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[SPOILER] No.5020908[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't be the only person who thinks normal UFO is the easiest normal touhou. Can I?

at least we can all agree it's the hardest lunatic/hard

>> No.5020919

bero bero baa

>> No.5020915 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5020930

PCB is the easiest i clear with no continue on my first try im still on captin dickhead on UFO

>> No.5020939

ok I guess if you use Sakuya with all her bombs or max out your lives in IN then those are the easiest.

But assuming you aren't a dick and at least clear all but one or two spells then UFO is clearly the easiest.

I'm lookin at you ultimate Vajra and Flying Fantastica.

>> No.5020945

And I can do every other game's normal no problem.

>> No.5023931

Shou is a pain in the ass even on easy...
Today I made it to Byakuren on easy for the first time. PCB was way easier

>> No.5024008

You get these things called bombs, you know. Curvy lasers make up like, 1% of the total game.

>> No.5024024



And I don't wanna talk to anonymous, ya'll motherfuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed.

>> No.5024039


What a tool.

I'm going to have to agree with PCB being the easiest normal, but I haven't tried IP on normal yet.

I think I'll do that now.

>> No.5024065

IN, PoFV, and MF are considered the easiest around here. SA, UFO, and Shoot the Bullet are considered the hardest.

SA's Lunatic is the hardest.

>> No.5024066

I 1cc'd MoF and PCB. I can get close in EoSD and IN and I'm sure I could 1cc them if I played them more, but SA and especially UFO rape me hard.

>> No.5024085

How can you not beat IN? It's easier than MoF.

>> No.5024092

On normal? In UFO, just take it easy, bomb to complete combos, and chain red UFOs. By stage 5 you should be loaded up enough to coast through the rest. You can get like, 15 1ups total.

>> No.5024102


IN, PCB, and MoF are relatively easy. EoSD isn't terrible, but the lack of features makes it annoying on harder difficulties.

UFO isn't too hard really, but the UFO system is really distracting. in terms of pure gameplay, it's not the worst, but it's gimpy as hell.

SA is a nightmare, even on Normal.

Shoot the Nigger and Double Nigger are really hard, but some of the most fun I've had while playing Touhou.

>> No.5024104

ITT we rate difficulties by how much lives and bombs they give you.

>> No.5024119

Eh? No way.

IN is definitely the easiest on Normal, even if you're not playing with Border Team.

SA is easily the hardest on Lunatic. Stage 5 alone is enough to easily put it over the rest in terms of difficulty.

>> No.5024132

Only person in this thread that knows what he's talking about. IN's Hard mode is easier than SA's Normal.

>> No.5024139

>SA is easily the hardest on Lunatic. Stage 5 alone is enough to easily put it over the rest in terms of difficulty.

On what criteria? Getting through? Never bombing?

SA Lunatic's boss patterns seem in general easier than other games.

>> No.5024143

Troll detected.

>> No.5024151

SA and MoF = fucking hard
IN and EoSD = ok
UFO and PCB = very easy

>> No.5024163

Being serious. Most are kind of gimmicky and can be beaten repeatedly once you get it. And except for like, 3 of her 9 attacks, Okuu isn't a big deal.

>> No.5024170

Show us a replay of you beating it them. If not, your opinion is worth catshit to us.

SA's Lunatic is the hardest. IN & MoF's Easy mode are tied for easiest.

>> No.5024174

IN is the easiest Touhou so far. It's the only game I can almost 1cc on hard difficulty. On the other hand, SA on normal is impossible for me.

>> No.5024180

>MoF = fucking hard

Is this a joke? MoF, on normal, is by far the easiest Touhou on normal. Even Imperishable Night is harder.

I can easily get through the first 5 stages without even bombing a single spell card ... and I can't reliably 1CC any other Touhou game on Normal.

>> No.5024183

Also Kanako on Normal in MoF is impossible.

>> No.5024185

IN is one of the easiest and UFO is one of the hardest. Let me see your replay of UFO if it's so easy.

>> No.5024194
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Not a joke... I suck hard in MoF.
I can play only on easy this game.
PCB and UFO are super easy.

>> No.5024196

Why are you so defensive? Difficulty isn't an exact science. I've seen other people express the same sentiment.

I also like how you never answered my curious question. What are you counting? SA stage 5 is notoriously stupid if you want to do it perfectly. But so are parts of many of the games.

>> No.5024199

This. OP is trolling.

>> No.5024206


Kanako is pathetically easy on Normal. She has only about two hard spellcards--which you can easily bomb. Her final card is just endurance--you either get it or you don't, and IMo not that hard. Her final spell is harder on Easy than Normal.

>> No.5024232

>you either get it or you don't
Please enlighten me, sir. I'd really like to "get" Virtue of the Wind God.

>> No.5024238


Either of those criteria, really. Just surviving Stage 5 Lunatic is a massive task in itself-- much less never bombing.

Anyway, the real criteria on which the games should be judged is scoring difficulty, which I doubt 90% of the Touhou fanbase even knows or cares about. Judging the games on "which one is the hardest to just 1cc" is mostly meaningless because all of the games are going to have hard and easy parts, dependent on difficulty level.

However with UFO it's become really debatable which is the hardest, because the UFO system is an extremely high risk/reward system-- you can shoot your score through the roof or completely fuck up your run depending on what you do.

