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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4999743 No.4999743 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4999747


>> No.4999754

Your work is appreciated, moderator.

>> No.4999760

I love you, mods.

>> No.4999761

mods = gods

>> No.4999765

Your bump is not, however.

>> No.4999768

mods are awake

>> No.4999770
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I think he likes what he's doing. It's like a shooter game, but instead of killing the bad guys you ban retards.

Kudos to you.

>> No.4999765,1 [INTERNAL] 

could somebody tell the mod to unban me?
i got banned for asking a board related question on /sp/ in the middle of a raid
i'm literally stupid

>> No.4999773

Thank you, good sir.

>> No.4999777

>GET spamming 250 some odd posts before a get
>near instantaneous deletion

Thank you, meido-chan. We love you.

*golf clap for the mods*

>> No.4999782

this thread has been moderated with extreme prejudice

>> No.4999786

That's just part of the manly essence

>> No.4999788

*clap clap*

>> No.4999790
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Aye, thanks for looking out for us mods.

>> No.4999796

sure is essence in here.

>> No.4999799 [DELETED] 


bitches dont know bout my DOUBLE TRIPLES

>> No.4999804

>could somebody tell the mod to unban me?
i got banned for asking a board related question on /sp/ in the middle of a raid
i'm literally stupid
Quote from Suigin.

>> No.4999805

I sympathize with you, /jp/, as a bro from /g/. Our 10M get made the board suck shit for hours before and after.

Get itself...wasn't win or fail.

>> No.4999809


This one doesn't seem nearly as bad as usual. Probably because of the time of day (in the middle of school classes for most USians) and the dutiful work of meido.

>> No.4999810

Well, isn't that nice~

>> No.4999811

well, that is the essence of gets >>4999805

>> No.4999811,1 [INTERNAL] 

i have a better idea
listen to the Jurassic park ost
it will make you feel better

>> No.4999838

You might want to delete this thread, mod.

>> No.4999837 [DELETED] 

Does this thread really need to be bumped?

>> No.4999850

That's fast. So you are a global mod?

>> No.4999859


>> No.4999861

what thread?

>> No.4999875

I was under the impression that mods were per board, but was corrected by moot himself last year.

talk about told.

>> No.4999882

Meido got backup, I see.

>> No.4999884

Oh, if my post didn't make it clear...there are no board specific mods. All mods are global.

>> No.4999891


>> No.4999894

Sweet. Now we need to promote meido-san to a mod if she isn't one yet.

>> No.4999896


s...so meido isn't exclusive to /jp/?


>> No.4999898

so we don't have a unique meido for this board? :(

>> No.4999900


Janitors and mods are both global.

>> No.4999901

Our meido does seem to follow /jp/ customs, written and unwritten, so I'd expect the meido is a /jp/ lurker, which is all that matters.

>> No.4999907

I'm sure there are some mods who stay on one board for extended periods of time. For instance, the mod who has been banning pokemon for /po/

>> No.4999898,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just got banned for shitposting. How nice.

>> No.4999908

why? you want her to be global-wise?

>> No.4999911

meido is the janitor that occasionally pops by
This mod would be like a chief meido.

>> No.4999919

in during circlejerk

>> No.4999911,1 [INTERNAL] 

Same here. 30 days for being part of a "raid". I didn't post anything related to it.

But I'm happy, now I can get away from 4chan for a while, just like my last accidental 2-week ban.

>> No.4999921

>This mod would be like a chief meido.

>> No.4999923


>> No.4999925

Well, moot said that he was the "resident fa/g/got", but invisibro is on /g/ quite often too, from what I understand.

Mods can have boards they follow closely, but they aren't limited to one board.

>> No.4999929

It's like our own Sakuya was here. Explains the swiftness too.

>> No.4999935
File: 120 KB, 505x700, ours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! I refuse to believe we don't have a meido that is completely OURS. maybe works on other boards a LITTLE BIT. but main board is /jp/!!

>> No.4999936

suigin was banned? AWESOME

>> No.4999938

Because chief maids are exclusive to Touhou right?

>> No.4999933 [DELETED] 
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Has the mod/janitor actually posted under the name meido or something? Or is this just an incredibly sexy nickname.

Either way, i'm okay with this.

