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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 289 KB, 700x978, 1262429006982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4996921 No.4996921 [Reply] [Original]

New thread, old one sucks

hosting, japan, fake tier

tutorial for beginners

>> No.4996950


>> No.4996952

cant connect, try me at

>> No.4996966

cant connect to ip help

>> No.4996987

/jp/ seems intent on trollan tonight instead of playing games

>> No.4996993

Why do you idiots always start threads without an IP?
It's not like people are any less likely to do all sorts of nefarious things to your IP address if it's the first or second post in the thread.

>> No.4997003
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>> No.4997042
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>> No.4997119
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>> No.4997399

Where's the real thread.

>> No.4997707


hosting bras!

>> No.4997755

Current version v1.10
More info at http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

>> No.4998567

Tell me if it ain't working

>> No.4998578

It doesn't work

>> No.4998605

A hundred times this.

>> No.4999156

Hosting: EU

>> No.4999169

Can't connect. Don't tell me someone already joined?

>> No.4999176

well it would tell you if someones in if it lets you spectacle.

>> No.4999181

Spectating works whimsically with me. I don't know why.

>> No.4999195

well i tried i dont see his host either fff and i wanted to play anyone. well hopefully a scrub since im low tier too.

>> No.4999361 [DELETED] 

Low tier player looking for US hosts.

>> No.4999376

Bump for a host. Taking it easy with Sanae.

Su are you around?

>> No.4999431

Alright, let's do this

>> No.4999443

Doing it wrong.


>> No.4999463


>> No.4999472

>> No.4999492

Damnit, that was fast. You guys need to stop camping in the netplay thread.

>> No.4999505

Hosting both 12.3 and IaMP / :7500
US Midwest

>> No.4999514

>> No.4999561


>> No.4999588

GGs. Seems Reisen and Sakuya are weak against each other's corner traps.

>> No.4999589

No chance, Youmu's too strong. I have to use a random character, not my main, to beat her. What?
Why didn't you play the other characters like Youmu? Aren't they fast enough? I just can't hit Youmu well in air, --> am hit myself. I don't know why it worked so well with Reimu.
Let's not talk about Suwako, very nice games.

>> No.4999592

5m get


>> No.4999593

Good games p1, those rings are deceptively huge.


>> No.4999639


i wish we had this shit on the other boards ;_;

>> No.4999648

Our meido has banning powers? I love you meido

>> No.4999652


>> No.4999657


>> No.4999659


silly /b/ should know /jp/ doesn't move as quick as their board

>> No.4999660
File: 85 KB, 323x286, kotori_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killing spree

>> No.4999665


>> No.4999667
File: 536 KB, 1280x720, 1265000391599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two bans in five minutes...
The presence of a moderator in /jp/... This is unsettling.
I will watch warmly until this strange visitor with his imposing might isn't here to invoke fear and awe before me.

>> No.4999680 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 200x331, charaqo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely an autoban script, useless threads delete very quickly

>> No.4999699 [DELETED] 

Tbh I was starting to get lazy after these rounds of patchouli/yuyuko/[insert slow char] when I randomed her, I was not really in the mood (and haven't had my deck).
I also play Reisen from time to time, but switching characters is really not making me any good, so I preferred not to play her.
With her I like to do 5AAA 236B TK'd j2A 2C (repeat) as a corner blockstring. It's kinda tight and eats spirit quite well.
If you want to hit Youmu in the air, I think it's better to use a high priority normal such as j6A. It's a lot harder to aim because it's slow and stuff, but Reisen's j6A will always win against Youmu's j5A.

>> No.4999713

Tbh I was starting to get lazy after these rounds of patchouli/yuyuko/[insert slow char] when I randomed her, I was not really in the mood (and haven't had my deck).
I also play Reisen from time to time, but switching characters is really not making me any good, so I preferred not to play her.
With her I like to do 5AAA 2C 236B TK'd j2A (repeat) as a corner blockstring. It's kinda tight and eats spirit quite well.
If you want to hit Youmu in the air, I think it's better to use a high priority normal such as j6A. It's a lot harder to aim because it's slow and stuff, but Reisen's j6A will always win against Youmu's j5A

>> No.4999726

Hey! Why do people keep using my Sanae palette? There's plenty for everyone!

>> No.4999727

you're mean no wonder no one likes tenshi ;_;

>> No.4999728

Probably because of this >>4993894 thread
>the only way you stem the tide of awful shit is active and visible moderation

>> No.4999729

5m get


>> No.4999740

There's the problem with the inputs.
As you may have noticed, I used it a lot against Youmu, but unless you're near the corner and I can shoot a rocket after, it just keeps you away for a second.

