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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 203 KB, 640x480, Touhouspinning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4987583 No.4987583 [Reply] [Original]

new thread due to bump limit.

>> No.4987633

Wow, Suika literally spins horizontally.

>> No.4987656

Actually at 25degrees. Sakuya is spinning at 45.

>> No.4987675

can we stop talking about angles and get a real host up?

>> No.4987699

I'm up for a few matches East us

>> No.4987724

Where's Sanae? ;_;

>> No.4987790

gg fleece, but dat lag


>> No.4987793

It was fine at first but the lag got worse. Sorry.

>> No.4987925

Guess I'll host for a bit as well.
US Central

Not so E-Z tier

>> No.4987948
File: 31 KB, 349x296, easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4987948 - Canada

"take it easy!" tier

>> No.4987959
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>> No.4987960
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>> No.4987961
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>> No.4987966
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>> No.4987970
File: 212 KB, 500x500, 1265847610786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west, small time tier

>> No.4988019
File: 16 KB, 406x358, 1271193429878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when there are people playing this shit game.

>> No.4988039

All the Touhou games are great. I don't see why any one of them has to be shitty.

>> No.4988058

GOGO host tiem

>> No.4988060

Hi deleted. How's it going?

>> No.4988077

Enjoy your ugly face, dude.

>> No.4988082


Have you played every Touhou game?

>> No.4988083
File: 9 KB, 264x274, 1228392733419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face

>> No.4988085

Hi Texty. How's it going?

>> No.4988101

US East

Testing a new deck tier.

>> No.4988106

Not yet, but I've almost done so.

>> No.4988112


Then this is >>4988039 invalid.

Everyone should be able to admit a certain Touhou game is fucking terrible.

>> No.4988119
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4988131

What makes you to decide that I have to say one of the games HAS to be shitty?

>> No.4988134

You are the worst thing ever.

>> No.4988137


Play all of them.

I guarentee you will understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.4988145

If you want to cry about the quality of touhou games, make a new thread.
As for the official games, none of them are shitty. Imperishable Night is bottom tier, but it's not a shitty game.

>> No.4988150


>> No.4988152


>> No.4988153

Oh god, I'm giggling too hard to play. Reversal? No, eat rock.

>> No.4988155


Hmm, thanks for making me seem like a whining bitch when I was just admitting an imperfection in Touhou.

>> No.4988159

GGs vvav


>> No.4988172

>Imperishable Night is bottom tier

>> No.4988181


IN is good for beginners or getting back into Touhou.

>> No.4988183

Actually Suigin, You said IN was shitty, so why don't you go back to your little corner of your little world.

>> No.4988188

That shit was crazy. But I got outbaited, so...

>> No.4988201



>> No.4988209

hosting, canada west, small time tier

>> No.4988214 [DELETED] 

Any absolutelyterrible tier hosts?

>> No.4988232

I haven't done anything.

>> No.4988239

Any absolutelyterrible tier hosts?

>> No.4988264

that wasn't me ^______________^;;;

>> No.4988269

Damn, my wrist fell asleep.Ah hell, GG

>>4988239 - Canada

>> No.4988270

This is fucking retarded if there are multiple Suiginfags running around.

>> No.4988279

you are fucking retarded

>> No.4988287

Not getting any successful connections.

>> No.4988290

No. This is stupid if you have trips having the same name but different tripcodes. It's harder to depict in quick conversation.

>> No.4988297


You envoked the wrath of Suigin is what you did.

>> No.4988299

Take this irc level bullshitting somewhere else, we're busy here.

>> No.4988312

GGs. I lol'd at both super finishers leaving you with 1 hp left.

>> No.4988313


Easily the most saltiest I've been in a while! Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4988317

>irc bullshit
>remilia scarlet

>> No.4988319

cry me a river nerd

>> No.4988332

So vvav = profile1p

Good to know.

>> No.4988347

Sorry, never hosted before. How about now? I think I fixed it.

>> No.4988360

Shitty troll, or failure to comprehend english?

>> No.4988357 [DELETED] 

I hope not. If so, I can't believe I lost two games to him yesterday, what an embarrassment.

>> No.4988362

Open your 10800 port on your router and/or windows firewall.

>> No.4988366

Nope, are you forwarding your ports properly?

>> No.4988393

Toyed around some more with it. Now?

>> No.4988400

I think you're trolling us.

>> No.4988403

Your IP isn't even responding to pings.

>> No.4988408

Like I said, I never hosted before.

>> No.4988413

Hosting on :
Location : US Southeast
Skill level : lol wtf is this guy doing?

>> No.4988415

ggs chine, I don't usually play those characters, had me guessing what you were going to do next

>> No.4988436

Home routers generally drop pings, IIRC.

>> No.4988526 wc

benadryl is still heavily in me so expect a very unenthusiastic slouchy komachi

>> No.4988596
Canada East
Marisa Ass Slam and Welcome to the Jam

>> No.4988598

GGs, you've got some riduculous half of health bar depleting marisa combos.

