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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5003480 No.5003480 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5003489
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If there was a way to go to the evil girl's route

Oh boy i would

>> No.5003498

I wish they gave you a choice here to help or not help.

>> No.5003499

Fuck yeah, a route where you bully Aeka would be awesome.

>> No.5003500

You are a horrible person

>> No.5003503

Her own fault so she deserves every bit of it.

>> No.5003505

typical day in a normal japanese school

>> No.5003511
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Not gonna lie.
The dark side is hot as hell.

>> No.5003514

What did aeka do?????????

>> No.5003520

>typical day in a normal brazilian school


>> No.5003522

I'm not getting into it as /jp/ will go into a little girly hissyfit for the next 12 hours if I do. I don't feel like dealing with that shit right now.

>> No.5003526

An Antoinette route might have made for a neat redemption story, but alas.

>> No.5003528

I fucked her and dumped her. That's the closest you can get.

>> No.5003548

Have thee no hearth!?

>> No.5003557

Well. If we had a Antoniette route I would have to disable her voice.

>> No.5003559

Redemption? Fuck that, I want to rule that school with my oppressive waifu.

>> No.5003585

Good thing Kyoka got expelled in Mizuki and Nekoko's routes.

>> No.5003604
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>typical day in a normal brazilian school

>> No.5003649
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>> No.5003663
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>> No.5003697
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>> No.5003702


Fuck, you say this every time. You have no reason.

>> No.5003712

I used to explain in all these threads and it resulted in shitstorms of butthurt anon who were bullied as children trying to tell themselves it wasn't their fault.

I don't feel like listening to that pathetic shit again and seeing you guys try to find excuses other than accepting it's your own fault you were bullied.

>> No.5003725

Yes a poor innocent girl really deserves to be harassed and injured every day at school because some perverted, unfaithful psychopath hit on her and it pissed off his girlfriend.

>> No.5003733


it's already starting from one tiny comment - and the further I go into explaining my view of it the more butthurt shit like this shows up.

>> No.5003735

It's simple, /jp/. She deserved it because she's an attention whore.

>> No.5003741

>it's your own fault you were bullied
Maybe that's true for you because you are such an unlikeable asshole and you deserve it, but for most other people this is not the case.

>> No.5003744


Let me guess, you bullied some kids and you tell yourself that it is their fault so that you don't feel bad about it?

>> No.5003751

And then people like this show up and jump to assumptions of what I mean because I don't go into enough detail.

Which forces me to go into detail and only makes them go into denial and try baselessly attacking me.

Not worth it.

>> No.5003758

Oh good. Look at what you did.

You could simply stay quiet don't you agree? but NO you HAVE to post shit every fucking time.

>> No.5003761

That's one of the most idiotic things I've read on here today, and that's saying much. Some people are naturally more inclined to be shy, withdrawn or whatever, but that does not mean they deserve to have their lives made into a living hell when they're at school. And no, I was never bullied, but I've seen what happens to people that did. If you had even a shred of sympathy for others you wouldn't talk such nonsense.

>> No.5003766

>jumping to conclusions

I never said the reason she deserves it is for being a quiet type.

>> No.5003796

Nobody deserves it, for whatever reason.

>> No.5003819

The way I mean they deserve it is not the first instance of it persay - but what happens after the very first time. So yes, the very first time someone is bullied in some way they do not deserve it - but what happens after is their fault if it continues.

I'm telling you, I won't explain this shit or go into detail because it's already causing enough annoying shit as it is. I can't stand how anon gets when I try talking about this, they get defensive and ignore what I'm trying to say because they are too busy being in fucking denial. So fuck it.

>> No.5003853

Now I'm interested. Why isn't it their fault after the first time?

>> No.5003861

Let me guess, some 'hurr durr if you're passive and don't fight back you deserve it hurr durr' argument. That's total bullshit, that will just cause things to escalate.

>> No.5003885

I'm not the same you guy you are arguing with but..

I know what your point is. But you have to realize that nothing goes under a "rule" when the topic is 'Bullying someone'. It's not easy to stop being bullied and in most cases that's what happens: Retards start bullying someone and that person can't do shit about it.

Now I would like to hear what you suggest as a way to stop being bullied.

>> No.5003890


Actually, you deserve it the first time too.

If someone bullies you, it's because you're showing an exploitable weakness, usually being "different" in some way.