>> No.4999751

I love you new mod. But I still love meido-san the most. What should I do? What should I do?
Say, are you meido-san promoted to a mod?

>> No.4999762
File: 174 KB, 576x711, FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always happy to see visible moderation!

>> No.4999841

Alright I give.
You're massacring me
I suck

>> No.4999895 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 300x400, 512193-th075meirin01_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my chinese is improving.

>> No.4999904

I'd say you're fluent enough

>> No.4999920

GGs. I'd think up something to say, but my commenting and advice giving skills are completely nonexistent, ugh, sorry.

>> No.5000015

Just found out that Komachi's surprisingly a great character. ._.

>> No.5000275

>surprisingly a great character

Where have you been since last year? Komachi took the same shit-tier-to-BEAST-MODE transformation Patchi did in IaMP, and all it took was some faggot to show her air game reigns supreme.

>> No.5000339

>implying patchouli is good in swr

>> No.5000357

Never implied Patchi was good now, only IaMP, she was fucking beastly

>> No.5000381

10 minuts tier

>> No.5000414

Oh god counter hits everywhere.
Great games Akagi that was really fun.

>> No.5000429

Patchouli is the third worst character in Iamp next to Yuyuko and Meiling.

>> No.5000440
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x857, 1271085793465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for bearing with me, Duckator. I think it's the last time you'll see me playing with Sanae, I'll keep her for opponents with my level, because I obviously can't do anything worthwile with her against someone better than me. You always do a lot of stuff based on reaction, I swear that's what I lack. And the few times I want to do something reactively, you do it half a second before me. Hopefully, Suika's dial A saves me a lot of trouble... Thank you for hosting.

>> No.5000452
Sweden, masochist-tier.

>> No.5000455

Tbh I never player with Komachi before, just checked her out in practice mode once and then left.
Now I've noticed that 236B + 22B and eventually 2C is a good move, didn't know about the buff from SWR.

>> No.5000478


>> No.5000680 [DELETED] EU.
I won't be playing for very long, just a few games.

>> No.5000686 EU.
I won't be playing for very long, just a few games.

>> No.5000893

GGs Anarmar, gotta go now.

>> No.5000930


Holy Jesus OP, what unholy union is pictured in your image?

Hakurei....Marisa? Reimu....Kirisame?

I am confus!

>> No.5001066

Eurofags should be on about now, so bumping for hosts

>> No.5001119

Will you accept an Amerikkkan job-skipper instead?
US Central

It's my birthday, so get your free licks tier

>> No.5001155

Happy birthday, e-man

>> No.5001162
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best tier

>> No.5001168

'preciate that. NOW PLAY ME!!

>> No.5001381

I'd like some matches after you're done your current set, E-MAN

>> No.5001427

Fa sho!

>> No.5001572

GGs, e-man. I pressed b but got hit by that reversal anyway LOL.

>> No.5001585

GGs p1

Man, you have those corner staggers just right. Couldn't do shit to get out the corners. Although, you sandbagged me during the Sakuya matches, when you thoroughly destroyed her the last time we played. Thanks for the matches.

REHOSTING >>5001119

>> No.5001594

Not set up properly? Let me know when you're ready again.

>> No.5001595

Whoops, I didn't config my pad, gimme a sec

>> No.5001599

Done and done, lets roll

>> No.5001620

Guess I just won't play you anymore, then. There's no way you could've gotten better, right?
Sakuya and Reisen is the kind of fight where whoever gets the other person in the corner first wins. If you get better outside the corner, of course the match will tilt in your favor. I was more focused on catching your airtechs, since that's all you do.

>> No.5001740

GGs, Mungay
I though you would main Tenshi.
Your Komachi is all about cross ups and there's no way to defend against it. (hitting me from behind when I stand in the corner should be impossible, but no).
At least your pillar that slows me down (whatever it's called) lost it's effect after after a few matches.
Reisen's stuff was just too straight and easy to read and dodge, playing random yielded better results. I mean Alice? (and it was the dolls from behind which made the difference).
I enjoyed the random matches, too.

>> No.5001935

EU Sweden
I'm testing spellcards in multiplayer tier

Also interested in checking if my router is set up correctly.

