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5013271 No.5013271 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering:

1. lots of /jp/ people smoke
2. some people smoke for "peer pressure"

does that means that unsociable /jp/ers have peers?

>> No.5013278

>1. lots of /jp/ people smoke

Cool assumption bro.

>> No.5013279

I don't smoke, never did, never will.
Smoking has no usefulness whatsoever.

>> No.5013289

I think you might have made a wrong turn on the first one. Most NEETs don't have money for smoking.

>> No.5013287

>lots of /jp/ people smoke
What are you smoking?

>> No.5013284

I don't smoke, yet I've got a pack of Marlboro next to me.
No idea why.

>> No.5013286

>1. lots of /jp/ people smoke
Not sure where you got that from, but okay.

Personally, I've never smoked.

>> No.5013303

I hate smoking. That's why I don't socialize with people.

>> No.5013307

The amount of smokers depends on the day and time.

Nicotine works the same way as Acetylcholine, which stimulated certain forms of learning.
Incidentally, nobody that I know knows that I smoke and it's been a year.

>> No.5013308

I don't smoke, sorry.

>> No.5013309

hmm yeah
maybe I got it wrong this time

but I'm pretty sure I've read posts now that might had made me tought so

I remeber seeing a pic of a loli in one of these japanese cigarettes vending machines

anyone happen to have it

>> No.5013315


>> No.5013319

Smoking is fucking disgusting.

>> No.5013321

now that makes sense

I smoke for the same reason BTW

>> No.5013335 [DELETED] 

f|Ght TH3 íN+eRNeT [enSor5hÌp httP;// áT . KÍMMÓ@ . $€ / fÌ5ht +h3 iñ+ERñ€T <enSór$hip

>> No.5013331

I don't smoke.

>> No.5013351

My waifu has to smoke.

A man must do what a man must do.

>> No.5013366 [DELETED] 

fÌ5HT ThE ìnTERñE+ <En5òrshIP hT+p:// ÁT . KíMMóà , 5e / fíGHT th€ iNT3Rñ3+ [enSòRShÌP

>> No.5013375

I'm a social smoker. Although, I don't see how people get addicted to them. By them I just mean cigarettes. I will never do anything else.

>> No.5013389

Smoking, not so good.

>> No.5013867

I smoke. weed

>> No.5013873

Smokers are jokers.

>> No.5013869 [DELETED] 

F|ghT THe ÍN+erNe+ [EñS0R5hìp ht+p,// A+ : kÌMMóÀ , sE / fÍgHt Th3 ÍNt3RNEt [3ñSorsHíP

>> No.5013878

Winston Lights here

>> No.5013879

That means that you failed at logic.

>> No.5013886

/jp/ is peerless.

>> No.5013896

I went from smoking to electronic cigs about 6 months ago so you could say I equal about half a smoker now maybe.

>> No.5013903

No peer pressure involved, I picked it up due to college being a pain in the fucking ass

>> No.5013904

No, you're not a smoker anymore, you're just an addict who can't even enjoy the drugs he needs.

>> No.5013913

smoking is for n00bs that want to increase their chances for lung cancer and want to have breathing difficulties in their future

>> No.5013914

/jp/ doesn't smoke. Not because we don't like it, but because most of the people in Japan do and we hate Japan.

>> No.5013919

don't you have homework to be doing?

>> No.5013929

I smoke a cigar on my birthday, halloween and new year's eve.

That's it, I do it to celebrate.
Smoking is only addictive if you let it be... Or maybe I just have iron willpower.

>> No.5013941

screw the homework, my professor hardly counts it towards my final grade anyway

>> No.5013947

If you don't do your homework, you'll only have limited mastery over your subject.

>> No.5013954

i don't smoke, the money that would go on cigarettes is better spent on figs.

>> No.5013956


>> No.5013959 [DELETED] 

Fíght TH3 in+3RNe+ [En5Ór5HÍP hTtp,// á+ . kìMMo@ . 5€ / FÌGHt +he Iñ+€rne+ <en5òr$H|p

>> No.5013972
File: 150 KB, 500x768, 4719898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be my waifu's cigarette.

>> No.5013975

If you injected nicotine into your testicles, she could get a high from sucking your dick. Wouldn't if feel good to give her her fix every morning and night, and reduce her risk of breast cancer to boot?

>> No.5013986

I personally take the money away from food to fund the cigs.

>> No.5014004
File: 45 KB, 1134x858, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logic has more holes than an ant mound.

>> No.5014015
File: 73 KB, 640x480, alcohol_truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't forget, humanity has another friend that goes great with cigarette-chan, its Liquor-chan.

>> No.5014091

No. I would imagine that most of the smokers on /jp/ picked it up at some point either as a way to cope with stress, or in some misguided attempt to look cool. I was a little from both Column A and B myself.

>> No.5014166

> 1. lots of /jp/ people smoke
No idea, I doubt that many.
> 2. some people smoke for "peer pressure"
Not me.
> does that means that unsociable /jp/ers have peers?

I don't smoke, because it doesn't do anything for me. I wouldn't want a stupid addiction that doesn't even have redeeming qualities (for a drug, it doesn't even get you "high").

I've smoked a few times while drunk, but it didn't do anything for me, so I've never considered picking it up. I also dislike cigarette smoke, and it's also harmful for your health.

>> No.5014181

I do not smoke tobacco, but i do smoke weed.

>> No.5014192


>> No.5014191

I've never smoked. My dad does all the time, though. He quit drinking and started smoking half a year later.

>> No.5014197

None of you faggots have anything in your lives that require doses of nicotine.

>> No.5014207

I don't smoke tobacco, most I use is some herbs on hookah. Usually before/when I write stuff for work, thank god I can work from home.

>> No.5014214

Sometimes I feel so stressed out that I'm dying for a nice wiff of smoke to fill up my lungs with. Weed will only amplify my shitty mood, I actually have to be happy to be able to take full advantage of weed. I stay clear from alcohol because it just plain tastes like strong piss water.

>> No.5014219

I smoke cigarettes very occasionally. Like once every 3 - 6 months. Not enough to be called a smoker. I just get stressed out sometimes and feel the need to have a cigarette. After one I'm usually fine without for the next half year or so.

>> No.5014491

If someone proposed a bill to ban smoking, I would vote yes.

Fucking smokers blowing their shit at you as you walk by. Even if they don't do it directly, you get that strong whiff up your nose and think, "man I wish smoking were banned."

>> No.5014511

Even on private property?

>> No.5014520

Because everyone knows that prohibition works.

>> No.5014524

Protip: TrueNeets don't smoke, only those immigranted closet normalos that want to have lots of friends and force themselves to socialize

>> No.5014531

99% of the people who smoke here are doing it to look cool.

>> No.5014533

I would smoke to look cool, but it makes you smell like shit and is, of course, unhealthy in general. Besides, smoking is expensive, I'd rather buy video games or figures.

>> No.5014535

Well this was a successful troll.

>> No.5014542
File: 39 KB, 520x413, gdgsa231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep I smoke and I get all the girls!

>> No.5014543

Just like the rest of the world.

>> No.5014546
File: 11 KB, 281x159, mulholland_drive_bum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only now I notice they're the same.
