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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4998472 No.4998472 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4998473


>> No.4998477

Give translated version of it or go away.

>> No.4998488

If you have ATLAS, it was surprisingly accurate.

>> No.4998493

I don't have that shit. I don't play VNs.

>> No.4998495


It's about that new wiki for c&d'd translations and how it's blocking nips

>> No.4998499


Then why the hell are you on /jp/?

>> No.4998500

That much I gathered.

>> No.4998502

C&D official website.
This website cannot be browsed from Japan.

Some Japanese seem to be having an antipathy against TRANSLATIONS.
Therefore,we have prohibited the access from your country in order to defend our culture.
Sorry for you who believes in translations.

C&D Inc.

Hahaha, now, I don't support the wiki, but this is funny as hell.

>> No.4998504

Why are you guys making such a big deal out of it? If the translators want to continue, they'll continue. If they want a cheap excuse, they'll stop.

>> No.4998507

Go away, retard.

>> No.4998516

>calling someone else a retard
>saging incorrectly

>> No.4998519

People get angry and have to show their frustration, somehow.

Either way, it's a bad move. Translation projects should just go underground and stop with all these attention-whore wikis.

>> No.4998524


So you're just here to troll then, I guess?

I seriously can't think of a reason to be here otherwise.

>> No.4998530

Nothing wrong with public wikis, they make tracking progress and getting more people involved easier.

It's actually possible to make a bulletproof/un-C&D'able public wiki, but so far people don't seem to be very interested in it.

>> No.4998533

Just ignore the trolls.

>> No.4998546


Pretty much. There are a dozen places you could host it where they couldn't do shit even if they had a massive legal team.

>> No.4998560

Also, post those "dirty pirate gaijin (ahaha oh wow" screenshots before 2ch comes.

>> No.4998571

First /jp/ bitches when translators don't provide clear indication of how much is done and proof of that, then when the translators start doing that they call them attention whores. Never change, /jp/.

>> No.4998572

I used sage- to get past the annoying flood detection for sage posts.

>> No.4998581

>herp derp jp is for vn's only

>> No.4998589

>It's actually possible to make a bulletproof/un-C&D'able public wiki

>> No.4998591

Host the wiki in a country that's either not party to the Berne Convention or in a country that is but only enforces it in matters that preclude VN translations.

>> No.4998598


If you would stop acting like you're from /v/ for a moment, is there actually anything else here?

Unless you're an idolfag, or one of those creepy kigurumi guys. And if you were one of them, you wouldn't be in this thread.

So, basically, you really are just on /jp/ to troll then?

>> No.4998616

There's actually quite a few ways, here's some simple ones:
1) A dedicated server company which doesn't respond to non-local C&D requests. There are quite a few of those, some are expensive. Some people actually offered to do it for free, if anyone was interested.
2) Host it on one of the anonymous networks/anonymous content distribution systems. This means things like Freenode or hidden service under Tor. In the second case, you have to do a bit of work to asure it's secure, but it works reasonably well.

So far, I've seen people consider this in #tlwiki, but from the 2 projects that got C&D'd, Eden*'s translator doesn't seem to be interested in continuing it, while the Yosuga no Sora translator is undecided if he wants to continue, and if he will continue, undecided in which form it will be. So there's no reason to even consider this without the translator's support. I don't even see the point of C&Dwiki's, since without the translators support, you can't really move on, and their site is not 100% C&D proof.

>> No.4998624

So Iraq then? Great plan.

>> No.4998626

Holy shit, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.4998627

Did someone/any group start a DoS attack on the blog? It's really slow for me, while any other website loads normally.

>> No.4998632

Host it in Taiwan.
They're not a Berne signatory as they aren't officially recognized as a country.

>> No.4998633

No, everyone from 4chan is visiting and the poor little site can't handle it.

>> No.4998635


For the third time, I still do not see you presenting anything else.

I will conclude that I was right the first time. You are only on /jp/ to troll.

>> No.4998637

I just see a blank page.

>> No.4998639

Okay now it's too obvious.

8/10 Got me for a while.

>> No.4998640

ンサブサイトが登場? http://hevoluson.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-104.html

>> No.4998644

just says home for me

>> No.4998645

Some japanese seems to have problems with translation project.
So we block japanese people.
To defend our culture

>> No.4998651

Blog updates. Continuation of the previous article, (probably) about the latest situation. > "Deleted by right" in response to the girl appeared to block access from Gemufansabusaito Japan? http://hevoluson.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-104.html

>> No.4998655
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>> No.4998657

Hmm, I have a better translator:

>[burogu] renewal. The continuation of the article before and, (perhaps) about up-to-date circumstance. > To “the deletion by the proprietor” it opposes, the beauty girl game fan sub sight which cuts off the access from Japan appears?

