear: Pedo Walker.

>> No.5031481

The REAL difference between America and Europe.

Spain seems like the best place for pedos. Low age of consent and still reasonably first-world.

>> No.5031482

Take this discussion elsewhere. Or use sage so the thread doesn't bump.

>> No.5031483

I don't doubt that they will adapt to it, but what I do doubt is that it will actually hold together. People will conspire against people they don't like (e.g. people they are jealous of because they do good work, lots of work, enjoy what they do, are better liked by the party than them etc) to get them either exterminated or sent to a concentration camp or whatever. Meanwhile they will keep quiet about other people's sloth and especially their own, or will at least use it as blackmail material.

>> No.5031488

>implying people are pedophiles for liking 13 year olds, and not ephebophiles


>> No.5031493

So... snake is a rapist now?


>> No.5031500

Who would actually benefit from your ideology?

These systems are ideologies that have an ultimate goal, usually the pursuit of happiness for the populace as much as it can. Your society would be geared towards "production"... with what goal? Nobody would benefit from your society, it would be a dystopia for everyone, work for the sake of working.

The end result of your ideal should in the first place be something man will stand behind, i.e. they will be better off with. So more freedom, a higher standard of living, etc. If your society is not working towards that goal, then no matter how much force you use, if the given number of people not benefitting is large enough, they will overthrow it and your society will crumble.

>> No.5031502

Ever since he raped Raiden.

>> No.5031503

Corruption isn't something to be afraid of in the view of the system. Corruption will be always present, no matter the system or ideology and you also have corruption today in the highest spheres of society.
Keep in mind it will be harder for rogue elements in such a system by modern standards with the technological level available and soon to come.

>> No.5031505


You meant hebephiles.

Although it could be argued that 13 year olds may be mid adolescents, if said persons were very early pubescents.

>> No.5031507

>implying anyone but some scholars make that distinction
>implying if you give it a different name it will make any difference in acceptance by society at large

>> No.5031517

h + T P : // A T . k Ì m m o A . $ € /

>> No.5031519

Socialist societies are always indoctrinated with ideologies and goals. The system defines it and the majority buys it. Just like any other ideology, belief-system or religion. It just works. Science says that human are nothing else than biochemical machines, you just have to learn how to program and to maintain .

>> No.5031521

>implying normal men don't think it is perfectly normal to look at 16 years old girls.

>> No.5031524

What does AoC really mean? I mean, if someone finds out I'm having sex with a 13 year old, I'm still going to jail... right? or is it only if the other person goes to the police saying she's not okay with it only?

>> No.5031536

Pretty much so. However if something happens then you will be burdened with proving the consent. Also the parents should be informed in time to be on the safe side.

>> No.5031544

All in all, it's not a good idea either way.

>> No.5031545

Look up "statutory".

>> No.5031546

If you have sex with someone who is under the age of consent, if someone finds out you might be prosecuted, even if the girl doesn't want you to be prosecuted : that's statutory rape.

However, in reality it doesn't mean shit. Girls as young as 12 have sex with 20 years old men and sometimes even older everywhere in the world and very few end up in jail for that, unless the girl report the guy to the police. And even then, she would have to prove she had sex with you and unless she kept a condom full of your semen or took pictures, it won't stand in any court.

>> No.5031549
File: 21 KB, 640x480, destiny39 (65).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People have the freedom to choose their own destiny Durandal.

>> No.5031554
File: 44 KB, 562x437, hahaha_ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even then, she would have to prove she had sex with you and unless she kept a condom full of your semen or took pictures, it won't stand in any court.

Haha. Oh wow. Actually IRL it's man responsibility to prove that he didn't fuck her. "Not guilty until proven" doesn't work for rape.

>> No.5031573

*rape of females

>> No.5031623

>20 years old men
20 year olds are hardly "men". Just like 12 year olds aren't "little girls" anymore. People should stop using these terms in this context. It's the same as calling piracy "theft". Or loli "virtual child porn".

Sadly true.

>> No.5031629

Religion: If I do what I'm told, I will be rewarded after I die.
Social structure: If I do what I'm told, I will be rewarded in life.

If they do not benefit from it, people won't just do as they're told.

>human are nothing else than biochemical machines
You're insane if you actually believe that.

>> No.5031654

>You're insane if you actually believe that.

I take it you haven't studied biochemistry at a university level? You would talk differently if you had.

>> No.5031676

Yeah, that's why we can exactly predict what any human at any time will do.

Get real. We can't even figure out precisely how a goddamn bird works. And we will never be able to grasp how our own mind works since it would require an intellect above that of our own.