>> No.4999939 [DELETED] 
File: 807 KB, 1280x1024, 1272556562571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my approval mods
*thumbs up

>> No.4999942

Don't worry, our meido is a pure girl. She wouldn't leave us for other boards.

Though I can see a NTR plot forming.

>> No.4999943

so this mod here is not maid, cause he deleted some porns

>> No.4999947

I don't think so, since you are still lurking in the ghost board.

>> No.4999949

Well, Sakuya is probably the most iconic (famous) head maid after all.

>> No.4999951

Exclusive JANITOR is possible, nut not mod.

>> No.4999955
File: 245 KB, 418x600, 1356944_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not our meido, this is a mercenary maido.

>> No.4999954 [DELETED] 
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>NTR plot forming


>> No.4999958

moot said on /a/ in feb 2010 that all janitors were made global too.

>> No.4999975

Thats a really bad decision considering most of them have no idea what /jp/ is about, just like we have no idea what /fa/ or /fit/ is about.

>> No.4999988
File: 19 KB, 846x241, 4chanarchive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the relevant thread

4chanarchive has had a little bit of trouble capturing posts with capcode. moot posts are easy to spot though; the entire post, except greentext, is in red bold font.

>> No.4999989

>>Thats a really bad decision considering most of them have no idea what /jp/ is about, just like we have no idea what /fa/ or /fit/ is about.

Are you saying we are unfashionable and out of shape? :(

>> No.4999998
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....mods...I-it's not like I love you or anything.

(btw, I wonder how long these bans are)

>> No.5000000

/a/ get


>> No.5000003

They don't need to know those things.

They just need to shoot the morons from /b/.

>> No.5000035

Well yeah. /jp/ is composed of stick men.

>> No.5000037
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>> No.5000040


>> No.5000042

/a/ get out

>> No.5000044



>> No.5000045


>> No.5000046


>> No.5000047


>> No.5000048

Now that was an unimpressive text get.

>> No.5000050
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>> No.5000051

Alright, can we delete the thread now?

>> No.5000053

I hate you too /a/

>> No.5000054

I've always wondered how moot chose the mods.

I'd like to be one simply because I have a lot of free time.

Does he test theme or something? A questionnaire? Blow jobs? Pay Offs?

>> No.5000055
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There we go game's over back to /jp/ business

>> No.5000056

just like /jp/!

>> No.5000059
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>> No.5000062
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>> No.5000065


>> No.5000066

I thought they were all his close real life and internet friends.

>> No.5000068

from what i understand, asking to be one means no
generally, mods get picked from tripfags (moot said this), not because their post quality is always better than that of anons, but because they are easier to track (Tripfag!Tripcode is easier to remember than an IP)

>> No.5000075

Oh right, I didn't even notice it was approaching so I wondered what all this fuss was about.

>> No.5000077

Oh, or people you know.
It was about moderation in general though - I imagine ost he doesn't know IRL become janitors.

>> No.5000082

Are you fucking serious? tripfags? I don't know what to say. I thought he would just choose some random, ask some questions, then monitor his activity for a while.

>> No.5000084

prove your worth, get peer reviewed by the team. better put effort in your application, i remember a mod post last year that pretty much said writing a relevant essay was a good idea.

>> No.5000092

my ip changes several times a day because whenever i change access points on campus, i get a new one.

so i am virtually impossible to track

and there are thousands of us on the site at any given time.

>> No.5000095

oh, and i'm not tech ignorant. WHOIS goes back to university
but no mod is going to be able to remember my ips and associate all my posts throughout the day.

>> No.5000107

There's something called ISP range ban...

>> No.5000108

So is this why there are so many tripfags for no reason?

>> No.5000109

I love how people react to a thread where someone was banned like it was a great show or something like that.

>> No.5000112

>not because their post quality is always better than that of anons

Obviously that wouldn't be the reason, because it's not even true.

>> No.5000121

there are a few tripfags that don't absolutely suck and are considered good posters
the majority suck though

>> No.5000122

/jp/ is depraved after the maid went missing. Seeing the mod makes us remembers that /jp/ is still loved ;_;

>> No.5000123

>not because their post quality is always better than that of anons


>> No.5000124

Sure is retarded around here. It's well known moot's mods all came from SA/RH.

>> No.5000126

>like it was a great show or something like that.

because it was. it's like when the ancient greeks sent prisoners to the colloseum to be torn apart by lions.