>> No.4988600

nice port

>> No.4988609

>>4988600 heh, whoops.

>> No.4988624
File: 20 KB, 512x512, Patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I usually suffer slow speed with average hosts, just a forewarning should I try to join someone's game.

>> No.4988670

hosting, canada west, small time tier

>> No.4988698

Haha, I can't even keep up with "small time tier." Thanks for the games, regardless.

>> No.4988699

Differentfag here. Main reason I've stopped coming to /jp/ for UNL. Took a break, everyone got better than me. Game's no fun when you are getting spanked.

>> No.4988708

Good games



>> No.4988714

good games zackman (or something)

i really had fun spamming komachi's alt214. her face is just too funny when she's using it.

>> No.4988738

That's because www is a goddamn liar. He's one of the best players on here.

>> No.4988743

10/10, would get thrashed again.

>> No.4988747


GG's profile3p.

>> No.4988753
Canada East
Marisa Bump de Bump from Behind

>> No.4988761

Good games!



>> No.4988765

It's annoying, too, because it makes all of us here who are actually small time look even worse.

>> No.4988778

I'm to shitty at iamp and many other fighters to play them.

>> No.4988782

>Guy insinuating that he's small time when he's better than 95% of the Hisoutensoku players on /jp/.
Oh you!

>> No.4988787

better than most of the tourneyfags on irc*

>> No.4988789

Haha, Alastor, you're a dick, using Red Mouth Mishaguji-sama twice.

>> No.4988793

ain't worth the lag

>> No.4988810

Good games! I didnt get to finish going through my shit characters.



>> No.4988862

rehosting, now with more chocolate milkshake

>> No.4988868

nevermind, surprise afk

>> No.4988877

Rehostan Games

>> No.4988924


What can I say? You're better than me. I had to win somehow. :3

>> No.4988930
File: 116 KB, 600x600, 706f8398e5913641028c9dc3fd00c2cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Apple Tier

>> No.4988942


>> No.4988945

That wasn't me, haha, he was spectating I guess.

>> No.4988950

Yes, I should have specified. I was just spectating because I suck too much to actually play this game.

>> No.4989122

hey, how do you change deck?

>> No.4989128

GGs, seems I just suck, neh?

>> No.4989133

Profile > Deck Construction

>> No.4989137 wc72.193.15.207:10800 wc72.193.15.207:10800 wc72.193.15.207:10800 wc72.193.15.207:10800 wc72.193.15.207:10800 wc

>> No.4989148

Not really you are still learning, btw i was using the msn so i cant tell, sorry about that

rehosting without msn

>> No.4989151


>> No.4989156

Johan is arguably the best Hisoutensoku player in /jp/, barring guys associated with #hisouten like Magister and Dimglow.

>> No.4989167

Everyone that plays hisouten is the best hisouten player, according to you people.

>> No.4989169

I can't seem to connect.

>> No.4989173

Holy lag, Batman. At least it was somewhat consistent, but wow. Thanks for the games, though.

>> No.4989189

No, but there are players that are far above everyone else. There's like 4-5 players here that can beat everyone else with 80% health remaining each round at the most. They just troll and say they're worse than the actually are because they want to get some games in.

>> No.4989191

I dont allow replays, also i cant play very well with some players due to my router, and yea im kinda good, also i dont play on #hiso very often but i know magi and dimglow well.

>> No.4989197

Name them.

>> No.4989210
File: 545 KB, 800x1266, 1256565421744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is absolutely truthful about their skill level. Nice try.

>> No.4989215

There's no fucking way that www is "small time".

>> No.4989222

Everyone in this thread is small time.

>> No.4989229

Everything is comparative to the area it's in. Therefore there are godly and godawful players compared to each other in this thread.

>> No.4989242

and guy and www

magister quit :(

>> No.4989249

I would just say 'block more and beat over 90% of people with little effort' but lots of players have bad connections or don't care about distance, which means you'll lose to guard crush spam. So 70% will have to suffice.

>> No.4989253
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast, free as a bird

>> No.4989264

sorry, got distracted, GGs though

>> No.4989512
File: 128 KB, 624x877, 1256564314742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, fruitcake.

>> No.4989518

gg, sorry about my play quality, I just got this game a few days ago.

>> No.4989547
File: 179 KB, 800x800, 1256564530648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about, just keep on playing people and improving. The wiki helps a bit if you haven't been to it yet.

>> No.4989614
US Midwest

>> No.4989731

GGs Haze

>>4989189 >>4989210 >>4989229

Take it easy guys, being a good or bad player is more than combos or guardcrush. Learn to read the opponents movements and the game become easy piece. How to learn that? just watch the opponents movements and try to predict them, the skill gradually grows.


Guy is good Meiling player only, www has a hard counter style of play, but just get used to it or spam bullets and it turns easier. Magi is playin SF4, he sometimes play soku on #hiso
Beats sometimes comes here too.

