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5015231 No.5015231 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ when was the last time you saw your doctor?

>> No.5015234


no health insurance

>> No.5015233
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>> No.5015235

I was supposed to see him a year ago, but I didn't go.

>> No.5015240

can't remember

>> No.5015243

Last Tuesday.

For the first time in two years, and actually also the first time I've met the guy in person. (I had to switch doctor when I moved away from my parents' town).

>> No.5015246

Around a week ago.

He said I should go out more and that I needed more vitamin D. ;_;

>> No.5015248

I don't have a personal doctor. Whenever I need something, I go to the first one I see.
Haven't seen a doc in a decade, tho.

>> No.5015253

Does a psychiatrist count? If yes, about two weeks ago.

>> No.5015258

Those legs...

>> No.5015275


>> No.5015278

Depending on what?

>> No.5015300

Ah screw it. It counts.

>> No.5015311

Today. She is my neighbour and she has a loli daughter (5 years old) who is always seeking my attention.

>> No.5015353

>loli 5 year old daughter
>seeking my attention

There's something wrong with that, but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.5015370

She obviously wants to have sex with him.

>> No.5015377

What a slut.

>> No.5015385

I have health insurance (loleurope) but haven't visited a doctor in about 5-6 years. My teeth are so fucked.

>> No.5015413
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I'll probably try to see an eye doctor soon, since my vision is pretty bad at times. Time to get glasses I guess.

>> No.5015415

2 weeks ago.

>> No.5015432

About 2 years ago, I thought I had a sore throat. She first thought I was trying to get a drug, which I had actually emphasized as being allergic to. Then told me I was an idiot, had nothing and to go home and take an asprin. I don't pay for health insurance anymore.

>> No.5015434

Sometime this week probably.
Everytime I stand up, I get dizzy, vision goes blank and head hurts like fuck for a few seconds.

>> No.5015450

Choose wisely and you'll be moe

>> No.5015461

Try drinking more water.

Maybe you lack iron.

>> No.5015462

Eirin is not a physician. She's a pharmacist. Pharmacy and medicine are two separate fields.

>> No.5015502

Oh hell.... over a year for sure. Last time I went was to have a cluster of moles removed on the back of my neck. I no longer have insurance but thankfully I'm a healthy guy.

>> No.5015619

Low blood pressure.

>> No.5015649

Last November for the H1N1 vaccine.

>> No.5015652

I love you whoever you may be.

>> No.5015673

I see a doctrine of some sort at least every month.

My body is messed up and this country has free health-care so yeah.

>> No.5015854
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Wednesday, a few days ago. At first I was thinking my dizziness, headaches, muscle weakness, confusion, and occasional blacking out was just anemia, but it's starting to look like I might have a serious heart or brain problem.

>> No.5015862

It was is January this year I guess. Taking blood exams and some other stuff.

I wish Eirin could be my doctor ;_;

>> No.5015865

Like two years ago or something. I had a mole removed. I've never had any health problems in my life thus far.

>> No.5015872

Less than a week ago.

>> No.5015888

I last went to the doctor about 4 years ago. I don't have insurance, so I can't afford to go to the doctor even when I would like to.

>> No.5015896

Several months ago. Had Swine Flu.

>> No.5015901

A long, long time ago.

>> No.5015910

Last week for a chest x-ray. Hooray for no lung collapses but my chest still hurts.

>> No.5015911

I think you might be worrying too much. I think you suffer from a lack of excercise and maybe hypocalcemia. The average /jp/ user isn't exactly keen of exercise and most probably live off microwave noodles. I suggest you eat a more healhty diet and start excercising.

>> No.5015914

The last time a doctor actually checked me was almost to years ago, when I was at a mental institution for 3 months.
Apart from that, only my therapist.
I actually have a bunch of things that need to be looked at, but for some reason I don't like visiting doctors. They are so impractical. If they were more like supermarkets, I wouldn't have that problem.
Maybe I am just ashamed.

>> No.5015918

I understand what you mean by supermarkets

>> No.5015922

I'm going in a few days.

>> No.5016053

2weeks ago, getting a perscription of painkillers to save me going all teh way up to visit my dentist to get it.

>> No.5016073

4 or so years ago. I might start seeing a psychiatrist soon though.

>> No.5016115

...are you me?

>> No.5016154

Gosh, probably not for about 10 years.

But with Obama's new health plan...

Oh, that's right, I'm NEET and still won't get any medical care. ;_;

>> No.5016184

I should have visited neuropathist something like 5 years ago. But I'm too lazy for visiting him. And I didn't want to wakeup in 6am.
And last time I saw a dentines was when I was in school. About 7 years ago.

>> No.5016194

That just means that you are one lazy fuck who does nothing but sit in front of your computer 24/7 and don't even bother eating/drinking/shitting-pissing on your floor.

>> No.5016267

Dermatologist a few weeks ago for follow-up to eczema creams and ointments and stuff. Everything's looking peaches right now. I'm still on my mom's health-care plan and pretty much will be for my academic career, at least as long as I don't turn out to be as lazy and shiftless as I was my first two years here.

>> No.5016289

Just because you use a /jp/ picture does not make the thread /jp/ related.

>> No.5016381
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this, and my left knee is fucked up, "patellar subluxation" the doctor said, woop fucking do.

>> No.5016518

you could probably get a subscription for medical marijuana for that.

>> No.5016531

I saw my eye doctor 4 days ago. I have rosatia in my eyes. That's right a skin condition in my fucking EYES!!!!!!!

It took the doctors two fucking years to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. By the time they did, I had lost some of my eyesight ad I am sensitive to bright light. My eyes are VERY dry all the time and I have to use special eyedrops.

I hate doctors. BTW I am 18. I will be 19 in 3 days and because of doctors I now have the eyesight of a 45 year old.

>> No.5016632

Over nine years.

>> No.5016646
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I exercise some daily, eat well. The thing is, an EKG reported some very odd heart arythmia.

>> No.5016669

Second last week of the army about a month ago

>> No.5016815

About three weeks ago. Over the summer, I'm going to have some steel bars put into my chest because by sternum is squishing my heart, which is not good. On the plus side, I'll be PART MAN, PART MACHINE (not really), which is kind of cool.

>> No.5016824

It's not the doctor's fault you have the condition.

>> No.5016827

>I hate doctors for finding what was wrong with me.

It might have been late, but who the fuck else would have diagnosed you?

>> No.5016857

About as cool as how one of my front teeth is made from 50% of that plastic dentists use when they have to replace the missing piece of tooth with something.

>> No.5016927

Plastic man.

>> No.5016948

My Doc told me that I need to quit smoking as I will (estimated) be dead at 50. I've since gone from one pack to two a day. I hope I'm dead at 40.

>> No.5016952

That's my boy.

>> No.5016979

It's been years.

>> No.5017032

I'm trying to accomplish the same thing, except with a daily cocktail of nicotine, marijuana and cocaine.
