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5017734 No.5017734 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've just done the last route on Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo. This VN was awesome, I must say. Quite boring on times and hard to get all endings, but the plot was worth it. Shit was kinda like Cross Channel. Oh, I know about the fandisc, but is it worth playing? Also, this VN went to my "should never become anime" list along with Ever17. You just KNOW that it cannot be animated.

>> No.5017773

You mean Ririko and Takeshi? Yeah, I agree that animating = milking.

>> No.5017808

the fandisc is awesome

>> No.5017812

Nah, I think it wouldn't be too bad if it were animated. Ever17 is just impossible to turn into a series or movie but SnK could work.

Also, I enjoyed the fandisc more. It didn't have delicious Touka (after story routes aren't translated yet) but I felt that the main story had better plot and pacing compared to the original.

>> No.5017813

What's done on the fandisk is very necessary to finish the story. However, you won't get all the fun extra scenes, because the translators hate slice of life stuff.

>> No.5017823

You have to read Houzuki's chapter of the fandisc to get the whole story. None of the rest of it is translated.

>my "should never become anime" list
In actuality all VNs should be on such a list.

>> No.5017827

Unlike Ever17, it would be pretty easy to animate if the director was good.
Which pretty much explain why it will never get animated. Most of anime directors sucks.

>> No.5017846

Nah, VNs like Fate/Stay Night kinda felt like "animate me please", Saya no Uta or Kikokugai would also be awesome when animated. I meant that it would be hard to animate because of Ririko's maximum penalty. You would need to do an awesome camera work to avoid plot holes.

>> No.5017852

That end was motherfucking depressing. And really hot. Slutty, tsundere Touka.
Yup. Go read the fandisc now.
Are you me? I liked the fandisc more, but was sad with the lack of Touka too.
But there isn't a clear ending. I wanted a sad reunion with Houzuki with his waifu.

>> No.5017857

Man that floor is shiny.

>> No.5017873

>VNs like Fate/Stay Night kinda felt like "animate me please"
And look at how well that worked out. Visual novels are just not suitable for anime adaptations.

>> No.5017875
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Every single girl named Touka is the best character of its game.

>> No.5017884

Something with a linear plot like Narcissu works wonders for adapation into non-interactive media.

>> No.5017895

is there any anime based on a VN with linear plot? If yes, is it good?

>> No.5017900
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planetarian Anime fucking when?
One or Two OVAs are fine too.
C'mon KEY, you animated worse shit. pic related

>> No.5017902

Chaos;Head, and no. Chaos;Head is awesome, but the anime is fucking horrible.

>> No.5017906

Both linear, both shit on the original.

>> No.5017907

Utawarerumono comes to my mind, but I haven't watched the anime.

>> No.5017911

Planetarian would be a mediocre anime. Face it.

>> No.5017918

The game is fucking horrible too. Only good things about it are the songs.

>> No.5017926

The anime seems good. I haven't watched it myself, but it has got a solid 8 on anidb.

>> No.5017925

That's your opinion. I personally loved everything about it. Also, dat OP is brilliant. Chaos;Head seems to cater to only a few particular tastes, a love or hate it, really.

>> No.5017948

Everything can be adapted.
The quality of the adaptation only depends of who is behind it.
Obviously if every vn adaptation is directed by Chiaki Kon and the likes, it will be shit. It doesn't mean you can't get a good adaptation.

>> No.5017953

>it's got an okayish rating on a shitty website managed by shitty people with a shitty userbase
gosh, just look at the reviews. average 7. the average user is just dumb.

>> No.5017955

angel beats is a original project of a anime studio isn't it? The only key-related stuff would be Jun Maeda who wrote the screenplay of it but that doesn't make it a VN-based anime

>> No.5017970

It had a prequel in LN form.

>> No.5017975

I thought ef had a pretty good adaptation. The first part of it, anyway.

>> No.5017977


>> No.5017982

It was pretty and good looking, taht's all.

>> No.5018012

And both seasons of Higurashi have over an 8.5 there.

Really the best you can hope for from an anime adaptation of a VN is "it's good as long as you haven't read the source material." Higurashi, ef, and the KyoAni Key adaptations fall into that category. Maybe some others as well.