>> No.5001966

GGs indeed, AoA.
>I though you would main Tenshi.
I feel kinda stupid now.
Cross ups everywhere, that's what I live for, nah, I think I tend to overuse them quite a lot though, and I'll probably get raped for it sooner or later.
And yeah, the pillar thing... I'm actually not sure how to use it properly, even though I've had it since I started using Komachi.
The Reisen games, let's just say I never touched her, I want to forget that I even tried.
But anyway, some of the random games were really nice, and I even think I'll have a look at picking up Tenshi because of them

Hope to fighting you again in the future, and I'll definitely train my randoms more until then as well.

>> No.5002154


Closing down. Getting late and I mostly just wanted to see if it worked. (Didn't spot anyone joining so either not many looking for hosts or something was indeed wrong)

>> No.5002197

I tried to join maybe 5-10mn ago, I thought you had closed (maybe you did). I'll try to join once more if you want.

>> No.5002228
Canadian Connection Test tier

>> No.5002238

Hahaha! Happy Birthday E-MAN. My poor bubbles. They do nothing. Also, that was a really close ending to the Alice/Patchy match, for a second there I thought I had you. I hope you noticed that I've been practicing the Komachi AAA 6B 6C 236B combo that you told me about, it's a lot harder to get the last hit out correctly in a real match although a nice alternative is to use 214B in corners.

>> No.5002253

Does not work

>> No.5002260

>FFFFFFFFFFF Connection Tier

>> No.5002263

Someone else try hostan ;_;

>> No.5002289

rehosting, same conditions

>> No.5002292

I guess. I just noticed the spike in your tenacity. I actually enjoy fighting, but I'd rather have you come at me IRC-tier so I can learn as well.

Although, it's not like I ever do...;_;

GGs Rabbit

Holy crap, what a clusterfuck of random those matches were! You were extra spry today in the Komachi mirrors, couldn't 2A loop you at all. Just a heads up, puchblocking Sakuya = BAD IDEA! It just gives me the spacing I need to not get hit while I throwing out more knives! What was up with Bubblechouli? Incredibly fun and impromptu comboing matches, as always. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5002322 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 421x500, ce2dce11f4505bc3ac902d6ef7228297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always just go to the IRC and ask for some matches.

>> No.5002320

Noticed? I ate almost every last one of them! Meanwhile, I flubbed every BnB and basically squandered every blockstring chance I got. Didn't help I was distracted from all different directions here at home either.

Thanks for the well wishes, bro.

>> No.5002332

Glad you had fun, as I made the decks while you were playing profile1p. It's back to regularly scheduled decks and tactics after today, although it was fun trying to see how many guard crushes into dragon punch I could pull off. Dem bubbles are game winners don't you know?

>> No.5002336 [DELETED] 


>> No.5002340
File: 105 KB, 421x500, ce2dce11f4505bc3ac902d6ef7228297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always just go to the IRC for matches once in a while. It wouldn't kill you!

Also, happy birthday.

>> No.5002354

It's just not fun being accused of trolling or sandbagging. Amount of offense does not equate to amount of effort spent. I can't figure out what you're going to or how to go about dealing with it if I'm constantly pressing buttons. The point where I figured it out was that 'change of tenacity' you noticed.

>> No.5002397

Then my bad of accusing you of sandbagging then. Hard to see a method to your madness being anything other than "Yawn, let's see how many rockets I can hit him with from full screen lol", if you can see that from my point of view.

>> No.5002470

so hidoii /jp/ don't even want to play me ;_;

>> No.5002488

GGs Kefir, fun games.
(are you named after this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kefir))

>> No.5002500

Then stop going afk after hosting.

>> No.5002544

shitty connection lol

>> No.5002573


Shitty connection tier rehosting, then, still EC, it was actually good for me, anon, what are you talking about.

>> No.5002603 [DELETED]

My connection has been throwing a goddamn fit lately so I want to find out if anybody can connect to me. Please let me know.

And in the event someone does connect, I'm absolutelyterriblestilllearninghowtoplay tier.

>> No.5002606 hosting EU
As you guys like tiers so much:
"this is the first time i host a game on /jp/" tier

>> No.5002799


Gotta go. GG's, like always I run into stupid shit all the time like a retard. And I can't pressure enough.

>> No.5002803

Ggs to whoever I played. Don't see a lot of reisens

>> No.5002987
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hosting, canada west, win tier

>> No.5003058


>> No.5003390

Good games!

>> No.5003411

someone host

>> No.5003447


Thanks, GGs. I typically start doing better the more rounds I play. But this time, it seemed like I was getting progressively getting worse. x3

>> No.5003617

I downgraded to the "Its almost 3 AM here" tier

>> No.5003637


>> No.5004184

ggs. Never thought Tenshi was so annoying. Going to bed...

>> No.5004212
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>Never thought Tenshi was so annoying.

