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4986832 No.4986832 [Reply] [Original]

Out of curiosity, does anyone else here on /jp/ suffer from soul crushing loneliness, or do VNs fill in the gap?

>> No.4986835

I'm okay with being alone so it's probably just you.

>> No.4986852
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I'm a lone wolf, OP.

>> No.4986866

I suffer from it daily. Shit sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it. I just fill in the black void with RPGs and Touhou, but as soon as I get out of the game, I'm struck with that loneliness again. I suppose it can't be helped, really.

>> No.4986880

I fill the gap in with ADVENTURE!

>> No.4986883

I come here because I have nothing else to do.

>> No.4986891
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>> No.4986998

Not at all. I'm don't have much social anxiety, and can go out if I want to.

But unless I'm specifically asked out, I almost always prefer to stay alone in my room by myself. It's just my nature, and I'm quite happy with it.

>> No.4987002

I actually like to.

>> No.4987008

Jurassic Park techno is all I need in my life.

>> No.4987022

I drown it with music and alcohol.

>> No.4987034

Jurassic Park techno?
is that a name of some form of music popular with you kids?
or do people really shamelessly bastardize John Williams euphonious work?

>> No.4987047

I was miserable before I was lonely so it´s not like there´s a difference.

>> No.4987058

At the end of the day, a fantasy is just a fantasy.
"I'd fill her gap XD" and visual novels can't shelter you from reality forever.

>> No.4987060

I'm never lonely because the Internet is my friend.

>> No.4987085

It's a series of tubes, not your waifu.
By which I mean to say: the Internet is not your friend.

>> No.4987090

I have a steady girlfriend and I think loneliness is overexaggerated on the chans.

>> No.4987094

not the way things are set up they are not
but soon you'll be able to experience them via direct neuron stimulation.
how will you afford this while being a neet?
well you will "pay" by allowing them to use the processing power of a portion of your brain for whatever clandestine purpose they may have
its win win

>> No.4987106

You'd still know it isn't real.

>> No.4987111

Just searching for "jurassic park techno" gives you the stuff.
It's so ridiculous, there's no way not to burst in laughter when listening to some.
I also found some jurassic park rap.

>> No.4987117

>loneliness is overexaggerated

Yeah you would know.

>> No.4987131

if vivid images can be induced then so can ignorance
as far as the user is concerned that is reality.

>> No.4987139

You can induce ignorance right now by shooting yourself up with the drug of your choice, but that doesn't make it real, or a good solution.

>> No.4987155


There are too many results. Post the funny ones you are listening to.

>> No.4987152
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>jurassic park rap.

>> No.4987166

only because its not a long term sustainable solution
being hooked up to a machine is though assuming you'll be kept on it for the rest of your life.

>> No.4987170

I've embraced my loneliness and realize that I don't want or need other peoples' company.

Also, my waifu is the solution to this as well.

>> No.4987192

True artistic ability only emerges when in a state of deep depression. Look at all the great writers and artists you are forced to study and read in school. Read their biographies and you will find that most of them suffered from depression and loneliness.

It's like that scene from that Hollywood remake of the Trojan War. You can grow old and live a happy life and you will be loved by your grandchildren but when they die you will be forgotten. Or you can go fight in the war and die prematurely but be remembered through history. Something like that.

>> No.4987205

Sometimes I think about Pygma-chan and I feel lonely. But most of the time, I am OK. I can only hope she is doing well in her Digital Art courses and is happy.

>> No.4987208

Whats the point of being remembered forever? I'll still be fucking dead.

>> No.4987211

That one, starting about 7.30 minutes in, is really funny.
Otherwise you can look for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbj2SG0-SVw by Basshunter.
Those are the funniest ones but you can't really go wrong with Jurassic Park techno.
Probably the cheesiest stuff I've seen in months.

>> No.4987218

You'll live forever.
Your actions were made possible by your will.
When your actions persist beyond your death, your will, your being, has reached immortality.

>> No.4987223

there is a difference between real life and fate/stay night
just putting that out there

>> No.4987266

Given that such a way of seeing things was common even during ancient greece, you should go tell that to the Stoics.

>> No.4987291

Hurr durr philosophical nonsense hurr durrr.>>4987192
Being alone and miserable doesn't suddendly grant you magic creative abilities. In other words the fact that most good writers were lonely doesn't make everyone who's lonely a good writer.

>> No.4987334

>I am angry and depressed because my life is meaningless and I refuse to believe that there is anything transcending my first and last heartbeat in life.

>> No.4987347

However comforting your delusions are, they're still delusions. Your life ends the moment your brain stops functioning, since that structure contains your entire identity. There is nothing that 'transcends' that.

>> No.4987355
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I fill the gap with cats and parrots.

>> No.4987373

Which is why lots of people prefer being alive than being great and dead.

>> No.4987382

Only if you're primitive enough to not have any goals and ambitions. If everyone were like you, we'd most likely still be eating fruits while hanging from trees.
Focusing on conscious living for no other purpose than life itself is akin to being a leech; it makes for a worthless life.

>> No.4987405

You know he's right, though; all of your hopes and dreams, your achievements, your legacy, do absolutely nothing for you once you die.

>> No.4987419
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Says you. I plan on uploading my conciseness to the internet.

>> No.4987714

You religionfags are gay as hell.
