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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5008678 No.5008678 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5008690

Story of my life.

>> No.5008693
File: 78 KB, 293x301, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5008686
File: 454 KB, 800x814, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

One of my favorite reposts btw.

>> No.5008695

I just can't quit you, /jp/.

>> No.5008703

You know what? Fuck it. I'm closing /jp/.

>> No.5008706

You'll be back.

>> No.5008709
File: 139 KB, 708x1000, 0d9fa1c587f8410bf83b66799ccebe6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in a few~

>> No.5008718

If you're reading this, you lost.

>> No.5008723

H-hey, I didn't leave yet. Okay, closing /jp/ now.

>> No.5008742

Okay, I'm gonna eat cereal and browse /jp/ for a few more minutes, then I will leave.

>> No.5008753

Sure you are.

>Few more minutes
Sure you will.

Those few minutes will become hours.

>> No.5008780

Guys, how about we start working on a how-to guide for overcoming 4chan addiction? I mean, we shouldn't try to become normalfags or anything, but it would be really nice to spend more time playing VNs than browsing /jp/.

>> No.5008790

Just find a way to get yourself banned and wait it out instead of evading it.

>> No.5008795

Download all the VNs available.
Cut off internet.
Finish all of them.
Get internet again.
Download all the new available translated VNs.
Cut off internet.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.5008804

/jp/ is really pretty slow so I just refresh every now and again after a certain point in a VN. If it has a lot of choices, I'll refresh each time I get a choice screen. Some VNs come with a drinking game so instead of taking a shot, I simply refresh /jp/.

>> No.5008807

>Some VNs come with a drinking game

Any examples?

>> No.5008811

Read Tsukihime and take a shot everytime Shiki feels like vomiting.

>> No.5008812

Sekien no Inganock had a good one.

>> No.5008817

>Cut off internet.
Maybe that's the solution. I keep telling myself the internet has too many useful tools to try getting used to not having it available, but I guess it's usually not that important, and just in the way most of the time.

>> No.5008829

I bet you guys have hundreds of anime/games on your computer you haven't watched/played yet.

>> No.5008834

But you guys are my friends. I would be lonely without you guys and you would be lonely without me. I can't leave you.

>> No.5008965
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I guess the saying stuck


I cannot ever disobey

>> No.5009581

Just.. one more.. refresh and I am done... just one more

>> No.5009623

I hate that. Yesterday I had no work to do so I had the whole night to spend on eroge, but instead I wasted it all on /jp/ and only spent like an hour on eroge.
