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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5002195 No.5002195 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5002199

would be better if it was a piano competition

>> No.5002200
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>> No.5002203
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>> No.5002209

/v/ is the place to go for fighters that have been dumbed down for the masses. You should find 3 threads about Juri on the front page.

>> No.5002210
File: 20 KB, 533x381, kimetaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping my UMEHARA images.

Obligatory link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNUPFzye9v4

>> No.5002220
File: 183 KB, 600x450, somoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002229
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>> No.5002235
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>> No.5002240
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>> No.5002245
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>> No.5002247

/v/ is where you go to talk about Namco fighters

>> No.5002255
File: 56 KB, 500x335, daigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002258
File: 828 KB, 1632x1224, daigoeatingpringles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002259
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Pic related, it's my Makoto.

>> No.5002265
File: 16 KB, 391x245, baasuumehara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002266
File: 78 KB, 401x600, justinwongcosplayinghakan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's finest.

>> No.5002273
File: 11 KB, 474x357, billumehara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002275
File: 15 KB, 553x351, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is WRONG with his face?

>> No.5002279

It's how most people who play these shitty games look.

>> No.5002281
File: 116 KB, 505x375, umeumeharahara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5002287


Everyone knows how to get MSF with Makoto, you are small time.

>> No.5002290

It's his karaface

>> No.5002291
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SF4 is shit. People should still play 3rd strike.

>> No.5002297
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I'm out of pictures, gotta make new ones.

>> No.5002300
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>> No.5002301

Daigo doesn't actually look that bad.

>> No.5002309
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>> No.5002311

does umehara know how to speak english? isn't he some japanese guy who came to america to beat americans ass in video games?

>> No.5002312

From when Daigo used to play a good game.

>> No.5002326


>> No.5002331
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>> No.5002347


>> No.5002348

then what is he doing in america

>> No.5002349

You just got to wonder, if Daigo or JWong play any doujin fighters in their spare time. I'd probably freak if I ran into JWong playing Hisoutensoku online.

>> No.5002352


>> No.5002371

Posting Kusoru in a Daigo thread

Hegi's shouting as a bonus

>> No.5002372

No, he doesn't speak English. Yes, he does go over to America to beat them at games he doesn't even like.

>> No.5002377

Hisoutensoku is too shitty. If they play, it's probably Melty Blood Actress Again(because of EVO) or even IaMP.

>> No.5002395


Justin plays a lot of doujin stuff. He's played IaMP at least, he's made some comments on it. Don't know about SWR.

>> No.5002414

>Actress Again

>> No.5002422

Probably not. High level players are always bashing 10.5/12.3 because it's a bad game, etc.

>> No.5002437

Posting Kusoru playing shit-tier characters

>> No.5002479

man, Justin Wong really let himself go. I saw him at Chinatown Fair once about a year ago and he looked about 10-15 pounds under what I see here.

>> No.5002485


>> No.5002512

Getting BlazBlue when you expect Guilty Gear gives a punched in the gut feeling I'm getting too familiar with.

>> No.5002610

they both look stupid

>> No.5002630

He's trying to look like his main.

>> No.5002634
File: 11 KB, 212x240, starcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that stupidly simplistic control scheme, do people seriously take time out of their day to watch these monkeys mash buttons at each other?

>> No.5002671
File: 229 KB, 650x950, JaggerSleepovah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SF thread

>> No.5002685

Adon is moe.

>> No.5002693

Wait, what?

>> No.5002697

look at all the nerds in the audience with glasses
fucking lol buncha losers

>> No.5002705

Look I suck at games thus everybody who's liking them must be a monkey

>> No.5002713


>> No.5002735

>Street Fighter
Why don't you play a REAL fishing game?

>> No.5002741

Why can't Blazblue and Melty Blood be as good as Super Street Fighter 4?

>> No.5002745

I don't think pros play your shitty little games. Grow up and show off on SSFIV online if you think you're so fucking edgy

>> No.5002756

Blazblue tries to be even more casual than SF4. And melty blood just isn't a big enough project. Or they are purposefully leaving those infinite combos in there, which is retarded.

>> No.5002771

Are you high?

>> No.5002778

No, they only play official games. Doujin games are for casuals and scrubs, piss easy combos, and little to no learning curve. There is no skill there.

I myself only play SSFIV because I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer.

>> No.5002783
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Pro-Bass-Fishing-Front-Cover-34086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are small time.

>> No.5002787

And which infinites would you be talking about?

>> No.5002791

he just means anything that beats him because he sucks

>> No.5002844

BB:CS doesn't have any infinites because stun prorate means you'll eventually escape anything, but Arakune, Tao, Nu and Haku all have obviously unintended loops.

PS. I'm not that poster.

>> No.5002854

They're talking about Melty Blood infinites, bro.

>> No.5002860

I accept.

>> No.5002868

Daigo confirmed that Melty Blood sucked, right?

>> No.5002872

Confirmed he sucks at it, more like.

>> No.5002874

I think he was talking about MB, I know I was.

Also Arakune's loops are hardly unintended, he needs to build up his curse meter and hitconfirm while it's at least half-full to do some decent damage. He either wins with a single combo or loses horribly, that's just how he was designed (for CS).