>> No.5004345

What are Alice's best cards?

>> No.5004385

Great, now I'm gonna have a hard time getting to sleep with that face pictured in my head. Thanks

>> No.5004531
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hosting, canada west, duel tier

>> No.5005023
File: 329 KB, 1000x1412, 1256566279779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, www. Some of those matches were quite silly.

>> No.5005085

Good games, not srs today it seems

>> No.5005117

Anyone hosting?

>> No.5005132
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West Coast, somewhat inadequate

>> No.5005149


>> No.5005162
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Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone?

>> No.5005307 [DELETED] 


>> No.5005343


Does beating up scrubs make you feel any better?

>> No.5005398

ggs vita

>> No.5005414
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, darkmoonice.

I wouldn't call anyone that I play scrubs.

Purely coincidental.

>> No.5005417

Up for a few more?

>> No.5005451

Uh, sure. Rehosting: >>5005132

>> No.5005465


>> No.5005539

EC, bad tier

>> No.5005562


sup 07

>> No.5005625



>> No.5005677


G_G Guy.

I just wanted to see by myself if the rumors were true.

>> No.5005680
File: 149 KB, 866x889, 1256564975428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Nipah. No one but Nipah read this: one-inch punch is part of a frame-trap. If you block it, don't (DON'T) try to attack me afterwards. You'll get hit every time.

Cirno mirrors are silly, though. Guess the 5C: the game.

>> No.5005691



>> No.5005704


>> No.5005975
File: 4 KB, 270x270, 3810385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I was spectating Rabbit vs guu. I'm sorta soku'd out for now, though.

>> No.5007045

bump 4 us hosts at 3-6am

>> No.5007084 [DELETED] 

One of these sites offers pharmacy FOR FREE today! Find the right site and order pharmacy you need for free. To visit site list click on the picture. [url=http://pharma.search-im-america.com/search.php?q=buy+cialis][img]http://pharma.search-im-americ

>> No.5007166

Anybody up for a game?

>> No.5007315
Canada East
Marisa Ass Extravaganza.

>> No.5007357

Way too much lag. Rehosting.

>> No.5007361

Good choice. I'm WAY out of your league.

>> No.5007369

Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment? Sorry, it's early.

>> No.5007374

A compliment. I don't think I can do much against your Marisa. Fuck, I'm still new at this

>> No.5007382

Ah. If you're new, you just need more experience mostly. Keep at it.

>> No.5007403

Well, I guess It's true...
So, one more time?

>> No.5007469

Hosting, EU

>> No.5007492
File: 581 KB, 750x1000, 34d8fef22422e8bab0ed5d56162371adaa5bb541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study frame data. you'll never get good until you do. this is a hardcore game.

>> No.5007535

Is there even frame data out for this game? I've never seen any.

>> No.5007536

Oh God I feel raped.
I hope It was somewhat fun

>> No.5007557

If you don't know yet

>> No.5007585

All of it is on the wiki. Did you even bother to check it before starting playing?

>> No.5007599
File: 24 KB, 300x273, 1266946402321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5007610

Not all of it.
Only a few wikis are even remotely up to date for frame data. A lot of them still have old SWR data left over. Unless you play Yukari, then you have everything you need.

>> No.5007695

I really doubt the wiki isn't up to date. Which character hasn't been updated yet? Also I don't know how many wiki websites about soku you know, but I only know about one.

>> No.5007721

Eh, I'll try my hand at hosting. Hopefully it works as I've tried to port forward this shit.

If not, them's the breaks.

USA West, Dogshit Tier

>> No.5007728

doesn't work

>> No.5007729

Nope. Did you check both your router and windows firewall (if it's on)?

>> No.5007730


Fuck. What am I doing wrong.

>> No.5007733

GGs, even when I'm not really randoming it still hurts.

>> No.5007739 west coast

>> No.5007745
File: 6 KB, 39x64, Ibsc10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- GGs.

>> No.5007753


Configured it with my Firewall already.


Rehosting, let's see if it will work again. If not, I give up lol.

>> No.5007765

Doesn't work. Why don't you forward port 10800 or 7500?

>> No.5007772


Tried that last time, didn't work.

Either I'm missing a step, or I don't know what else. Only successful port forwarding I did was making utorrent work lol.

>> No.5007781

anybody hosting?

>> No.5007847

>dogshit tier
ha. ha.