>> No.5031866

What do you mean we can't figure out how a bird works? We generally know how they fly, eat, reproduce, where they go as the seasons change and other things.
How does not knowing every detail disprove humans being big, complex biochemical machines? Do you even know what a biochemical machine is?

>> No.5031940

>You're insane if you actually believe that.

Too bad biology and psychology have provided a large amount of evidence for it.

>> No.5031962

Sure, whatever. Go be awesome dark nihilists somewhere else please, on Gaia or something.

>> No.5031968

Internet, 4chan, serious business, etc.

>> No.5031983

snake, i love you

>> No.5032003

We still can't figure out how a bird with a brain the size of a pebble can find its way across continents.

Yeah, I want you to come up with a reasonable explanation on how evolution pulled that off.

>> No.5032030

Oh lol a butthurt creationist. People that don't accept evolution are misguided fools too consumed by their religious delusions to accept a materialistic explanation of things because it removes humanity from its pedestal.

>> No.5032037

Evolution is a crock of shit anyway.

I'm not saying creationism is the real truth, far from it. Just that the evolution theory has holes the size of a gaping vagina in it.

>> No.5032041

Nothing to counter my point I see. GGs.

>> No.5032043


>> No.5032078

Creationism and Evolution are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.5032081
File: 134 KB, 477x611, sciduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get to /sci/ or get an education. Creationists are an embarrassment to whichever community harbors them.

>> No.5032086

He's an atheist. He doesn't need any arguments, YOU must give him the answers, and the questions.

>> No.5032105

So are elitist pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.5032110

I agree. So learn the facts.

>> No.5032115

Let's see...
First of all, migrating birds usually only have a few remembered locations to go to.
The sun and the stars can be used to find direction.
Birds can also sense magnetic north.
Wind currents help birds move in the correct direction.
Most importantly, the birds that successfully migrate to advantageous regions successfully mate. The ones that don't, die and remove themselves from the gene pool.

>> No.5032120

Where did you see a creationist in this thread, anyway?

>> No.5032134

They're in his head. Atheists are just like religious people, they just have different kinds of delusions.

>> No.5032139


>> No.5032165

Never mind. I guess I wasn't too clear.

>> No.5032172

Thread topic went from:
>Kojima's taboo.
>Age of consent.
>Communism vs Socialism vs Capitalism.
>Atheism vs Creationism.

Now you see why we report anything that isn't Touhou, VN, or /jp/ related. You guys are no better than /v/, /new/, and /r9k/ when it comes to discussing non-2D topics.

>> No.5032177

The trolls are getting good nowadays.

Although it's not much trolling /jp/. Most posters here rage over the most obvious trolling attempts.

>> No.5032179

It was clear.

>> No.5032191

The Universe doesn't make sense. It is more like an elaborate troll than anything else.

We have stars so large they shouldn't even exist.

>> No.5032204

I would've liked more Paz and less Evolution vs. Creationism.

>> No.5032210

> It is more like an elaborate troll than anything else.
"God does not play dice. He rolls gets."

>> No.5032226
File: 21 KB, 300x421, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I find god actually does this I will abandon my faith.

>> No.5032287

Do you even have anything besides a high school degree? If you did you wouldn't be uttering such idiotic nonsense. You can actually compare the genetic sequences of various species on your own computer and you can see preserved sequences for housekeeping genes in hundreds of species and align them. Care to explain all these similarities without common ancestors? And if you even mention god in the explanation you should be shot for being such a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.5032310



>> No.5032312

God damn that guy.

>> No.5032317

In the beginning, there was nothing.
Then god created time so change could happen.

>> No.5032322
File: 570 KB, 400x300, 1268773396150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like god was lazy and used the same critter to make the whole lot of us.

Because I totally use my own code again rather than starting from scratch if I can.

But don't get angry over it. Here, watch Rumia do a cute dance.

>> No.5032436

If God is so lazy, what's to stop him from letting nature take its course? In fact, if there is a God and he did create the universe, and he is lazy, there's no reason he couldn't have left it to its own devices from the instant of creation.

>> No.5032461

Here, this may help you: http://shii.org/knows/Freedom_From_Atheism

>> No.5032772

I think he did just that with free will, bro. Maybe you weren't paying attention?

He will just call on our shit once this whole mess either fixes itself or goes down in a fiery ball of fire.

>> No.5033115

Saw "Shii" in URL, did not read. I've got more important works of hate on my to-read list, like Mein Kampf.

>> No.5034053

The fuck does this idiotic religion talk have to do with MGS

>> No.5034060

Get out of /jp/ psuedointellectual collegefags

>> No.5034068

oh right, I need to download this shit.
Thanks for the reminder.