If you conformed, you wouldn't be bullied. Fact.

Oh, and this is coming from a former victim of bullying. I was a huge fag throughout public school, so I deserved what I got.

>> No.5003910


>> No.5003915

So following you primate logic it would be like this: That person is different from me, so I'll go ahead and ruin his life.

And the only way to not being bullied would be either using a mask or beat the shit out of anyone who stand against you.

Humans shouldn't act like that you know.

>> No.5003919

don't have good arguments, currybutt?

>> No.5003930

you say conformity as if it was a good thing.

>> No.5003932

Who the fuck are you to say what humans should act like? Enforcing conformity is part of human nature. It's natural. This "accept everybody for who they are" bullshit is not only counter-productive, it's unnatural.

>> No.5003938


>> No.5003939


But this is what happens ANYWAY. The only defense against bullying is to BECOME the bullies.

This is exactly how public school works. It's unpleasant, but true.

>> No.5003940

Cool rationalization bro

>> No.5003945

It's really up to how you react to it and what you do after that first time. Even after that first time you CAN stop bullying whenever if you change what you do about it.

Mainly the point is standing up for yourself even if you feel like it gets you nowhere. If you get the shit beat out of you, don't lay down on the floor crying like a bitch, no matter how bad it hurts stand back up - I don't mean that just literally, but any form of being bullied if you show them that you'll just accept it openly then they won't stop.

Simply fighting back in any way you can, even if it's just showing them you have the tenacity to stand back up and not run away or just lay there getting fucked with is enough and almost always will get them to leave you alone if you don't ever back down.

Sure, you might get your ass beat even HARDER for doing that - but after that one much worse time it will stop.

Bullying happens due to a lack of self confidence in the victim - if the victim shows that they will take that shit without doing even the little bit they can to stop it, then it won't stop.

The reason I say it's at least partly the victims fault after the first time is because they never do a thing to stop it. The responses I usually get here are 'why would I do that? If I just stayed down they will go away for the day' "if I do that id just get hit harder" etc.

They have no character and put in no effort to stop it. Instead they take no blame instead putting it on others, refuse that any of it is their fault, and claim they can do NOTHING AT ALL about their oh so horrible woe-is-me fate - while never even ATTEMPTING to do a thing about it or show some fucking courage or pride.

>> No.5003953

I was writing, asshats.

And then the field was too long so I had to cut like half of it out. It woulda just turned into LOL INTERNET TUFF GUY CURRYBUTT if I left it anyway.

>> No.5003954


Uh. If we didn't have conformity, we would have society, period.

People need to all behave the same way in order for civilization to work, bro.

>> No.5003962

Quite a bold idea coming from someone posting on 4chan.

>> No.5003972

Wow, you managed to post exactly what I said you would before I even posted it.

>> No.5003973

>Sure, you might get your ass beat even HARDER for doing that - but after that one much worse time it will stop.
It stops because either you or the one bullying you is dead.

>> No.5003974


A lot of bullying victims will play it up solely to get sympathy and free stuff, too.

Protip: If your whole life has been spent playing the victim, kill yourself now, you fucking leech.

>> No.5003982


What does that have to do with anything?


>> No.5003985

Yes, I'm sure you know from experience, you are dead afterall. At least on the inside, you pathetic piece of shit.


Seriously though, from very very very fucking few exceptions, I have not heard of 'death' or even serious injury resulting from bullying. Gang fights, yeah, but not bullying.

>> No.5003995

Maybe I should beat the crap out of you everday for a few months, let's see how tough you talk after that. Your courage isn't going to mean shit.

>> No.5004000

Also this is true. Almost every 'victim' of bullying I've met - especially on /jp/ - makes it out like they deserve sympathy for it and that they were given such a bad life

Yet another of the responses I was saying I'd get, though not verbatim, too bad.

This is why I don't bother talking about this subject on here anymore, it always turns into anon trying to tell themselves I'm wrong based on nothing but their own pathetic past.

>> No.5004002

Curry, there are other ways to fight back, like ignoring them. The bullies lack respect for themselves, and therefore, when ignored, will eventually break down or move onto someone else.

I guess you could say the trolls of IRL.

>> No.5004008

currybutt is just mad because he was beat up as a kid

maybe if you learned something stronger than pussychi you wouldnt have these anger issus

>> No.5004020

Yeah sorry but society is disgusting before my eyes so I can't agree the "happy society" you suggest.