>> No.5007903

ggs lolwat, fun matches

>> No.5007931 [DELETED] 

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Подробности только по этому мэйлу qazew@inbox.ru
Тема письма: Хочу начать
Текст письма: Имя, номер ICQ

>> No.5007937

it's not fucking rocket science man. figure out which local ip your router is giving to your computer (cmd.exe -> ipconfig), then forward port 10800 to that ip in your router panel. then, host a game on that port.

also make sure the port and application are allowed in any firewalls you have running, possibly even windows firewall.

>> No.5007970
File: 504 KB, 683x512, 1262625214136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5008026

got what

>> No.5008028


>> No.5008153


EU Sweden
I'm testing spellcards in multiplayer tier

Looked all over the router and firewall settings, so I just hope those 10055 errors on sockets come from trying to connect to hosts who already quit.

>> No.5008159


>> No.5008165

Not working for me. Unless you're already playing and didn't allow spectating.

>> No.5008239

Hosting, EU
I have no idea if this will work tier.

>> No.5008251


No, completely empty here. Wonder what could be wrong then.

Is there any chance that having patched it with weather patch then followed with English patch could have caused any problems?

My local IP matches the forwarded port's target IP, the port is 10800. Firewall also allows my th123e.exe to access the internet, as well as has port 10800 open.

Starts to seem like there is some rocket scientist level on this.

>> No.5008304

that's odd. it could be some small thing you're overlooking, never know. you should try completely disabling your firewall, just to test.

post a screeny of your routers port forwarding page for starters :z

>> No.5008351
File: 37 KB, 1219x463, Router.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5008353

Not working. Seriously, you guys are hopeless.

>> No.5008412


Running it once with Firewall off to see if it solves the problem.

>> No.5008441


Noticed it seemed to be running TCP, and changed it to TCP/UDP just in case. Could that have been it? Or is the game just relying on TCP?

>> No.5008447


>> No.5008456

Thanks for joining. Seems like it is working now.

>> No.5008460

Congratulations, it works.

>> No.5008474

Ok, lets try this for real once.

EU Sweden

Now with firewall back up, just to make sure it works with it on as well.

>> No.5008534

haha. i was going to mention that, but figured you were using 'both' anyways. it's udp, not tcp, so both would work, but that probably explains why it didn't work on tcp.

>> No.5008580

>> No.5008585


>> No.5008592

GGs. Your Sakuya is scary.
Seriously, what are my options to get out of your press? I prefer not to think about blocking your high/low mixup correctly, and my dp seems to whiff on your 6A. Is border escape the only decent option?

>> No.5009234
File: 429 KB, 750x750, 8555682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Mungay! Damn, it looks like I was too violent with my arcade stick, I can't perform 623 anymore... I really hope nothing too bad happened to it because it's the only one I have. Fuck! Anyways, these were really fun games, I think it was the first time I played Sanae so many times in a row, I could test a whole lot of different stuff, it was really interesting. Damn, I need to learn how to avoid these 5AAAA + spellcard combos. Thank you for hosting! I'm now going to open my arcade stick and see what horrible things I have done to the joystick...

>> No.5009367

Ah, so that's what happened. I keep an extra gamepad lying around, just in case something happens to my other one. Anyway, I kept eating your well-placed Kanakos and kept thinking that It would be possible to graze through the Suwako trap thing, but damn. you seem to be much more cautious and patient than I am, and sometimes I wonder if I might be too aggressive in my play, as I sometimes keep up with my offense even though I'm clearly in need of defense after having lost my pressure and stuff.
That was also the first time I played China for that long in a row, feels kinda refreshing since I tend to use Komachi all the time, now over to start using my Sakuya more seriously and I'm all set.
Anyway, great games as always, and good luck with your arcade stick.

>> No.5009475
File: 6 KB, 145x145, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good luck with your arcade stick
It's dead! 1 2 and 3 directions don't work anymore. Feels bad man... I noticed that it wasn't doing well lately with 623, but it just gave up the ghost. I'm sad.

>> No.5009677 EC

>> No.5009930

Well that was a lot of fun, thanks anon, have to agree, alice was frustrating me for a while there, lol.

>> No.5009934

Typhoon wins enjoyable? That's just lame, man. Other than that, GG, though I have no idea how to play against the UNL characters, since I haven't played against them much. No one seems to play as Utsuho or Suwako around here.

>> No.5009935
central US

>> No.5009944

lol, I was amused at you stopping playing during phoon, seriously, either hit hard or hitstun, it's not that hard.

>> No.5009949

>Utsuho player
>implying Typhoon is no big deal

>> No.5009960

>disregarding the fact I played him with half the cast before using okuu

And okuu is slow as fuck, easy target, etc.