>> No.4989873

>spring wind pushing Duckator back over the ice patch he laid

Hahahaha, that was great.

>> No.4989960


>> No.4990007

Good games. Blocking a bit more wouldn't hurt. Though it seemed like you were catching on to when you should block in the latter games. If you keep improving that quickly you'll be a great player in no time.

>> No.4990030

well, yea, but you attack a lot. and you can only block so much before you run out. I dunno, I guess I have to work on reversals, if it even exists.

>> No.4990051

I think in the process of spectating these many matches, fruitcake started out as a BC spammer and progressed to being better than me when it comes to fighting actual people. Damn.

>> No.4990083
US West Coast
Haven't played in ages, and not sure if my friend's router is all set up.

>> No.4990106

The worst thing that can happen from blocking too much is a guard crush which really isn't as bad as it seems. The damage you take after a guard crush is reduced. You'll take about 500 damage less from a guard crush combo than you would if you hadn't blocked and that extra damage really adds up. The broken orb isn't much to worry about either since it's recovered fairly quickly.

>> No.4990117

It doesn't work.

>> No.4990120


Fuck. Have to wait for someone else to host then

>> No.4990151 10800
tier: really shit tier

>> No.4990170


Didn't work for me. Does "Connection failed" mean the rooms full or that it just couldn't connect? I'm used to it being in moon.

>> No.4990207

mm, I gotta rework the network settings, someone else host.

>> No.4990229

>> No.4990230
Canada East
Marisa Butt Massacre

>> No.4990439


Good games if it weren't for the infuriating lag. I'd have tried mixing up things more, but with lag like that its pretty much impossible to keep a good plan together.

Butt Massacre indeed

>> No.4990513

Yeah, the spikes were on both sides. It would mess up quite a few of my combos/blockstrings. Good games, them knives were plentiful.

>> No.4990515
File: 55 KB, 256x256, 1271668303928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting on :
Location : US Southeast
Skill level : >My face when my shitty spamming is grazed

>> No.4990531

this is gonna be laggy.

>> No.4990560

mother of god the lag. Anyone else with good net/lives close to me wanna play? rehostan.

>> No.4990662

GGs, enjoyed the beat downs.

Never ending inescapable Sakuya combos.
Your choice : Block till no energy then take the combo, take the combo, try to graze out but take combo anyway.

>> No.4990674

Option 3: do a border escape

>> No.4990677

wats this. i dont play yukari.

>> No.4990682

border escape = when blocking do a DD + direction, it crushes one of your own orbs but you get to escape

>> No.4990685

If you rehost I can demonstrate it to you

>> No.4990691

rehostan in a few seconds

>> No.4990696


Personally, I tend to have some difficulty escaping from the corner. It can be hard to predict when it is "safe" to jump out. I've yet to really play any other Sakuya players, so its hard to gauge how hard it would be to escape. It does take a lot of spirit to keep those knives out though.

>> No.4990721

Are you looking for black dating sites? There are plenty of them on the internet, but not all of them are worth trying. I will tell you how to find good ones.

One quick way to find a black dating site is to go to your favorite search engine and to type related keywords like: black singles, African American dating, etc. You will get a list of results, some relevant and others just unimportant. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will also see related searches that might spark your interest. This is a good way but not the best way.

Another option you have is clicking on the different ads that appear with your search result. These ads are always on the right side of the regular results. But I have to tell you that the best way to find a good black dating site is to visit a black dating review website that gives you opinions and facts about these various dating websites.

These websites are often very interactive, because you can leave your opinion in the form of a comment on the website. Other visitors come to the website and can read your comments.

Another benefit of review sites is that you do not have to search all over the web to find black dating sites, because the review site has them all listed in order from good to bad. They usually do this by using a star system. The quality sites are listed on top and the less popular ones further down the bottom.

I have told you the best way to find the site you are looking for, it is now up to you to use this information and take the necessary action on your journey to find the one for you.

<b><a href=http://www.cpaclicks.com/secure.asp?e=bnvnesflqqnv&d=0&l=0&o=&p=0&subID1=le

>> No.4990723

when I blocked there was this distinct sound, my character flashed red and escaped from your attack. thats a border escape

>> No.4990759

Old video on border escape but still relevant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHoYG0NMgos

>> No.4990768

I've never seen that shit before.

What button do you press to do that?

>> No.4990777

Border Escape has a LOT more delay now so you will not be able to attack right after it. That vid is from the SWR demo where you could actually do that.

>> No.4990786


>> No.4991394

Bump for a kind opponent to train with Reimu/Sanae.

>> No.4991400

I play Sanae myself now, so this might be usefull for us both.

>> No.4991541, EU
Drill tier

>> No.4991548

Ain't connecting brah

>> No.4991558 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4991563

Because someone connected already,
GGs, rehosting, EU
Drill tier

>> No.4991652

Kanako trade for the win, Akagi. We should do this more often, GGs.

>> No.4991659

The /jp/ norm is to leave spec on. Just saying.

