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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1262044997691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5010219 No.5010219 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5010224

HCG set?

>> No.5010228

( ̄ε ̄ )

>> No.5010271

wat fram?

>> No.5010279


>> No.5010281

BAM, puberty.


>> No.5010350
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fuck her, she's your daughter in game ;_;
You still get to see her naked in bath though (fapfapfap)

>> No.5010357

>You can't fuck her, she's your daughter

>> No.5010370
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, MKB_21L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5010372

Faggots, I say.

>> No.5010376
File: 104 KB, 1280x960, MKB_19L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5010382
File: 512 KB, 600x788, 4a49aa43a6314d7078250e3878a991b331305cd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5010385

I think she is stated as underage (probably 5-7) which would be why you can't have your way into her vagina.

>> No.5010402

even if I cant do her, let me get the HCG

>> No.5010420

Is from this game and damn it has some huge cocktease like that summer picture with Sakura in some damn sexy swimsuit...

>> No.5010460
File: 23 KB, 250x300, c423605chara6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5010467

Interesting how all google searches give her pic as first image.

>> No.5010490

Sure as hell didn't stop Musume Shimai. You even get your daughters pregnant for god's sake.

>> No.5010491
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 51C6ETV52AL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had this. Apparently it has sex in it, maybe the loli get some action there?

>> No.5010539

Reported :)

>> No.5010598

Fuck off of /jp/
Also this is /jp/ related.

>> No.5010841

The girls in that game are aged 18+ though

>> No.5010881

Fuckable lolis in Cherry Elementary School are outright stated to be 10.

>> No.5010883

In Musume Shimai? No such warning exists and they go to Jr High and grade school. It's not explicit like a game from Sakuranbo Shogakkou but I'm pretty sure their ages are 13 and 11.

>> No.5010908

>CES games

>> No.5010926

There's a 6 year old in one. Sakuranbo Shogakkou loves sticking it to the man.

>> No.5010939

Not official games.

>> No.5010943


They aged the drawings for eighteen years?

>> No.5010961


>> No.5010963

Imouto Pet, I presume?
That loli's voice was beyond grating

>> No.5010975

Eh? Not official games? Do you mean they only sell online and at cons? True but that way they get around that eroge seal of approval crap and outright state their lolis real ages.

I need to redownload Mei Shoujo, damn.

>> No.5010984

Oretsuna2 actually.

>> No.5010987

No and it's name escapes me, the loli was a pink short haired girl and her older sister. Can't find it on their website. I just remember it was WAAAAAY too loli even for me, had to give it up. 6 is just too much.

>> No.5010995

Looks like my kind of VN.

>> No.5011017

>I don't like loli
GTFO of /jp/ hypocrite/moralfag.

>> No.5011031


>> No.5011041

People have differing tastes in 2D women, you know.

>> No.5011077

Regardless loli is always liked.

>> No.5011144

Lolis can be TOO loli.

This I haven't played

>> No.5013800

But isn't that the game you mentioned?

>> No.5013820

Dressing up anyone's little sister like this would give them sexual trauma that would take decades of therapy to fix.


>> No.5013832 [DELETED] 

FÍGH+ th3 InT€rn€t [EN5ÓR5hiP hT+p;// ÀT , kIMmÒà ; s3 / FÌ5h+ TH3 ínterñE+ [3N$Òr5h|p

>> No.5013842

where can find lolicon game where you pentetration the loli

>> No.5013852

Get out of here Katsuragi!

>> No.5013871 [DELETED] 

Fí5Ht Th€ ÍNT3Rn€+ [enS0r5HIP Http.// ÀT , kìmM0À : S3 / fí5Ht Th€ ÍñtERnET <3ñ5orShíP

>> No.5013884

...I guess what they say about people loosing IQ points when browsing too much 4chan were true.

>> No.5013938

FI5HT Th€ INT3RneT cENSÒr5HIP h++p.// @t : kiMm0@ . $e / FÌGHT tH€ Íñ+€rn€+ <3ñS0rSHÍp

>> No.5013957

1. Learn to speak English.
2. Most of them let you do this.

>> No.5014062

It's been said for years now and it always has been true.

>> No.5014115

Leading on from this guy, though with rather more advanced skills in "not being completely shit at English"....

Anyone have any suggestions for fappable voiced loli nukige that don't primarily involve rape or guro? Or peeing for that matter, it's a turn-off for me and yet is annoying popular in loli porn.

>> No.5014120

How can you say you love lolis if you won't even watch them pee?

>> No.5014127


It's fairly unrealistic to have loli sex without rape or guro.

>I just want plain, vanilla sex with toddlers. None of that disgusting shit.

>> No.5014135

Oh, I might actually add "no toddlercon, please" to that list. There's a difference between sweet immature innocence and "just out of diapers".

>> No.5014138

how can a loli peeing be a turn-off ?

>> No.5014143

I didn't know that pedophiles have cutoff points now.

>> No.5014153

Everyone has preferences even within their fetishes.

>> No.5014175

I don't think I care much about realism in my loli porn. Actually, it's more like the other way around

>> No.5014186

Peeing and scat both gross me out, though scat to the greater extreme.

>> No.5014182

It's not so much "anything beyond this is bad and wrong" so much as "anything beyond this is a turn-off for me specifically".

>> No.5014206

I don't like scat either.

But I think it's cute to see a loli peeing after a sexual act or something like that. But it has to be "in small dosages", not exaggerated or else it becomes gross

>> No.5014258

I guess part of it is I don't like the idea of anyone having such poor bladder control.

>> No.5014281

>You still get to see her naked in the bath

Post pics.

>> No.5014293

Eh, Looks a bit like yagami hayate.

>> No.5014303
File: 93 KB, 750x1024, 9e7707f794af62cacec7afcccf1c7e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting cripples porn.

>> No.5014309
File: 368 KB, 1127x1600, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5014329
File: 86 KB, 640x480, hayate orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5014350

Just search for the game's name it's one of the few sample pics. I don't know where I put that CG since I had it for years now.

>> No.5014351

More like Yagami Hayate looks a bit like her. This game is OLDER than the Nanoha series.

>> No.5014355

What's the name?

>> No.5014360

And I gave the link already too...
You guys don't know of getchu?

>> No.5014489

You ever drank your own pee?

>> No.5014664

That sounds disgusting

>> No.5014669

I saw Bear Grylls do that. Guy's crazy.

>> No.5014696

Fortunately not all games are infested with pee.

>> No.5014891


>> No.5014912 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 334x193, 1272286443021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! Pedophiles are disgusted by a common fetish!

>> No.5014919



At least make an effort.

>> No.5014940

Compared to what that dude does (in the name of survival, apparently) drinking his own piss is very tame.

No, it was

>> No.5015011

She doesn't look that much younger than the other 2 girls. Sometimes I don't get you guys.

>> No.5015766

the failtroll deleted his post?

>> No.5016408

Cute, not pedo... right?

>> No.5016423

does it even matter?

>> No.5016525

Cute and pedo.

>> No.5016922

Fag. She's the best of the 3. Loli with pink hair=love!

>> No.5017320


>> No.5017325

Link to full to CG please?

>> No.5017333

What? That is the full CG. It doesn't look cropped and it's 800x600.

>> No.5017348

That's only one picture though...

>> No.5017356

But you just asked for the full CG and the full CG is there???