>> No.4998659


This is just going too far.

Just go underground instead of trollan the Japs.

>> No.4998663

Why? Afraid they won't accept you into their culture?

>> No.4998668

You exacerbate the situation by needlessly provoking them and the English-speaking community ends up worse off with more angry companies sending C&Ds.

>> No.4998671
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>> No.4998672


And this is a bad thing because...?

>> No.4998677

More C&Ds means higher chance of translators quitting and causing projects to die.

Seriously, use some common sense.

>> No.4998678

> freenode
> tor
Ah, so we're immersing ourselves in the pedophile culture even further then?

>> No.4998681

While you may not be a moralfag, some translators may be, or may have other reasons. C&D is a valid excuse for them to quit.

>> No.4998682


Nobody quits projects because of C&Ds. People who are sick of projects use C&Ds as an excuse to quit. They were going to quit anyways.

>> No.4998683

You speak from experience?

>> No.4998685

You know those networks do have plenty of other uses. There's no reason not to use them for what they were meant.

PD, Share and other anonymous p2p networks have plenty of illegal content on it too, but you don't seem to call them `pedophile culture'.

>> No.4998686

and www.sekaiproject.net
>As most of you have read or noticed already, our TLWiki page has been taken down. A representative from minori has written their opposition to the translation. With respect to the developer, we have suspended all work on eden.

>> No.4998688

4chan: worsening Japanese-foreign relations since 2004.

>> No.4998689


Did you notice how nearly nothing had been done on Eden beforehand? It's a tiny VN yet they had only translated about 3000 lines of it. The C&D was an excuse to admit that they quit ages ago.s

>> No.4998692

We can't worsen somehing non existant because of the xenophobic japanese society.

>> No.4998694

Would be hilarious if this started WW3.

>> No.4998697

I'm stocking my basement with canned goods now. And porn.

>> No.4998700

We can only hope that more foreign exposition to eroges and defiance to the developers' wish will not cause the Japanese VN industry to ban/regulate the elements we love in VNs.

>> No.4998702

They'd write in history books about us, would be funny.

>> No.4998705

>needlessly provoking them

>> No.4998711

You may not care since you probably pirate games and don't give a rat's ass about the original developers (I can make blind assumptions too!), but some fan translators are moralfags and are likely to respect a company's wishes for them to cease translation, not because they're sick of a project.

>> No.4998714

That's what every racist person thinks.

Really, Korea and China are much more xenophobic/racist than Japan. Japan is much less racist/xenophobic than most eastern European countries. I'm not saying it is on a western European country's level, but Japan is far less racist/xenophobic than most 4channers think.

>> No.4998715

Why do you care? You're such a moralfag you should only be buying their official English releases. If there is no unofficial translation, that's the will of the developers!

>> No.4998718
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"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

>> No.4998719

Now we're on a "who is more racist" race?

>> No.4998721

>Japan is far less racist/xenophobic than most 4channers think
Oh really? I've never heard any one of them oppose these kind of racist tactics someone from their country pulls. At best, they simply don't give a shit about us.

>> No.4998722

>implying everyone commits crimes
Cool story, Ghandi.

>> No.4998723

amerikkkans are more racist than japanese, cf arizona

>> No.4998725

Or maybe because there's very incentive to expand their market overseas? Stop assuming all companies are xenophobic like minori.

>> No.4998726

Yeah, because mangogamer is really rolling in the dough. Wait...

>> No.4998728
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>not racist

>> No.4998731

You ignore my point. Why are you dealing with unofficial translations in the first place, if you think people should respect the wishes of the developers?

You're a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.4998732

>not racist


>> No.4998735

That's what they do with their very population.

>> No.4998736

>>needlessly provoking them

Oh sorry, I just assumed you were responding to how we ought to get payback those racist Japs for vandalizing wiki pages, calling us harmful gaijin, and sending C&Ds.

>> No.4998742

Uh no. You can do a fan translation with the permission of the original developers. See insani, narcissu, etc.

>> No.4998743

I can't understand your broken English.

>> No.4998746

They did not have permission. Stop trying to wiggle yourself out of this, you just want your translations and don't really give one little shit about the Japanese companies. You just don't want to see them antagonized because, again, you want your little VNs.

>> No.4998747


>> No.4998750

You're forgetting about Ryukishi's support for Witch Hunt.