>> No.4991663
File: 303 KB, 1280x1024, 4227935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Su, I didn't expect to see you, that was a nice surprise. You didn't let me train properly with Sanae, playing her after a more "normal" character requires a couple games more than that! (at least for me)

Also nerf Kanako rushdown?

It was very fun nonetheless, thank you for hosting.

>> No.4991705

I wouldn't know about that. Wiki says no.

Yeah, Sanae is pretty peculiar from the rest, you got more stamina than me.

I should mention that you have some bad grazing habits which might be a good idea to work on. When about the encounter a meaty bullet shower, sometimes it's better to just high-jump rather than rushing into the opponent. Also, 5b+5c works bad as a bullet string for Sanae, as her B takes too long to touch the opponent, and her C is puny on start-up.

Sanae is a good character to get creative with.

>> No.4991725

So is anyone in here hostan or am I gonna have to play Arcade again...

>> No.4991730

Practice mode.

>> No.4991732

>I should mention that you have some bad grazing habits
Damnit, playing with Aya gave me that habit, but I forget that the other characters don't have her speed.

>> No.4991733

Looking for IaMP hosts.

>> No.4991746

Fuck Practice, I need more cards ;_;

>> No.4991761

>Sanae is a good character to get creative with.
Indeed. Since her B bullets spawn behind slightly behind her, you can do some goofy cross-up tricks with them.

Here, I can't play for long though.
US East

>> No.4991874

Sorry bro, I gotta go.
Good games!

>> No.4991879

Good games nameless Remilia player. Was I aware that I'd be facing someone decent I would have needed some time to warm up my IaMP habits again (because 12.3 messes up my mind)! Well, I hope we'll be able to play again sometime, it's just too bad that I have a class to attend in a few minutes.

>> No.4991885
File: 182 KB, 650x650, 7e908eed4b6b84a1f99e31562cc49ebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting' EU

>> No.4991900

Uh, I thought I edited the config_rollcaster.ini. It's Shao, though. Well, I hope we'll be able to play again.

>> No.4991930

>> No.4992069

Postan in a dying thread(?)

>> No.4992082

I like AoA's style of play, really deffensive.

>> No.4992096

Two really good fighters, it's almost hard to predict winners based on characters alone.

>> No.4992252

No one willing to host? Or is jp too busy with the "other" subjects

>> No.4992278


I want to, but it seems like people can't join my games.

>> No.4992285
File: 667 KB, 774x1252, reimuspenis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking beer and spectating

>> No.4992300 EU

I will drink from your skull!

[ ] I'm not afraid of you
[ ] I pretend I didn't see this

>> No.4992316, EU
I don't know tier.

>> No.4992339


It was nice playing, but the lag is unbearable on my part.

>> No.4992350

>>4992300 here
Come on now, Man... erm... Mun-something opponent, it was a bit slow but definitely not *that* bad. Well, here is my new opponent, why do I have to write with haste, damn

>> No.4992373


GGs, even if it was a short game.

>> No.4992379


>> No.4992380


I'm getting spoiled by playing with fellow Americans lol.

>> No.4992389


Noooo, stop leaving me alone ;_; I hope I didn't discourage you first time playan

Hosting again

>> No.4992398


You should play with:


At least there, you guys will have a blazing fast game instead of playing lag-infested games with us US dudes.

>> No.4992407

nah you didnt, gg
just that i guess i should stick to >>4992285
ill spec you next!

>> No.4992601

You sure are a nigger. GG

>> No.4992622

>>4992300 here
Thanks for joining Advice_Owl. I think I've been seeing your name around here recently, maybe you are a beginner? If you are, don't worry, only two years and ten bucket of tears and you'll be ready to fight with anyone without feeling suicidal! Like me!

>> No.4992628

I've got a week or three under my belt, practice-wise. About a few months, fucking-around wise. Bring it oooon!

>> No.4992635

>2 years
But by then there just will be a new touhou fighter and you got to learn all the shit again.

>> No.4992658

I know, I did it once and I'll do it again. But Tasofro is a lazy bunch, I don't expect anything Touhou from them other than another expansion within 5 years. An Umineko fightan would be nice though, or a versus shooter from ZUN

>> No.4992676

Iv been waiting for Versus shooter forever, but not im not really sure about the Umineko fighter though.

>> No.4992708
File: 1.80 MB, 1447x1689, 8250851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great games profile1p. Thank you for hosting!

>> No.4992737 [DELETED] 

Phew, you were the one to give up first!
GGs Akagi. Pretty solid Sanae you've got there, I spent so much time baiting you Kanako rush, but you hid them quite well. The whole screen was like full of traps with your explosives and buried Suwako, it's was fun.
I really appreciated this session, sorry to have played Youmu all the way, but I had to get rid of some bad reflexes and stuff.