>> No.5009967

There's a difference between playing agressive and just straight out stupid. Just saying, as the most impressive players (in my opinion) are those who manage to plow through anything in a violent rush of rape and bloodlust.

>> No.5009968

I'm not saying Okuu is imbalanced overall. Just that I don't play in Typhoon normally, let alone against the character with twice the damage output of everyone else.

>> No.5009971
File: 312 KB, 600x783, 1256564277832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one seems to play as Utsuho or Suwako around here.

I am okay with this.

lolphoon vs Okuu isn't too bad if you have a character that can create a lot of hitstun, like Sakuya with her B knives, Tenshi with her rock drills, or even Alice with her 22s. Alternatively, you can pick Meiling and Sky Dragon Kick all over the place.

>> No.5009973


Can you host again? I was spectating and wanna play you.

>> No.5009985

I would agree to this, if yuyuko didn't exist, honestly I was fine with 1.03 okuu, she was ridiculous tier slow, but still manageable, oh right, but Suika 1.03 XDXDXD.

Apparently Remi is topper tier than yuyuko, where you at remi /jp/ players?

Anyways, back to phoons, I honestly think that if you get damaged by okuu in said weather, it's your fault, seriously, you could just poke and dash, if I 3A the recovery is ridiculous you have time to projectile me for more damage, why am I sayign this? because I know everyone here will still ignore and bumrush for me to happy trigger 5a

>> No.5009989

Oh, sure anon, what char?

>> No.5010007
File: 1.40 MB, 1049x1510, 0c5613d7bbdaf54705902a26f8d8e5ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hisouten threads sure are populare these days, I remember them dying out just a couple of weeks ago; new reqruits?


>> No.5010008

>Apparently Remi is topper tier than yuyuko, where you at remi /jp/ players?
Same guy here, I play her occasionally, as you saw, but I've never managed to unlock the secret to tourneyfagging with her. All I can really do is a bunch of cheap 6D j.2A crossups.

>> No.5010013

one word


>> No.5010050

I've always wanted to learn to play her. Can anyone give me a rundown on what skill and spell cards are good on her?

>> No.5010072


>baww bob beat me bawwww

>> No.5010081 [DELETED]

>> No.5010112

Shit tier here. Please be gentle.

>> No.5010127
File: 1016 KB, 793x1000, 1256566493909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes down to personal taste. Default 214 is pretty much the only effective graze attack she has, but the start-up is ass. It wallbounces on CH, which can lead to some decent combos. Descending Flower slam is a good finisher for aerial combos if you have a hard time executing her normal aerials, and the ATATATATATA 214 is good because you can link it from 2A.

Sky Dragon Kick can give decent damage combos, but they're situational until SDK is level 4; it's good at pegging people who fly around without bullet cover, but it can be punished without too much difficulty. The default stomp I haven't found much use for, and the Earth Dragon Wave helps some of Meiling's bullet issues. Her 236s aren't all that great in my experience, but the shard whirlwind one can be useful, while the Tai Ji Quan is fun to mess around with.

Finally, for 623, her default has decent reach for anti-air when you level it up, but it's still not as good overall as a DP. One-inch punch is my favorite skill in the game, and great for trolling, while Tiger's Strength still isn't that good.

Spells-wise, again, it's personal taste, but recommended ones are: 2card rainbow punches for good damage return, 3card Earth & Sky Dragon Kick for damage, surprise crush, and surprise air-unblockable, 5card "omae wa mo shindeiru" for style, and 5card ki ball for 2A connections. That's about it; enjoy being frustrated.

>> No.5010147

Still hostan here. I either disconnected by accident, or whoever connected did.

>> No.5010177

>> No.5010182

Why people never recommend Youmu's system card for Meiling?
It's great, It can chain a dial-a into another dial-a and into it again, or in any spellcard/skillcard, it builds up some pretty nice damage quickly

>> No.5010201
File: 221 KB, 582x617, 18704431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm uncreative.

>> No.5010232

Sorry Sabby, have to go, had fun, dude, ggs

>> No.5010269 , EU hosting

Drill tier

>> No.5010273

ggs but im far too drunk to locate the correct buttons

>> No.5010280

I just wanted to drill you, done.

>> No.5010284

GGs, but.
>First time playan
I don't believe you.

>> No.5010286


I lol'd hard, thanks for joining,

Rehosting: , EU

>> No.5010293
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1265761366433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west, take it easy tier

>> No.5010297

first time today

>> No.5010298


GGs "Su", either there's an imposter going round or you've really dropped the game a bit...