I understand. But let's create a extreme situation: It's your first day in high school and in your class there are like 6 retards who like to bully people out of fun and they also like to beat people up. They look at you (that is alone writing something in your notes since you are new and your friends are not there) and decide "Hey guise, let's use that fag right there".

They all surround you and start to bully you (feel free to use your imagination here) but you are not a pussy and you stand up against them. That amuses them even more since now they can react and beat the shit out of you.

The next day they search for you again to ask if you gonna stand up today too.

You have some choices like telling the teachers and principal or something like that but that won't help and IF they get caught and punished by the school they will only come back even worse.

I don't think that just going against it will make them stop bullying you, that in almost all cases only adds fuel to the fire.

>> No.5004023

Like I said, I cut out a lot of my post as it was too long so it wouldn't let me submit it. But yeah, there are a lot of ways to 'fight' back against bullying, and ignoring it is another one. I'm more of a physical person so I ended up talking about that more, but even ignoring them is a way of "staying on your feet".

my chi wil blast u thru the wall ur stupid aikido cant handle dis shit man u better bak down be4 u start talkin wreckless with me again

>> No.5004039

Faggots who seriously got bullied and cry every night about it need to kill their boring selves. At least when they're dead they can't be leeching little faggots to society anymore. All you have to do is smash the face of the bully. That's all. It's as simple as that.

People who let bullying actually go on disgust me.

>> No.5004041

The fact that you're the only one defending this point of view should be an indication of how wrong it is. Never mind, you're too thick-headed and haughty to ever admit you could be wrong.

>> No.5004047

only pussy nerds get bullied so who gives a fuck

>> No.5004051

You can stop pretending to be many people now, son.

>> No.5004052

I've never seen - in real life, not just books, movies, anime, etc - bullies who really do continue to fuck with you if you keep standing up for yourself.

I'm not saying you're an idiot, but the type of bullies you're talking about are pretty only found in entertainment medias and are purposefully blown out of proportion for it.

Sure, it might take a little while longer - but it will stop.

Plus, regardless if it takes one time or three, what's more important is your own pride and courage.

I'm not saying MAGICALLY everything will stop 100% every time if you DO something. I'm saying first, 99% of the time it will, but even in those 1% times they don't there is NO excuse not to do SOMETHING about it.

Basically - what anon usually says is along the lines of why do something if it won't stop it or may make it worse.

They don't understand the worth of these actions unless the reward is something so clear and blunt. Even if they keep bullying you that's no excuse to say 'oh well, ill just lay down and take it, afterall they will do less this way'. Even if they wouldn't stop if you DID do something, the part that matters is the continuous efforts to do something about it.

>> No.5004055

You're either really dense or sloppy with words so I'll just chalk it up to the latter and assume your point isn't totally stupid.

>> No.5004058

Wrong, as the only people I'm talking to about it at the moment is 4chan, and more specifically /jp/.

This board is known for its losers, pussies, and bully victims. Of course the opinion will be skewed.

>> No.5004067

Oh, right. Because the validity of an opinion hinges solely on the amount of people willing to espouse it.

>> No.5004069

What I mean is that if you are bullied and do nothing about it then you deserve it.

If you are bullied and try something but it doesnt work, so give up, you deserve it.

If you are bullied and never stop doing all you can to fight back in whatever way you are 'fighting back' then you do NOT deserve it.

>> No.5004076

In all cases of bully in my education, I did the opposite of what you said, i.e. ignored the bullies. I never had a desire to be popular; only to go through school and enjoy myself as much as I could. My strategies helped me become just barely popular enough to basically be liked by everyone who knew me, at least a little, and ignored by anyone who didn't know me.

Physical violence didn't happen to me because I wasn't terribly out of shape, i.e. I could still seriously injure the bully if I was motivated enough. All I needed to do to avoid being bullied was:

1. Deny their existence. Bullies do what they do not because they're trying to cull the herds of those "lacking in confidence" like Curry argues falsely, but because they themselves are lacking in confidence and want to be validated. Deny them that and they will move on.
2. Don't stoop to their level by resorting to physical violence. If you remain dignified, keep a cool head and don't respond to their threats, others may take your side if you look like the better man. React and you risk exposing your emotional and physical weak spots.
3. Gain friends yourself. Even if you're in a group of nerds, associating with others with similar interests and reasonable social clout will make you less of a target for bullying so long as you stick together. At the very least, even if you all are written off as geeks and social rejects, you should have at least one or two buddies who will jump in if the bullying gets violent.
4. Be in good enough shape to deter physical violence if necessary. Don't get caught alone or outnumbered by bullies, be sure to force them to bully you in a public place so that others can help if they have any respect for your dignity.

