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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4996063 No.4996063 [Reply] [Original]


Why is Japan's birthrate of Japan so low?
At this rate, GLORIOUS EMPIRE OF NIPPON will disappear in few decades

>> No.4996066

pic unrelated

>> No.4996072

we need to fix that *tries to find dick, is 600 pounds*

>> No.4996075

Bitches and whores, etc etc

>> No.4996078

lol wut?

>> No.4996079

pic related and Im gonna slap it real hard!

>> No.4996082


>> No.4996087

You're talking to the bot, broski!

>> No.4996088

Galge. Why would you waste your time on real girls when 2D ones are so superior?

>> No.4996089
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>Why is Japan's birthrate of Japan

Are they supposed to be birthing the country?

>> No.4996093

10/10 great OP impersonation

>> No.4996094

It's called VN

>> No.4996096


>> No.4996098
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>> No.4996107

because otakus and hikkis and NEETs

>> No.4996115

Don't worry. BRs will go there and fuck their women.

>> No.4996122


>> No.4996124

Yeah, the huehueuh guys

>> No.4996133

Too much fapping to 2D

>> No.4996150

japan, italy and germany fucking LOST okay? that's why the birthrates are low there. They have nothing to be proud of. they're losers.

>> No.4996187

Comparing Birth and Death rate from Japan...
they're losing 2.2 people per 1000 citizens.
They live in small territorial space, which cannot sustain a sudden growth in their population.
And, their immigration policies and standards are harsh. They are smart. If they keep limiting foreigners like they have, there's a big chance that the race is preserved, and if they enter a sudden population crisis, they surely will support the youth to reproduce like bunnies.

>> No.4996189

>posting in /jp/
geez i wonder what that makes you

>> No.4996192

sorryy i isulted glorious nipplon. my apologies

>> No.4996198

what? hong kong is a country? was not part of the al mighty china?

>> No.4996199

> they surely will support the youth to reproduce like bunnies.
Yeah, i think that's what they are trying to do and failing

>> No.4996213

Wait... so THAT'S why there's so much japanese porn revolving around the idea of "COME INSIDE MY WOMB"

>> No.4996247

>2010: 127,380,000
>2004: 127,333,002
>1980: 116,800,000
>1950: 83,800,000
I fail to see the problem. Yes, it is growing slowly.
But it is GROWING.
Also consider suicides go both ways: both the young and the elderly commit suicide.

>> No.4996273

Most suicides in Japan are middle aged men.

>> No.4996284

I counter my own statement for the sake of correctly informing the gents here.
>Median age in Japan: 44.2
>Life expectancy: 82.6
>Suicide rate: Males 35.8, Females 13.7
>Typically most suicides are men, with over 71% of suicides in 2007 being male. The rate among the over-60 population is also high, but people in their thirties are most likely to commit suicide.
>Suicide is the leading cause of death for people under 30.
An aging society is counterproductive. My mistake.

>> No.4996291

In Japan (and many other industrialized countries) kids are a commodity. It costs a lot of money to feed, clothe, and buy electronics for those brats.

Not only that, but the ideal Japanese lifestyle (Dad works, Mom stays home with the kids) is pretty much impossible when consumer prices are rising. Japan has very weak maternal rights and very little in the way of day care.

I don't know why they don't just get more retired people to help watch the kids. It's not like they're doing a whole lot else.

>> No.4996327

I see no problem here. Even if Japan suffers a population collapse, it will go into a state of equilibrium once a large portion of their elderly die off.

>> No.4996339

Because they don't have spics and muslims fucking like rabbits.

>> No.4996345

I don't know man. As far as I can see, the birth rate is actually lower than death rate

>> No.4996350

I don't mind that you guys like to fuck like rabbits. Do it, I'm cool. Just don't go spawning 5 kids fucking everywhere you go.

>> No.4996354

Please see

>> No.4996359

Notice how it's the third world shitholes with the highest birthrates

>> No.4996360

japan will sink long before their population will be a problem.

>> No.4996367

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.4996371


>> No.4996649

The real reason why Japan is dying off is that they fucking gender segregate their population starting from about 3rd grade so the kids never develop social skills. They do everything apart. Separate gym class. Separate extracurricular. Seat numbers are split by sex so that boys and girls don't sit together at developmental age, when in most countries kids are taking active interest in the opposite sex.

Results: neither sex knows how to approach the other = no meaningful relationships = no sex ending in babies = no new Japs.

>> No.4996688

NIPPON's dicks are too small.

>> No.4997290

lol who cares

>> No.4997318
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>> No.4997325

Because their island is tiny

>> No.4997348

Why would you ruin Aegis like that?

>> No.4997366
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Due to their newfound gender equality, would-be mothers don't give a shit about anything but their careers and material possessions now, and thus never have children.

>implying women weren't shallow and materialistic before

>> No.4997367

>Weeaboo that knows nothing #0871234897602

>> No.4997375

>Why is Japan's birthrate of Japan so low?
Several reasons.