>> No.4992742 [DELETED] 

Phew, you were the one to give up first!
GGs Akagi. Pretty solid Sanae you've got there, I spent so much time baiting you Kanako rush, but you hid them quite well. The whole screen was like full of traps with your explosives and buried Suwako, it was fun.
I really appreciated this session, sorry to have played Youmu all the way, but I had to get rid of some bad reflexes and stuff.

>> No.4992753

Phew, you were the one to give up first!
GGs Akagi. Pretty solid Sanae you've got there, I spent so much time baiting your Kanako rushes, but you hid them quite well. The whole screen was like full of traps with your explosives and buried Suwako, it was fun.
I really appreciated this session, sorry to have played Youmu all the way, but I had to get rid of some bad reflexes and stuff.

>> No.4992822
East Coast

>> No.4992864 EU
too drunk to play -tier

>> No.4992948


>> No.4992957

GGs Profile1p

>> No.4992976
File: 12 KB, 637x97, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Gensokyo doesn't have buses, but it has trains?

Can clearly hear one in the background.

>> No.4992977

Bump for potential hosts?
I'd try, but knowing my ISP, probably won't work

>> No.4993002


>> No.4993013

gg fruitcake but that was a bit too laggy
rehostan in a few mins

>> No.4993085

gg, sorry I had to leave cuz of phone call. ok.

>> No.4993106

ggs Crimson Noble

>> No.4993113

I'm not so sure about that, but thanks for hosting anyways.

>> No.4993117

Steam locomotive.
No gas stations in Gensokyo for buses.

>> No.4993180

Very good games.
Your Tenshi, Suwako and Aya seemed to be your best in that order (but you didn't get to show me your rocks more than once).
If you don't already know, I think you can guess my main.
If only I knew blockstrings with more than one character. If you stay in the corner and block, I can't do that much.
All in all evenly matched, but you didn't use many of your spellcards (e.g. Sanae's and Sakuya's.).
I'd like to play you again sometime.
That has to be sarcastic with the lack of blockstrings and so much dial-A.

>> No.4993242
File: 328 KB, 800x600, 10215526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, guess I'll host a few games.

US East
Can't beat people like Haze, mazinger z, Rabbit-Box, Vita but would like to play against people like Akagi or www tier.

>> No.4993245

Looking for IaMP hosts.

>> No.4993287
File: 243 KB, 714x553, 1199669029902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US East
IaMP -
Intermediate level
12.3 -
Above beginner level

>> No.4993290 EC

>> No.4993312

thanks for the games owl-kun
think ill go to bed now, gn

>> No.4993316

GG brah, like my troll Patchy?

>> No.4993326

i hate patchy, she always whoops my ass
Every. Damn. Time.

>> No.4993343
File: 174 KB, 512x512, 2872382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing, fruitcake. You should probably practice against some of the other new players when/if you can. Have you settled on a character yet or still looking?

Also, rehosting at >>4993242

>> No.4993349

Flow chart for Patchy is pretty much, hit the projectile butons and spam spam arrow keys > Did you hit? Yes/No> Spam more projectiles

>> No.4993369

Why not play all characters regularly?

>> No.4993428

No reason really, you could. Some people prefer to stick to a main though. It boils down to preference, but I was merely curious.

>> No.4993435

Good games.
I liked how you kept lucking out with that laser card and weathers every single match.

>> No.4993451

Good games, wasn't much luck, more like timing it.

>> No.4993468

We did so much fights that I don't remember much of them, but your Cirno, Yukari and Iku were really annoying. I belive your main is among them

>> No.4993506

Actually, it's Reisen.
>We did so much fights that I don't remember much of them, but your Cirno, Yukari and Iku were really annoying. I believe your main is among them
That's only because those fights took at least twice as long as others. (other than Cirno, they all had the standard decks).
Yukari is always annoying. B, C and 66C.

>> No.4993653

Good games. I need to stop screwing around and giving free passes. Hard to believe every single one of those aerials were empty against Sakuya--teaches me a lesson for trying to do psychic spellcard reversal nonsense. Thanks for the games!

>> No.4993679

Yeah, really good matches, though. Looking forward to play you next time when I get my stick back.

>> No.4993728

Oh yeah, Reisen, I almost forgot her

>> No.4993748

Playing IaMP with a keyboard is where it's at, bro.

>> No.4993758 EU

>> No.4993832

Thought I'd see if I could do a quick spectate before bed, but I got a winsock error 10055. Does it just mean it was "full" or should I start looking into settings on my router?

Haven't hosted or joined any games since I last changed router.

>> No.4993851

wait what people actually play iamp on /jp/?

also keyboard is good except for half-circles and 27 movements

>> No.4993882

>intermediate level iamp
>never been to the iamp channel on mizuumi

>> No.4993887
File: 272 KB, 583x967, 6886496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh dammit, I finally get to play you again and the connection is finally like "okay, you guys, enough".

Anyways, see, that was fun. I like going back and forth and being on a relatively even level. GG's, Akagi and thanks for playing.