>> No.5004077

So now you are saying that it is the fault of the person who is bullied that they aren't confident? What if the person is bullied by their parents? Is it their fault? If they stand up to them and get thrown out of the house, is that better? And people make fun of those people for having abusive parents. Is that their fault too?

>> No.5004087

Well time to conform and become a loser, pussy or bully victim yourself then. You don't want /jp/ to bully you for not being like they are, do you?

>> No.5004092

Actually the judgement of a group is always more accurate than that of an individual. It's an established scientific fact.

>> No.5004103

I beat the shit out of everyone who tried fucking with me in middle school and high school, though in HS i was on the football team so it happened very rarely.

It worked every time, so you're wrong about fighting back.

If you're strong enough, know how to fight, and can kick their ass it's definitely the way to go. Otherwise though sure, it's stupid to try and physically beat them up if you, well, can't.

in b4 internet tough guy, whatever.

You lost me.

>> No.5004105

That is utter bullshit.

>> No.5004116

Yeah that's why I said "extreme situation". I agree with you in the point of someone who just sits there doing nothing against it.

So let's change the subject a little since we are having a decent discussion instead of "hurr durr u retard!".

Let's use the pretext of YMK. Someone is being bullied but it's not reacting very well against it. Do you think that someone who tries to help the bullied person is just a wrong faggot and that the bullied one should suffer due the lack of will she/he has?

I'll say my opinion beforehand: I don't think the ones that are 'weak' should be left to suffer like that, instead of supporting this primate and stupid concept I think it's more appropriate to "teach" that person while you fight the bullies. I'm not a whiteknight or anything but I just can't agree that the concept of bullying can be justified at all.

>> No.5004125

We're not talking about jury duty buddy we're talking about arguments and opinions.

I'd ask for sources for this scientific fact, but I assume you don't have any.

>> No.5004144

€À+ My sHÍ+ Úg|ý fÁggot MóOOòOo0o0òóooÒóÓO0oÓoóÒ0oóOòÓÒ0òOOòOÒoÓOÓÒÒóÓ+@rD

>> No.5004134

Get the fuck out.

>> No.5004135

>You lost me.
Yea just avoid it. I didn't expect a serious reply to that anyway because I know you can't come up with one after all the self-contradicting nonsense you wrote before.

>> No.5004142

I hate the moment when the troll veil comes off. A bored faggot is way less interesting than someone with actual bad notions about everything.

>> No.5004165

3At mý shìT úGIý f@5got mó00oòO0ÒoÓÓóÓO0oò0OOÓòÓÓòÓòoóòoOÓòÓóóoOoóO0óÒ+@rd

>> No.5004162

People frequently, frequently need something external to kick them out of whatever they're in and do something, whatever the situation is, and ultimately it can still be a positive action taken by themselves.

>> No.5004164

I doubt you have the patience or intelligence to skim over several sociological scientific articles. Also google it yourself if you're so interested, look for group processes involving decision making.

>> No.5004173

I have actually stepped in many times, even for people I didn't know, to help them - so I'm kind of a hypocrite here.

I think the person helping them isn't a whiteknighting faggot and I think it's good to do, but I don't think they are completely right either. I guess I kind of feel how you do about it.

Helping is the right thing to do - but at the same time you are showing them they can just depend on others to save them from their life problems. These types end up the types you find whose lives hit a dead end because it just gets too hard for them to handle and - just as when they were bullied, they give up or try to find someone to deal with EVERYTHING for them from then on.

I think it's more of a situation where, like you said, even if you do help them you need to try and 'teach' them as well. They need to understand they CAN'T just come crawling to you when there's something hurting them or when they are getting bullied - that they DO need to stand up for themselves, not just to bullies but to any problems or roadblocks in life.

Otherwise, by helping, you'll actually be hurting them in the long run and making them think they can just get sympathy help instead of ever standing on their own feet.

So I think stepping in is more important in the mental side of things, because otherwise they will get a quitter's mentality and a dependent personality that they will never get rid of.