>> No.5000127

But...it IS a show.

>> No.5000129

yeah, just like Anonymous.


>> No.5000132

see >>5000077

>> No.5000141


>> No.5000144

That's what you imagine. I am just stating facts.

>> No.5000148

look, i've been in threads were moot has discussed this about the "moderation team", but whatever

>> No.5000153
File: 296 KB, 1042x624, hurrrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best poster in /g/'s history reporting in.

>> No.5000154

I know right?

moot makes a random post and BAM! thread reaches bump limit in 5 minutes. People are so pathetic.

A example of that was the name change of this board to Otaku Culture. That surely made this place full of new people that don't even mind lurking before posting and other things but in that thread everyone was "OH MY GOD MOOT LET ME SUCK UR DICK PLEASE!!! THIS NAME CHANGE IS AWESOME, YOU ARE AWESOME!!"

>> No.5000158

thanks for unbanning me a-san

>> No.5000159

I didn't think I'd ever say this, but... sometimes, things that break the routine are pretty interesting.

>> No.5000161

Poor Suigin ;__;

>> No.5000162


>> No.5000171

You just reminded me of that time when moot made a post here about some kind of meetup, got promptly ignored/getoutofjp.jpg'd by everyone and just banned the whole thread.
...Or was that threadban on another occasion?

>> No.5000174

You faggot actually believe what moot said there?
Oh good god.
All his mods have been from there, be it CV, Saber or whichever other mods I could name (though the ones mentioned I don't think work anymore with him).

>> No.5000179

why you were banned?

>> No.5000180

moot made an announcement about it below the post field
and then a moderator made a thread with waterlillies.jpg as the picture thanking everyone who went there
moot responded with "agreed 100% ^_^"
everyone called him a faggot and then he threadbanned

>> No.5000174,1 [INTERNAL] 

Aw damn, so it seems normal people can't use the banned tag.

>> No.5000186

I made a board-related thread on /sp/ but I didn't have any sports related pictures so I used a random anime picture.
at the same time /a/ was raiding /sp/ and vice versa so i guess the mod thought i was a part of the raid or something

>> No.5000191

Ah, here it is.

Well, it was not exactly everyone, but still amusing nonetheless.

>> No.5000194

>Because when I think "japan" I do not think "visual novels."
>Sure, the split was a success as far as getting the Touhou shit out of /a/, but /jp/ itself is a fail board.
Why does /a/ think that /jp/ was ever about Japan?

>> No.5000203

I agree the board name change is not that great but it has cut off all those random hey this Japanese it must fit on /jp/ threads. /jp/ should have an insider board name.

At least we aren't /r9k/ and being advertised across the entire web site.

>> No.5000208
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>> No.5000214

I was 1447357 wwwww
>it was not exactly everyone, but still amusing nonetheless.
I still remember that day
like 30 minutes later some anons woke up and were wondering why /jp/ was deserted and more dead than usual

>> No.5000216

you are asking for a ban there.

>> No.5000225

why is this thread still here?

>> No.5000229
File: 78 KB, 457x457, 127074272995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spierdalaj :*

>> No.5000235

Żal mi mieszkać z tobą w tym samym kraju.

>> No.5000236

Stop with your shitty /b/ forced memes.

>> No.5000237

I'm just glad /jp/ers for the most part don't care about GETs save for a few underaged spammers from /a/.

If this was a mod GET I would have liked it better if you deleted the thread afterwards.

>> No.5000237,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wow guys, I just checked the archive and the only people that were attempting to get the 5m GET were from /b/. (Apparently our underaged troll from /a/ went full retard (again) and told /b/ to steal our GET.) But thanks to the work of the mod & meido we barely noticed the raid.

Now contrast this with /a/ and /v/'s reaction to GETs. We're definitely one of the more mature userbases on 4chan. If only momma moot could acknowledge our superior culture and promote us to VIPPER status.

>> No.5000237,2 [INTERNAL] 

epic win

>> No.5000237,3 [INTERNAL] 


Shut up retard

>> No.5000237,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.5000237,5 [INTERNAL] 

Makes me proud of /jp/. I am so glad we don't have this mentality.

>> No.5000237,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's thinking like this that made /jp/ a terrible board; /jp/ is no different from any other 4chan board, and this arrogant thinking made /jp/ far worse than it should be.

