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5016782 No.5016782 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to learn Kanji?

>> No.5016794

so fuck yourself

>> No.5016795


>> No.5016802

Stick a knife in your throat.

>> No.5016808
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>> No.5016814

u mad because you were told to fuck off

>> No.5016858
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>> No.5017038

learn the parts that make up kanji and make little stories using them (radicals/elements etc)

example: 遊ぶ
asobu - to play or spend time enjoyably
the 子 part of it means child/kid, the bottom thing can mean road, so you might say "children playing in the road". Very simple.

目eye 力strength/strong/force
Another example. 助ける  − tasukeru - help
strong eyes help             

I hope I was of assistance, this is the only way I can remember them, it works quite well.

>> No.5017056

to write them u have to write them a thousand thousand times.

to recognise them write them and do jmemo flash cards.

theres no point tho, im in japan now and its balls, its half 5 and this fucker in the temple across the road bangs a gong every morning.

>> No.5017066

RTK is the only correct answer.

>> No.5017076

Okay, I'll ask it in this this thread too until I get an answer.

Is there a web page translator that doesn't translate the page into another language, but let's say, just translates the kanji characters into romanji or kana letters? So that the full page would be written fully in either kana or romanji.

>> No.5017084


why the fuck would u want to do that, download rikaichan for firefox. u can mouse over the words and it tells u in english all about the word

>> No.5017109

Encounter kanji.
Learn readings + meaning.
Remember kanji.

Now fuck off.

>> No.5017121

grammar is way harder than kanji tbh

>> No.5017134

Set a realistic goal for yourself like one every other week.

>> No.5017135

I don't want to read english, I want to figure out myself what it means, I don't want it to translate wrong part of the sentence as a word, easier to read without kanji, too bothersome to roll mouse over each word, I don't use Firefox but Opera, etc etc.

>> No.5017288

>easier to read without kanji

>> No.5017351

Writing. Take 15-20 at one time, use a list of meanings + on and kun readings and write the kanji next to every one. Repeat those you don't get right. Once you get better only use the meanings and write the readings down at well (you probably only need the most common readings, I learned a good deal of readings I never needed)

>> No.5017371

Anki and spending an hour using it every day. You'll slowly learn them. I used it with the JLPT pack and learned them all in a few weeks. Now I constantly see kanji in real life.

>> No.5017377

Where's a good place to find grid paper that's a good size to use to practice writing kanji?

>> No.5017384


>> No.5017406

>learned them all in a few weeks
when you say "them", you mean no more than maybe 100, right?

>> No.5017440

You learned the 2000 or so kanji that appear on JLPT1 in a few weeks?

>> No.5017516

no. he didn't.

>> No.5017541

Something that's confusing me is learning to write the kanji. I can recognize them just fine. I can look at a kanji in a word and know how it's pronounced. However, if you gave me a word and asked me to write it on paper I'd find it really difficult to remember exactly how the kanji were written. The easiest solution to this is just to write it down a lot, but that takes a lot of fucking paper. Is there any easy way to remember how to write the kanji?

>> No.5017555

100 a week isn't that hard.

>> No.5017562


>> No.5017567

Freakin' practice, practice, practice.
Stuffs hard, man.
Too freakin' many pronunciations and symbol and meanings.

>> No.5017570

Even with Heisig, though, it requires you to write it out. Is there really no way to avoid wasting all that paper? I guess it's not that big a deal.

>> No.5017571

I forget how many, I don't think it was more than 100 though.

I somehow forgot to put a 4 in that post. It was the JLPT4 pack. Nothing hard, most of the common and easy kanji.

>> No.5017573

You say that as though paper is expensive.

>> No.5017580

it isn't really a waste of paper if you're learning

>> No.5017584

Well, it isn't, but I hate keeping all that paper around. I'm not a very organized person, so it's going to end up everywhere.

>> No.5017590

With Heisig you only have to write each kanji once, provided you follow the other directions.

>> No.5017614

OP should stop being a faggot and get a hobby that doesn't require him to learn different languages.

>> No.5017618

Does an Anki deck exist for Kanjidamage?

>> No.5017623

Lots and lots of repetition and time.

Kanji IS serious business, its not something you can learn in a week or two like hiragana, its a genuine commitment.

>> No.5017626

Studying is generally a good idea

>> No.5017631

>Implying it takes a week to learn the kana.

>> No.5017642

Well, it does if you aren't retarded. Judging from your greentext and implying, I bet it took you a few months to learn.

>> No.5017650

You missed my point. It should take no more than two days. One day for hiragana and one day for katakana. One day is possible for some. Perhaps you are the one that is retarded, friend.