>> No.4998751
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>> No.4998752

>They did not have permission.
I mean the ones on C&Dwiki, etc. if that wasn't too clear.

>> No.4998757

Because it just brings more controversy. Believe it or not quite a few fantranslators right now are translating things cause they were fans of the game. However if they are confronted with something like "if you really are a fan of the game then you wouldn't be an asshole and just continue it just to spite us, who created the game", then it definitely worsens their motivation.

>> No.4998760

Yeah, keep making assumptions bro.

>> No.4998762

Good. I don't even like VNs. :)

>> No.4998766

No real counterargument huh? As expected of you~

>> No.4998769
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>> No.4998771

Next thing you'll say you didn't pirate windows.

>> No.4998773

Let's not get ridiculous here.

>> No.4998776

Too bad, I use Linux.

>> No.4998777

But my computer already came with Windows.

>> No.4998778






I can link random articles too.

Your point is?

Humans are stupid and racist. Japanese people are no exception. We know that. Still, Japan is far less racist than most 4channers believe.

>> No.4998787


Sorry but none of that is relavant to the japanese wikipedia page I linked. "Foreigner Crimes".

At least in the english articles, we admit it's racist.

>> No.4998791

It depends on how you define racism.


Japanese racism is more along the lines of "look at those silly gaijin" Many see foreigners more as amusing circus animals than a person.

>> No.4998795

And I am pretty sure you can't buy THIS >>4998728 kind of book in bookstores in America, or any other country except some.

>> No.4998808

When Japan made a memorial for the people who died because of the atomic bombings (which doesn't deserve a memorial in the first place, but ignoring that) they included the names of all the Japanese people that died in the blast.

The Japanese people. Not the Koreans or Chinese people who had also lived there and also died in the blast.

Japanese people are the shitstain on the face of the planet.

>> No.4998814

Not to mention how can it get publicized and sold in every convenience store.

>> No.4998817
File: 110 KB, 512x765, Random (15).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit storm pic of OP is weak.. they should have used a classic storm like the one in 1993.... now THAT was a shit storm!

>> No.4998830

You gotta love how the weeaboo brigade is defending Japan's latent existing racism.

>> No.4998833

They're probably still pissed that we whooped their yellow asses with our nukes. Besides they were the ones on the side of the facists.

>> No.4998835

That is a very old story. It has been banned from every Family Mart and its publication has already stopped.

Still, no one is saying Japan is not racist/xenophobic. It just seems to me that 4channers think Japanese people actually care to have intense hate thoughts about foreigners/races. The general population mostly doesn't care to have negative thoughts about foreigners (specially whites, korean and chinese are a different story).

>> No.4998836

Now imagine if you go into walmart. Look at the bookshelves, and see a book titled "Crimes committed by niggers" selling like normal.

Wat do?

>> No.4998839

ITT: stormfront

>> No.4998852

> very old
>not even 3 years

>> No.4998859

Holy shit, this is so retarded it's not even funny. The weeaboo tries to defend the Japs by accusing US of the act THEY are committing. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.4998878


Oh boy, I guess I should be racist too since they're being racist to me!

Grow up, you manchild.

>> No.4998879

lets chill and clam the fuck down, nothing will change

>> No.4998883

>treating an abbreviation as an insult


>> No.4998887

Go back to 2ch.

>> No.4998889

he's probably a singaporean or taiwanese

>> No.4998893

Jap is considered a racial slur with negative connotations.

Perhaps you should educate yourself some more before making an ass out of yourself.

>> No.4998896
File: 117 KB, 600x663, 4378be15a9f54927b6b9cd83275b8683b1df58d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should all stop hate'n and live as equals!

>> No.4998898

Wow, you're really fucking retarded. Just, wow.

>> No.4998902


Racial slurs need to be understood to be slurs, bro. Yankee had negative connotations too bro.

I'm gonna have to go with the guy who's calling you a weeaboo.

>> No.4998905
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>> No.4998912

In before accusation of samefaggotry, the ultimate last-resort comeback.

>> No.4998914
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>> No.4998917

I personally hate being called a yankee because I am from the south. I am a redneck damnit! a rebel!

>> No.4998924
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>> No.4998931


Yankee was a synonym for retard.
I can't think of any better description for the south.

>> No.4998939


you know I can't either.

>> No.4998940

Yankee refers to people from New England (the north).

Seriously, stop making an ass of yourself.

>> No.4999083

Since when does /jp/ have morals? You disappoint me.

>> No.4999088
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>this thread

>> No.4999303

>I would like to apologize for the idiots we have in the western world who made that.
Oh look, it's the retard from earlier threads

>> No.4999383


>> No.4999398

Holy fuck there are some sad faggots posting to that blog.