>> No.5010343
File: 229 KB, 550x250, nekomikoreimu02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5010347

Guess I have, "Qwert", or whoever feels so inclined to know me that well. Disregard those alternate character efforts, as I'm no good with hot-plugging characters, and nothing to mukyu about decks. I don't care about winning, if that's the point of meassure here.

Last time I'm starting a game with a TNBT playlist running; boy that's tragic fighting music.

>> No.5010349

drunken button smash tier

>> No.5010387

Someone host for decent player playing the worst character for the first time.

>> No.5010409
File: 33 KB, 238x257, 1267545240405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man I'm sooo drunk, man. I'm totally drunkkk!
Fancy that.

>> No.5010457

Good games!



>> No.5010465
File: 54 KB, 460x246, Yuyucover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5010465 Hosting from southern Europe! Come quick

>> No.5010478 EU
Stage 3 boss tier

>> No.5010485

>my mom doesnt let me drink LOLITROLU

>> No.5010550

Anyone up?

>> No.5010569

If there's any EU still alive:

>> No.5010578


>> No.5010584

rehostan in a few mins

>> No.5010600
File: 353 KB, 700x583, 8462566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to fix arcade stick more or less. Can now host (probably), because I just realized that
>it's udp, not tcp (>>5008534) EU

Feel free to join from anywhere, testing my connection as a host for the first time. Also tell me if it doesn't work.

>> No.5010605

IRC raid, nothing to see here, let the thread die with them.

>> No.5010606

doesn't work

>> No.5010614

up for a few more

>> No.5010646 Euro

>> No.5010651

GGs, It's been a long time since I fought a good komachi. I had a lot of fun.

>> No.5010657

ggs adidi or whatever it was

>> No.5010672

Wow, getting drill raped feels awesome, and it's really fun as well. Anyway, hope I managed to satisfy as little more than a midnight snack, looking forward to fighting getting raped by you in the future.

>> No.5010704

too many euros

>> No.5010726

He fucking loves you, for crying out loud.

>> No.5010730

He loves fucking you, for crying out loud.

>> No.5010752


>> No.5010760
File: 332 KB, 870x633, 93dc7ed3938313dd0b0171a9f1c3e873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just crossed the line, punk.

>> No.5010774
File: 281 KB, 420x600, 1268533079522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun games, S L A S H, I think it's the first time I fight you. Where are you from? I'm asking that because of the connection, which was definitely okay (for me at least).

>> No.5010781

I'm Swedish.
And yes, I agree, the connection was really good

>> No.5010800


Good games! But ive had my fill for now

>> No.5010801

Meiling, not so good. GGs, though.

>> No.5010804
File: 310 KB, 787x787, 1255725306326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast, laughable tier

>> No.5010842

I knew you were guy.

>> No.5010847

That was fast. Good game, p1p; I sure did screw up a lot.

I haven't seen a Reisen buff deck in a little while, though. Rehosting.

>> No.5010857
File: 6 KB, 320x310, Pylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she have a pylon on her dress?

>> No.5010873

Additional pylons

>> No.5010894

fuck off aldaris

>> No.5010900
File: 190 KB, 947x1280, 1256564328577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I follow your logic.

>> No.5010907

Why are these threads getting so tourneyfag these days even though a lot of new players are playing? IRC tier should stay in IRC

>> No.5010921

Get out scrub dev.

>> No.5010931

It's less about tiers and more about "hurr, we bully /jp/ XDD".

>> No.5010940

Dimglow is the only tourneyfag I've seen on here in the past week. If you mean people who are decent just because they've been playing since SWR came out, then fuck off.

>> No.5010948

>Don't mind me. I've never actually been on irc to tell.

>> No.5011001

>they've been playing since SWR came out
And not even that. Guy and I only started playing when 12.3 first came out, and Guy was tearing up nearly everyone here before I guess he bit the bullet and went to the IRC channel or something. Not sure why he's pretending to be someone else now unless it's an attempt to cut off being associated with #hisouten.

>> No.5011070

He got it right, though, so who cares about logic?

Durr identity faggotry argh burns.

>> No.5011126

Cuz he's a tourneytroll assbandit

>> No.5011155

Any open games?

>> No.5011162

Guy is actually pretty fun to play. Other tourneyfags take things way too serious

>> No.5011232
File: 176 KB, 450x600, 1256564380236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Harlaown.

I'm so goddamn overrated that I thought maybe if I just change my name more people would fight me without having any sort of pre-conceived notion of how good/how bad I am. Of course I should've figured it wouldn't have worked without me changing my IP too.

ilu too

>> No.5011248
File: 615 KB, 1260x1504, 8749081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest

>> No.5011280
File: 380 KB, 700x840, 1257881769815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5011280 East Coast

First Time hosting tier.

