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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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499817 No.499817 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japanese people dead inside?

is it because of the war, or were they soul-less godless zombies before then?

>> No.499828


what the hell is your problem?

>> No.499836

I have lice

>> No.499832


>> No.499840

What do you mean "dead inside"?
If Japanese people have no humann heart at all, why many non-Japanese watch anime, manga, VN? Are they also dead inside?

>> No.499850

Japanese people can only imitate. Monkey see, monkey do.

They see cartoons, they make cartoons. The socially maladjusted in other nations may react to certain aspects of the japanese culture (such as godlessness and general passive-aggressive adolescent selfish existentialism) because they have their own issues of self, place, morale and cultural isolation.

Ultimately, however, the japs are just parrots.

>> No.499856

Why are American people dead inside?

is it because of the incest, or were they soul-less godless zombies before then?

>> No.499861

I know you are Korean. Crazy Korean, where have you been? I know you went to a loony farm.

>> No.499863


>> No.499868

actually, America as a continent, and the USA as a country, are both overwhelmingly religious.

America is a land of inventors, creativity and freedom.

Japan has invented nothing, created only what America and Europe created first, and their sense of freedom is diluted in self-hatred and bitterness...for the Japanese were only freed when they were forced into freedom after world war two.

If it wasn't for America, the japs would still be living in wood and paper housing. If it wasn't for Europe, the japs would still be in the dark ages, meditating and living off the earth in relative harmony.

>> No.499872

Centuries of being pre-occupied with appearances has left very little but the veneer.

>> No.499883

OK, Korean who write like the person who has inferior complex towards Japan is hated by everybody in 4chan, so you act like stupid AmeriKKKan. It is so easy to find Korean's lies.

>> No.499891

Yeah, see how many people care? Get that shit out of here.

Usual white people's arrogant self-morgue.

>> No.499892

This is why /jp/ is full of shit. Threads like these and morning musume shit.

>> No.499897

just because korea number 1 starcraft you think korea is everything enemy

>> No.499902

actually, China is a nation, and the Chinese as a people, are both overwhelmingly nationalistic.

China is a land of inventors, creativity and freedom.

Japan has invented nothing, created only what China created first, and their sense of freedom is diluted in self-hatred and bitterness...for the Japanese were only freed when they were forced into freedom after world war two.

If it wasn't for China, the japs would still be living in wood and paper housing. If it wasn't for China, the japs would still be in the dark ages, meditating and living off the earth in relative harmony.

>> No.499903

I'm Korean. I hate Japan. Japan sucks. The women are ugly and bucktoothed. The food is terrible.

>> No.499908


Yes, and your own inferiority complex towards Korea is entirely well-served with a side of that impeccable English skills too. By the way, the idea of "godless" being an inferior term is purely western. You wish this troll was Korean, heck, you could be the one that started this thread.

Seriously, you retard, people here on 4chan sit here and laugh and say shit about niggers and jews, but they don't go out into the real world and believe it. You do. That makes you a retard.

>> No.499906
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>>America is a land of [...] freedom.
You're kidding, right?

>> No.499910
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I'm Korean. I hate Korea. Korean sucks. The women are ugly and bucktoothed. The food is dog.

>> No.499917


Didn't someone write this about niggers on /b/ yesterday?

>> No.499919
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did someone say zombies?

>> No.499924

Dog is tasty. You no Korean. You never taste dog. If taste, say it's good. You're imperialistic jap. Go away please.

>> No.499928

I know that you are typical Korean. Koreans love to be proud of their english. That makes Japanese LOL. Because Japanese are rich enogh not to speak english. Only 3rd world people are proud of their english. You Koreans are just like Africans, LOL.

>> No.499929


I see you there.

You are still lying.

Have you checked Aya Hirano's diary?

>> No.499932
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>> No.499943

Also Korea sucks at everything except making raunchy food and playing starcraft.

>> No.499940

Yeh, like all those poor Germans... They are so undeveloped and poor. Oh, and Holland too, and pretty much any European country outside of slavland....

>> No.499948

Japanese people love Hitler. That is why Japanese hate Black people and people of Jewish descent. That is why you say it's just joke. But you keep repeating it. Japanese are racist.

>> No.499953

Why you can not search the word 韓流 in Aya's diary? You can find zero result in her diary. Why you barbarians are so stupid? Why you stupid Korean love to tell lies?

>> No.499954


Everyone hates niggers and jews though....

>> No.499957
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actually, China is a nation, and the Chinese as a people, are both overwhelmingly nationalistic.

China is a land of inventors, creativity and freedom.

Europeans have invented nothing, created only what China created first, and their sense of superiority is diluted in self-hatred and bitterness...for the Europeans only succeeded by raping the natural resources of the Americas/Africa/Asia and forcing the native peoples of those lands in servitude by force/war.