Hakumen? I assume you mean the Mugen Tsubaki loop. Well, it's your own fault for hitting a 6Ding Hakumen who has full meter. Mugen is there solely to make such loops possible, and it's pretty much useless other than this.

Lambda doesn't have any loops that I know of, then again I haven't watched that many Lambda matches.

As for Tao, yeah, the taunt loop is obviously unintended, I'll give you that.

>> No.5002885

Doujin games were made with little to no budget, it's unavoidable that they're going to be shit. Doesn't stop them from being more fun than tourneyfag approved fighting games though (sometimes).

>> No.5002916

Just because doujin and other semi-amateur games can be fun doesn't mean that professional games are not.

>> No.5002920

Arakune has 100% curse of a throw and can start his loop from any random hit from the opposite side of the screen. It's intended for the curse to rape, I can't imagine 150hit death touch combos were on the cards.

Nu can loop her overhead in the corner. It only hits a few times before it's invalid.

Haku doesn't need to 6D, it just starts it with the best scaling so more reps. The same way Taokaka can do 4k off 5B and 8k off 6C.

>> No.5002921

Just because doujin and other semi-amateur games are low-budget doesn't mean they can't be competitive.

>> No.5002928


That's why I said "sometimes," you illiterate sack of shit.

>> No.5002944

Nerds only like Hisoutensoku and MB because they can play as Cirno and Shikis. Gameplay-wise they're even worse than Eternal Fighter Zero.

VanPri is the only real deal doujin fighter. I look foward to playing its sequel.

>> No.5002945

Yeah it's not like your intention was not to troll broski


>> No.5002950


>> No.5002957

In before "melty" and "melty isn't technically doujin"

>> No.5002982
File: 1.00 MB, 512x512, 1262469809028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play it cuz it because it's far more customizable than other fighters. SSF4 let's you choose between two Ultras? LAWL, I can choose between 8+ Specials, AND change my moveset to fit my playstyle.

>> No.5002998

I'm a dumbass scrub

>> No.5003016


>> No.5003021
File: 112 KB, 462x594, 1254501143811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's worst about fighting games?
No, wait, do you know what's the only bad thing about fighting games?
Street Fighter is fun, requires skill and can be played competitively.
Tekken is fun, requires skill and can be played competitively.
Blazblue is fun, requires skill and can be played competitively.
Melty Blood is fun, requires skill and can be played competitively.
IaAMP/Hisouten/Soku is fun, requires skill and can be played competitively.
I haven't palyed any Smash Bros, but I'm sure it's the same.
Stop acting like rabid fanboys. Your shit is just as bad as everyone else's, just different.

>> No.5003030

hey guys i'm new here, i want to get into some fighting games and it's between SSIV or melty blood actress again, which one is easier and more fun?

>> No.5003041

i think you should play super street fighter II bcuz its the most balanced fighter out there

>> No.5003044

I think you are both the same person.

>> No.5003045

Good post.

Terrible troll attempt.

>> No.5003051

Smash bros is fun, doesn't require skill and can be played competitively with 3 stock no items fox only

>> No.5003070

What? Are you implying some shitty Touhoe or what? Best be kidding. Touhoe games are not competitive.

That's just an uninformed and casual biased opinion of yours.

>> No.5003083
File: 100 KB, 353x185, Dee_Jay_animated_movie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are talking about street fighter 4, DeeJay's new theme is Touhou music tier.
Fuck, i subconsciously start to dance around in my chair when I listen to it.

>> No.5003089

I would consider the system first and more importantly on which system you can use your FS.

>> No.5003100
File: 23 KB, 517x309, 1268186264518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dee Jay is all-around SSF4 top tier


>> No.5003106

SSF4 OST is good in general. Although some themes don't really fit the characters...
Zangief's theme is godly, but it doesn't sound like "Patriotic Russian Wrestler That Looks Like A Giant Shaved Bear" at all.

>> No.5003120

I'd really like it a lot more if everything else wasn't annoying as hell.

>> No.5003134

face it, only casuals play SSIV.

>> No.5003140
File: 465 KB, 1500x1280, You gonna get grabbed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck your oki, this is wake-up super: the game. I actually really like VanPri and wish it got more attention on /jp/.

>> No.5003141
File: 44 KB, 409x375, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 04 [720p][CE95332B].mkv_snapshot_00.23_[2010.04.28_22.05.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing Deejay is actually confirmed to be pretty shitty by real players

>> No.5003160

"Real players" just got no rhythm.

>> No.5003162

>real players

LOL, no

>> No.5003169
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 04 [720p][CE95332B].mkv_snapshot_10.32_[2010.04.28_22.11.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone considers DSP to be a real player

>> No.5003181

I came
I saw
I haugebubuenen

>> No.5003189


>> No.5003190

>implying you didn't

>> No.5003197

go back to /a/

>> No.5003218
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 04 [720p][CE95332B].mkv_snapshot_10.41_[2010.04.28_22.11.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5003227

You know back when CT was just out he said something like
"I wanted to use this character from the first time I saw her, so even if she'll become weaker in the next game I won't stop using her."