>> No.5004176

I respect your opinion, but you're giving bad advice.
Not like my school was the roughest around, but I've just demonstrated it's possible to stand up for yourself without resorting to desperate measures like fighting. Not to say that your years of fighting bullies with your fists were wasted but...

Well actually, I am saying they were. Sorry.
If you just denied them what they wanted from you and sent the non-verbal message you don't play their game, it would have emasculated them and prevented them from seeing you as a challenge. It saves you energy and allows you to spend time doing what you should be doing in school, which is studying and trying to prepare for college.

>> No.5004178

Not to mention, if they end up with those types of mentalities because you help too much and too fully, they will end up fucked once you're not around to help them.

>> No.5004188

I JUST took a break from YMK after finishing the first H-scene on the rooftop with Aeka.

Well. I'm not sure I want to keep playing now, especially if it can't be prevented. I don't want my games to make me get angry over shit like this.

>> No.5004190

Like I said, I wouldn't suggest getting into physical violent fights with the bullies. It's just what I personally did. My advice was more along the lines of standing up for yourself - not trying to beat their asses, as i've said in earlier posts in the thread.

For me, I was just a very violent person in general and had anger management problems, so honestly I would have been a bully had I not had actual bullies to beat on instead. So it was actually a good thing that I took out my physical needs on them rather than innocent people for no reason.

That's also why I joined the football team in highschool.

So that was more of just a personal thing rather than advice for anyone.

>> No.5004195


Confirmed for troll.

All those studies proved was that people are more likely to set aside their own opinions if everyone else disagrees with them.

You don't know jack, bro.

>> No.5004239
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Did you ever suspect he wasn't one to begin with?

>> No.5004250

That you had anger management problems and resorted to violence is both unfortunate and pretty easy to tell just by reading what you've written so far.

I don't disagree with you though. Standing up for yourself is very important in deterring bullies. I just think that resorting to violence should be the last resort. Obviously fight back if a bully is going to injure you seriously, but you can't be a man without taking a few lumps and shrugging it off. You look superior to them too if you don't bother stooping to their level.

Not that I think it's an option for someone like Aeka. That bullying was pretty vicious, and I don't think someone of her personality could fight back. In those cases, the rule of associating with similar people is really important.

It's not that shameful to band with other similar people to protect yourself. Humans are social animals after all. Just having a few other similar people around you to help when you're in trouble is reassuring and makes you seem more confident.

>> No.5004269

I think grouping up would count as another way of 'fighting back', at least that's how I see it. Obviously standing up for yourself and fighting back doesn't mean physically, especially not in every case.

It's different depending on the 'victim' as well as the situation as a whole. For Aeka, yeah, being physical won't help. But there are loads of options to 'fight back' with, even ones that are indirect and simply make them lose interest.

The point is even if she did THAT much she'd at least be DOING something about the problem. In the game she just takes it and doesn't try to do a thing.

>> No.5004311
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Listen boy

My first love story

>> No.5004349


See, in Japan, though, they have this belief that some things just can't be changed. Shikataganai or something like that. Others in Japan would be able to sympathize with her. In America, on the other hand...

>> No.5004376


here. Sorry for being so slow to post.

I see, I don't think I have something else to add so I'll say something about my personal life now, it was nice talking with you.

I was bullied for many years of my school life, it is separated in 3 phases and I reacted differently in the 3 of them.

Phase 1:
In the first one was before sixth grade and I was pretty much a bully myself (however I didn't noticed it, mostly because at that point I never suffered anything), actually I wasn't a bully but they way I reacted to things were somehow near one. There was a day that some kids in the class started to mess with me and I fought them back with both my head and my fists. It didn't helped much, we were always fighting in a way or another and making fun of each other. Especially a certainly guy that I hated so much that was like their "leader".

Phase 2:
After some years we got some distance but still hated each other, they were not in my class now but some new guy appeared and I my mind was different from before and I decided to not react and simply ignore, etc.
That was the worst, It's not like something horrible like you see in movies happened to me but I'll not going to get in details here. In the end that guy pushed me one day after I threw a paper ball lightly at him because he was pissing the shit out of me and I lost my patience, and I fell to the ground and that pretty much traumatized me (I never lost a fight ever in my life, even if that was not a 'fight' I felt really weak like I was totally owned). After that I never had the guts of fighting someone back again.