>> No.5017677
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>> No.5017682

It's true. I don't see why you would have such a problem with them.

>> No.5017696

So, I can do kana, but reading the characters & recognizing them is still slow. Any neat game or something that I can practice reading fast & fluently with?

>> No.5017703

Slime Forest, I used it alot when I wanted to get better at reading them.

>> No.5017714

Play Fortune Summoners or something with furigana on and read everything even if you don't understand.

>> No.5017718


>> No.5017731

Okay, thanks! Nice to actually get some good tips instead of trolling for once in a while.

>> No.5017760

Strangely enough kanji-related threads seem to work pretty well in comparison to "how do I learn japanese" or "let's speak japanese!" type of threads.

>> No.5017785

今日輪 皆さん、

>> No.5017821

Not if you read those three first reactions to this thread... but I guess no matter what, learning Kanji is more advanced and those beginning to learn Kanji can relate to the guys learning kana instead of going lolnewb. Then again, answering to the obvious beginner questions probably gets annoying no matter what after a while.

>> No.5017860

It's about commitment. Someone saying "PLZ TO TEACH JAPANESE" doesn't give a shit or they would have found some material and attempted on their own already. Asking for tips on reading more fluidly is a lot more palatable because it's someone that's already put in some effort.

>> No.5017899

Yes, I can understand that. That's why I usually try to ask "stupid" questions in the least annoying way I know. Or in the way I believe I might bother to answer myself if someone else asked me about something.

>> No.5017922

OK, but I still think "lol how duz i lern kanjis" is not exactly "how can I read more fluently"
or "I often forget compounds that i previously learned"
or "How do you remember the difference between 受 and 授"?

>> No.5017999

Uhm, type "ha" instead of "wa" in the approppriate places

>> No.5018007

That's the joke.

>> No.5018035

personally im following the ajatt (alljapaneseallthetime) program, learning all the kanjis while browsing as much japanese material as i can without focusing on sentences, pronounciation or vocabulary, the idea is to let your uncouncious suck up shit like a sponge while learning the jōyō kanjis, after all the kanjis are nailed to your brain, you start focusing on actual speech and vocabulary

>> No.5018048

That's why I didn't teach OP how to read but gave a suggestion to >>5017696

>> No.5020190

IMO, katakana is a lot harder than kanji. With kanji there are associated meanings that you can use to help trigger memory. With katakana, you just have 52 characters half of which look exactly the fucking same.


>> No.5020202

Bend over and stick your head up your ass as far as you can.

When you reach your colon, you learned.

>> No.5020210

You can only say that because you haven't gotten to the point where you have to learn kanji like in >>5020048

>> No.5020354

No, but I'm creating one right now as we speak.

I've left out some things that I don't deem necessary because kanjidicks is a bit bloated for anki's decks to be honest, so I've added only the most important and not so important things.

I'm using his site in parallel to my deck to maximize the learning or when the decks don't provide as much info, I look up the kanji to see additional stuff. Learning the 音読み and maybe the kunyomi is the first thing you should concern yourself with before learning anything else anyway

Anyone here using kanjidicks? what do you think of my deck

>> No.5020359
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pics of said deck

>> No.5020376
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>> No.5020519

can you share this :D?

>> No.5021865

This looks amazing. I'd love it if you could up it when you get a chance.

>> No.5021871

read manga with furigana

>> No.5021888
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>> No.5021891


>> No.5021899



>> No.5021981


>> No.5021990

可愛い [かわいい] (adj) (sl) pretty, cute, lovely, charming, dear, darling, pet, (P)

yes, it often is written in kana.

>> No.5022035
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because no two kanji look alike, huh?


And then there's the whole mess with the stroke order on identical parts being different as with 左 and 右 and stuff.

>> No.5022079

Have a special friend write the kanji on your back with his PENIS. That way you'll remember the *stroke* order.

Here's for starters:

>> No.5023137

I can share it, but it's incomplete. I've only done 306 (592 cards in total) kanji because I've been lazy.

But if there's a demand for the complete deck, maybe I could rush to finish it? It's kinda tiresome to spell check his work and fix the inconsistencies in one long sitting, but oh well.

>> No.5023155
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What the shit? And I thought so and no on katakana were ridiculous.

>> No.5023168

No really. Is it supposed to be differentiated?

>> No.5023169

Soil and scholar.

>> No.5023216

wut? moar like soil and samurai radical

>> No.5024589 [DELETED] 


>> No.5024667

That would be fuckawesome really. I'm running out of desk space with all the flashcards I make with kanjidicks.

>> No.5024684 [DELETED] 


>> No.5024685

earth and I call the other one the "gentleman" kanji.

>> No.5024738

just how many flashcards have you made?