>> No.5000237,7 [INTERNAL] 

So you think we should get all worked up and act like assholes over a get?

You are on the wrong board. This has NEVER been part of /jp/ culture. It has been this way since day one. Go back to /b/ or /a or where ever you came from.

>> No.5000237,8 [INTERNAL] 

So you think we should get all worked up and act like assholes over a get?

You are on the wrong board. This has NEVER been part of /jp/ culture. It has been this way since day one. Go back to /b/ or /a or where ever you came from.

>> No.5000237,9 [INTERNAL] 

Have you ever been to any other 4chan board?

>> No.5000237,10 [INTERNAL] 

it didnt

>> No.5000237,11 [INTERNAL] 

That's funny, I recall a certain GETs spammer uttering those same [>>4800545] words. Surely such a message delivered with such a pompous demeanor has some evidence to back it up? Where do I begin?

>It's thinking like this that made /jp/ a terrible board;
This isn't /a/. We're not going around accusing people of being "newfags." All we're doing is calling shitposters out on their bad behavior whilst setting an example for newcomers.

>/jp/ is no different from any other 4chan board
The scary thing about this statement is that there exist some fringe sects out there that actually believe in it. If /b/ and /cgl/'s users are exactly like /jp/ try posting amongst them for a while. Even moot himself acknowledged that all user bases were NOT created equally. /jp/'s reaction towards the 5m GET was something to be proud of. On any other board 5 to 8 pages would have been cleared by hyperactive manchildren (such as yourself) posting "GET!!!1" Mind you that's almost what happened on /jp/ thanks to that, "Go to /jp/ and steal their 5m GET" thread you made on /b/.

>and this arrogant thinking made /jp/ far worse than it should be.
This [>>4801656] post does a better job than any at explaining why you're not only mistaken but delusional. Just for the record this post was not directed at you because trying to explain to a shitposter why quality users should be praised is the same thing as explaining to a monkey why our laws should be upheld. If you don't have a decent rebuttal don't waste my time. [Redacted: taking it easy]

If you want to see 4+ pages disappear in the blink of an eye stay tuned for /m/'s reaction to their up-and-coming GET.

>> No.5000237,12 [INTERNAL] 

I loathe GETs and the whole culture of 4chan but you guys need to remove the groupthink of /jp/ being some sort of magical silver lining that's protect from the outside garbage of 4chan.

>This isn't /a/. We're not going around accusing people of being "newfags." All we're doing is calling shitposters out on their bad behavior whilst setting an example for newcomers.

I hope you realize the irony of that statement.

>> No.5000237,13 [INTERNAL] 

>We're not going around accusing people of being "newfags."
I don't know who are those 'we' you speak of, but I know that those people probably don't post on /jp/.

>> No.5000237,14 [INTERNAL] 

You keep using that word; I don't think it means what you think it means. My irony goggles could be broken. Mind elaborating?

>> No.5000237,15 [INTERNAL] 

You are essentially saying that we don't post like that, and obviously those are just new people who don't know what they are doing.

>> No.5000237,16 [INTERNAL] 

I think the difference you're missing here is that it isn't new people ITT. It's people who don't post on /jp/ at all except in these cross-board raid events.
Those aren't newfriends. In fact, they aren't friends at all. They're those obnoxious neighbors that you dread bumping into when you get the mail.

However, since I'm not him, I'm free to admit that yes, /jp/ has a newfriend problem as well.

>> No.5000237,17 [INTERNAL] 

I just don't know why you said [>>5000237,3] this. All I was doing was congratulating /jp/ers for their reaction to the 5m GET. Good behavior, after all, should be praised/encouraged.

Also, what I said was indeed a fact. We're one of the few boards on 4chan that doesn't care about GETs. As a matter of fact, we're actually maturing in some regards. (With each year we react less to the GETs.)

>> No.5000237,18 [INTERNAL] 

Acting this high and mighty about not caring about a GET is just as bad as caring about it.

Context means much more than content.

>> No.5000237,19 [INTERNAL] 

Case in point: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/?task=page&page=1

Just not caring about a GET means nothing if the ordinary conditions are just as bad as most of the other boards.

>> No.5000237,20 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, is this why this useless thread is bumped?

Oh well. Bumping this useless thread to register my verdict on its uselessness.