>> No.4993896
File: 132 KB, 800x600, 1271891348749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, you literally disappeared from the screen, Crismon. I guess it's okay if we call it a day. Good games! I swear Remilia is the hardest matchup I have fought with Sanae. She's too damn small. But that's also because you do well mixing bullets and her crossups, these kind of mindgames work well against me. Really had a hard time doing anything against you. Thank you for hosting!

>> No.4993918
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Sorry for the typo, Crimson.

>> No.4993930

My friend used to hang around there, and I played against him often. He matched up well against guys like Face, so unless your definition of intermediate is "Armando XIII level" (who I've played against before), I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.4993955
File: 134 KB, 414x772, 8273996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like Sanae, btw? I know she isn't your main but you've been practicing a lot with her. I'd like to branch out myself but I can't seem to play any of the other characters, I can't get out of playing Remilia mindset and so I just humiliate myself when I do.

>> No.4993972


>> No.4993992

I was playing with a keyboard, but I'd rather play with my arcade stick. But my JLF-TP-8Y is fucked up, so, I'm waiting my new part to come in(placed an order).

>> No.4994020
File: 26 KB, 443x327, study study study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ezmodo US hosts want to play?
I'm still learning chinese, apparently i'm alright for a beginner.

>> No.4994044

www is actually very good. At least, better than me when he's actually trying

>> No.4994068

I probably could have beaten most of the people there anyway, so I still don't see what the problem is. I'll admit that I have no chance against guys like Bell, stormfuhrer, ArmandoXIII and maybe Mauve though.

Do you really think people can't be decent without going to some stupid IRC channel?

>> No.4994072
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Sanae's really fun to play. Her attacks link pretty easily, without having to think too much about it. Once you get used to her weird flying, you can do pretty interesting things. Like Su said in an earlier post, you can be creative with her.

As for playing with other characters, it's only a matter of practice. I used to play a lot with Suika, and I really had a hard time learning to use new characters at first. But now, I learn fairly quickly. Each character that you add to your roster makes you a better player as a whole, not only with that single character. I don't know if I was clear enough.

>> No.4994073
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I think it's probably situational. Because you have players like mazinger z saying they lose to Akagi.

All I know is I tend to have better odds playings against players like Akagi and www. Granted, I haven't played www in a few days or so and I know he did beat me around pretty good the last time we played. It wasn't a complete ass whooping like what would have been the case against players like yourself though.

>> No.4994093




>> No.4994098

This guy is decent, I admit I was pretty surprised when I played him.

>> No.4994107

I'm worse than you, but the last time I faced www I won most of the games and he seemed frustrated. Different playing styles being more effective against certain people is an interesting thing.

>> No.4994112
File: 284 KB, 1274x1209, 10181333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're saying. I'll probably see if I can't find another character that fits my playing style. I'd like to get better with Sakuya but trying to maintain air superiority in most cases seems laughable. Additionally, her projectiles are rather predictable. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong?

Also, you've been here a lot longer than me. What other players here would you say are around your level, in your humble opinion, of course.

>> No.4994116

hi if you would like to play iamp or soku just let me know, my name is zomb

>> No.4994123

I didn't think anyone here thats not irc tier could beat mazinger's (bob51?) okuu, but his other characters are a little more reasonable to play. I can't remember much about Akagi though, he's a Suika player right? www on the other hand, I think he's particularly good with Marisa and stomps hat when he plays her. Luckily he plays round-robin so things are always interesting.

>> No.4994127 [DELETED] 

>Claiming ZomB is any good at IaMP.

>> No.4994139

i just want to play video games :(

>> No.4994169
File: 336 KB, 724x1024, 5480627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think www is Marisa main but he does go around the board. And yes, mazinger z (bob51) is nasty as fuck, even if he goes around the roster.

Akagi has recently been playing Sane and does so fairly well. In fact, I recently ended up putting a couple of Remilia Stretch cards in specifically for Sanae players and that 9 Character Pierce card of hers. It's okay for Diamond Dust weather too, but I've not had many chances to test it out. I tried it out playing Akagi, but I used it too soon and it went off while he was still on the ground.

>> No.4994173
File: 77 KB, 520x648, 2f8ac0bcbf012d64af274725170ef9ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's hard to tell my own level, I'm not a beginner, but I definitely stand no chance against any "IRC tier" player. I'm just the average /jp/ tier player. I guess I have some fairly close and thrilling games against Mungay, Su, AoA, The Idler, Saje, profile1p (I don't know how many profile1p there are but >>4991885 was great), and I am probably forgetting about some people here.

Then there are some players that I have a lot of fun fighting, but against who I have a win ratio of perhaps 1 match out of 20. Like Duckator or E-MAN. But you learn a lot fighting stronger opponents, you shouldn't fear that.

>> No.4994187 EU
Low-mid tier.

>> No.4994200

GGs P1P.
Scarfs must have been a big issue for you, maybe you should try to bait them. Without them it would have been a lot harder for me to get out of your press.