>> No.5004378

The last phase was in high school, when I figured out I was going to be the bullied guy of the class I began to play around with them even if that pissed me a lot. Even today I hate all of them but I never got angry or kept silent when they 'attacked' me. In the end I never suffered like I did in phase 2 but I the impact my 'heart' suffered in phase 3 was really huge and there was I started to see society as something disgusting, not because of the bullies themselves, but the fact that people always were using masks and stuff.
I think the best way of dealing with it is beat people up. While primitive it's the best option, you can't expect anything from bullies, just go and punch them. If you are weak make sure you have friends, contact with the school staff and in the last case a knife or something. Just don't act like a frighten puppy, that will be bad. The hard part is: Keep a cool head while doing this so you don't become like them in the future.

>> No.5004405

It's called fatalistic thinking and its prevalent in all Asian cultures.

>> No.5004406

For the record bringing weapons into it is a bad idea.

Either it'll get you arrested and in serious deep shit trouble, or the other person will get it somehow and use it against you instead.

A knife fight is not something you ever want to experience, let alone if it's one-sided.

>> No.5005261

Isn't this from a game or something like that?

>> No.5005279

Not your blog. tl:dr

>> No.5005298

Japanese Resolve. Find something that works, stick with it forever. If it doesn't work, just stop trying, it can't be helped, move on to something else until you find something that works.

>> No.5005459

I personally find physical bullies less intimidating than the verbals ones. I might be a bit skinny, but I'm a hella good fighter (I was around 6 feet by 7th grade, 6 feet 2 by about 10th, height advantage is sweet). Most people avoided fighting me in a physical fight, and they shifted to verbal assaults. Now, that was the annoying part, since I can't really do much about it. I've tried so many ways to get them off my back, reporting them doesn't work, ignoring them doesn't work, and insulting them back doesn't work. If I didn't have self restrain, I would've knocked a few teeth out.

>> No.5005489

I agree. Verbal bullies (usually girls) are the ones that fuck me up the most. I'd rather get the shit beaten out of me than get mindfucked and have the effects possibly last for years.

>> No.5005499
File: 54 KB, 800x599, ymk - obvious choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, what's your opinion on choices where the "Bad End" choice is blatantly obvious? I mean, what's the point?

>> No.5005543

i used to bully this kid in high school
he had retardedly big glasses man, fucking deserved looking like that

anyways one day he hit me back and told me to leave him the fuck alone

you know what i did?

i raped his sister while he watched
then i did it again
and there was nothing he could do
bullying is almost never the victims fault, its just asshats like me trying to feel big

tl;dr im a dick

>> No.5005544

Yeah, girl bullies are the worst. As a guy, you pretty much can't do anything to them. No matter what you do, the staff/students will always be on the girl's side. You're fucked no matter what.

>> No.5005554

Nice trolling. As if anyone in /jp/ could have bullied and raped someone.

>> No.5005561
File: 29 KB, 262x504, ymk - don't tase me bro 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5005563

We won't. We'll just rape you.

>> No.5005577

What eroge is this?

>> No.5005596

original story do not steal

>> No.5005612


WTF is the kid in the foreground holding?

>> No.5005618

Aeka is a Korean. That's why everyone teased her.

>> No.5005627

It's a taser.

That makes me like her more.

>> No.5005633

and everything's clear now, everyone - dimissed

>> No.5005777

well now that all that bullying talk is out of our systems we can get to what really matters...namely WHERE THE FUCK IS MY IMOUTO ROUTE?!

>> No.5005789

Kouhei freaked out after picking her ass in near bookcase.

>> No.5005808
File: 800 KB, 802x602, 1263754934819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking all 3 is the best.

(Raise Mizuki's first flag, then Aeka's first flag, then go on Nekoko's route)

Impregnate one, the other doesn't die a virgin, and then you get a theme park anyway. Kouhei's best end.

>> No.5005822

that...is just so damn awsome and terrible at the same time!

>> No.5005853

they had to have planned a Aya route but then removed it for whatever reason. Theres just too much evidence of it throughout the whole game to deny it.

>> No.5005858
File: 30 KB, 600x345, r137170_466249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5005984

I know what your saying. There's no feeling in a bad ending if you already have a sense of whats going to happen. I want to be interested into Downloading the game ( If I figure out the name first) but its going to be real hard after this thread.

>> No.5008853


hmmmm it would have been better if aeka was pregnant but oh well life