>> No.5024755

roughly 400

>> No.5025285

I know it's incomplete, but I'd probably be willing to add to it provided I'm not lazy.

>> No.5025572

Why bother learning Kanji? Just learn vocab and you'll pick that shit up. I know about 6000 words. I probably know all the joyo by now.

>> No.5025585

Well, obviously trying to learn kanji when you know no vocabulary is retarded, but after a while you'll get to the point that you should. It's kind of the "next stage", or whatever.

Though, I'm just saying based on what some people who have studied Japanese have told me. I have so far been too busy taking it easy to do so myself.

>> No.5026691

and where did you learn this vocab of yours

>> No.5026703


Are you seriously asking this? I picked it from magazines, games, anime, websites, my textbooks, etc.

>> No.5026715

I learned katakana and hiragana in 3 hours.
Not been practising it for 2 months and I still remember them all.
Fuck /newfags/ your all retarded. Learn to practice your memorizing skillz.

>> No.5026877


wut? They have completely different left-side components.

Also bitches don't know 'bout mah 音符
That's the worst thing about these mnemonic methods. They completely disregard the actual etymology. PROTIP: The majority of complex characters are made up of one meaning indicating component and one phonetic one.

論: ろん
輪: りん

Also 倫, 綸, etc

>> No.5026966


>> No.5026989


stopped reading there

>> No.5026995

Fuck a thousand cows at noon?

>> No.5026999

Wow, bro, you're so smart, and stuff.

>> No.5027022

>They completely disregard the actual etymology.

who needs those

>> No.5027243


made me lol

>> No.5027257

go to a bathhouse and confront your inner desire to be accepted despite having traditionally "feminine" hobbies

>> No.5027406

What is the minimum you should learn per day? I'm at 10/day right now. Should I bump it up?

>> No.5027454

Can somebody please post source for OP? Who is that hot Japanese milf?

>> No.5027495

Whatever you're comfortable with. 10/day isn't a bad start.

>> No.5028320

Source for OP?

>> No.5028334

However many you can remember reliably.

>> No.5028346

I've been learning 5-10 a day for almost a year now.

>> No.5028434


You don't learn over 90 characters in 3 hours, gtfo.

Questions like the OP's suck because you know that they won't actually learn. The ones who really want to learn it do the research and just get down to business and grind it out. No one's going to feed it to you.

If you HAD done any research, you would know that Heisig (Remembering the Kanji) is a very popular method. I just used Anki (flashcard program) to learn the readings/meaning of the first 1000 kanji I learned. Once I figured out that this was a very inefficient way to learn, I just decided to learn the rest when I encounter new vocab. For vocab, use the Core 2000/6000 lists on smart.fm (or import it to Anki). For grammar, google "Tae Kim" and read his entire guide.

If you really want to learn the language, you should be exposing yourself to it at all times. Listen, read, write as much as you can.

Many people (anime/weeabo fags) get this grand idea in their head of how cool it would be to know Japanese. I'd say 99.5% don't make it past learning kana. It's NOT EASY. IT TAKES WORK. NO AMOUNT OF SUBBED ANIMU WILL HELP YOU.

>> No.5028599

kill yourself

>> No.5028633


Says the butthurt animu fag that is too lazy to put the work into learning.

>> No.5028761
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WAY too much info for a flashcard, dude. I'm going through kanjidicks and also using/creating my own deck. It's simple. keyword -> kanji + onyomi. That's all you should be worried about on your first run through. And no fucking stories, you don't need that shit. Just SRS and reps.

Don't forget to check kanjidicks against another source due to the occasional mistake.

>> No.5028796

>And no fucking stories, you don't need that shit.

What? Why? The mnemonics for the radicals is what makes Kanjidicks so awesome. Otherwise it's just mindless grinding.

>> No.5028797


I also only did Recall cards, because both ways just adds up to too many cards

>> No.5028831


It's not grinding, you're just memorizing the kanji instead of a story, either way you have to memorize something. Maybe I'm a more visual person, but I always thought stories unnecessary.

>> No.5028859

practice by writing sentences works for me.

>> No.5028865


>> No.5028869

What are you? A nerd?

>> No.5028883


Namasensei does not know Kanji, he barely even learned kana totally disregarding stroke order

>> No.5028886

Please allow me to be an idiot, what is kanjidicks?

>> No.5028891

>For grammar, google "Tae Kim" and read his entire guide.
Are you sure that's all I need for grammar? No other textbooks or anything?

>> No.5028913


For advanced grammar you could follow it up with something but you shouldn't worry about that now.

>> No.5028920


>> No.5028958

You always post that and it always a lie. Otherwise you wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.5029051