>> No.5018065

Animation and VNs have inherently diffrent ways of presenting things,
its just simply not wise to expect an adaptation to be as good as the original
its like trying to go from color to black and white in a picture and get it mean the exact same thing.

>> No.5018090

But did Key actually publish it? I doubt it.

>> No.5018112

That's true.
As long as you don't confuse "faithful" with "good"(which, let's face it, most of the people bitching about adaptations of pretty much anything do) it's entirely possible to do a good adaptation of a VN.

>> No.5018120

Yes, it was published, someone in /a/ translated buts and talked about it.

>> No.5018149

If something isn't faithful it isn't a good "adaptation." You could still call it a good anime but not a good adaptation.

>> No.5018180

I think he meant whether it was published by Key or someone else.

Angel Beats! actually IS a Key production. It's not like just Maeda worked on it on his own, he worked on it as part of Key. It's not a P.A. Works original, it's a Key original that they just chose to make straight into anime. Well, anime and bunch of other stuff, but not a VN.

And it's actually pretty good, when it's not ripping off Haruhi at least

>> No.5018183


>> No.5018186

It's also got Character Design by Na-Ga.

>> No.5018202

It's also doing fucking well with preorder that surpass K-ON.
Considering P.A also did a Type-Moon anime that pretty much bombed last year, does it mean Key is currently more popular?

>> No.5018214

It's not a Key original, it's an Aniplex original. They were the ones who approached Maeda and asked him to create it for them. As far as I know Key hasn't actually done anything with the project.

>> No.5018249

I finally started playing Chaos;Head yesterday - I saw the anime(which is the single worst series I managed to finish) and heard some mixed opinions about the VN, so I was reluctant. But... It's actually good! I was surprised, it's fun, the writing is good, and Takumi is such a ridiculous failure that I just can't hate him.
Only character designs hurt my eyes, but that's just my preference - and I certainly seen worse.
I sure hope it won't completely turn to shit.

>> No.5018258

So why is Key listed as production company then?

>> No.5018260

It will. The plot is ridiculous while pretending to be DEEP, and it's affected by Shounen archetypes. The ending is complete and utter shit, the pseudo-sciense is a shithole full of weird errors and shit, seriously it's disappointing.

>> No.5018282

I really like the character design. No flaws I can pick out in it, and it's my sort of shit. I dislike moeblob, so Chaos;Head is all good. Remember to FINISH Chaos;Head. The best part are the last few hours. And dat end will make you cry, unless disliked the characters/story and have no heart.

>> No.5018283

>>5018149 If something isn't faithful it isn't a good "adaptation."
No, that's why we're using the word "adaptation" instead of "transposition".
You could film all the pages of The Lord of the Rings while turning them one by one, and it would be the most faithful adaptation ever made. It wouldn't make sense as a movie of course, because it wouldn't use its new medium as it should.
Look at the Sin City too. While it looks great as a comic book, it looks fucking ridiculous as a movie.
Faithfulness is overrated (but I'm not saying it can't be a quality).

>> No.5018290

Fuck you, hater. The ending was brilliant. I don't care if it was 'powerlevels shit', it was still awesome. I also like how it ends with the opening scene, only this time the opening scene makes sense. As soon as the opening scene started, I started crying, because I knew what was going to motherfucking happen.

>> No.5018297

>You could film all the pages of The Lord of the Rings while turning them one by one, and it would be the most faithful adaptation ever made. It wouldn't make sense as a movie of course
and yet im such a whore that I would still actually pay to see it

>> No.5018307

>>5018290 I started crying
Come on, you can't be serious.

>> No.5018310

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. It's a fact that Aniplex originally conceived the project and got Maeda involved. Watch the Angel Beats special. They go through the entire history of how the project came to be, as well as the production process. Interestingly they never mention anything about Key doing anything.

>> No.5018319

I am completely serious. The novel appealed to me, I enjoyed everything about it, and the ending was sad. I don't know why so many people hate it. It's like my favourite fucking VN ever. It's unique among the sea of slice of life shit as well.

>> No.5018337 [DELETED] 

Good thing I don't give a shit about the plot then! No, seriously, I vaguely remember how much of a trainwreck anime plot was, and I don't think I'll really mind even if its that bad.
So far it's just so... over-exaggerated that I just can't help but smile. I just need more paranoia, LOLTWISTS, and delusions and I'll be happy. If as you said plot is bad, then it probably won't be a masterpiece, but I don't need masterpieces all the fucking time just to enjoy myself, after all.
If it turns out to be good as others said, all the better.
I generally dislike eyes that have extremely elongated irides, and Chaos;Head is a particularly bad offender at time. Not to mention, fugly school uniforms.
As I said, matter of taste.

