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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 256x256, utorrent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
500687 No.500687 [Reply] [Original]

>Yakuza are heavily involved in sex-related industries, smuggling pornography from Europe and America into Japan.

I know Japanese censorship laws blow and all, but I still don't imagine how there would be a market for this. Can't Japanese men just torrent their American and European porn like Americans and Europeans do?

Surely finding the uncensored porn you want on the internet is easier than buying stuff from yakuza.

>> No.500691

protip: A lot of people are too dumb for the net.

>> No.500697

Japan is a country which defies logic.

I thought you already knew that?!?

>> No.500710

Torrenting and finding a website are too different things.

>> No.500707

Yet they all manage to find 4chan and learn to post.

>> No.500717

What I don't get is why yakuza would need to smuggle porn in when they can just torrent it and burn it to a DVD.

>> No.500721

But if they can find 4chan on the internet surely they can find porn on the internet right?

>> No.500732


See >>500697

>> No.501040


>>Torrenting and finding a website are too different things.
>>too different

like, they're so dissimilar they can't even be discussed in the same context?

>> No.501061


You know, there is a fucking reason why they use share.

>> No.501062

anon should go undermine yakuza business

>> No.501119

I guess it's about image. Buying from the yakuza probably makes a man look badass in front of his less intelligent peers.
Man A: "Hay guyz I just torrented the latest porno from [input studio name here] in the safety of my own home"
Man B: "Fucking hikikomori. Why don't you go home and cry about how ronery you are."

Delusional logic
Man A: "Yeah, I just got [studio name]'s latest movie from my associates in the yakuza."
Man B: "You have connections with the yakuza? That's fucking hardcore. I better watch out, he might get them to kill me. Here, have my job, wife, and everything I own."

>> No.501122

>smuggling pornography from Europe and America into Japan.
But why would you want that? Mosaiced is superior and especially the american stuff just sucks.

>> No.501123

Is it just selling uncensored porn that's illegal in Japan, or mere possession?

>> No.501143

Are there any japanese torrent programs?

>> No.501148

Fuck yeah, the yakuza.

>> No.501194

There is Ching Chong Pong

You can download it at: http://chingchongjp.on.nimp.org/

>> No.501195

There are a lot of people in America, many ages 30-40ish, who don't know how to use torrents and instead buy porn. They are the backbone of the entire porn industry.

I, personally, believe in SUPPORTING the industry that gives me such good fapping.

>> No.501204

After a while you don't really care about the censoring.

>> No.501205

I was given a porn magazine (oh god, I don't know why anyone would give one to me) but it's just so... meh.

>> No.501221

Until it went down, JAVtalk was a good website to find uncensored Japanese porn. Now that it is down, I haven't found anything similar.

>> No.501225

It's not catering towardsw your tastes, it's catering towards mainstream tastes

Maybe some Extreme Teen or Forced Entry or Comic LO or Piss Soup would be more up your alley

>> No.501234


I do, it makes it better. It takes the focus away from the genitals and spares my the look of penises. Futanari is much more convincing if the penis is censored.

>> No.501255

I don't think they do that anymore, the yakuza have gone the way of the italian mafia.. near extinction

And the censorship law was lifted in 2005, they just censor most of their stuff because it's "the norm". Uncensored AVs do exist.

>> No.501261

It depends on the censoring. Some stuff is censored and you can nearly see the stuff perfectly, and that stuff is normally just fine the shit where an entire vagina is covered with maybe 4 blocks... that shit makes you go crazy.

>> No.501276

>Piss Soup

This exists? How the fuck can any girl who does something like that carry herself with any dignity after doing it?

>> No.501283

>the censorship law was lifted in 2005
are you sure about that
This is from 2007

>> No.501285

They don't.

>> No.501296
File: 81 KB, 666x850, 1208982727120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb soup

>> No.501301

No, sir, I don't like it.

>> No.501303

Damn, I like porn and all but if I think of any female relative doing something like that....

Fuck, she should just kill herself. You've got to be so worthless to do something so disgusting.

>> No.501316

>but if I think of any female relative doing something like that....

God fucking DAMN IT

>> No.501324
File: 21 KB, 470x336, 1208983103011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time choosing between laughing or crying here

>> No.501336

>I'm having a hard time choosing between fapping or crying here

do both

>> No.501337


Agreed, porn is awesome but there's certainly a line of demarcation (however faint), between degrading yourself to a point whereby you can still regain something resembling dignity and something like that. It's not just the fact it doesn't do anything for me sexually speaking, it's also the fact that I find it so fucking incredible anyone could think so little of themselves to degrade themselves to such an extent. I mean, how could you grow up, raise a family and look your children in the eye's after being smeared in shit and eating shit and piss soup... How can you do that?

>> No.501343

I lol'd.

Good thing I was desensitized by /b/ way back in the day.

>> No.501352

I'd personally just kill my relatives if they did stuff like that

>> No.501362


>> No.501376


I think in Japan the shame would be even worse.

>> No.501379


>> No.501380

in japan women are the obedient slaves of the men. they have no free will and will do anything for their husband, no matter how degrading or disgusting

>> No.501390

JAVtalk down? working fine for me.

>> No.501403

Japanese language pornography exist without mosaic, but it is much worse in quality and produced either overseas or illegally in Japan.

>> No.501407

I thought they repealed that law...

>> No.501440

What are the stringy parts? Looks like they melted cheese or something in there.

>> No.501447

Sounds pretty awesome actually.

>> No.501452

Let's raid the Yakuza.

>> No.502858

Well how much good uncensored porn is there on share?

I'd expect it to be pretty common.

>> No.502869


The Japanese have an online police department that (mostly) aims at prank websites, suicide pact rings, and as it were, online smut.

Unless the average Japanese were fairly proficient in English, I do not think they would be able to download most of their own stuffs through torrents, since most Japanese servers won't host them.

>> No.502880

Then anyone on any torrent whatsoever is potentially a stealth Jap.

>> No.502883

But how the hell would they police Share?
If there's copyright violations up the wazoo there why can't there be porn to.

>> No.502888


You'll be surprised at how well they can police foreign content. Sure, the few stuff they rip and torrent entirely within Japan may or may not pass scrutiny, but the moment you have an overseas seeder/leech, they're on it.

Also, copyright violations are civil law, and it's up to the person who feels their copyright has been violated to take them to court.
However, public indecency and probably engaging in some sort of direputable behaviour has a criminal code against it in some lawbook somewhere that the police can use or abuse.

I know that if you personally carry porn into Japan, whether for personal use or as a gift or whatever, and you're caught by customs, you get fined heavily and get it confiscated and get into further trouble, usually by police focing bogus charges until you leave the country.