>> No.4994208

yukari looks like. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

>> No.4994210

Duck and E-MAN are just plain fun to play even on the flip side when I get 10-1 win ratios with them.

>> No.4994233
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It's not so much fear as how constructive it is. I know I'm supposed to be learning something from better match ups but the problem comes from what precisely.

Trust me, I've tried to figure out what I should be doing differently or better against some of these better players here and I must be missing something cause I can't figure it out. These guys just know what to expect, how to counter it, hardly make mistakes and utterly destroy you no contest.

In such cases, it's not so much a learning experience as it is a lesson in masochism. For instance, the other day, I mentioned how I have a hard time with Yukari as a Remilia player and someone else was like "wut no way". Granted, I learned I could avoid the train by using the c bullets in the air, to stay in the air long enough to avoid it. But using my bullets to get her to move? Didn't help much when her bullets just plow through Remilia's weak bullets and into your face.

>> No.4994242

yeah those things are prety annoying
I'm rehosting EU

>> No.4994244

>Yukari's Train
A nice trick is if you can't dodge it in time is to make an attack and let the train counter-hit you. You'll blue ring and only be hit once instead of three times.

>> No.4994254
File: 207 KB, 900x977, 2604018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how would you create that situation? How do you make sure when the train hits you it's a counter-hit?

>> No.4994285

Just make an attack with a long windup, or just mash A on wakeup. If you're in the air and can't hover long enough, kick the train. As long as you're in an attack animation while you're hit, it'll minimize the damage.

>> No.4994304
File: 1.36 MB, 707x1000, 9656727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Thank you for the tip.

>> No.4994305
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>he's a Suika player right?
Yes, but I'm trying to forget a little bit about Suika and I currently play with Marisa, Aya and Sanae. I did beat mazinger z's Ooku one time with Suika (actually I'm not even sure I did, I probably only won one round), but he utterly crushed me most of the time. With Iku as well. And with his other characters. Damn, these matches were fun, though.

Yeah, maybe you won't learn anything if you only play against stronger opponents, but you'll definitely learn from doing so once in a while. Play against stronger people when you're in a good mood, so that frustration doesn't kill your play.
Also, I forgot about Resident51, he started not too long ago but he's improving a lot, we've had pretty close fights lately.

>> No.4994326

I have time for a few games
Hostan Canadia

>> No.4994338
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Iku ... hah. I think it was mazinger z who was playing Iku but whoever it was basically toyed with me over and over with that Dragon God's Whiskers 22B/C move cause I didn't know what to do, nor could figure out how, to avoid it or deal with it.

Anyways, thanks for the names. If I can, I'll try to get a few games against them in the future.

>> No.4994363

Sorry for the false hope, I just wanted to see if I can still connect to people.

>> No.4994364

To whoever played against me, those games were way too laggy, sorry.

Rehosting now.

>> No.4994368

Ah, no worries. I just have 15 minutes and hope to fit a game or two in the time.

>> No.4994378
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How I happen to scroll by and notice someone mentioning my name amazes me.

I have gone back into hiding for a few days. I'll be back sometime over the weekend. A few days to recharge, practice some combos, and of course, DEprogram myself from furiously airteching into other peoples fists.

As long as it has taken me to start breaking that habit, it has actually increased my chances of not being totally blown out during a match. With a few more combos under my belt for all the characters I run with now, I should be able to close that gap further.

>> No.4994432

Thanks for the games! Sorry to cut it short but I have to leave. You're really good with that bunny and I'm envious. I don't think I've played you before.

>> No.4994743


gg again tak.

Damn those bullets.

>> No.4994838

Are there any forums or irc channels that have players on them?

>> No.4994883

You don't want to face such players, believe me, newbie.

>> No.4994905

Well it's kinda boring just fightan the fucking bots that can't do jack shit

>> No.4994909

well your only the second person I played here. My Tenshi is actually better than my reisen but I need a match to assess my opponents ability and then attempt to counter

You have a good youmu yourself

There are forums, irc and hamachi channels

>> No.4994910

irc.rizon.net #hisouten

>> No.4994938

Forums would be http://www.doujinstyle.com/forum/index.php?/forum/146-scarlet-weather-rhapsody-battle-arena-beta/

and I think theres also scarlet union but I never go there

>> No.4994975

GGs, I like how close most of our games end up.

>> No.4994978

>scarlet union
>"The 7 Laws"
Isn't that the worst way to play soku?

>> No.4995137

Thats why I dont go there lol

>> No.4995251
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hosting, canada west, bored tier

>> No.4995598


>> No.4996422


>> No.4996429

You hosting, I'll play.

>> No.4996434

what is the bump limit for threads anyways? also requesting hoster.

>> No.4996444

Ah, if you're still around where did you learn to play SWR? You seem good enough to be IRC tier, but those guys drop by /jp/ to kick the crap out of us all the time.

>> No.4996449


US Central

>> No.4996450


>> No.4996451


>> No.4996508

Proof that Cirno > Sanae

>> No.4996553

I normally hang around in the doujinstyle hamachi channels.