If it wasn't for China and their inventions in particular their maritime inventions such as the compass, the Europeans would still be living in muck and filth of Europe. If it wasn't for China, the Europeans would still be in their Dark Ages, dieing of the Plague due to filthy conditions of European cities and living off the earth.

>> No.499958

Why you love to tell lies Japanese?

Search her diary.

She says she loves Korea.

>> No.499960

Because Black are stronger? Because Jewish people are more rich? My husband is black and he is very handsome. Is it insecurity? Japanese are racist.

>> No.499962

How do you deal with the smell? Do you just not notice it after a while or what?

>> No.499963

Spoken like a true chink. The Near East >>>> Far East for thousands of years so STFU ignoramus.

>> No.499967

derka derka lol near east

>> No.499972

Yeah, you're a tough guy. We get it.

>> No.499973

White men smell like wet dog.

>> No.499974

>Because Black are stronger?

No, because they commit a vastly disproportionate amount of crime, have awful teen pregnancy, single family, drug abuse rates and so on and blame it all on some mythical 'man'.

>My husband is black and he is very handsome

You're.... living in a dreamworld anonymous, stop projecting.

>> No.499977

If it wasn't for Africa, you would still be a retarded monkey eating shit off the ass of a cow. Brings me such pain to see cultural and technological advancement being wasted on such a pitiful individual such as you, who is only able to attempt to troll people with his words but is otherwise useless.

>> No.499986

So hmmm. Is there anyone else in this thread than us couple of trolls anyway?

>> No.499987

Sub-Saharan Africa (read Negroes - who had nothing to do with Ancient Egypt), achieved nothing, not even developed cultivation of the seed.

>> No.499990



>> No.499991

What about mud huts and getting eaten by lions?

>> No.499998
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>> No.500002


This is actually true.

Look at the average nigger's facial features:

- Snub nose.
- Big ears.
- Fat lips.
- Oval shaped head.

And so on......

>> No.500008

You can search 韓国(korea) in Hirano Aya's diary. If you do not know the word search in Japanese, it is 検索. Now you can search in her diary. There are some articles about Korea, but there is no 男(man, male), 好き(like),or 愛(love)with them. To searh in her diary is so easy. Why don't you search in her diary?

>> No.500010

Urgh, going to take a bit leave from bullshit but you're pretty wrong on that count. People from sub-Saharan Africa were transported to Egypt to be used as slaves and the whole financial might of Egypt is due to them. Also, as times progressed many got their freedom. There was that one nigress pharaoh too, yeaaaah.

>> No.500021

protip: It's cause they're black and fucking lazy.

Almost all developments leading up to civilization were made in the Near East, in Sumer (now Iraq). Expanding from there further on.

Africa just had niggers raping and killing eachother for thousands of years, only difference is now they're being given guns by Europeans.

>> No.500023


Obvious NIGGER is a NIGGER. Enjoy your AIDS.

>> No.500024

Who gives a fuck about Aya Hirano?

>> No.500032

>The course of racial developments in Egyptian history has been backed up by anthropological research. The British anthropologist G.M. Morant produced a comprehensive study of Egyptian skulls from commoner and royal graves from all parts of the Egyptian lands and times. His conclusions were that the majority of the population of Lower Egypt - that is in the Northern part of the country - were members of the (now virtually extinct) Mediterranean White sub-race. In the south (or Upper Egypt) this population pattern was repeated but this time showing a certain percentage of Black admixture (reflecting the proximity of the Nubian settlement). Significantly, Morant found that with the passage of time, the differentiation in skull types between Upper and Lower Egypt became less and less distinct, until ultimately they became indistinguishable - the surest sign of the absorption of the White sub-race into the growing non-White mass. (Race, John R. Baker, Oxford University Press, 1974, page 519).

You niggers sure do like bullshitting.

>> No.500045
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Are you blind? One crazy Korean keep telling Hirano Aya loves Korean.

>> No.500049

>>Almost all developments leading up to civilization were made in the Near East, in Sumer (now Iraq). Expanding from there further on.

Bullshit, stupid. Chinese civilization has zero connection with your Near/Middle East and developed independently. But good try.

And Chinese Civilization > European/Middle Eastern Civilization.

>> No.500051



Who cares about Hirano Aya?

She is stupid Japanese.

>> No.500056


>> No.500057

That one Korean guy does apparently.

>> No.500065

It is you who is stupid. It is you keep saying that Hirano Aya loves Korea. Why you Koreans are so stupid? and Why you can forget about what you have been doing?