>> No.5018349

>As I said, matter of taste.
Indeed. I love the uniforms.
> I just need more paranoia, LOLTWISTS, and delusions and I'll be happy.
Lots of awesome delusions, especially near the end. And Sena's past story is pretty fucking cringeworthy. Made my spine tingle because it was fucked up in the description, much better than what the anime did, where it wasn't obvious at all what the fuck happened. But not much twist at the end, just a sad ending.

>> No.5018353

Good thing I don't give a shit about the plot then! No, seriously, I vaguely remember how much of a trainwreck anime plot was, and I don't think I'll really mind even if its that bad.
So far it's just so... over-exaggerated that I just can't help but smile. I just need more paranoia, LOLTWISTS, and delusions and I'll be happy. If as you said plot is bad, then it probably won't be a masterpiece, but I don't need masterpieces all the fucking time just to enjoy myself, after all.
If it turns out to be good as others said, all the better.
I generally dislike eyes that have extremely elongated irides, and Chaos;Head is a particularly bad offender at times. Not to mention, fugly school uniforms.
As I said, matter of taste.

>> No.5018362

Why did you bother reposting just to sage? The bump already bumped the thread, deleting it won't make any difference.

>> No.5018363

That's a different issue. When most people complain about something not being faithful they're referring to skipping/changing large parts of the plot, changing characters, altering the overall tone of the work, etc.

>> No.5018369

I was fixing a typo, and didn't want to bump it again. Damn delay...

>> No.5018372

I think Chaos;Head is one of those VNs that you either love or despise

>> No.5018380

Yeah. But I've yet to see anyone on /jp/ who loves it as much as I do...

>> No.5018385

Mostly because few have a reason to like the way it concludes itself.
Most people loved the build-up, some did not take well the later chapters, and hardly anyone enjoys the conclusions.

>> No.5018390

>Mostly because few have a reason to like the way it concludes itself.
I was kind of disappoint, but when I saw the anime ending, that was even fucking shitter. It's a simple, but hard hitting (for me, cried, etc.) ending.

>> No.5018432

But you probably HAVE to make some changes to make an adaptation work.
You can't expect your favorite VN anime adaptation to keep 10 hours of slice of life or whatever. That's an idiotic viewpoint.

>> No.5018434

Clannad did.

>> No.5018441

That's because the game has 50 hours of slice of life.

>> No.5018528

KEY Shit is perfect for becoming anime because it already sucks before the trainwreck happens so no one notices.

>> No.5018554
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>> No.5018571

Even if it's a change they "have" to make that doesn't mean it doesn't make it worse.

>> No.5018580

>10 hours of slice of life
Sounds good to me.

>> No.5018627


>> No.5018629

Eh, did by chance you mean plot?

>> No.5018643

Plots are overrated.

>> No.5018672

>>5018571 Even if it's a change they "have" to make that doesn't mean it doesn't make it worse.
Because something was adapted by inompetent fucks doesn't mean it shouldn't be adapted at all.
>>5018580 Sounds good to me.
Yeah, until it transforms your favorite action VN into Lucky Star.
Because of their length and emphasis on character interactions, visual novels often use this kind of "pointless" scenes without problems.
Now if you do the same shit with an anime, it will certainly screw up the pacing and the original tone of the game.

>> No.5018773

But I thought you said they have to make those changes?

>> No.5018789

I don't know why I'm talking with you.
Keep acting retarded.

>> No.5022030

So should I play this first, or Cross Channel first? Tell me, /jp/.

>> No.5022094

There is nothing to say about this.
I had a hunch about it, but I didn’t expect it to be this good.


I’ll make this my family heirloom.
It’s both my good fortune and bad luck that I would meet this work which now reigns as an absolute and insurmountable wall.

Anyway the game is too amazing so everybody please play it! Oh man, I know saying all this is like I’m strangling my own neck, but I can’t stop myself from recommending it!

>> No.5022104

what the fuck

>> No.5022117

Eri's scenario where?