Grow a fucking spine, you weasels. "Please don't hate me Mr. Japanese person! I'm not like them, I love to eat your shit and I don't mind at all if you call me inferior because that is what I am!"

>> No.4999408


>> No.4999412

The post with the least kind of worth on 4chan. Congrats.

>> No.4999420

Because quite clearly forcing conflict for the hell of it is the best way of handling this situation.

Come back when C&D TLWiki is hosting an active project worth mentioning.

>> No.4999426
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>>4998808 which doesn't deserve a memorial in the first place, but ignoring that

>> No.4999435

BAWWWWWW some more, you goddamn faggot.

They hate you. They will never like you, no matter how much you try. How does it feel, crying yourself to sleep at night?

>> No.4999439

It's like the Germans making a memorial for all the nazis that died during the war. It's an affront.

>> No.4999458


Because EVERY German and Japanese person during the time of a facist regime was EVIL and should not be rememberred.

>> No.4999456 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4999468

Don't worry, nobody will remember you anyway.

>> No.4999480

>implying I would translate shit just because I was told to

>> No.4999516 [DELETED] 

I do not believe translators should stop with C&D notices, however.

1.) There are translators who WILL stop with a C&D. You can say what you will about these translators, however they aren't going to be the type to host their content on a website that says "fuck you Japan". It doesn't matter how much "spine" random people on here have, it means nothing if fan translators aren't working. Instigating what is going on through random insults one would expect to hear from grade school students does nothing productive.

2.) This is not a situation where random insults in poor English do anything productive. There are plenty of valid ways to tell them fuck you with their opinion. You say you have a spine because you can say "well you suck" in poor English. Feel free to tell them fuck you, but use valid arguments, otherwise you only make yourself look like an idiot.

I am all for making something that resists C&D letters, and nothing is wrong with a C&D TLWiki, just don't do so in a way to cause more conflict, no one wins like this.

>> No.4999531

I do not believe translators should stop with C&D notices, however.

1.) There are translators who WILL stop with a C&D. You can say what you will about these translators, however they aren't going to be the type to host their content on a website that says "fuck you Japan". It doesn't matter how much "spine" random people on here have, it means nothing if fan translators aren't working. Instigating what is going on through random insults one would expect to hear from grade school students does nothing productive if it leads to more C&D notices, just less stuff to play.

2.) This is not a situation where random insults in poor English do anything productive. There are plenty of valid ways to tell them fuck you with their opinion. You say you have a spine because you can say "well you suck" in poor English. Feel free to tell them fuck you, but use valid arguments, otherwise you only make yourself look like an idiot.

I am all for making something that resists C&D letters, and nothing is wrong with a C&D TLWiki, just don't do so in a way to cause more conflict, no one wins like this.

>> No.4999559

Well in fact they should. Don't forget the war crimes the Allies had done like the civilian firebombings or the death camps after the war where ten thousands of German prisoners of war had been starved to death by order.

>> No.4999578

I, by all means. Respect your opinion.

But I WANT to stir shit up.
That's how I roll.

>> No.4999599



>> No.4999611

Not this shit again.

>> No.4999644



>> No.4999688

That was more directed at those saying logic has no place in this than random trolls with a /b/ attitude who are aware that they are just being jerks.

>> No.4999720

The one good thing came out of this is that the Dark Translations guy decided to focus on games besides that one shit company he likes to translate games from.

>> No.4999732

This would be a good point, except as far as I can see there really isn't a legitimate counter-argument. "Because I want it" doesn't count.
Maybe Minori didn't have the right to take the translation away, but what right did you have to it in the first place?
This whole thing wouldn't be an issue if people were willing to learn Japanese, but they can't even be bothered to do that. As far as I'm concerned, unwillingness to put forth effort for something disqualifies entitlement to it.

I am aware that in this particular case that's something of a catch-22, but that doesn't make the principle any less valid.

>> No.4999733
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>> No.4999734


>> No.4999780

i'm just glad he will still continue. His group's output is the fastest of all fantranslations..

>> No.4999797

But he mostly translates nukige. Most of us should be able to play nukige without translations (voice and AGTH+dictionary is usually enough). Nukige is most likely the simplest to translate material.

>> No.4999835

He is translating DDC now, which is less shit than his other stuff, but he doesn't have much choice besides MinDead Blood (or something else Black CYC) next based on his current commissions.

>> No.5000100

Would be nice to see a GSS translation, if only to shut up everyone who wants it