>> No.500072

It's pretty cute that you use bullshit page like that for your "proof". The site is full of wankery about white people being worshipped as gods. In conclusion, learn2history faggot and use less white supremacists as source

>> No.500074

Korea had the civilization long before Japan.


Damn Japanese. We had civilizations when you were in caves!

>> No.500082

Mud huts like Africa! Korea = Africa

>> No.500086

>John R. Baker, Oxford University Press, 1974, page 519.

Hahaha, oh wow! John Baker is a 'white supremacist' now? Oxford University Press is 'white supremacist'? That page is just echoing a previous report, the most consummate ever done, you can check out the French Archaeological and Anthropological teams work on the mummies in National Geographic, the former is on JSTOR by the way.

Are you that person who is married to a nigger by the way? Has your animal of a husband corrupted your thoughts with white guilt?

>> No.500087

protip: Japan does not have many caves.

>> No.500088
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>> No.500089

Jesus fuck some weeaboos here are actually completely out of their minds. /b/tards have far superior understanding of history compared to the cunts in this thread, and that's saying something.

>> No.500092

Can't you just proxy to your Uni library to get JSTOR btw?

>> No.500096

Oh wow, so he's the only one whose works are quoted on the page? Protip, even Baker can be wrong. And actually is, and has been proven wrong. That doesn't stop the idiots using his old works as base for their dumbfuckery.

>> No.500097

No we know history and that is niggers were monkey-like back then and still are.

>> No.500108

>And actually is

Afrocentrism is accepted by absolutely no serious Egyptologist of Classicist, I challenge you to find me a serious source published in an accredited journal that makes the case the Ancient Egyptians were black.

Are you a nigger lover?

>> No.500112
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>> No.500113

Japanese are fking crazy!

They are mad!

Crazy Japanese are mad and use photoshop to photoshop pictures of old seoul!

>> No.500122

>Are you a nigger lover?
Is that a trick question?

>> No.500123
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You are just brainwashed by your crazy govenment. Learn the true history of your motherland.

>> No.500127

I am not Korean myself but Seoul was a civilized place.

>> No.500144

It is easy. see

>> No.500155

Hmm I am not Korean but I like Korea.

I think you should respect Korea.

Korea has a lot of history and culture.

>> No.500156
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White people have never invented anything, only taken credit for things the superior races invented.

>> No.500162

It's Afrocentrist to say Egyptians used sub-Saharan Africans as slaves? How about you read some writings of Egyptians for that?
Good starting point: Ancient Records of Egypt by James Henry Breasted. Also the biography of commander Ahmose from 18th dynasty is something worthwhile. But why read some damn books, right? It's far easier to use old shit that's been proven wrong already, right? Seriously, the page you linked (If it was you) had completely bullshit info about the conquering of Americas as well.

>> No.500166

Western countries actually put more into their colonies than they took out.

>> No.500171

By superior races you mean the Arabs then?

If it wasn't the whites it was the arabs that invented stuff. God knows no chinks or niggers made anything.

>> No.500172

>It's Afrocentrist to say Egyptians used sub-Saharan Africans as slaves?

And? Who cares. Niggers were used as slaves, the only thing they've ever been good for. Big fucking deal.

>> No.500180

YES! Good for you to understand the point finally!

>> No.500187

>Hmm I am not Korean but I like Korea.
I remember you wrote this yesterday. Why you Koreans are so stupid? If you tell lies one million times, nobody will love Korea. It is so easy to undersatand. Why you can not undersatand?

>> No.500197

They make shitty slaves, gotta whip them to get them off their ass and away from the chicken and watermelon.

>> No.500202

Egypt would dominate the world if they would have had fried chicken and watermelons at that time though

>> No.500206


You Japanese are crazy.

Everyone hasn't a problem with Korea except Japan.

Japanese uyoku are mad.

Japanese is land of whores (Adult Video).

And so on.

>> No.500207

I read records that they had watermelon. THEY WERE ONE PART AWAY FROM WMDS.

America should invade now just in case they do get fried chicken.

>> No.500266

Why you Koreans keep telling lies? Everybody knows Japanese right wing is yakuza and there are too many Koreans in yakuza. And Japanese women are rich enough. They do not have to do porn job. but Koreans are poor enogh to do porn. It is easy to understand.

>> No.500273

>It is easy to understand.

I cannot understand your English anyway!

What is 'right wing'?

Yakuza aren't really Koreans.

Japanese women like AV, most Japanese schoolgirl has dreams of becoming AV idol.

>> No.500297

This is the site of one Korean newspaper in Japanese. it says Korean whores demonstrate to have the right to be prostitute. If you can not read kanji 売春 means prostitution.

>> No.500305


They are minority.

If you ask 16 year old schoolgirl in Japan if she want to do porn video, she say 'yes!'

No shame!