1 : Cost of raising a child is extremely high.
--- In Japan, in order for your child to grow up successful and competitive, you must send him/her to the best schools... But that alone isn't enough. You have to send them to after school school also. Then theres the expensive as fuck uniforms. Etc etc etc etc. Cost of raising a child in Japan is extremely high.

2 : Poor economic situation.
--- This goes back to point 1. Less money = less people who can afford to raise a kid = less people having kids

3 : Women are becoming more equal
--- Women are waiting longer and longer to get married, many believing that they don't need to rely on men at all. On top of this, they don't want to have kids, because thats the usual thing to do. Get married, have kids, be a housewife. No. They don't want that anymore. Fucking bitches aren't content with working part time or no time at all. If I were a woman, I'd be happy lettign a man support me, and live my life work free, living as a housewife. Fucking women.

>> No.4997378

4 : Men are being pussified.
--- Have you seen the way the average 20-30 year old Japanese man looks? Like a fucking woman. Many of Japan's men are just plain effeminate. They probably don't want kids either.

5 : People are becoming selfish.
--- They'd rather spend their money on themselves, enjoying their time alone or with their loved one than raise kids. Its easier that way.

6 : NEETs/Hikkikomoris.
--- While only a small percentage, these people to drag down the statistics. Most of these people are men. But less men in the workforce/out looking for mates = less chance of kids being made.

7 : 2d
--- We all know its better than 3d, so why mate and make offspring when you can just have 2d? Its a lot cheaper and easier.

Solutions ---
Japan isn't just sitting back and letting this happen. They're making programs for singles to get together and date. Government funded dating services. That would never fly in the States.
Prefectures are also diverting funds from the usual tower project, dams, roads, unneeded construction in order to provide financial incentive to those with kids - A few hundred dollars a month for each child. While this sounds like a lot of money, it isn't when you consider Japans cost of living and cost of education.
Diverting all these funds from construction projects has severely damaged Japan's construction industry, further damaging local economies.

>> No.4997390

Probably because people in japan are smart. Fuck kids.

>> No.4997418

It's only like 3-4 IQ points over whites.

>> No.4997431

IQ only has a small impact on your overall intelligence after full education.

You can have an IQ of 140 and still be a dumbass who got a shitty education.

Japan's education system is over the top. They are very well educated, AND have a higher IQ from the start. Sounds like a winner.

>> No.4997478

Fuck kids? You're in /jp/. Everyone here dreams of fucking kids.

>> No.4997483

Women are more independent now. They don't need men, which means less marriages and children. It's the same situation for white Americans.

>> No.4997488

So tl;dr "strong" "independent" women are detrimental to the human race. Who'da thunk?

>> No.4997509

Yes. Yes they are.

>Everyone here dreams of fucking kids.
I... All I want... Is to marry a kind and loyal woman.... And raise a family with her.. A daughter would be nice... I don't need two kids.. Just one is enough for me.... Is this too much to ask? This is a humble life dream, no? I don't need to be rich.. or famous.. or powerful... I just want a loving family....

>> No.4997513

>United States

>> No.4997546
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>I just want a loving family....
I'm afraid I have bad news for you

>> No.4997576
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>> No.4997684

I feel your pain, bro.
I, too, have dreams of someday having a daughter.

>> No.4997708

>Why is Japan's birthrate of Japan so low?

The more advanced a nation is, the lower its birth rate gets. The closer you are to a caveman, the more you fuck.

>> No.4997757

I'd like to add to my previous statements.

With the dropping birthrate, many hospitals are cutting back on doctors that are trained to give birth.
Simply finding a doctor who knows how to bring your child into the world safely can be a challenge on many days. There was one incident where a woman had to give birth with no medical assistance due to the lack of a doctor who knew what to do.

That doesn't make you wanna go have kids in Japan, now does it?

>> No.4997775

I think my desire to have a daughter stems from my general dislike of most women.

I would want to raise her to be a kind, loyal, pure girl.
No sluts.

>> No.4997801


Children farms.
Women offer up their bodies for impregnation and are rewarded with lots of money. The children are then raised by state officials, in one big orphanage style place - possibly city-sized. As they get older, they do public services to earn their keep before being sent off to regular highschool.

Boy, the psychological and social implications of such a program would be fascinating. Maybe I should write it as a VN.

>> No.4997813

Raise her to be a stupid retarded slut
Kids never do what you say -> You should be fine doing this because it'll lead to the results you wished for

also did you ever get around to posting that skirt of yours?

>> No.4997819

>Have child
>Plan on raising it guided by your ideals
>Child grows up and thinks you're dumb
>Child ends up opposite of what you want
And the cycle continues.

>> No.4997822
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>Child Farms

>> No.4997835

Child farms will never work, what we need to do is somehow genetically engineer all inferior races into a asian-lolis.

>> No.4997837

>The more 'play' you have the more you get laid.
Link related. Nerds...