>> No.4996564

Before I moved to Canada I played SWR a lot in SE Asia. My rank over there is mid-normal

>> No.4996581

dear god only thing i can say is you shouldn't of even let a scrub like me hit you. you could of perfected any of those. I'm going to do my monthly rage quit bit now.

>> No.4996589
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West Coast, something self-deprecating

>> No.4996609

Good games! (winz was it?) Good stuff, you actually use the border escape which I don't see much around here. Ah, I'm sorry if things weren't enjoyable on your end; I prefer it if everyone is having fun. I was actually having a lot of fun trying different things out. I think I frustrate a lot of beginners when they play unintentionally.

>> No.4996628

Well, damn. Looks like I'd be less than mid-normal compared to real players then.

>> No.4996781
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Good games, TangoSukka.

>> No.4996788

GGs, I'm the one who only used Sakuya, I just suck, but that was fun

>> No.4996818
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Rehosting; insert vague allusion to how bad I am here.

>> No.4996879


GGs Eman. Completely demoralized. I guess I will leave this game for some months again.

At least I was able to win almost half the battles.

>> No.4996896
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GGs, Nipah

>"Check it out! That's why I'm the strongest!"

Haven't played you in a good minute, but I see you haven't played in a good while either. Your Cirno use to be more vicious than that, althought it was still fun playing you again. I totally forgot how to do my Cirno corner combo, and I NEVER got combo like you have with the ice traps, so that was nice to see. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.4996901


>> No.4996942


Icetrap will combo if you omit the 5B from the usual 5AA5C236B. I used to be able to pull it every time, now not so much. I think a more expert player may be able to continue the combo even further, there have been instances where Cirno can hit with Icecar for extra damage... if you have spheres left.

It happens the same with the katamari, though it's not as easy, you have to be a certain distance away to pull it but it deals a lot of damage.

And I can't still pull 623 reliably with my keyboard... I guess it's pointless to continue since this severely limits my combos.

>> No.4997005
File: 31 KB, 279x424, 1256565550515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Rabbit-Box. As you could tell, my Iku is pretty bad. You play like you're really in a rush sometimes, though.

>> No.4997007

Aw, now I know for sure you were just taking it easy in those matches with Tenshi. Good games Vita! It looks like I need to add air guard crushes to my skillset if I want to be able to consistently put up a challenge for you.

>> No.4997009

What happened to meiling :(

>> No.4997022

Oops, by Tenshi I meant Iku. I play a very rushdown type style so that's just how it seems. You definately have the basic skills to beat me with all characters, but I got the feeling you were just letting me win.

>> No.4997051
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Meiling is something you have to work yourself up to. You have to want to play as her, and when you do, you have to really concentrate and work hard if you want to win. I would've gotten there eventually, but just watching Rabbit's Youmu dash and fly around was making me feel tired!

I don't know Youmu very well, so I dunno how you'd go about taking off a good amount of orbs mid-air. You might wanna tone down the reckless playing a little bit, though!

>> No.4997068

Never ever. Ignoring what the opponent is doing is the best. I've been needing to add more to my aerial game for some time now.

>> No.4997098
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Nah, I would never just let someone win; you earned those matches. I screwed up my moves and you punished me for it (such as hurr Reisen 66A 236B. I can't believe how many times I ruined that.)

It's not so much a matter of me taking it easy, I was just waiting and reacting to all of your movement, to try to minimize the risk I take in attacking. You sell yourself short; but then again, everyone on /jp/ acts like they're worse than they really are. It's some sort of bizarre tradition.

>> No.4997147

>blah blah bullshit
You just didn't want to lose with her, didn't you

>> No.4997163

I'd like to see a Guy vs Vita

>> No.4997173
File: 282 KB, 1040x962, 1256565118497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good theory, but I don't like losing with any of my characters. If you really want Meiling I'll host a few matches, though.

inb4 it's bob


>> No.4997202

Us /jp/ are actually bad. Except for www he's a boat full of lies and good.

>> No.4997210

oh u

>> No.4997223

I'm well aware of Guy's other handle. But Vita acts like a different person?

>> No.4997331

Anyone up for some IaMP matches against average tier? I'll host if yes, going to sleep in 30 minutes if no.

>> No.4997337

Jesus, those are some high level matches. I'm scared to play you guys again.

>> No.4997338
File: 301 KB, 480x640, 1235475917756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Kageneko, but I think I'm about Soku'd out for today. It's been a while since we've played.

>> No.4997345

ggs vita, It appears I need to practice more lol

>> No.4997385
File: 247 KB, 500x706, 1235476316976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently someone made a new thread: >>4996921

It wouldn't work out very well; they'd probably be really stupid matches.

Oh /jp/, always exaggerating.

>> No.4997471

No one wants to stab Meirin between the eyes? :(

I'll host again tomorrow night.

>> No.4997481

You may be looking in the wrong place for iamp matches

>> No.4998532


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