>> No.5024236

Where did all the SHOW ME UR REPLAY stuff come from? UFO normal is dickballs easy if you have the system down and aren't afraid to bomb.

>> No.5024240

It's all reflex. If you can handle it, there's a low chance of accidental death.

>> No.5024241

Normal IN is the easiest

>> No.5024243

>UFO normal is dickballs easy if you have the system down and aren't afraid to bomb


>> No.5024247


I forgot to add: The reason why scoring is the best measure of difficulty is this:

Just trying to survive and 1cc the game is very easy in comparison to trying to get a high score/beat a high score. (fuck you GIL)

If you are trying to get a high score, the full difficulty of any given Touhou game is realized because you must do a lot more than just survive-- you have to actively seek out and take risks to increase your score.

>> No.5024252

Put up or shut up. Check the archive for all the instances of "+SA +hardest" then compare it to all the instances of "+[insert Touhou] +hardest" and you'll see that your opinion is in the minority.

Why am I so defensive you say? It's because I don't enjoy seeing casual fans such as yourself spreading information about stuff you don't understand. Until you beat a Touhou on a certain difficulty you have no right of judging its difficulty in such a pompous tone. I argue IN and MoF are the easiest because they're the only Touhous I've managed to complete on Lunatic. SA and UFO on the other hand I struggle to complete on Hard. Beating them on Lunatic with 'continues' is proving to be too much for me.

>> No.5024261

He's right. Even Chen is harder than anything SA Lunatic throws at you.
Have a really bad replay. (ended game with 5 extends, died twice(?) to catwalk)

>> No.5024268

Well I'm sorry you're having a shitty day, I hope the rest of your Sunday is better. :)

>> No.5024272

Wasn't MoF the one that introduced that bomb system that took away points from your shooting attack?

>> No.5024278



>> No.5024282

For the record, I hated that. So very much.

>> No.5024286

> :)
Yup, this thread is a gathering of pooshlmerfriends.


>> No.5024288

Well.. that's what I meant by "have the system down". Part of that is knowing when to relax and when to go for it, and when to bomb to collect them.

>> No.5024295


Ignoring MoF's overall easiness, the bomb system pushes it over the edge, especially on Lunatic.

I believe the first (recorded) clear of MoF by a western player was FallenAngelVeronica or whatever, and her clear was basically her bombing through absolutely everything even remotely threatening, because the game feeds you so many bombs.

>> No.5024303

>bomb to collect them
P.S. this is the secret to the entire game

>> No.5024307

IN is easiest on normal.

>> No.5024323


>> No.5024325

IN even has the easiest extra stage.
So far it's the only one I've beaten.

>> No.5024327

UFO Hard is harder than EoSD, PCB and IN on Lunatic. And that's a good thing, seriously, first Windows games are just too easy.

>> No.5024331

Yeah, I remember finding those while looking for lunatic replays on youtube. They were completely useless except to show how broken the game is.

>> No.5024345

I agree, I hope Touhou 13 is just as hard. But.. maybe in a way that less people hate. I'm fine with the game systems, but it seems like everyone else isn't. Which is too bad, because it's fun if you can get into it.

Oh, except for Nue. Stupid easy Nue.

>> No.5024363

Well, IN lets you spell practice the extra stage, which is just the silliest thing.

I haven't done that one yet but I've already done a bunch of the spellcards to unlock last words and stuff so I hope I haven't ruined it too much.

>> No.5024369

That might be true but I don't really like IN so I haven't played it much. Both PCB and MoF clocked around 30 hours play time before the first 1cc in each. IN around 5 hours or so.

Yes on normal. There are that many red UFOs? The farthest I got to was stage 4 in which I lose all my lives. There's too much shit coming from all sides for me to handle properly. But maybe there's a better way. I should watch some replays to see how others do it. And I should definitely bomb more.

>> No.5024406


I would not call a system allowing you to max out your lives before stage 3 boss 'fun'. The same goes with going away from good power-up system of first 8 games or so and instead filling the screen with confusing and annoying 0.01 power items.

Otherwise UFO is fun, but I prefer SA and I hope Touhou 13 will be more like it (because there's no hope it will resemble PCB or IN).

>> No.5024441

>IN lets you spell practice the extra stage
Because ALL of Mokou's spellcards have some trick. You wouldn't be able to beat the extra if there wasn't the spell practice. At least not unless you go through the stage a lot. Which is quite boring. What's fun is the boss, not the stage.

>> No.5024544

You're supposed to trade lives for score if you're getting too many. But yeah it is a crazy kinda broken system. What I mainly like is how it makes the stages extra hard/active. Most Touhou stages are a bit dull and most of the score systems don't get much more active than grazing. Which is ok, it's just not my favorite thing since it encourages you to tap-stream all over the place.

>> No.5024557


yeah, true. I guess what I would prefer is if they weren't so tricky as to make spell practice as attractive as it is.

>> No.5026542

>Well, IN lets you spell practice the extra stage, which is just the silliest thing.

Allowing a player to focus only on the part they're having trouble with, instead of working up to that same part and dying a whole lot over and over again, thereby saving the player a whole lot of time and creating a more fun experience is "silly"?

What planet are you from?

>> No.5026567

I can beat SA's first four stages without losing a life, but because of stage 5, I have trouble 1cc'ing it, and have only done so twice.