>> No.4997850


>> No.4998233

I demand answers

>> No.4998257

To what?

>> No.4998264
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This is why. The current ruling paradigm is to hate men, hate little boys even more and most importantly hate all whites.

>> No.4998296
File: 380 KB, 496x709, ef54e5dd8f6efbb5ff88916a7fb508a8316e82a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.... god.......

Why is there a growing hatred of women inside of me...?

>> No.4998297


>> No.4998298

Because your eyes are being opened.

>> No.4998299

What skirt?

>> No.4998304

That's just...evil. There's no other word for it.

I see your eyes are open.

>> No.4998305

You were drunk on /k/ last week and promised to take a pic of girlish clothes of you since you're not on your period

>> No.4998310

People are spitting out too many kids. It's going to be a real problem in the future.

>> No.4998314

>You were drunk on /k/ last week
Oh yea!

>promised to take a pic of girlish clothes of you since you're not on your period
Did I say something like that?

>> No.4998318


>> No.4998319

Not really. More to choose from.

>> No.4998321

>People are spitting out too many kids
Only in 3rd world countries is this true.

In the 1st world, they arent making enough kids.

>> No.4998335

What about the frequent earthquakes?

All japanese's brain might have been affected by those.

>> No.4998340

want screencaps? I've capped most of the thread, so..

>> No.4998342

Oh, no, thats quite okay.

I don't remember most of what happened after I started drinking that night, but it must have been quite comical.

>> No.4998344
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>> No.4998347

It were 40 posts of people discussing wether you're female or not with you not wanting to deliver any pictures of bodyparts and ending up promising pictures of a skirt and girly clothes to be taken the day after because you were too drunk to hold or find your camera.

>> No.4998349

also a lot of sake, 11 beers and you going on a rage that there's no nice guys that are into anime and guns living in Alabama

and you still didn't tell me what your other car besides the Miata is

>> No.4998357

Oh my. Stuff sure does come out when you're intoxicated, doesn't it?

>and you still didn't tell me what your other car besides the Miata is

>> No.4998361

nah, just interested what car you're using as daily driver

>> No.4998364


>> No.4998368

>nah, just interested what car you're using as daily driver
Things going through my mind right now...
Someone who knows me IRL trying to confirm if Marisa Kirisame of /k/ is the person they know IRL
Someone trying to track me down or gather as much info on me as possible.

This is no fun.

>> No.4998373

Shush, I'm not spreading anything. Also I live at least one ocean away from you.

>> No.4998374

>implying either of those would matter

Who cares if they know you and want to see if it's really you? And why would you assume you're getting stalked - you aren't exactly someone important. We've had plenty of car threads before so I don't think someone asking that is that strange.

>> No.4998379

Sounds like paranoia.

>> No.4998381


I'm not willed to make an extra "Miata owners: Post your daily drivers" thread on /o/ because it'd get disregarded as LOL FAIL TROLL within 5 seconds after creation.

>> No.4998382

Japan: Robot Nation

covers exactly why the birth rate is so low and what's being done to try and fix it

>> No.4998385

>you aren't exactly someone important.
People on /k/ would go out of their way to get a sock at me IRL.

>> No.4998394

>more paranoia
Look, if I wanted you to get fucked over I'd post your drunken posts on /k/ - which I'm not doing. There was enough drama around with svet and the whole jizz-on-photo shit, I don't need something like that again.

Or are you scared that somebody is honestly interested in you over the internet? :3

>> No.4998400

okay okay geez, I drive a Protege.

>2 minutes in

>> No.4998406

It's worth finishing.

>> No.4998412

Watching/listening to it.

>> No.4998420

Oh, that's the murikan version of the 323, right?
Too bad you guys didn't get this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda_Lantis
the 2.0l V6 is fuckwin

>> No.4998430

The world is going nuts, the economy is falling and resources are starting to swell due to overpopulation.
People are under a social system that puts stress and anxiety on their lives costantly.
Is it really a surprise the birth rate in 1st-2nd world states are so low ?
People can feel that the shit is about to hit the fan, give it 20-30 years and something BAD will happen, I seriously would think twice before condemning my child to such a world.

>> No.4998498

What's more horrible: decrease of population or overpopulation?

>> No.4998503

Overpopulation of niggers and other subhuman 3rd world scum.

>> No.4998509

What we have :
Overpopulation of niggeers, mudslimes, third rate humans
Underpopulation of superior humans.

>> No.4998525

Love will rule the world.

>> No.4998534

>superior humans
I beg to disagree, population from civilized places are becoming just as dumb.
The only difference is that it's an educated form of dumbness.

>> No.4998551

I like your logic.

Very true.

>> No.4998566
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>educated form of dumbness

>> No.4998734
File: 23 KB, 478x361, uguu-bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true.....

>> No.4998745

Japan has the right idea.

They've got just too much of a good thing. You need to have SOME normalfags.

>> No.4998770

Yeah, to scrub the toilets.