>> No.5011326

Maybe you shouldn't have changed your name to the same one you USE ON IRC.
Or use the same cards and play the same way.

>> No.5011336

Oh wow, Duckator got pretty good with Yukari.

>> No.5011478
File: 9 KB, 142x226, 9845925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the event that any europeans would still be awake,

>> No.5011568

GG Duckator. Sorry for the sudden quit. My comp decided to crap out on me. You're really good. I didn't stand a chance lol. Anyways I'm done for the night.

>> No.5011595

Gay ass Faggots.

>> No.5011609
File: 219 KB, 496x376, 1261632490528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo where all da est coast hostin @

>> No.5011667


How bout you host, bro?

>> No.5011679
File: 68 KB, 200x207, 1259007826570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo son why don't you teach my how to forward them ports then we'll talk.

>> No.5011703

Jesus Christ, what is with all the fucking retards in /jp/ lately? It's not like port forwarding is some advanced networking.

>> No.5011715

Then why not bestow some wisdom onto the plebeian masses who go outside and get laid?

>> No.5011720

Sheeeee, that's what Google's for, kinfolk! G'on look dat shit up!

>> No.5011721


Teach us then, oh mighty internet sage.

>> No.5011725

lol u host

>> No.5011747

trolls trollin trolls trollin trolls trollin trolls trollin trolls...

>> No.5011758

/jp/ has always been full of retards.

>> No.5011762
File: 41 KB, 366x303, 1209258977025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My network won't let me do this.

>> No.5011840

Good games. I'm really not that good, it's just that you never blocked so I got tons of free damage off of you.

And good games to you too Chine. Sorry for quitting so soon but I couldn't stand playing in slow motion anymore.


>> No.5011852
File: 540 KB, 1024x1200, 1231219623514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting, overrated

>> No.5011869

Too laggy for me. gg anyway.

>> No.5011874 Shithole
/jp/ tier.
Yes, I know. Shit tier connection.

>> No.5011885
File: 226 KB, 600x600, 4742318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs, the idler. unfortunately, it was getting kinda spiky as the matches went on (or was that just me?)

>> No.5011891

Didn't know you meant that bad...

>> No.5011895

GGs, Duckator.

>> No.5011908
File: 225 KB, 591x874, 0a8bd8edadb3109eb88c42554f0722d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, might just be that it's 5:30 AM... I had hard time thinking what to do, my brain not cooperating with me.

Btw, from your IP, I'll assume you're finnish as well?

>> No.5011918 [DELETED] 

Good games p1, I could tell I was making a lot of mistakes there. It's hard to trying and break old habits.

Hosting again.

>> No.5011919

Oh, and we did have some random lagspikes which ruined some of my inputs, but I think they were there from the beginning.

>> No.5011924

Good games p1, I could tell I was making a lot of mistakes there. It's hard trying to break old habits in the middle of a game.

Hosting again.

>> No.5011938
File: 190 KB, 600x700, 1251917129520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am indeed.
I didn't notice the lagspikes from the start, or at least I can't remember. Could be the sleep deprivation.

>> No.5011962
File: 270 KB, 596x658, f3444278bd65edfdba1a809d9bc5315a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe I'm just remembering wrong because of MY sleep deprivation... Oh well. Maybe we'll get to fight each other again some other time, when we aren't both half-asleep.

>> No.5012123

GGs Not-Guy

That was a sick ass Alice combo at the end there. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5012133
File: 125 KB, 500x714, 1256565746693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game, Yakk. Alice is a tough character to start with, but if you work really hard with her you can get to pull off some really crazy and cool-looking stuff. I'm really bad with her, though.

Good games, E-MAN. I think I managed to screw up almost everything I attempted in those matches, leaving me feeling quite good about myself. Your Sakuya has gotten a bit better, but your Yukari is still 66C/5C/623 lurker style.

>> No.5012157

Yeah, a very crap-tacular Lurker. I don't rely on 623 or 66C enough for my Yukari to be considered "good".

>> No.5012376

GGs. I need to work on my game. Maybe I can practice running into more 623's.

>> No.5012394


>> No.5012412

Good games. I never realized just how bad Yukari's anti-air is until now.

>> No.5012456

>Implying you need anything other than her 623.

>> No.5014483


>> No.5015055

hey wake the fuck up jerks. is this thread dead or what.

>> No.5015166

might go away in a minute tier tier.
