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4998166 No.4998166 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/

what's the fastest way to learn moonspeak/runes?

pic related in that i dont wanna have to wait for VN translations.

>> No.4998171

Heisig or kanjidicks + SRS

>> No.4998174

>what's the fastest way to learn moonspeak

Skip the runes.

Japanese is actually an extremely easy language. It's the writing system that's hard.

>> No.4998176

get out of here stalker

>> No.4998189

how can i read VN's if i skip the runes?

besides, it would be fun if i could browse their half of the interwebs.

>> No.4998192
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, 1271015964990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Then you just need a program to convert all the kanji and stuff into romaji.

>> No.4998196

>how can i read VN's if i skip the runes?

Get a japanese friend, have them read them out loud for you.

Tell them to do the voices too.

>> No.4998212

Thanks, i'll look into the software mentioned.

anything else?

>> No.4998217


This is a good way to practice hiragana and katakana. I suggest going through the lessons and writing all of it out though. It doesn't take too long for you to learn these and once you do you can build on it from there.

>> No.4998282

thx dawg

>> No.4998336

Well, start by going to http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar and read through everything there and take notes. It will also tell you about the kana, which you should be able to learn within a few hours. The grammar part isn't the most exciting thing you can do, but it will be extremely helpful, and going through that guide while taking notes is probably the fastest way to get it down and stop feeling like a complete retard whenever you try reading something in Japanese.

Secondly, go to http://kanji.gotdns.com/ and download Anki. Make it your goal to get through all the kanji there, and memorize them with the help of Anki. Time-consuming, but you can do it at your own pace, and when you have mastered the important ones, the language will suddenly be easy. You won't need much more vocabulary after this, other than the stuff you'll just absorb automatically since you have kanji to associate them with, so you mainly just need to get used to the language at this point. So..

Thirdly, read. I think the ideal thing is to find an untranslated VN and use AGTH, which allows you to copy and paste anything you don't understand into a dictionary (I use JWPce as my dictionary, not really sure if it's the best one, but it works). Another option if you're not completely comfortable with the kanji are manga targeted at younger demographics, as they will usually have furigana. If you are completely comfortable with the kanji, you can just read whatever you want, you don't need suggestions from me anymore at that point.

Those steps don't have to be followed strictly, but prioritizing them in that order will probably be most effective.

>> No.4998371
File: 478 KB, 1197x1906, 1253332343321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4998436

Ох уж эти обходные пути...никакие левые проги не помог выучить быстро. Прога Канжи в романжи вообще смешная.
В общем, надо выучить каны (в особенности, хирагану) для начала. Это пару дней даже для кривой памяти. Потом приходится вызубрить пару сотен для базы. Потом, почитав немного грамматики, можно начинать пытаться что-то читать, выписывая незнакомые иероглифы. Дорога адская, но ничего не поделаешь тут.
Вот эта книга весьма неплоха для начинающих, даёт общий обзор яп. языка и весьма просто с ней выучить первых пару сот Канжи. Её можно добыть в Москве. Также я её уже видел на торрентс.ру (рутрекере.орг).
А вообще, чтобы хоть как-то сносно читать, только раз в пару минут заглядывая в словарь, надо хотя бы 1000 иероглифов помнить + основные канго (иероглиф. сочетания) с ними. И ничего с этим не сделать. Также очень хорошая прога (просто яп. редактор текста) - NJStar Japanese WP, тоже есть на торрентс.ру . Она ОЧЕНЬ помогает. Из иероглиф. словарей бы посоветовал Фальдман-Конрад'а словарь. Дороговато, но очень сильный словарь.

>> No.4998448

В JWPce есть охуительный словрь, с бумагой забешься.

>> No.4998454

Also, this. Tho VN are hard to start reading from...

btw, where is that pic from?

>> No.4998466

Ну что тут сказать, я не всегда в городе сижу, иногда еду в глубинку, там телевизоров-то нету, какой интернет.
Да и поиск в бумажном словаре тоже очень быстр. Надо просто привыкнуть, а этот навык тоже только в +
Но за прогу спасибо, поищу.

>> No.4998470

AGTH + translation aggregator with kana support

>> No.4998474

One question about this one, does TA pick up text instantly like ATLAS?

>> No.4998481

I remember reading a long time ago about this lady that learned Spanish unconsciously, although she knew a little bit before hand she struggle with it.
then she was caught in a car accident and was in a coma for a long time, when she woke up she could speak it fluently,
doctors theorized that her mind was subconsciously taking in spanish from doctors nurses and patients speaking while she was in a comma.
I don't remember wether this was in spain or mexico
hell i can't find the article no more
for all i know it can just be flim flam
but damn if it was true that would be pretty interesting, considering the many implications that kind of situation brings up.

>> No.4998604

i lold

>> No.4998658

rosetta stone?

>> No.4999703

where can I download AGTH from? The offical site actually doesn't really exist.


>> No.4999735


Within 3 months you can learn the kanji. ALL of them. After that, just fuck around on Japanese sites and you'll be fluent in no time. It's easy as hell.

>> No.4999931

Saved all the links ITT

>> No.4999969

post if you thought that it's Rin on OP's pic

>> No.4999974

That isn't rin?

>> No.5000041

It _is_ Rin. (Fanart, though)

>> No.5000081

Not OP here, but I'm starting Japanese at my Uni next fall

anyone have experience with taking Japanese at Uni?

>> No.5002794

so it is Rin after all
cool fanart. tho...glasses?

>> No.5003892

So he's trying to read FHA? Good choice, waiting for the translation to finish would probably take a good deal longer.

>> No.5003931


Yes. Don't believe the people who say you don't learn anything from classes. Having structured learning from teachers who are native speakers is very helpful, especially in the beginning.
